Supreme God King

Chapter 2157: Sleepy king

The last few words fell, and throughout the week, it was like an ice cave, making people's blood seem to freeze.

Keeping his eyes on the screen, Meng Fan seemed to be on the scene, seeing everything in his eyes, and he also understood the origin of these people.

In any era, the wheels of history are rolling forward. There are talents from generation to generation. This sentence is the truth.

For example, Wanyu had the ancient emperor before, then thirteen hall masters, many great emperors, and then there was Meng Fan. Perhaps in the future there will be one person who can overcome Meng Fan's edge.

And these few people in front of them are obviously the people who are the most powerful people on the road of Shenzang, Mingtu, and Zen before the establishment of the temple.

It’s just a pity that they have been eliminated by the times, because they were born too early, too, too, the old man of the gods, the tall old monks and so on People were also killed.

In the end, this group of people had to flee, save their lives, and had no choice but to go deep into this no sea.

Because the outside world is too dangerous!

All four of them had a feast with Tai Chu and the others, and even the half-legged toad was chopped up by Tai Shang Tao himself.

If it is outside, it will inevitably be pursued endlessly. So in the end they had no choice but to get together and came to the weakest place of these great divine hidden giants, which was the depths of the sea.

It also made Meng Fan feel the unrecoverable injuries on each of them, which were traces left by the former giants of Shenyin.

Because they are within the sea, their injuries are extremely slow to recover, or even not at all. As a result, their cultivation base at this moment has not improved at all, even if millions of years have passed, it is actually the same as the original. The difference is not big!

However, the status of several people is extremely old, comparable to Taiwu, and once upon a time, they were also the most powerful figures on this path of divine seclusion.

However, this didn't even affect Meng Fan at all. Looking at a few people, he said calmly,

"I already know, some of you should tell the real purpose. I am very worried about where my brother is!"

There is no doubt that Meng Fan even dared to kill the big giants of Shenyin now, even if the group of people in front of him has a long history and extremely old, it is nothing more than that.


The half-legged toad sneered and said calmly.

"Well, since Lord Meng Fan wants to take a look at your friends, I can do it naturally!"

As the toad beckoned, the space behind him was suddenly torn apart, revealing a figure like a cage. Among them, the powerful Dao Upani incarnation became a shackle, trapping one of them, it was Xiao day!

Xiao Tian!

Suddenly, Meng Fan’s expression moved for the first time after setting foot on this sea of ​​no sea. It was not because of the great powers here, nor because of the so-called history, but because of his own life and death brothers, who are still alive. In front of him.

Once upon a time, Meng Fan's heart was filled with regret, because in the first battle, he fought so hard, and the final outcome turned out to be a bird and a turtle, and the three of Xiaotian were left in the boundless sea.

There was no trace anymore, which was more painful to Meng Fan than killing him.

Several searches, without any results, made Meng Fan think that they were completely buried in the depths of the sea.

But what I didn’t expect was that now I saw Xiaotian again. At this moment, Xiaotian turned into a small tower, imprisoned in this space, his breath was extremely weak, and he was already in a coma, above the tower. Full of mottled marks.

Obviously, Xiaotian was seriously injured, even about to die, making Meng Fan's heart as if cut by a knife for an instant. He looked at Xiaotian and gritted his teeth.

"How many do you mean?"

"Oh, Your Excellency Meng Fan thought we were responsible for your friend's injury, but it wasn't!"

Between them, the most vicissitudes of old monkey shook his head and said calmly,

"On the contrary, we helped Your Excellency Meng Fan and rescued this person. So, your Excellency should thank us!"


Meng Fan's expression moved, looked at the four of them, and said slowly,

"If this is the case, then why imprison my friend here, I have already come, how about letting me take care of it?"

"That's natural. We are looking for Your Excellency Meng Fan this time for this thing!"

The snake-shaped old woman also sharply spoke, staring at Meng Fan at the same time.

"But this time we have spent a lot of effort to rescue your friend. Does Your Excellency Meng Fan want to take your friend away like this? There is no such reason in the world!"

The voice was sharp, spreading around, full of a sharp, indifferent taste.

In the same place, Meng Fan also raised his brows, realizing that he had finally reached the most critical place. Several people had spent so much thought to invite him to this Wuhai, not to talk to him. Then there must be a picture.

