Supreme God King

Chapter 2243: War

Underworld vs Zen Temple!

There is no doubt that these two forces are absolutely top existences standing on the path of the gods and hidden, overlooking the entire common people.

Once it is a battle, it can be said to be the most powerful and **** killing in the entire path of the gods. Although the previous battle in the sealed space was terrible, it was after all a battle between several giants.

And now the turmoil in these three thousand gods is a fight among billions of cultivators!

It was able to cause such a big battle in such a short time, except for the fact that the people who shot were Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist.

A more important reason is that the monks themselves have endless violence. Because of their powerful power, they are able to live in peace only because they are afraid of each other.

This is especially true for monks like Zen Temple and Underworld.

Prior to this, the two parties themselves had already had irreconcilable contradictions due to endless interests and standpoint issues, and Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist took advantage of this and pushed gently.

It was to make the entire three thousand kingdoms like a fire around a gunpowder barrel, and even everything went smoothly beyond the two people's imagination, and the countless monks in Mingtu and Zen Temple broke out fierce battles.

Three days' time.

The entire three thousand kingdoms has become a piece of war, burning in every corner.

There are only a little bit of people and strong people here between the two sides. Nearly all the people who are related to the two powers are now joining the cake and joining the gods.

At this level, the battle that was triggered was more than a battle of hundreds of millions of cultivators.

It can be seen everywhere, there are chaos and battles between the forces of the two sides, and the three thousand gods of the gods, which were originally broken, are now more blood flowing.

However, the blood shed can be replaced by Mingtu and Zen Hall!

Suddenly, ten thousand people died, and the whole world was full of blood. And the initiator of all this, the old and the young, stood calmly between the sky and looked around quietly.

There was no expression on Meng Fan's face.

Even hundreds of millions of monks died because of him, but this has nothing to do with emotions, just cause and effect.

Because if it weren't for this group of underworld, the monks in the Zen Temple wanted to occupy everything here, then they would definitely not participate in this game. There are causes and effects. This is just the rule of the game.

"Very well, it seems that everything is as we expected before. The beginning of igniting the anger between the two sides has already begun. It seems that our dung stick is doing well!"

On the side, the Taoist Taoist said softly, and a smile appeared on the old face.

Obviously, he feels that his name is good, and he is quite satisfied with his behavior.

Meng Fan was speechless, just calmly watching the endless fighting between the heaven and the earth, and now he already has this qualification.

What is called the Supreme Emperor, what is called overlooking sentient beings, is now!

In the eyes of the world, this powerful fight will inevitably shake the entire path of divine hiding, causing not knowing how many deaths and madness, but in the eyes of Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist, this is just a little game. Everything is just the beginning.

The reason they did this is not to plan something in these three thousand kingdoms of God, but just like playing chess. This first step is just for the generals in the future!

In the eyes of Meng Fan and the Supreme Taoist, only the giants of Zen Temple and Underworld wanted to make plans.

"Now that the first step has been done, let's look at the reactions of those old guys!"

Meng Fan sneered, looking at the endless sky, his eyes became extremely sharp.

There is a stone monument between the earth and the earth, so he and Taichu, Tai and A have already been destined to be in an endless situation, one wants to get, the other is impossible to let go.

The Zen Temple was even more of Meng Fan's confidant's confidant. In the space battle that day, the tall old monk teamed up with the thirteen hall masters and almost left Meng Fan.

Come and not be indecent!

This has always been Meng Fan's character, but now his method has finally appeared, in order to kill two birds with one stone. Whether it is the earth or the Zen temple, it must be in his calculations!

Within the Three Thousand Kingdom of Gods, there is chaos!

And the entire path of divine hiding is even more shocking at this moment. You must know that the two most powerful forces in this path of divine hiding today are Ming Tu and Zen Temple.

There are also many places where they intersect each other. With the battles within the three thousand kingdoms of the gods, the hatred continues to deepen, this catastrophe is naturally unavoidable, and it also directly penetrates into the various places where the two sides of the road to the gods intersect. Leading to more and more heated fighting.

In this way, even if it is within the Mingtu and Zen Temple, it can't help but feel agitated.

After all, this battle is no small matter.

Zen Hall, the oldest secret hall.

Two old monks sitting cross-legged, one fat and thin, are the fat and thin monks in the Zen Temple.

