Supreme God King

Chapter 2146: Kill now


Two words, simply powerful, indifferent!

Obviously, after some consideration, the thin old monk decided not to agree to Taichu and Tai Adao's request.

As soon as they came here, it was the temple of Zen. These two great men came in and searched when they said they came in. Their face was there. Secondly, the thin old monk didn't know the true purpose of the other side.

He was afraid that the battle of the sealed space would happen to him, so he was very careful about this aspect, and the tall old monk was still in retreat, he would not easily let two such powerful people enter the Zen temple. The core place.

So after careful weighing, the thin old monk refused!


It fell with a sigh, in a position where no one noticed.

Several giants are fighting for the battle, their auras confronting, how terrifying, the entire Zen Temple is also a sensation at this moment, where countless eyes are gathered, but what is not known is that there is a figure standing at the core of the Zen Temple at this moment. It is also the location pointed by the finger of the Taoist from the beginning.

Upon closer inspection, he was able to find that this person was dressed in gray, looked like a teenager, with blue silk and fair skin, but the breath in the eyebrows was totally inconsistent with a young man, if Meng Fan and others saw it , Will inevitably exclaim at a glance, too sage!


This person has the same aura as the Supreme Taoist, and the Supreme Taoist has also shown two avatars before, shocking the entire path of divine hiding.

One is an old man, who looks gray-haired and has the weakest strength, while the other is a middle-aged man. At the moment of appearance, one person has blood-washed many gods, blood-stained the world, and his combat power has reached an extremely terrifying point.

At this moment, this young man had the same breath as the two before, but his grade was smaller, as if he was weaker.

What I didn't know was that this was the third clone of the Supreme Taoist.

Three avatars!

Including Meng Fan, Taichu Taoist and others, all thought Taishang had only two clones. No one thought that he had a child-like identity, hidden here, daring to go deep into the Zen temple.

And the aura of righteousness in his brow became more and more terrifying as he watched the battlefield.

"At the beginning, too, the grievances between you and me for so many years, I am afraid that it will be clear today. This seat understands you too much. You will never feel at ease if you don’t see whether this seat is in harmony. So today In this game of chess, the main seat placed three hands. The first hand is to trigger the battlefield of the gods and hide the battlefield, so that you will face off against the Zen temple, and it also left a crack in your heart!"

The young man looked into the distance, sneered on his face.

"This second hand is the position of this seat of harmony. I choose to be in this Zen temple, so that you can discover the breath of this seat. If this is the case, as long as the weak old monk disagrees slightly, then the next thing is this seat. Things to see!"

The voice was abrupt, a kind of self-confidence to control everything in the heart suddenly came out.

What I didn't know was that there were two people who had laid a chessboard invisibly, and the chess pieces were the only top five giants in the road to the hidden world, all of which fell into this chessboard!


Above the sky of the Zen Temple, after hearing those two words, Tai Adao's complexion suddenly became so gloomy in the beginning.

They do not want to go to war, and they do want to make peace with the Zen Temple temporarily, but on the basis of not being able to violate their bottom line, whether the Supreme Taoist can be in harmony is their bottom line. And it must not be violated.

"In that case, I just need to go and take a look!"

At the beginning, the Taoist sneered, a few words, murderous Ling Ran.


The palm of the hand invaded, and a seal was in the air. How could an existence at the level of Taoist in the early days speak casually? One of them was to go in person if he wanted to take a look.

The whole person suddenly disappeared between the places, turning into a shadow, and the horrible breath moved forward, just to go over the thin old monk and directly reach the deepest place of the Zen temple.

Seeing this scene, the thin old monk suddenly let out a roar. If the other party discusses it, then maybe there is still talk, but since the beginning of the Taoist is so tough, then you have to do it, otherwise, where is the face of the Zen Temple?

With a beckon, the thin old monk also roared,

"you dare!"

The two words fell, the golden light flashed between the whole body, and the whole person was like the sun and the moon shining on the whole world.

At this moment, the thin old monk seemed to have merged with the void of the Zen Temple, forming a powerful force, directly grabbing the Taoist from the beginning, and banging with his palm.


The handprints collided, what kind of power, even if the thin old monk merged with the entire Zen Temple ancient formation, it was only equal to the Taoist in the early days.

In the absence of Taishang, it is not unreasonable to deter the Zen Temple by relying solely on Taichu and Tai'a for millions of years.

The combat power of the two people, if they are alone, should be above everyone except the tall and old monk. That kind of terrifying meaning of destruction, contains the ultimate life and death, the great meaning of cause and effect, a blow In between, it almost made the thin old monk unable to catch it.

