Supreme God King

Chapter 2155: news

A quarter of the underworld stele!

Although this result was a bit poor, it was quite good for Meng Fan.

Besides, in fact, the interests of him and the Supreme Daoist are now the same, because if the existence of the divine hidden giant is always prosperous and active in the world, it will be too troublesome. In fact, he did not expect to be able to kill them, but to be able to cause them to be severely injured. This was enough to buy him enough time to face the battle of the source of the heavens.

Otherwise, they would be able to come at any time, which made Meng Fan had to defend, but there was no way to defend.

Now both the Zen Temple and the Underworld must disappear for a while, and none of the five giants has not been beaten in this battle. The price paid is that they must quickly recover themselves, even with secret methods.

Within this decade, it will be difficult to make a difference.

And this period of time, it happened that Meng Fan wanted a quick reason, because of that great battle. . . . . The time left for him is really not much, not much!

Leaving this world, Meng Fan was not in a hurry to return to the Ten Thousand Realms, because he is now in a serious condition and urgently needs to clean up himself and completely wipe out the aura of Tai Adao in his body.

Another important point is that he is actually very impatient to observe the monument.

Because it is something Ruo Shuiyi, how can he not worry.

There is a feeling that he can't wait for a moment, because he has already. . . . Waiting for thousands of years, waiting for endless years.

So in Meng Fan, he randomly found a place in the Three Thousand Kingdom of Gods, sitting quietly on a mountain peak, on the top of the sea, absorbing the power of the sky, replenishing himself, and at the same time, the whole person is completely immersed in the monument. .

In the old days, he had actually seen the Ming stele, and absorbed the meditation in it, and came to the point where the Dao transformed its meaning.

However, there is the joy of having a Ming stele in his hand. At this moment, the Ming stele was brought into the Sea of ​​Knowledge by Meng Fan. Its endless spiritual consciousness is all around the stele, a little entangled, carefully analyzing it. The power of, come to think about the method that the Taoist Taishang said to use the monument.


There is a method in everything and everything, especially in the face of things that no one can do since the birth of this kind of divine hidden road, and a method is needed.

If it's an ordinary person, you don't even have the qualification to participate, but after spending so long and after so long of hard work, Meng Fan finally has this qualification.

And he has found a right path. In the next few days, he will recover himself while visiting the stele and deducing possible methods.

It took a full half a month for Meng Fan to open his eyes for the first time, and a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The power of the Mingbei is really unpredictable.

He only absorbed some of the meditations in the first place, but now that he truly controls this stone monument, he only knows the terribleness of this meditation monument. No wonder that at the beginning of the year, the Supreme Taoist beat you to death because of this stone monument. Brothers turned against each other. .

Among them, there is indeed a power he has never seen before. Once it is controlled, it is equivalent to controlling the source of the unfathomable power of the heavens and the earth. . . . Earthshaking, crushing everything.

The source of power comes from the depths of the sea. According to Meng Fan’s speculation, there was only one reason for the mysterious existence in the depths of the sea that sent the stele over, that is, the seed of power is contained in the stele. It can evolve endlessly, so staying in this world is the best book for countless cultivators.

By comprehending it, you can continue to grow.

Including this stone stele, the help to Meng Fan is enormous, and too many changes in his own cultivation path can be drawn from it. Even his devouring martial arts was due to changes a little bit after comprehending this underworld monument.

This is the horror of the power seed, he is not a complete power, but represents a road to the end.

No wonder Tai Ah completely believes that he can go to the end of the martial arts at the beginning, because if you continue to comprehend this profound meaning and walk down this path, it is indeed as if you have seen the most original thing in the world until the real Dao idea. The ultimate is.

However, Meng Fan did not have any waver about this. All roads lead to Rome. His martial arts are completely self-summary, and other foreign objects are absorbed, but Meng Fan believes that he is right because of others. After all, Meng Fan's life is someone else's. Meng Fan never lived in the shadow of others.

What he wants to do is to absorb all sentient beings, all available things, to help himself, and to condense an unprecedented martial art that belongs only to his own.

Eternal blue sky, I am the only one, this is. . . Meng Fan!

"But this power can really...resurrect my sister!"

Meng Fan whispered to himself, looking up at the galaxy, where no one knew, this generation of supreme **** king, the world's supreme, there was also a trace of loneliness in his eyes, looking exceptionally sad. No one can tell how many years he has worked hard for this goal, how many years he has struggled, and how much he has given.

However, now he finally saw a glimmer of hope. In such a short time, he used this stone tablet in his hand to guess a secret method.