Compared with the sealed space, the auras of the two seem to be stronger again. There is no doubt that after that feast of killing, the two of them got what they wanted, the old man of God, the God of Promise, but they all fell into Hand of Zen Temple.

But at this moment, looking at each other, they felt a trace of anger and sadness.

Obviously, all of this is naturally because of the great battle that is sweeping across the entire path of the gods, making them feel helpless.

The simple point is that even if the two swept everything, they would have the means to suppress the common people, so that the people in the Zen Temple would worship them, but it was impossible to control everyone's thoughts, especially hatred.

This battle came suddenly, resulting in no chance for them to react at all. After all, the Zen Temple and the forces it controlled were too huge. Once there was a full-scale friction, it would almost be a war everywhere. The more they killed each other, the more thunderous they were, and they were completely blushing now.

This kind of thing will only be strong, but uncontrollable.

Even if they want to manage, the decrees cannot be sent.

"This group of little beasts in the underworld, Lao Na will personally go to the Three Thousand Divine Kingdoms hidden by the gods, and Lao Na will kill them alive!"

The fat old monk gritted his teeth, because several of his proud disciples had also died within three thousand gods in the previous war, which made him feel angry.

Suddenly, the entire secret hall was filled with his powerful aura, permeating everything, making the space distorted.


The thin old monk immediately stopped him and said coldly,

"Even if the battle between our people is fierce, it is only a battle between our people, but once we participate in this level, then it is not good, and in the end there is no way to end, besides, you Once they show up, then the two old guys in the beginning must also go there.

If we are in conflict with them now, it is absolutely unwise. The boss is now in retreat, condensing the roots of the old man, relying on the two of us who are not opponents of the two of them, and even if the boss is now forced to go out, plus ours That hole card may not be able to win the two old ghosts in the early days. These two people were the first to control the stone monument. They were extremely old and very fierce. Now it is not wise to start the war. Only when the boss is merged, our hole cards are fully prepared. , At that time, it was the best time.

Moreover, we are still not sure whether all this is what they want to do. After all, we are afraid of the two old ghosts. They are also not the same. Will there be conspiracies! "

The last few words were spit out, and there was a cold chill in the eyes of the thin old monk.

There is no doubt, how could it be an ordinary person to reach their point.

Even if the powerful war strikes now, the cold and weak old monk is not moved, but is looking at the whole situation and preparing someone to plot a conspiracy.

Yep! ?

The fat old monk's expression moved, looking at the thin old monk, he said every word,

"You mean someone is teasing this battle, hoping that we and Underworld will lose both?"

"Yes, the timing is too coincidental, just when the three thousand kingdoms of gods have just begun to merge and have not been completely completed, and it is too fast, the entire three thousand kingdoms of gods are in chaos in an instant, I always feel a little bit No, maybe someone is setting up after this!"

The thin old monk said coldly.

"Huh, who has this qualification? There are only a few who can dare to plan us! The other **** kings are not qualified at all, even if there is a big fight again, it will be useless. Those who want to threaten us are rare. ."

The fat old monk said coldly.

"Tai Shang is now like a bereavement dog, maybe it is possible, but once it is exposed, what will he do? It is not our opponent at all. The two of us alone are enough for him to drink a pot, then that Meng Fan? He? The method is rather fierce. If it’s the layout, it does have this qualification, but didn’t the boss say that he entered a mysterious space, is it possible to come out now? I still think this layout is the two of them in the beginning The old ghost laid it down, maybe it is to make us angry, or to use our jealous heart to monopolize the entire 3,000 kingdoms of the gods. After all, that piece of cake is also quite huge!"


The thin old monk thought,

"But in any case, we shouldn't do it. The timing is wrong, and moreover, it can't affect the boss. The boss is too important to retreat at this moment. Once it is truly integrated with the origin of the gods, the old ghosts, then we will be able to take the initiative. , The real killing is formed, so now we can only suppress the situation!"

"What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. You go once in person, occupy three thousand kingdoms of God, suppress everything, and stop all the sects. Now the hatred is so huge, and only you have done this, and I am sitting in the Zen temple and helping the boss protect the law! "

The thin old monk said coldly,

"In any case, under this situation, it is absolutely impossible to let the fighting continue to spread. It is not good for anyone. I believe that the few people in the early days should also cooperate with you. If they really give birth to murder, you are there. , The two of us can arrive at any time, and we can handle it with ease!"

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