Supreme God King

Chapter 1987: whereabouts

Between the endless black holes, there are two more uninvited guests!

It was Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue who didn't say a word. They went straight along the road that Princess Yueyue had split.

Endless world, a dead silence!

The black hole here can make the two top **** kings fearless. Naturally, they are extraordinary. Even if Princess Yueyue has found a direction, he still needs to be careful.

It was just a glance for Meng Fan to see that in the world where they are now, there is actually a divine formation covered, but this Dao divine formation has been broken, but it is already able to make Meng Fan feel. To its traces.

Any trace of it represents the ambush encountered by strong men passing here in the past.

The divine formation left here was smashed by big means, but at least at a certain price, even in the incompleteness, Meng Fan felt some smell of blood.

After performing a heavenly calculation, Meng Fan said,

"Here.... It should be the person from your burial place before, is it the burial master?"

"Not necessarily!"

Princess Yingyue shook her head and said coldly,

"I have notified the two elders at my burial site that they have come here. With my father’s means, plus his previous preparations, maybe I don’t have to touch the sacred formations here, but the strength of the two elders is A lot weaker, these killing formations might be touched by them!"


Meng Fan smiled upon hearing this,

"There are still strong gods in the burial ground?"

"Yes, but naturally, there are not so many gods born out of your Wanyu, and the same is true for Immortal Land."

Inviting Princess Yue said calmly,

"Throughout the ages, there are only five people who count me in my burial place. I have studied your ten thousand domains. The cultivation environment where you are is actually far inferior to the burial place, the fairyland, but maybe...this is also the case. Because there are restrictions in the burial ground!"

of course!

Meng Fan sneered, how difficult it is to become the king of God, it must require great opportunity and great perseverance.

And all the people in the burial ground are a dog equivalent to the burial owner, without even freedom. Naturally, it is a great blow to anyone.

Perhaps through spar and other methods, countless powerful men can be created, who are not afraid of death, but if you want to create a **** king who scorns everything, fights the sky and does not give in, it is too difficult and restricts itself. It is difficult to break through that level of oneself.

Isn't that **** king and powerhouse person who is extremely proud?

In other words, without the stubbornness and arrogance of his own, and without putting anyone in his eyes, Meng Fan would not be able to reach today. Between the immortal land and the burial land, where might I see such a task.

"It seems that not only the people of your burial place have gone, but the strong people of the immortal land must also send people here. Maybe they have reached the most important place now. According to the kid, in the fairyland. In the earth, there should be three **** kings here. It seems that your situation is not good!"

Meng Fan smiled, but just after speaking, he felt a sharp chill, which came from Princess Yueyue, which made him shut up immediately.

I immediately understood that if it were not for Meng Fan's involvement in the funeral, Princess Yue had already come, and now the funeral was lost to Xiandi. In the final analysis, all the reasons were Meng Fan's.

Suddenly, Meng Fan also had a guilty conscience and showed a flattering look towards Princess Yingyue, but the latter was cold, snorted, stepped out, just hurried.

The two of them walked deeper into the black hole along this broken space. The more they moved forward, the more traces of the fight were found. Judging from the faint aura, it was indeed like the princess Yueyue said. Pieces of the killing array left by the Taishang Taoists were shattered by the two great **** kings in the burial ground, and the aura and blood stains of the two still vaguely remained in the space.

Obviously, the Supreme Taoist absolutely didn't want anyone to set foot in this area, so many traps were planted here, and the resulting killing formations were stronger than each, and the two great **** kings that caused the burial ground were a bumpy road.

And at the next moment, after seeing an incomplete killing formation, Princess Yueyue changed her expression even more, exclaimed,

"not good!"

Two words were spit out, and with a move of his delicate body, it suddenly turned into a shadow, heading towards one of them.

Seeing Princess Yueyue’s actions, Meng Fan didn’t speak, but just followed closely. After a while, the two came between an incomplete black hole. After just a glance, Meng Fan could conclude that he had just passed by here. Soon after a fight.

The smell of killing and blood instinctively made Meng Fan more vigilant. After some calculations, he felt that this place should be... the fall of the strong man with the **** king.

"An old **** of my clan is dead!"

Princess Yueyue said coldly, at this moment, the powerful creature that suppressed Meng Fan exploded again, and even the black hole between Zhou and the sky would be crushed by her.

"It's not like the methods of the people of the fairyland, but more like some strange creatures. It should be a few...the hermit! I just don't know who it is!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he asked in confusion,

"What is a hermit?"

