Supreme God King

Chapter 2179: Near death

The dark alliance is shocked!

In everyone's eyes, how much Meng Fan exists!

Could it be that someone who stands high above the top of the crowd, leaving the eyes of the world only absolute fierceness and toughness.

Especially the people of the dark alliance, including the female emperor who is closest to Meng Fan, Bai Shui'er and others have never seen Meng Fan have a weak side.

Except for the battle in Tianhan Mountain and the death of Xuan Huang, Meng Fan almost never shed tears.

However, Meng Fan, who has returned, is wounded and dying.

With such a scene, the entire dark alliance could not help being shocked and plunged into panic.

Outside the Caolu.

The Zhoutian Great Formation is sealed, killing endlessly.

And the old people in the dark alliance such as Empress, Burning Tianling, Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou, Zhan Wuji, Yunfeiyang, Lonely Proud and so on are all here, waiting anxiously.

One side is to help Meng Fan protect the law, and the other is to help Meng Fan seal everything and prevent anyone from approaching him.

Today, Meng Fan is sitting quietly in the grass cottage, already in endless weakness, looking like he is dying.

Such a situation is simply unimaginable for the Empress and the others. They looked at each other, although their eyes were filled with endless anxiety, but there was no way.

Still the same sentence, reaching the level of Meng Fan, the status is already too high. It has reached a point that is unimaginable for the world. In this point, almost no one can help him, and almost no one can understand him.

In this situation, even if everyone wants to help Meng Fan, they don't know where to start.

"I have to figure out a way. I can feel him. At this moment, the source of martial arts in the body is about to dissipate!"

The old man Leihun gritted his teeth.

Although their level is not enough to help Meng Fan, but after several probes, they have probably understood Meng Fan's state.

"In any case, we must first make sure that no one can leak the news that Meng Fan was seriously injured!"

The female emperor gritted her teeth and looked around the crowd in the field of view.

It is true that Meng Fan was a woman who admired the country so much. Even at the moment when Meng Fan was about to die, the empress was extremely calm, so when Meng Fan returned, she had already begun to seal all the news. Everything is confined.

This news is only circulated by the people in the field, and it is only known to these old people in the dark alliance.

The others didn't know exactly how Meng Fan was, and they didn't even know about the return, the news was sealed to death.

Meng Fan!

What kind of existence is, if news of its serious injury comes out, it will inevitably affect the entire world, and it will inevitably affect the current pattern of ten thousand domains. The battle from the source of the heavens is so close, the empress naturally dare not risk it. Without any risk.

"Among the outside world, it is absolutely not allowed to detect here, if anyone leaks, kill!"

The female emperor said coldly, she clearly understood that this is not only about the safety of everyone in the dark alliance, but also about whether Meng Fan can recover, it is simply too important.

Everyone in the field nodded, understanding the meaning.

"Brother Meng Fan"

Gu Xiner's face was pale, and Qingcheng's face was now covered with tears, looking at it with great worry.

"It's all to blame, all to blame me"

Xiao Tian gritted his teeth with a look of regret, if it wasn't for the place where he himself had fallen into such a desperate situation, if it wasn't for the need to save a bird and a turtle, if it wasn't their own strength. Although they all understood that Meng Fan's choice would definitely be like this, they still have endless self-blame.

"Don't say that, I understand Meng Fan's character, and whether he can wake up this time depends on himself!"

The female emperor said, her five fingers clenched, her nails piercing her skin. This sentence reveals exceptional helplessness, but it is a fact.

When Meng Fan was dying, they didn’t even have the opportunity to interfere. Meng Fan’s avenue was so terrifying. Now they had better not interfere with Meng Fan’s finger, but quietly watched the grass house Zhongmengfan's own repair.

So this time is three full days.

Within three days, many high-level members of the dark alliance were waiting here, but the feeling that came out at the end was that Meng Fan became weaker and more embarrassed.

Even though Meng Fan's methods were shocking, the martial arts aura in his body was constantly passing by during this period of time. Finally on the third day, Meng Fan couldn't collapse his whole person. The martial arts origin in his body burst with a bang, and it began to break inch by inch, causing his origin mark to disappear between the world.

"Meng Fan!"

In an instant, Burning Tianling, the Empress and others were shocked. If the original mark disappeared, it would mean that Meng Fan was truly dead.

Even if they suppressed the whole world and sealed everything, but now they are also distorting this piece of void, and it clearly feels that Meng Fan's mark is about to disperse from the sky and return to nature.

However, at the next moment, there was a long scream in the grass house. This sound was extremely loud, like an ancient divine clock. The moment it spread throughout the world, it contained endless legal principles and Sanskrit sounds.

The void flashed, and the shadow of the tripod spread.