At the same time, that great Daoist also moved, his five fingers invaded, and he grabbed the void, his power went straight to the thin old monk, and the terror came!

With another palm, the thin and weak old monk who hadn’t gotten anything cheap immediately fell into a passive state. Under his five fingers, everything was wiped out, and he had to admit the vigor of the people of Tai-A and Tai-A. One palm for one person is to make the thin old monk fall into absolute passiveness.

The palm print is in the sky, and under one palm, the thin old monk is shot flying out.


For a moment, the people in the endless Zen temple are all shocked. Here are the disciples and grandchildren of the three old monks in the Zen temple for many years. In their eyes, the thin old monks are undoubtedly god-like figures, but it is a pity that the myth is broken at this moment.

Two fierce gods appeared in the Zen Temple, which is definitely the biggest crisis in millions of years!

And despite the large number of people around, but this kind of giant battle, they are not even qualified to participate. Because the breath from the collision alone is too terrifying. The **** kings of the Zen Temple in the distance are trembling. If they want to interfere, they may not have seen the face of the Taoist in the beginning, they have already been affected by that one. The air waves between this duel were shaken to death.

What is called the emperor of the world, invincible supreme, these words are not called for nothing!

However, the battle of this type of powerhouse is not only happening in the Zen Temple base camp. On another battlefield, the sky of the three thousand gods of the gods is more violent than this. The jaw-dropping battle is taking place.

And the supreme Patriarch in the other Zen temple is now even more unbearable than the thin old monk. If the scene of the battle is to be transmitted to the Zen temple at this moment, it is estimated that the fat old monk will not even go out in the future, and his face is really lost. The other end of the road of Shenyin.

Above the sky, you can see a figure very clearly. It seems to be a Daoist, but his fighting style is simpler and more direct than that of a Daoist, because he is hitting with his fist!


It's such a simple and direct method, one straight fist followed by another straight fist. At this moment, the Taiadao is like a wild beast with only brute force, standing alone in the sky, **** to the flesh, and smashing it down. All strikes contain the supreme legal principles of heaven and earth, simple, direct, and most effective.

The terrifying fist pierced through everything, and the fat old monk's defense was completely destroyed. His body encountered this terrifying fist in direct close contact, so he spurted blood and injured his body.

However, this kind of injury did not hurt his origin, and made the fat old monk a little hesitant, because the other party seemed to be abusing him, only attacking his body, beating him, but there was no actual martial arts attack. , So that his origin is damaged.

In other words, reaching their level, the physical body can be repaired even if it is damaged many times. The real important thing is the spirit and martial arts.

However, the Tai Adao who shot at this moment did not show a martial arts attack, but was constantly tearing his body apart.

Could it be that the other party has scruples!

This thought flashed through the fat old monk's mind before this, but soon there was no time for anything else, because this was too Adao, although it was only aimed at his physical body, but it was really terrifying.

That kind of feeling that the fist fell on the flesh, it is simply that the fat old monk has the heart to commit suicide, because it is so painful, the bones and flesh are all broken.

At this moment, the fat old monk looked alive a circle larger than before, mainly because he was beaten.

The smooth head is full of big bags, blood is flowing straightly, according to the truth, this scene will never happen.

But this great Adaoist in front of him is really a bit weird. The power to beat people is not only simple, but there is also a kind of destruction and swallowing all the breath between the fists, which is a bit similar to the power of the monument.

But there are differences in the subtleties, so it is easy to dissolve the martial arts in the fat old monk, piercing his bones numerous times.

This kind of pain has been fought countless times by the fat old monk in millions of years, but it is not as strong and miserable as it is today. It is not the opponent of this person, and was completely suppressed by this person to fight, and it was beaten...violently!


With a kick in the void, he directly approached the door, and on this sky, there was a scene that estimated to make the entire path of the gods and hers petrified, that is, the Taoist man kicked it over and kicked it on the face of the fat old monk.

That’s right, sturdy, authentic, just like this, kicked an intimate contact with the fat old monk’s face, causing the supreme giant on the road to the gods to fly out boldly, with blood spurting out. The bridge of the nose, teeth, etc. were completely shattered!

And who is the fat old monk, although his body is broken, the martial art is still there, and his spirit is powerful, he can recover in an instant, but it is the same result as the previous one, that is, he was smashed by the other side, the great adao... again!

With blood on his face, he flew out very sadly. However, what surprised the fat old monk again was that at this moment, Tai Adao did not attack again as before, but coldly spit out a few words.

"Fight again!"

When he spoke with his mouth, his body suddenly moved and disappeared between the world!

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