Supreme God King

Chapter 1978: Seize

Meng Fan!

Facing this seemingly unremarkable face, the handsome man's expression suddenly changed, standing still, but the terrifying blood was already in the hall, and he could do it at any time.

"who are you!"

Three words were spit out from the mouth of the handsome man, feeling exceptionally questioning Meng Fan.

This is the most core place of the fairy land. According to the truth, the other party should definitely not appear here, but what he didn't expect is that the latter not only came, and he didn't find it at all. This is too scary. .

What made him even more angry was that Meng Fan was extremely calm, stepped down and came to his side, even picked up a cup that no one had used, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it.

Such an action simply ignored the words he had said before, and even ignored his own half-step God King's cultivation base.

This alone is enough for a handsome man to target Meng Fan 10,000 times!

"Who are you, you don't have the breath of a burial, you are not a burial, then you are the mysterious race of the road to the hidden?"

The handsome man suppressed his anger and said coldly. At the same time, his spiritual thoughts went out quickly, trying to inform the outside world, but what disappointed him was that the entire world was completely sealed by Meng Fan.

Since Meng Fan regards this as his absolute realm, then apart from the burial master, the immortal king is here, I am afraid this immortal, in the two places of burial, there should be no one who can find it.

Even Princess Yueyue, I'm afraid he can't detect Meng Fan's way of heaven, let alone the cultivation of the handsome man's half-step God King.

"You want to go to the place where the immortal king, the burial master is, and see what makes them both very curious, so go personally."

Meng Fan smiled and drank a sip of tea. Before he was quietly outside, he naturally caught all the old conversations between the handsome man and Xiandi in his ears, and he naturally had his own analysis.

"And the most important point is that the immortal king is asking for help from you. It seems that he himself is in a difficult position, so you want to go even more. You quickly end the war here, and you should plan to help the immortal king. Let’s go and take a look at that place!

But your idea should not be to help your father, but...can you take advantage of the chaos and take advantage of it? It's best to be able to...and where will he end up? "

The voice was faint, and every word uttered was to make the handsome man's complexion ugly, until in the end, his eyes flickered, and the murderous intent was full.

"Bastard, bastard, you shut up, I am the son of the fairy king, why would I think that way, who are you!"

Finally, the handsome man couldn't help but blasted out with a palm.

Raising his hand with one blow was the means to suppress everything. In order to kill Meng Fan, this handsome man used more than a dozen secret techniques at the same time.

Its power comes from the immortal land, which is about the same as the burial ground. The soul of this handsome man is also in the hands of the immortal king, and in an instant, the strongest means burst out, wanting to suppress Meng Fan with one blow.

It is a pity that his movements are swift and violent, bursting to the extreme, but it is also very fast to retreat, because Meng Fan just raised his hand and grabbed the empty palm of his hand to dissolve all the means of the handsome man and spare no effort He directly pierced his internal organs, slapped him on the ground, coughing up blood.

"I used a bit of effort before, now I ask you a word, you only have one chance, you know if you know Wanyu, how much do you know about it!"

Meng Fan looked at the handsome man who was coughing up blood and asked calmly.

Hearing that, while vomiting blood, the handsome man stepped out with one foot, quickly backed away, and shouted at the same time,

"You bastard, I can't say anything, you wait, I..."


In the midair, a blood mist burst open, and Meng Fan's palm fell, completely shattering it.

Inside the ancient hall, there were only patches of blood rain.

Even if it is a half-step **** king, a strong man who has cultivated countless years, the son of the fairy king, but this series of titles is not even a **** in front of Meng Fan.

As he said before, his opportunity was already given, and he was doomed to end when he scolded Meng Fan at the first word.

A palm slapped it into a blood mist, Meng Fan didn't hesitate at all. He had already understood before that, in this immortal land, the two strange places of the burial ground, because no one of them has a soul.

Even if Meng Fan caught him, he couldn't extract their memories, he could only kill him by watching.

His own consciousness is a mysterious form, just like the trace left by the immortal king and the burial master in their bodies, it can't be regarded as oneself at all. I don't know if this situation has happened to Princess Yueyue.

Shaking his head, Meng Fan stretched out a hand and put away everything on his body, including the ordinary token that was in the hand of the handsome man.

Sure enough, as Meng Fan had expected, there was a mysterious aura in this token. After some investigation, Meng Fan was sure that although the token was ordinary, there should be a portal inside, allowing people to find it accurately. This space coordinate is nothing more than.

According to what the handsome man said before, this place should be... the place where the immortal king and the burial master went at the same time!

Both of them gave birth to this kind of thought, and now they are in a stalemate. I don't know what happened in it, but it is enough to make Meng Fan interested.

"It looks like it's worth visiting!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and murmured.

"Damn, Boss, can we be safe? Don't play with fire all the time. You made so much noise here. The Immortal King and the Burial Lord haven't looked for you yet, but you have to take the initiative to look for them!"

Grandpa Que said helplessly, the art expert was bold, no one could surpass Meng Fan.


Meng Fan laughed and shrugged his shoulders. His body gradually became illusory, and finally he changed into this handsome man.

Since he was killing it, Meng Fan naturally wanted to continue the show, not wanting to cause any sensation.

He has become this handsome man, sitting in the mansion of the fairyland here, no one will guess it, and the most powerful person in the ancient battlefield in the fairyland has already changed!

Meng Fan sat in this Xiandi mansion for three days, read all the ancient books in this mansion, and had a good understanding of the ancient history of Xiandi!

And just at the beginning of the third day, on the huge deserted ancient battlefield, sudden changes took place, **** air was overwhelming, and the sound of killing was like thunder. In just a moment, the sky and the earth trembled, obviously... The burial ground's offensive against the fairy land has begun!

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