Supreme God King

Chapter 2181: Broken Palace

Imperial Palace!

This was the suggestion of the woman with the bronze mask, but after putting it forward, Meng Fan felt a glimmer of hope.

Although Meng Fan's strength is now among the ranks of Shenyin giants, in fact, in terms of background, he is still slightly inferior to Shenyin's many giants.

After all, he has practiced less than these giants for a long time, and the observation of this bronze mask woman can be described as extremely keen.

Over the long years, the giants of Shenyin naturally have insights that the world cannot imagine.

It is not like Meng Fan has entered the imperial palace. She has never entered, even seen the imperial palace.

However, the extraordinary power at the end of the imperial palace has already been sensed, which is of great help to Meng Fan at this moment.

It's very simple, because the woman with the bronze mask sensed the breath at the end of the imperial palace, that kind of vitality, and now that Meng Fan is seriously injured, it is precisely the infusion of powerful vitality that needs to be injected.

Otherwise, there is no doubt that he will die. There are too few and too few that meet the requirements of this aspect between the world and the earth, but the end of the imperial palace gives Meng Fan some possibilities.

I have to admit that, the bronze masked woman's methods in this regard are even better than Meng Fan.

But now, under her suggestion, it opened a way out for Meng Fan, just like a lamp in the dark night.

Although it may not be useful, under the embarrassing situation of Meng Fan today, I can only give it a try!

"You all come in!"

After pondering for a moment, Meng Fan spoke weakly.

With a word, the female emperor outside the Caolu, Fen Tianling and others all entered here immediately, looking at Meng Fan excitedly.

But there was no good news in Meng Fan's mouth. Instead, he was telling them one thing, that is, if he died and lived alive.

Meng Fan's words were extremely simple. If he were alive, he would definitely return to the Dark Alliance before the Battle of the Source of the Heavens, but now he would leave to find a way to save himself.

And if he died, he would not show up during the battle at the source of the heavens.

Then all the people of the dark alliance will give up the battle of the source of the heavens, leave the ten thousand realms, and escape to the path of the gods.

Although Meng Fan also has endless enemies in the path of the hidden gods, his area is much larger than ten thousand domains, and it may be able to leave a fire for the dark alliance to survive.

And Meng Fan understood that after the First Battle of the Source of the Heavens, whether it was the success of the ancient emperor or the success of the thirteen hall masters, under the circumstances of his death, he would undoubtedly never leave any chance for the dark alliance to survive.

If this is the case, it is better to seek a ray of life in the path of divine hiding.

There is no doubt that although Meng Fan's words are calm, they are indifferent and sad to everyone in the field. This is tantamount to explaining the funeral.


Meng Niuniu burst into tears, looking at Meng Fan, her hand stretched out and grabbed Meng Fan, not wanting to let go.

Countless years have passed, Meng Niuniu has grown into a big girl, seizing the moment of death, the old Meng Fan, the scene can be described as extremely worrying.

"It's okay, don’t cry, don’t worry, this is just my worry, maybe I’m okay, remember, before I’m not sure about my death, the dark alliance is completely the same as before, everything is the same as before, no matter how it is treated The ancient gods are still forbidden! You should kill, damn, don't be afraid."

Meng Fan opened his mouth and said so many words in a series that he couldn't bear it. The original mark in his body was trembling.

But there are some things he has to say. Now he still wants to take away the ten thousand mothers and sons, and he is full of endless worry about the dark alliance. But there is no way, only to rely on the dark alliance people to cut gold, and an unreliable bronze mask woman.

However, once Meng Fan leaves, he has to admit that the entire dark alliance is an empty city. The woman with the bronze mask is probably not trying to protect the dark alliance and being the lord of the thirteenth hall, the ancient emperor. Recklessly.

Meng Fan!

Faced with such a situation, everyone in the entire dark alliance was silent. Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er and others were whimpering with tears, including the Empress, some of them were unable to restrain their emotions, their red lips biting tightly. .

"Don't worry, wait for me!"

Meng Fan was also a little uncomfortable with this kind of depressed atmosphere, smiled at everyone, and then the power ran, with the help of the power of the ten thousand mothers and children, directly tore the world and left.

Meng Fan didn't want this kind of separation of life and death, but there was no way.

Now, he can only walk down peacefully, trying his best to repair himself. However, there was no regret in Meng Fan's eyes. Although Xiaotian wouldn't have been so badly injured if he hadn't saved a bird and a tortoise, he would still be an old saying.

If Meng Fan didn't make a move, it would not be Meng Fan. The two words "brother" have always been the principle in Meng Fan's heart.