As long as his power reaches a certain level, it is possible to use this stone tablet as a medium to penetrate everything.

It made Meng Fan seem to be able to see the familiar smiling face, smiling at him, charming all beings.

However, it is indeed as the Taoist Supreme said, it seems that only one quarter of the stone tablets seem to be really not enough, at least in his hands to obtain another quarter of the stone tablets, there is hope. Of course, all this still needs Meng Fan to try, after all, everything is just speculation.

But with this glimmer of hope, it was enough to burn endless fighting spirit in Meng Fan's eyes.

"Stone stele, too early, too, too good!"

Meng Fan sighed softly, and when he looked from a distance, above this lonely mountain, there was only his figure, which seemed exceptionally lonely.

After another half month passed, Meng Fan was always here, sorting out his own methods while repairing himself.

Fortunately, the original injury is not too serious. According to his current methods, even in this path of divine hiding, everything between heaven and earth can be used for him, so in this short period of time Within this, Meng Fan's breath became calm and calm.

And after this battle, the martial art in Meng Fan's body was once again changed and raised a level.

We must know that his opponent is Taichu, Tai Adao, this kind of supreme giant standing at the top of the path of the gods, in this kind of confrontation, the inspiration and experience given to Meng Fan is unparalleled, how much I have never had such an opportunity this year.

This kind of battle is too rare. Between life and death, it is also the best time to seek a breakthrough.

After several fights, Meng Fan also truly understood the horror of this level of power. The methods of the Taoist in the beginning were as if they were engraved in his heart.

But now Meng Fan has used this battle to absorb all the experience, and with the help of this quarter stone tablet, it is a big tonic, allowing him to condense his martial arts again and improve it by a full one. Steps.

It was just a small step away, but it was enough for Meng Fan to be delighted. On the contrary, it is estimated that at this moment, the tall old monks, Taijun and others all have the heart to cry in their palace.

However, just as Meng Fan sank his mind and carefully repaired himself, suddenly, his eyes couldn't help but notice beyond the sky of Cangshan.

The place where he is now is the highest point of this piece of land. This is a space that has never been reached, a polar region. However, at this moment in the distance, there is a figure getting closer and closer to Meng Fan, obviously. . . . Come for him!

Meng Fan's eyes narrowed, and Panxi sat on the mountain without speaking.

This figure is getting closer and closer, and finally falls in front of Meng Fan. At first glance, it was a small monkey. The whole body was gray. There was an endless strange fluctuation in the body, which made Meng Fan unable to see clearly in a short time. Obviously, this person should have set foot in the ranks of the gods. The strong, and extraordinary.

It's just that the monkey who came here should be a clone of him. Meng Fan felt too much power in his body.

"who are you!"

Meng Fan said calmly, the other party was able to find himself, obviously he had a plan, which made him very curious.

Now in this path of divine hiding, the five giants were all severely wounded and fled by him. Don't want the pitted ones. Now there are still people who dare to come to him!

If the opponent is not a lunatic, then I am afraid. . . . Just have confidence!

"Jie Jie..."

Facing the germination, the monkey didn't panic, smiled softly, and said,

"It's called Kunyu below, and it can be regarded as one of the roads of divine hiding... Old man, I've heard of His Excellency Meng Fan's name for a long time, and what I saw today is indeed a well-deserved reputation. The two old guys in Mingtu lost their helmets and armor!"

It seems that the other party knows!

Meng Fan didn't feel too much weirdness. It is not difficult to know this thing at his level, he calmly said.

"Don't say anything polite, your origin!"


The monkey nodded, his eyes were deep, and then he said,

"Xia Xia... I would like to ask you to go to Xia Xia for a comment, because including several friends in Xia and Xia Xia, they all really want to... See you!"

With a word, Meng Fan raised his brows and said coldly,

"not see!"

A joke, who is Meng Fan nowadays, invincible in the world. If someone wants to see Meng Fan, then he will not do anything else in his entire life. You can't see all of them, even if they are gods. A king-level powerhouse, but Meng Fan doesn't want to give him face, what can he do?

In this regard, the monkey is not surprising, but smiled slightly, handed something to Meng Fan, and said calmly.

"Your Excellency Meng Fan might as well take a look at this thing, and then make a decision!"

While speaking, a feather-like thing fell into Meng Fan's hands. After lightly sweeping his eyes, he was as calm as Meng Fan. At this moment, his expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his head, staring at the monkey, killing intent. . . . It broke out in an instant!

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