Supreme God King

Chapter 2191: God

The girl's pretty face is tight, her hands are squeezed, her whole body is faintly strong, but it's crazy brewing.


A word came out, but the girl was speechless, obviously very nervous.

Meng Fan smiled and said, "Think about it later."

Facing the calm and breezy Meng Fan, the girl became more nervous, but then she rolled her eyes, and she was suddenly in the air, touching the ground on one knee.

"Junior meets senior!"

This scene made Meng Fan laugh. He was murderous in the first few seconds. Before he could open his mouth, he was about to attack. At this moment, he knelt down. There was no nonsense, and all his murderous aura disappeared. What he showed was humble. , And unlimited respect for Meng Fan!

Based on this alone, this girl is a great person.

The change in attitude and mood is only instantaneous.

"I have only cultivated for more than three hundred years, so young, reaching the pinnacle state of Shenyuan, although it is not an extraordinary talent, it is amazing, it is okay."

Meng Fan's casual comment made the **** one knee shake.

She heard what Meng Fan said, and at a glance she could see that she was more than 300 years old, and she could see that she was at the pinnacle of Shenyuan. This all showed that Meng Fan's insight and insight were very amazing.

But what really made her body shake was the latter sentence.

Although not exceptionally talented, it is amazing!

Has reached the peak of the Shenyuan realm for more than three hundred years, isn't it amazing?

Compared with other "gods" within a million miles, she is already the first-class figure!

"Thank you senior for the compliment!"

Although many thoughts in her mind go back and forth, the girl's tone is still very polite.

"How do you see my realm?" Meng Fan asked curiously, the so-called Dao Zhi Jian, he is now the supreme king of the Dao, and he was seriously injured by a strange ghost, and he was fighting with the imperial palace. He was very weak, and the taste of **** for all ages was weak, so he simply reduced all his auras, unless he was a **** king character, otherwise, no matter who it was, the current Meng Fan was a mortal.

Of course, mortals can't fly away...

"Guess!" The girl replied very decisively: "I suddenly rushed in front of Senior, but a few dozen steps away, from the moment I appeared, Senior had locked me in, but allowed me to stay so close without taking any action. , Even with a smile, but no matter how I look at it, Senior is a mortal, but how can a mortal fly into the sky and suddenly appear in my territory without being discovered by me in advance? This can only show that Senior’s realm and strength, It's not something I can guess!

If there is any offense, I hope seniors, forgive me! Don't be familiar with the younger generation, the younger generation apologizes for the older generation! "

After the girl said, her attitude became more humble.

"The junior is called Shu Quanxin, I have seen seniors!"

Meng Fan didn't say anything, but he was a little admired. Although the girl's attitude was too humble, even humble, how many people did he meet? How much awareness is there? He is very open-minded, not an old antique, his bones are hard, and even the entire dark alliance bones are hard, but he will not ask other people to be as hard as his own.

It can even be said that the girl’s approach is commendable.

Is it useful to have a hard bone? Even Meng Fan had a time when he played a rogue and mixed a rogue, and in terms of rogue, he could be said to be an ancestor.

No matter how hard the bones are, Meng Fan is so wise and understands a truth, that is, when facing someone who is stronger than himself, don’t yell "You kill me! You kill me!" Then the other party will kill you. It's no big deal, just move your fingers.

Hard when it should be hard, soft when it should be soft, and blindly hard bones are mentally retarded.

So from this point of view, this girl named Shuquanxin can be regarded as a distinguished person. A little speculation that Meng Fan's strength is far higher than her. When she is not sure about Meng Fan's character and attitude, she immediately apologizes and retreats. Wanbu, while still preparing to escape, this is a wise man.

"Well, I have limited time. Don't waste it on these polites. Let's put it this way, I am a newcomer and don't know anything about this world. You and I will talk."

Meng Fan said, very easy-going.

Hearing his words, Shu Quanxin was obviously stunned. She seemed to hear some inexplicable words and couldn't understand, but she did not dare to question, she immediately led the way and led Meng Fan into her palace to sit down.

The so-called palace is actually very simple.

However, it was a little strange, which made Meng Fan also very interested. It was the architectural style, the formation of the building underground, and some creatures raised in the courtyard.

Shu Quanxin led the way and gritted her teeth. She felt that although Meng Fan was looking around and did not look at herself, she still felt like a man on her back, the whole being seen through, as if she was naked. It was very uncomfortable, and even her cultivation method and vitality flow were clearly seen.

This feeling is horrible.

But what kind of xinxing she just insisted, without any tremors or unnaturalness, and since she knew that her strength was too far away from the opponent, Shu Quanxin simply turned her back to Meng Fan, showing her complete sincerity and unsuspecting.

Sit down at will.

Meng Fan first opened his mouth and said: "Volunteering, the law of faith, is this the basis of your cultivation? Interesting, so to speak, these millions of creatures are your believers, worshiping every day, they will have inexhaustible faith in you The power, you are constantly cutting your hair and marrow, um, you have also mastered a method that can transform aspiration into vitality, yes, from this point of view, your talent is also okay."