These old guys have lived for so long, I'm afraid they will never do anything kind.

Meng Fan said calmly,

"What kind of compensation do you want?"

"It's easy!"

The old monkey continued and looked at Meng Fan with a smile, but he couldn't hide a trace of greed right now.

"I heard that Your Excellency Meng Fan was fighting Taichu, Tai'an and the two beasts before, and got half a stone tablet, didn't you?"


Meng Fan’s heart moved, and this was not surprising. Although his battle was outside the underworld and inside the sealed space, he actually couldn’t hide the top powers in this world, even if they were not present at the time. , I must know later.

As for the fact that half of the stone stele was lost, it is estimated that at this moment, it has spread throughout the entire path of divine hiding.

The two big names of Meng Fan and Taishang Taoist should make a sensation in the world now.

But Meng Fan didn't care about this anymore. In his eyes, he only cared about the present, the safety of Xiaotian, and the birds and turtles that had not yet appeared.

"So... you want the stele? With Xiaotian's life, what about my other two brothers?"

Meng Fan asked coldly, staring at her surroundings.

"Yes, Your Excellency Meng Fan, you have to eat everything one bite at a time, right! We will tell you the whereabouts of your other two friends after you give us the stele!"

Aside, the snake-shaped old woman said coldly, with an educational tone.

Hearing this sentence, Meng Fan pounced and laughed out loud, looking at several people with white teeth. Of course, his smile was not a happy one, but... an angry anti-smile!

These guys in the field are really greedy, no wonder they are being driven here. He controls Xiaotian, and he belongs to the friend who imprisoned Meng Fan. Even though there is a hidden secret in it, now Meng Fan has come in person, only for such a share. Intelligence seems to be sold to myself several times, and the first price is...stone!

Shenyin Stone Tablet, what is this value?

The existence of the Supreme Daoist will be extremely solemn, taking it as the biggest thing.

But the latter wants more than just this, there must be more, this is no longer a transaction, this is real blackmail, and it is the kind of blackmail without any bottom line!

Between the smiles, there was a hint of cold, Meng Fan said calmly.

"So, what else do you want?"

"It's very simple. We are old. Your Excellency Meng Fan is so young and energetic. Would you mind giving us some hard work?"

The short-legged toad also spoke, looking at Meng Fan's gaze as if he couldn't wait to take a bite.

"Yes, like Meng Fan's righteous existence, it must be a promise to us, isn't it? This way, you can get the news of your friends as soon as possible, and you will reunite together!"

The old monkey squinted.

The painstaking effort of the King of God!

The smile on Meng Fan’s face became brighter, and after a few breaths, he said softly.

"It's really okay to have a few conditions. It almost asks me all the things in Meng, but if I don't want to give it to... how many?"

With a word, this sea-free space was completely forbidden. With the display of Meng Fan's powerful aura, just for a moment, this place became his absolute realm.

Feeling Meng Fan's powerful blood soaring to the sky, the expressions of everyone in the field, including the old monkey, changed, but they weren't panicked, but showed a trace of pride.

"Your Excellency Meng Fan, do you know why we are looking for you to come to this depth of the sea instead of talking outside?"

The old monkey stared at Meng Fan and said sternly.

"It's nothing more than you have a layout here!"

Meng Fan’s complexion was calm, who he was, his hair was empty, and before he came here, the opponent might have ordered a killing game, but Meng Fan still came, just because of Xiaotian, one bird and one turtle might be there. Here.

"Yes, although the old folks are not talented, even the foundation of the path to the gods is lost, but after all these years, although their strength has not improved in this sealess sea, they have made some here. Gadgets, why not come and open your eyes to Your Excellency Meng Fan!"

The old monkey roared, and at the same time its four figures retreated. At this moment, the whole world was enveloped by a powerful and unmatched force.

Surrounding Meng Fan, the runes flickered and the power burst out, causing everything to be distorted. Meng Fan could clearly feel that there was a powerful and unmatched divine formation enveloping the sky, killing him alone. Trapped in this divine formation.

At the same moment, the old monkey’s indifferent voice fell again,

"Meng Fan, you are dead today. Maybe a junior like you doesn't know our horror or what kind of existence we are. But if you can die in the battle, you can be considered dead. Knowing what this great formation is called is precisely the first formation of our era that resounded through the path of the gods and hidden...

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