Supreme God King

Chapter 2042: Capture

"Why did you become like this? According to the truth, the reconnection of the **** king and the strong man is just a matter of flicks. Could it be that your secret method of cultivation failed?"

The reason for saying this is because Meng Fan felt a strange aura on the person with the skeleton skeleton. This aura seemed to be entwined with this person, like a ghost, extremely scary, not even This person did it deliberately.

And as Meng Fan said, the body of the strong **** king can be reconnected even if the body is broken, and the body of this person is still there, but the whole person has no facial features and skin.

It was such an empty skeleton. If it weren't for its shocking combat power and mental intelligence, then it is very likely that it would have been a dead person.

This is a bit scary. According to the truth, even if the king of the gods does not pay attention to appearance, he will not turn himself into this ghost.

Hearing that, the skeleton of the skeleton made a weird laugh. It was just that the two void eyes were staring at Meng Fan, coldly.

If people with a little bit of courage hear laughter, they are completely likely to be scared to death.

"Jie guessed it, yes, I was corroded by the dark matter within this sealess sea, what do you think this place is?

But at the end of the road to the gods, the last barrier in the legendary land.

Before I entered here, Lao Tzu was also a majestic man who had risen on the path of divine hermitage. He had broken down a huge protoss. He wanted to cross here and make great achievements that no one had succeeded. But unfortunately... However, he was invaded by the strange matter here, and finally everything in the spirit, body, and martial arts was transformed.

This place is born with the ultimate darkness, full of endless nothingness, everything is here will become black.

I naturally became the way I am now. I can’t leave when I leave here, because once I leave here, it’s equivalent to dying. Without the power of nothingness without the sea, I would immediately collapse. Sister Soul, who I am now, is just a ghost living here! "

Hearing this, Meng Fan's heart was suddenly turbulent.

He had collided with this person before, and the latter's combat power was extremely shocking. Although he was suppressed, he had to admit that he was still a top-notch powerhouse, the king of Gedai.

If it weren't for absorbing the power of more than a thousand Dao Yi in the underworld, I am afraid that he is really not his opponent, and I have to explain here.

The scenes of the previous battles proved the terrifyingness of this person, and the methods were very good.

I don't know how many gods and powerful people are dead in his hands, but what is unexpected is that the latter has become a puppet-like figure in this Wuhai.

Being corroded by the strange substance here, made him look like this.

It is quite sad that a Gedai God King ended up with such a fate!

Meng Fan was speechless, silent a little, and finally said,

"Send you on the road!"

In a simple sentence, his body was like electricity, he stepped forward again and killed the past. Although the two do not have any hatred, since the latter is a puppet in this sealess sea, he will naturally kill anyone who dares to appear here. Now that the first battle is inevitable, it is impossible for Meng Fan to have any mercy. .


Between the void, the power of the two intertwined again.

Under the black fog without the whole body, this skeleton **** king is more vigorous. The snow-white body is shining with a layer of faint runes. The whole body is full of that kind of vanity power, bloodthirsty and domineering. , And fighting with Meng Fan brought him great trouble.

After a full stick of incense, among the twisted spatial vortexes, Meng Fan yelled up to the sky, and Wuhai shattered around him, his body transformed into a shape, fell in one step, and three words were spit out between his teeth.

"Beidou Sword!"

Just three words, one word, ten thousand swords fall!

Around this space, countless fierce and extreme sword lights flashed. This came from the powerful means of the Big Dipper Star Emperor. Under the fusion of Meng Fan, today, there is actually a posture of raising a higher level again. That kind of sword light not only possesses Meng Fan's martial arts power, but also includes the mind.

Such an improvement also caused this ten thousand swords to fall, and the world trembled.


Even if the skeleton of the **** king is extremely terrifying, it is difficult to resist Meng Fan after the fusion, being torn apart by this ten thousand swords, the joints of the whole body shattered and crackled to pieces.

Palms, legs, chest, every joint is exploded, but this person is a peerless cruel person, even if his body is exploded, but he also operates the spirit, so that every exploded joint is going to kill Meng Fan. , Turned into Jueying, extremely hot.

But Meng Fan had been prepared for this. He raised his palm, his vitality revolved, and he was overwhelmed by thorns. He finally crushed every inch of bone in the skeleton of the king.


After spitting out another word, Meng Fan finally grabbed the skull of the King of Joints, and squeezed it in his hand, swallowing the martial art, and grind it a little bit.

Under this kind of slaughter, it is difficult for the King of Joints to have any means of resistance, completely reduced to Meng Fan’s palm. With the last little time, it becomes more and more worn down, and finally disappears in this world. between.

But what surprised Meng Fan was that even though he killed this person, at the last moment of this person, there was no sense of resentment, and there was no fear and helplessness before dying. Some were only indifferent. Let Meng Fan's heart touch, perhaps this skeleton **** king has done enough here to look like a human and a ghost.

Killing him by Meng Fan, or in disguise, was a gift and a relief to him!

Finally, between the palms of Meng Fan's hands, this king of joints completely disappeared.

Meng Fan couldn't help but sigh. Here is Wuhai, the ultimate fierceness, a powerful figure of the God King, who has also been forced to reach this point, making people helpless.

To subdue his emotions, Meng Fan did not have the time to sigh, but spread his palm, and a white bone appeared in his palm.

This is a bone of the hand, it is the only bone that Meng Fan left during the battle with this joint **** king before, and it was not destroyed by him!

Holding this bone, Meng Fan's eyes became quiet and deep, and he began to do some calculations.

Layers of gloom flashed in his eyes, and Meng Fan used this object to perform deductions, using secret methods, and all night secrets.

After all, this king of joints has survived here for tens of thousands of years. Although it has turned into a puppet without sea, it still has its own memory after all, and the means of heaven calculation is to help Meng Fan through this Calculating with a piece of bone, what did the King of Joints go through during his lifetime, and there are things that are useful to him!

After a few breaths, Meng Fan stopped his calculations, recovered calm, took a deep breath, looked at the depths of the sea, and slowly uttered a few words.

"Broken... palace?"

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