Hearing these words from sitting Meng Fan, Shu Quanxin finally couldn't control her emotions, and asked in a trembling voice: "Senior, I don't understand what you are saying. You said before that you are a newcomer. I have never been to this endless sea, and I should have heard of it, but your various behaviors seem to be ignorant of this endless sea, and it seems to be... ignorant of wishing power?"

Meng Fan laughed.

That's it!

Shu Quanxin didn’t understand what he said, and it was like falling into a dream. The reason was... Shu Quanxin didn’t know that the world he was alive in was actually the fall of the real imperial palace, and various forces evolved. Out of the world.

And outside, is the real world.

There are also ten thousand domains, chaos, and many worlds on the road to the hidden world, and other small worlds.

Just like Meng Fan a long time ago, he didn't know what was outside the Dagan Empire.

I don't even know what Wanyu.

I don't even know what other worlds are there besides Wanyu.

This is called sitting on the well and watching the sky.

So after a little deduction, Meng Fan guessed that in the world derived from the imperial palace, vitality and aspiration are parallel. Everyone, from birth, breathes vitality and practices the law of faith, It's like eating and drinking water.

And what Meng Fan said just now, for Shu Quanxin, is like saying "So you still have to eat and drink here" and "Wow! It turns out that the world is like this!" Of course, Shu Quanxin feels inexplicable. Can't understand.

If it wasn't for Shuquanxin's amazing disposition and awe of the mysterious and unpredictable Meng Fan, she would have laughed and thought she was a lunatic.

Thus, Meng Fan produced endless deductions.

Because this Shu Quanxin is different from the other creatures here, it is a real human being, so he can use the will of heaven to completely deduct and calculate many things.

First of all, the first point is that some people have fallen into this world before. Meng Fan is not the first.

As for how it fell, was it a coincidence, or something else? It's not clear, and it doesn't matter, because the real imperial palace has been sunk for millions of years. What will not happen after such a long time?

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, Meng Fan explored his surroundings, incorporating more information and traces into his calculations, so as to calculate more things.

When he reached his current state, he didn't need to ask any information from a child at the peak of the gods. It was too slow, and the effect was not good. It was far less simple than exploring and deducing by yourself.

If it is a person of the **** king level, the news that he knows is worth asking Meng Fan.

In just two moments, he discovered that there were countless books under this palace. Some books were thousands of years old, about tens of thousands, each with at least tens of thousands of words. Most of them were written by the same person, and they were all written with vitality.

As soon as his mind moved, these vitality words flew up, and without Shu Quanxin's knowledge, they were absorbed by Meng Fan's swallowing martial arts, turned into knowledge, and merged into his mind.

Such a huge and complex information came into his mind, as if a basin of water poured into the sea, without any waves, it was easily absorbed.

That's it!

These books, although the oldest is several thousand years old, but several thousand years, compared with the history of this world, they are still too short and there are not many things that can be recorded.

With the help of heavenly calculation, Meng Fan still learned a lot.

First of all, in this world, there are many “indigenous peoples” who are all intelligent creatures. Some are just like the appearances and people that Meng Fan has already seen. They are those with low intelligence, and there are others, strange and strange, what They have all the looks, but they all have certain wisdom. Although they are all ignorant, they can be enlightened.

This is the first most important creature.

The second type is "God".

It is Shu Quanxin in front of me.

In fact, it is human.

Their beginnings can no longer be deduced, nor can they guess from when there will be human monks living in this world, but this is not what Meng Fan cares about, so it doesn't matter.

Humans in this world are not called "human beings" but gods. They call themselves gods and are also called gods by other intelligent creatures. Every human being is born as a **** and is destined to have a higher status than intelligent creatures. , And most of them have to rule a group of more or less intelligent creatures, to be worshiped, supported, and washed away by the power of faith.

Like Shu Quanxin, her family, surname Shu, thousands of years ago, her family ancestor, was a little monk, very young, discovered this continent, and found scattered and very barbaric on the continent. Wisdom creatures without their own gods, so he began to teach these creatures to become his own believers, and began to be worshipped as gods here and began to practice.

By the time Shuquanxin, her family had multiplied for many generations. It belonged to the family of gods, and all generations ruled here. So from the first few thousand believers, they have become millions of believers today.

However, her family has never appeared any powerful people, so many died at the age of two or three hundred.

A very important reason here is that these believers can provide too little aspiration power, because the stronger and wiser creatures, the more aspiration power they provide, and the wisdom of these creatures is really low. It can be seen that they can only build rough copperware in the year, so they can only win by quantity and keep them prospering.

This is a stupid method that takes many years to be effective, but in the end the effort paid off, and two masters were cultivated.

One is Shu Quanxin's father.

One is Shuquanxin.

Meng Fan couldn't help but smile, because Shu Quanxin was actually a very powerful overlord in this ocean called "The Endless Sea", because her father was in the realm of Shenyuan, so she "overwhelmed the heroes." , So that countless "gods" around were suppressed, and many calligraphers' children were sent out to manage more believers.

And those "uncountable" gods that were suppressed did not even touch the edge of the spiritual realm.

And Shu Quanxin is called a genius and has high hopes. She is the only one of this tribe of millions of believers that has been run by the family for thousands of years. She can receive incense and worship, and can enjoy the aspirations of these million people.

This is God!

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