"This is the road of divine hermitage. Whoever wants to set foot on the final end of this road of divine hermitage and keep adventuring on this road of divine hermitage will naturally be collectively called the divine hermit!"

Inviting Moon Princess gritted her teeth,

"Because the road of divine hiding itself is too terrifying, even if it is me, I will not walk around at will, but the divine hermit is an extremely terrifying person on the road of divine hiding, anyone who wants to be a divine hermit It needs strong strength as a backing to be able to wander on this path of divine hiding.

In other words, you can be regarded as a divine hermit. You just don’t want to set foot on the end of this divine hermit. It seems that the information of this great Taoist treasure is not only the immortal land, the people in the burial place know that there should be Others know that they have already rushed here, and according to their aura, they have not gone far, I don't know whether they know... Black Sea! "

Black Sea!

Hearing these two words, Meng Fan raised his brows and looked at Princess Yueyue. Unexpectedly, Princess Yueyue did not answer Meng Fan as quickly as before, but bit. Red lips, did not speak.

"No matter what we were before, we are now considered to be a grasshopper tied to a boat, right? If you keep this to me, then I can't help you wholeheartedly!"

Meng Fan said indifferently.

Hearing this, invited Princess Yue to be silent for a while, and finally said,

"The so-called Black Sea is the cave house transformed by the Taoist Taishang. According to the information we obtained before, the Taoist Taishang was seriously injured by the people of the Underworld and was on the verge of death. Finally, he came to this space and turned his earth-shaking methods into a black sea.

Whoever can enter the source of the Black Sea will be able to find the greatest inheritance of Taoist Taishang, including the supreme secrets of Mingtu, because Taishang Taoist is one of the former high-levels of Mingtu! "

The tone was calm, but it was enough to make Meng Fan horrified. He came here because he came from Mingtu, and this Taoist priest and Mingtu are inextricably linked.

Then he is close to countless times the distance from Mingtu. In other words, if he can get the inheritance of the Taoist priests among them, maybe he can really understand Mingtu.

Thinking of this, Meng Fandu felt that the blood in his body was faintly flowing, staring at Princess Yueyue, and said solemnly.

"In that case, now we have to rush to the Black Sea immediately? How to walk here, and where is the Black Sea?"

"I do not know!"

Princess Yueyue gave Meng Fan such an answer, and her fierce and pretty face was full of helplessness.

"Too high Taoist, by what means, even if we know his final land of the fall of the gods, we can't calculate exactly where and what position the Black Sea is in this black hole.

Even before the father came here, he didn’t have any certainty. Everything needed to be found here personally. I was able to find a way to go deep here, but it was difficult to find the Black Sea for a while. I want to know my father very much now. The exact location of the emperor, there is no need to lie to you! "

Hearing Princess Yueyue’s words, Meng Fan thought about it, knowing that the latter said that the nineteenth is true. After all, now the burial master and the fairy king are in such a dangerous situation, and if Princess Yueyue really knows the Black Sea Where, then it must have been there quickly!

"Now it seems that whether it is the people of the immortal land or the divine hermit in your mouth, they should be ahead of us. The first opportunity is in their hands, and the Black Sea may also be possible for them to arrive. The information in their hands, Maybe you don’t even know it. Judging from this faint aura, even if you meet and face each other, you and I will not have a big advantage. This group of people are very powerful and don’t know how many methods they have, so we can You must hold the initiative in your own hands!"

Meng Fan was silent for a moment and said.

"What can you do?"

Looking at Meng Fan, Princess Yingyue frowned, and finally asked.

Although she didn't want to rescue Meng Fan, she understood that the latter's tricks were absolutely beyond imagination. Now she is extremely passive in this situation, and if she wants to come back, maybe she must rely on Meng Fan.

"There is a way, but it depends on whether you dare to trust me?"

Meng Fan did not respond directly to Princess Yin Yue, but raised his head, staring at Princess Yin Yue's bright eyes, and said every word.

When asked by Meng Fan, Princess Yueyue was immediately silenced. She clearly understood that the result of King Saint Lan’s belief in Meng Fan was that the pitted person could not even be found in the north. Unexpectedly, the time has passed, but now it is her turn. Cooperating with Meng Fan, no matter how much to invite Princess Yue, he didn't think of this.

Looking at the scholar-like face of Meng Fan, Princess Yueyue understood that under this gentle appearance, she was absolutely damned, and if she was not careful, she would be pitted.

But thinking of the urgency of things now, Princess Yueyue didn't want to refuse. Noting the gloomy look of the former, Meng Fan laughed and said calmly.

"Don't worry, I am very gentle with beauties, especially... beauties like you!"

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