Supreme God King

Chapter 2159: Breaking the formation


In such a situation, Meng Fan had to admit that in such a short period of time, even he could not find any way to fight against, no matter how he looked at it, it was a dead end.

The defensive power between Zhou and Tian was too terrifying. Even the existence of Meng Fan had no power to penetrate everything, but could not help it to trap the king's formation.

And the poisonous hidden in it is the most deadly thing. The longer you stay here, the more passive Meng Fan will be.

"Jie Jie Meng Fan, I heard that you have caused such a storm in the outside world, but I am afraid that the meek here today is like a little sheep!"

Seeing this scene, the snake-shaped old woman sneered, her eyes flashing with pride.

The endless years of immersion is equivalent to being imprisoned in the depths of the sea, and the hearts of this group of people have long been abnormal to the point.

At this moment, seeing the turbulent situation from the outside world, Meng Fan, who ordered everything to be so trapped, naturally made them all extremely happy, as if they had returned to their former appearance.

"Why don't you kneel down now and agree to our terms, so maybe we can spare your life once we are happy, how, in front of us, what are you doing!"

The old monkey is also indifferent.

After knowing that Xiaotian and Meng Fan were related, they were also extremely excited, and finally they laid out such a killing game and took out their most terrifying hole cards.

The main reason is that once you can control Meng Fan, you will not only be able to get the stele, but also get his terrifying efforts.

How important is the heart and blood of an overwhelming **** king, it can be said to be of great significance to the old monkeys in the field, and all of them have injuries that are difficult to heal, and even have disabilities.

He hadn't recovered for many years in this sealessness, but once Meng Fan's efforts were all provided, it would be the elixir to repair the wounds of several people.

It is even very hopeful that the few people can restore their old cultivation bases. In the face of this temptation, how can they make them not crazy!


Regarding the words of all the people in the outside world, Meng Fan didn't even want to reason, his blood erupted, resisted the surroundings, and at the same time his spiritual thoughts worked, carefully exploring around.

Over the years, Meng Fan faced this kind of crisis how many times.

Any time, he survived by recklessness. If you want to break the formation, you must find the method to break the formation. Where is the weakness of the trapped king formation.

Between heaven and earth, even if any kind of thing is invincible, it doesn't necessarily have weaknesses, but no one can find it.

Regardless of whether the king of the gods or the killing formations, they all have their own fatalities. It just depends on whether this power can reach and whether there is that opportunity.

Sleepy king formation.

Even if there was no **** king in this sacred formation throughout the ages, it did not mean that it was impossible for him. This was Meng Fan's confidence.

That kind of self-confidence that looks down upon the past and the present, and is the only one.

Divinely thinking, Meng Fan carefully looked at everything in the trapped king formation, sensing the changes in its power.

At the point where he has reached now, it is not a problem to see everything in a short time, including the evolution of all means within this trapped king formation, where the profound meaning lies.

In a few breaths, Meng Fan had already observed it clearly.


Although it was clear, Meng Fan felt it was particularly tricky.

Because the profound meaning in the entire space is too powerful, he is attached to the building in this sealess area as the source of this divine formation.

I don’t know how many years it took to cast here. It comes from the old monkeys. Although a few are greedy and insidious, they still have the strength. They can spend so many years casting here. It is conceivable that it contains How much power you hold.

With such a terrible suppression, how could it be possible for Meng Fan to leave easily.

Therefore, Meng Fan has a judgment in his heart, that is, even if he runs out of rebellion, he will definitely not be able to force through the power between the sky and the sky.

That kind of strange resolving power was the root of the entire trapped king formation, and even he felt that even if the five fingers of the gods were against the gods, and all the power to bombard this space, he would also be directly bombarded.

In the end, Meng Fan came to the conclusion that if he wanted to break through this big formation, relying on brute force alone was not enough, he had to be wise.

Thinking about it in his heart, Meng Fan's eyes slowly closed, immovable and immortal. Although there was an endless and dangerous killing array, he didn't see any movement. Instead, he seemed to be asleep at this moment. The whole person is in this space. Close your eyes and rest your mind.

Even as he sits still, the poison contained in the week and the sky flows into his body. Although it is a drop every time, this thing is a poison that is effective for the king of the gods. The strength in Meng Fan's body gradually consumed.