Ten thousand mothers and children!

The moment Dading appeared, it made the entire mountain and river tremble, including the aura of everyone in the court being suppressed by this Dading, it was difficult to shake his edge.

Yiding seems to suppress the entire mountains and rivers and command the world.

It is also Meng Fan's original artifact, a life artifact forged over many years. At the moment of emergence, the runes of this great cauldron flickered and the light enveloped, and a wave of power was instilled into Meng Fan's body on its whole body, so that Meng Fan at this moment was about to collapse immediately, giving the aura of complete ashes. Stay steady.

The power of the great tripod is itself the power of Meng Fan!

Between the two, it can be said that they are one body, how many years ago, and how many years later, even more so.

The billowing power was injected into Meng Fan’s body like a fountain of water, making his body like a completely dry desert once again encountered a stream of clear springs, nourishing himself, and gradually, making Meng Fan’s already unstable body begin to stabilize. Come down.

The scene of the previous collapse is gone, and the calmness is restored in the grass cottage.


Outside the Caolu, the Empress, Burning Tianling, Bai Shui'er and others all breathed heavily. They had to admit that when they felt that Meng Fan's original imprint was about to dissipate, they felt like the end of the world.

Once Meng Fan is dead, what can the girls in the field do, and where the entire dark alliance will go, no one will know!

Meng Fan himself is the belief of everyone in the dark alliance.

Inside the Caolu, Meng Fan sat quietly all over his body, his face as gray as death. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding, smiled bitterly, and said hoarsely,

"Sorry, you still need to do it!"

Thousands of mothers and sons are angry.

When the great spirits were condensed and the supreme hegemony was achieved in the past, Meng Fan did not bring her by his side, but stayed in the deepest part of the dark alliance grass house, sealed him with great means, and gave him As your most mysterious hole card.

Even in these few years, he fought in Shenyin and faced many giants, any one of them was an invincible existence, but Meng Fan never wanted to use the Ten Thousand-Mother Qi Cauldron.

The latter is always in the Caolu, just like the other Meng Fan, practicing quietly and condensing himself.

Over the years, the strength of Myriad Mother and Child Qi Ding has also improved, but Ding Ling has gradually matured. Within this cauldron, it is another manifestation of Meng Fan swallowing martial arts, which even the dark alliance people don't know.

Meng Fan kept him here, on the one hand, he wanted to make the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding continuously improve his strength as his hidden weapon, and on the other, he wanted to guard against the two fierce guys, the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall master. This big tripod is here, just like half of Meng Fan is here, it can have sufficient strength to resist everything.

At worst, it can also transfer these people from the Dark Alliance.

However, now Meng Fan had to use the hole card he had hidden the deepest. The great cauldron was shrouded in light, and a young girl walked out of the cauldron, dressed in black, with flying hair, it was the great spirit born out of the ten thousand mothers and sons.

"Father, eat me!"

Facing Meng Fan, the girl in black shed tears, dripping like drops of pearls, tearful eyes and distraught.

The girl's mentality gradually became clearer and clearer. Her power came entirely from Meng Fan. To her, Meng Fan was like a father, like a master. That's why she was called that now.

And she and Meng Fan were completely connected and clearly felt every inch of Meng Fan's body changes. Now although Meng Fan is temporarily stable under her power, the girl clearly understands that all this is only temporary.

The injury inside Meng Fan's body is too serious now, and it has reached an uncontrollable level.

If the original source is not allowed to recover, then the previous scene will appear again for the second and third time. Once or twice, you can rely on the power of the same source of Qi Ding and Meng Fan to help each other. According to that method, Meng Fan can be stabilized. However, Qi Ding understands that this is only temporary. Sooner or later, she cannot help. Meng Fan, when Meng Fan died completely, he would not be too far away from all this.

That's why the girl just came up with such a way, and it's the only way.

Let Meng Fan annihilate himself in exchange for a glimmer of life, although it may not be possible, but there should be a glimmer of hope.

In response, Meng Fan smiled slightly, stretched out his palm, and stroked the girl's hair. There was no response, there was only endless love in his eyes. Wanting Meng Fan to eat the spirit girl that he condensed with his own hands, for him, it would be better to die. For so many years, how fierce Meng Fan is, he has already seen the matter between life and death.

"Don't cry! I'm fine."

Meng Fan just spit out these words with a smile, but with such a pale complexion, this haggard and weak feeling made the ten thousand mothers and sons tremble all over, and gritted her teeth trying to forcibly refine herself and help Meng. Where.

And just outside the Cao Lu the next moment, there was a sudden change in aura, causing Meng Fan and the ten thousand mothers and sons to move their expressions and become extremely alert.

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