Supreme God King

Chapter 1970: Believe it

Inside the garden, there was silence!

Not to mention this group of powerful burial sites called by King Shenglan, and now including King Shenglan himself, they are all turned around by Meng Fan's lies, and they feel cute!

According to the truth, in this burial site, the burial master is the largest, just like the king of the world, he oppresses all directions, no one dares not to follow, and the status of the princess invites the moon is like a prince. Under the circumstances, just now this group of people felt extremely jealous.

Because of the righteousness, out of fear of the burial master and Princess Yueyue's own strength, no one dared to say or do more.

But now it is different. When Meng Fan said it, everyone couldn't help but think that all this was the order of the Burial Lord.

What Meng Fan took advantage of was to invite Princess Yue to arrest him. It was mysterious to everyone. Now it seems that this person has not been arrested yet, but it is a big event. The burial owner might be very concerned about Princess Yue. When the dissatisfaction arose, the King of Holy Lan was raised up again, and he was given great power. With this association, people in the field can think of more...Because of this, The minds of everyone must be completely different from before.

Meng Fan took advantage of this trick and had to say that it was extremely beautiful!

Even the King of Shenglan and his wings had never thought of making use of Yueyue Gong to host the affair and make a fuss about the funeral. After all, it seems to be a trivial matter, but when it is connected, it is for the Holy An excellent excuse for King Lan!

Not only did Meng Fan do such a thing, he also did it so beautifully!

The most important point, and one that no one knows at all, is that Meng Fan analyzed everything in this instant.

How long has he been to this burial place, but it is already based on the distribution of power here and his grasp of human nature, before he dared to stand up and say such a thing.

Obviously, Meng Fan was right. His words immediately showed a suppressive effect on the court. Everyone stopped talking, because once the burial master ordered them, they would fight against Princess Yue , But the waist board does not know how hard it is.

"High, really high!"

Within Xiaotian's space, a bird and a tortoise were dumb, and finally glanced at each other, and a look of convincing appeared on the faces of these two people.

"Boss is really a fool to lie now, you are so skillful, you and I are probably out of date!"

"It seems that the boss has been cheating for many years, and he is already the top **** king in the world of cheating, no one can do it..."


There was silence among the crowd, and finally someone spoke,

"Why do you say what the burial master's command is, how do you want us to believe you!"

The tone was full of doubts, but Meng Fan understood that the latter had already believed in half, otherwise he would not speak at all.


Meng Fan sneered and said calmly.

"You don't need to believe what I said, but you might as well ask King Shenglan and see what the King Shenglan said. The reason why I said it was just because King Shenglan wanted to act low-key!"

While speaking, at the same time Meng Fan looked at King Shenglan, and everyone in the field also focused their eyes on King Shenglan.

At this moment, King Shenglan's expression moved. Now even a fool knows what to do. He straightened his clothes immediately, raised his palms, and bowed to the void, saying coldly,

"Of course, since this king dared to do this, it was naturally the command of the king father to me, but this king does not want to show the love of my father to me. After all, this king has not become a **** king for so many years. Ashamed, ashamed..."

It is ashamed, but there is no sense of ashamed on King Shenglan’s face. Instead, he stared at the crowd closely. He had already followed Meng Fan’s words, naturally he wanted to watch everyone’s reaction. .

After this word fell, there was silence again between the courts, but only a short time later, this group of people looked at each other, and they all arched their hands towards the Holy Lan King.

"I will pay my respects to King Sheng Lan, and I am willing to be loyal to King Sheng Lan!"

"The King of Holy Lan is here, please accept the old and worship..."


Suddenly, the voices in the garden spread from all directions, making the smile on King Shenglan's face more and more obvious.

Yedu, ancient mansion!

In this huge city of Ye, King Shenglan didn't know how much property he had here, but obviously this ancient mansion was the top priority among them, and ordinary people would immediately be given death if they took a step.

This is the number one place where King Shenglan is located, and now in the study, as the most wanted person in the funeral, Meng Fan stands calmly.

On the chair in the center, the King of Holy Lan is sitting!

"Return to the prince, this man who has won seven consecutive victories in the battlefield is valued by the old man and asked him to participate in the Holy Orchid Club!"

Below, there are several elders, all of whom were the guard elders on the battlefield that day, and now they all look at King Shenglan with a flattering expression.

Upon hearing this, King Shenglan nodded, looking at Meng Fan, with a sense of appreciation in his eyes, and said,

"What is your name, and where does it come from!"

"Underneath is just a lonely wild ghost, wandering around, almost forgetting the name!"

Meng Fan said lightly.