The void was distorted, and Meng Fan descended directly.

Imperial Palace!

There is no doubt that the only place Meng Fan can go now.

Only where is there a chance, even if it is extremely slim.

After so many years, I couldn't think of where he was going again. According to Meng Fan's current strength, it was just a matter of thought that he appeared outside the imperial palace.

Once upon a time, Meng Fan needed the help of the temple to enter the imperial palace.

But now it’s different. Everyone in the temple doesn’t even have the qualifications to interfere with Meng Fan, even for the descendants of this generation of **** kings who are rampant in the world, the red elders in the temple, penance, etc. There is no sense.

The latter is to tear the void directly, and then step into the imperial palace.

Here is a completely independent space, even within these ten thousand domains, the imperial palace is definitely a maverick little world.

There is no law in Ten Thousand Realms that can interfere here, which is self-contained, full of endless danger and pressure, and for too many people in Ten Thousand Realms, it is an eternal legend.

Of course, the current pressure is nothing to Meng Fanlai. It's just that between his fingers, Meng Fan is going toward the depths of the imperial palace like a meteor.

And Meng Fan also understood that his use of the power of the Ten Thousand Mother and Child Qi Ding was only temporary, leaving him little time at all. I am afraid that according to the truth, in just three days, Meng Fan's power will be exhausted and reach the end.

At that time, he will not even have the qualifications to detect, and he will inevitably die.

Therefore, for Meng Fan, he must seize all the time available now to save himself.

In a few breaths, the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace that had trapped Meng Fan for so many years now is just a single thought for Meng Fan, it is to travel through the endless world to the end of the imperial palace.

Now where he is, the flowers of the other bank are growing layer by layer, fascinating and beautiful.

You know that Meng Fan was still here and fought against the ancestors of the Liu family. His life was hanging by a thread.

Back here again, Meng Fan's gaze also looked towards the end of the imperial palace. Even if it is now facing this kind of place, the surging pressure is oncoming, making Meng Fan's martial arts instinctive. All broke out.

The combat power is no longer at its peak, but Meng Fan's complexion is as calm as ever.

With a roar, the Ding Ling of Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding completely enveloped him, allowing Meng Fan to also completely enter the state of the unity of human and Ding, and then walked towards the most extreme place of the imperial palace.

In front of it, it is gorgeous.

There is endless light in between, like the sun, and what makes Meng Fan tremble most is that special breath, which contains countless mysteries of reincarnation, longevity, heaven and earth, etc.

It was this kind of breath that was paid attention to by the bronze masked woman, and it was this kind of breath that was the reason for Meng Fan's arrival.

Meng Fan could clearly feel that the power contained at the end of this imperial palace was extremely peculiar, as if it was a means that could open up the world.

In between, there is endless vitality.

Therefore, in the old days, Meng Fan and others just calculated that this imperial palace could be Nirvana and break through reincarnation. On that day, Meng Fan regarded him as a **** of resurrection Ruo Shuiyi.

It's just that Meng Fan doesn't need it now, because he already has the Ming Tablet in his hand. As long as he controls enough of the Ming Tablet, he has the correct way to resurrect Ruoshuiyi.

What Meng Fan needs now is to smoothly use the powerful vitality at the end of the imperial palace to repair himself, preferably as soon as possible.

Because the battle to open the source of the heavens is too imminent.

There is not much time left for Meng Fan, so what Meng Fan wants is not just to repair himself, but to restore him to his peak as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, if you participate in the battle of the source of the heavens in the current state of Meng Fan, then let alone fight against the ancient emperor, the thirteen hall masters and others, just kill yourself directly.

However, although the end of the imperial palace has strong vitality, it is still unknown whether it can be controlled by Meng Fan. After all, no one has ever succeeded or set foot in ancient times.

"I can only give it a try!"

Suddenly, Meng Fan's peak combat power was revealed, his eyes looked deep into his eyes, and endless fierceness flashed in his eyes. In the past, he had tried but failed.

Now that he came back again, trying to break through the end of the imperial palace, there was a feeling of starting again, where he fell, he got up again.

And Meng Fan knew that there were more than just one or two people trying to break through this imperial palace. In the long river of years, how many ancient emperors had done what Meng Fan wanted to do.

But none succeeded.

If Meng Fan succeeds, then he will be the first person in the eternal ages, destined to make everyone in the ancient world eclipse, including the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan also let out a sigh of relief, making his state of mind unhappy and unsorrowful. After a few breaths, Meng Fan finally moved and brazenly walked towards the ultimate place at the end of the imperial palace.

One step falls, the sky collapses and the world rushes!

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