However, if Meng Fan wanted to be still, it was true stillness, as if this place was the most common place in the world, he was not moved by him at all.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of people from outside, suddenly changing everyone's expressions, and the old monkeys couldn't understand what Meng Fan was doing.

"Is he crazy? Sitting down like this is actually waiting for death. This poison is constantly consuming his power. Although I can't see much now, but with the passage of time, it will definitely become more and more. Seriously, hum!"

"It should be desperate, right, the Sleepy King Formation is so strong, he has no way out!"

The old monkey said coldly, although Meng Fan's reaction at this moment was a little bit more than he expected, but he was not worried.

Because this trapped king formation is indeed as they said, since its birth, there has been no means to surpass this trapped king. They are all trapped to death. There were more than fifty gods in this great formation before. In the bloody, one can imagine how terrifying it is!

Even though Meng Fan is the strongest rising person in this era, everyone in the birth field does not think he can break this law.

Entering the trapped king formation will undoubtedly die!

However, at the next moment, trapped inside the king formation, the space suddenly distorted. Meng Fan, who had always been sitting still, roared, opened his eyes, and said two words.


With only two words, surrounding him suddenly spread out a kind of force that made the whole world twisted, and a powerful and endless profound meaning emerged with Meng Fan as the center.


A real avenue. At this moment, Meng Fan seems to be only sitting on the spot, but inside his body there is a kind of power to communicate with the world. Under this kind of power, it made Meng Fan at this moment seem to be able to travel anywhere in this world, even this trapped king formation could not trap him.

What power is this!

Faced with this, the old monkey and others were shocked, even if they lived for countless years and met too many strong men, according to the truth, today’s superlatives are their descendants. There is almost no power that they have not seen between this world.

But now the breath that is surging in Meng Fan's body is like this. Controlling space and shuttles everything. The power of profound meaning is completely unheard of, unseen, and it also allows several people to look at each other, and they all show up. A look of astonishment.

How is this possible!

In fact, this is not to blame for the ignorance of a few people, but this kind of power has never appeared in this world. It is still different from Meng Fan’s method, because its foundation is from the Inverse God scroll. Although it has his modification, it is The difference in the Supreme Budo.

And this kind of power is not even the same as him in this world, because he comes from a boy in white.

In the old days, the consciousness that the young man in white was awakened by the empty stele, at the moment when this world emerged, he was imprisoned in the sealed space, and never appeared among the sentient beings, and naturally it made the most of the few in the field. The ancient people have never seen it.

Now in the hands of Meng Fan, this terrifying power is unfolding, and finally bursts of light that belongs to him in this path of divine seclusion.

With a single thought, Meng Fan's mind seemed to be able to communicate anywhere between the heavens, the earth and the ten thousand realms. He himself became invisible and went to all the places he wanted to reach. His palm prints changed, searching for everything within the trapped king formation, and at this moment, behind Meng Fan, there was an endless atmosphere of space, this kind of aura was the outside space!

"He can leave!"

A moment later, the old monkey and the snake-shaped old woman all appeared to this point. Because after this Meng Fan used this method, he himself was able to shuttle through everything, possessing the power to completely distort the void and incarnate the void, including the trapped king formation that could not trap him.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the outside world is a portal. As long as it is what Meng Fan thinks, then he can leave this world, leave the oppression of the trapped king formation, and teleport to the borderless world.

Knowing this, the faces of the old monkeys suddenly became as ugly as a child who had eaten them to death.

They were extremely enthusiastic before, hoping to trap Meng Fan here, then run the trapped king formation, and kill Meng Fan, so that they will see the sun again and achieve their former status again soon.

This is simply a great hope for them, but now this hope is about to be extinguished by Meng Fan, who actually possesses this means to communicate with the void with a power they have never seen before. Let this trapped king formation have no effect on him.

If Meng Fan left, all their hopes and greed would be vanished.

With their injuries and methods, they can still rely on the trapped king formation to stop Meng Fan. If they are outside, they don't even have the courage to face Meng Fan.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. This truth will last forever, and at this moment several people are undoubtedly taken the head by Meng Fan, and all of them feel that they want to vomit blood.

However, at the next moment they were even more shocked to discover that even though Meng Fan was able to communicate with the void and leave the trapped king formation at this moment, he did not leave. He still sat in this big formation, motionless!

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