King Shenglan laughed and said slowly,

"Yes, you did a good job today. I am very satisfied. It seems that your plan is good. If you want, it is better to set foot on the deserted ancient battlefield with me and assist me.

Between today, I have prepared a big gift for all the sacred present. Don’t worry, your big gift will not be less for a while, and it will be three times that of the sacred strong. Following me, there will be great benefits. In the battlefield... the oil and water are absolutely extraordinary! "

I know, otherwise, what are you doing in such a hurry!

There was a sneer in Meng Fan's heart, but a hint of respect appeared on his face, and he bowed his hands.

"Then thank you King Shenglan, you are willing to go until now!"

"Okay, okay, with your performance today, it is much better than the trash who followed me. You can become my military commander. I believe that following this king will definitely make you reach an unprecedented height!"

King Shenglan said joyfully and waved his hand at the same time.

"Come here, arrange the best room and the best hospitality for my military division in this Yedu!"


The guardian elders on the side nodded repeatedly, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes. He understood that Meng Fansuan had truly made a great contribution today, and King Sheng Lan would definitely take a high look and reward him with a lot of money.

But for Meng Fan, he doesn’t care at all, he just bows his hands.

"Thank you, King Shenglan, there is another uninvited request!"

"You said!"

King Shenglan said calmly.

"Zai Xia is just a casual practice between this world and the earth. I have always explored myself for cultivation and got some guidance, but it is not comprehensive. Therefore, I want the Holy Lan King to be able to show favor, and let Xia see more about cultivation. In terms of things, it’s the cultivation base of helping the group!"

Meng Fan spoke, his expression still, but there was a glimmer of light flashing under his eyes.

Ever since he helped King Shenglan, he has been planning, who is Meng Fan, when did he use useless methods, and every piece of his chess dropped has a profound meaning.

"No problem, there is one of the largest treasure houses in this Yedu called the Secret Palace. Where do I allow you to enter? We are still half a month away from entering the deserted ancient battlefield, and in this half month, You can be anywhere. Except for the contents you want to take out, you need my consent. Inside the secret palace, you can watch it at will. I don’t know how many burial site experts have learned, but where they are all!"

King Shenglan spoke at random, and found nothing at all. For him, this request from Meng Fan was just a matter of effort!

"Then I would like to thank King Shenglan. It must be for the loyal dog and horse!"

Meng Fan's mouth made a strange arc, and he calmly said.

Not long after, after Meng Fan walked out of the study of King Shenglan, he was also arranged in the most luxurious and secluded room in this ancient mansion. Not only was the environment quiet and quiet, but also a tight array was laid out. No one is allowed to disturb.

The King of Shenglan did what he said. He obviously attached great importance to Meng Fan. He sent him a big gift. What made Meng Fan act the most was that this big gift included two palm-sized pieces. Spar, the importance of this thing in this burial ground is also self-evident.

Even the sacred powerhouses who were present did not get as much as Meng Fan's, but with the wave of King Shenglan, two such things were sent to Meng Fan's hands!

Holding the spar in his hand, Meng Fan's expression also became unpredictable. He was doing everything before, but now he has put away all the disguise when he is alone.

"Boss, playing a bit too far, if we really go to the deserted ancient battlefield, then we will definitely meet the Princess Yueyue, and we help this Holy Lan King, always by the side of this group of burial people, right... .. It’s a bit frustrating! In case the Princess Yueyue finds out, or the burial master, we really won’t be able to eat it, so we’ll just go!"

Xiaotian's voice came, full of tension.

However, Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"The princess who invites the moon is not an ordinary person. The means are very high. She spent so much effort to find me. If she still can't find it, she should find something. I hide in this Ye Capital and it is absolutely unsafe. , The whole world belongs to her, if you want to survive, you must go slant.

This chance encounter with King Saint Lan instead gave me a chance. What he wanted to deal with was Princess Ying Yue, and I was the safest by his side.

With his protective umbrella, I believe Princess Yueyue and her influence will also be difficult to find me. The most important point is that I can use my strength to let the King of Holy Lan check and balance Princess Yueyue, so that her own internal strife, It is even more difficult to find me! "

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, every bird and turtle nodded and laughed.

"This is a very good plan. I believe that even if Princess Yaoyue knows that you are by the side of King Shenglan, King Shenglan may not be willing to believe it. As long as we help this idiot King Holy Lan deal with Princess Yaoyue, it will embarrass her, then But it can get a big benefit, and it can also make Princess Yueyue herself a lot of checks and balances. It can be called two birds with one stone, Meng Fan...You are too shameful now!"

"Ha ha!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, but looked out of the room, the light in his eyes wanted to break through the long sky.

"In fact, compared with these, what I value more is... the secret palace of the burial ground!"

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