Supreme God King

Chapter 1961: Run away

Four points out against God!

Facing Meng Fan's strongest means in his life, the mysterious woman groaned for a long time at this moment, standing in the sky, her eyes gradually calmed down.

Suddenly, there was no emotion. In the eyes of the mysterious woman, there was only that kind of indifference, scary, calm... and a burst of hot light.


After a while, the mysterious woman still uttered a word, but at this moment, she didn't make any movements, but she stood in place, and the power surging in her body was getting stronger and stronger. Weird, the powerful rune formed around the whole body, connected as one.

From a distance, it seems that there is a huge phantom between her body, like the same landscape painting, matching the word that the woman said before, the two words together are...underworld!


In an instant, Meng Fan's fingertips passed, and he shot in an instant.

That kind of light that shook the mountains and rivers suddenly made this wind and snow world pale, and countless snow mountains collapsed, being split apart by a powerful atmosphere.

The size of this place is beyond Meng Fan’s imagination. It is by no means a region of the snow-capped mountains, but in any case, it was affected by this powerful force, which caused the entire mountain and river to produce Subtle changes, I don't know how many existences exist here at the same time, and I have sensed the shocking battle here!

A 10,000-meter abyss was left between the two confrontation. Above the abyss, panting, blood flowing out, it was Meng Fan.

After using the four fingers of the gods, he almost emptied all the power in his body. There were no strong vitality fluctuations between the week and the sky. Naturally, he is now in a state of exhaustion. Only hope is this blow. Completely solve the mysterious woman.

However, Meng Fan looked at it, and after a few breaths, his eyelids picked up slightly.

In front of him, the sky was full of wind and snow, and space fragments were everywhere, but in this endless emptiness, the breath of a figure has not faded, and with the falling of the wind and snow, it gradually appeared.

The clothes were a bit torn, revealing a section of extremely white, smooth shoulders, and some blood stains could be seen vaguely on it. It was a mysterious woman. Under the previous violent means, it was obvious that she was not able to kill the woman. She resisted for life, but now no one can feel that the mysterious woman suffered more serious injuries, the most important thing. It was her abdomen with an obvious hole, where the blood fell from, unable to restrain it, and dyed her clothes red.

Even so, she is still beautiful, and the wound on her body seems to give her a special smell out of thin air, morbidly beautiful. But there is no charming meaning in his eyes, all there is only that kind of coldness and murder.

"Very good, very good... It seems that Wanyu has another powerful, curious martial art!"

The woman opened her mouth, uttering a few words, and another spurt of blood.

But she didn’t sincerely praise her. She had the upper hand in the previous confrontation with Meng Fan. With this close approach capable of suppressing Meng Fan, she was unable to use Meng Fan’s greatest advantage, especially between Zhou and Tian. To be extremely powerful, it is equivalent to cutting off Meng Fan’s two arms, but what is unexpected is that Meng Fan still has such a powerful trump card. Once it is used, it will make her fall into such embarrassment. Point.

Nowadays, the mysterious woman dare not make any movements, because she can't restrain the injuries in her body if she makes a little movement, it will cause a big blood collapse, seemingly standing still, the wind is calm, but she can't move. Dare not move!

That’s why I would sigh like that before. In his eyes, he was nothing but contempt, even if he knew that he was facing a strong king among ten thousand realms, but now that trace of emotion has completely disappeared, and some only have Be vigilant, and have the meaning of killing one's own prey.


Hearing the thoughtful admiration of the mysterious woman, Meng Fan didn't have any happiness at all. Instead, there was a strong dignity in his eyes.

Now he has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. The previous burst of powerful combat power did not kill the mysterious woman, so now Meng Fan is the worst one. With the help of the woman, he may not be able to move now, but After a few breaths, she has the capital of action, and then she can suppress herself faster, and where Meng Fan has this opportunity, now the whole world, what can be used by him is really Too little.

He can rely on, but only some of the treasures in his hand, even if all these things are eaten, it will not let him reach the peak in a short time.

It seems that he has won a lot before, but Meng Fan understands that now he... has lost!

Unexpectedly, in this kind of confrontation, he would lose to a woman's hands. Although the situation of the battle was not beneficial to him from the beginning to the end, it was only like this after all, and it made Meng Fan sigh quietly.

At the next moment, above the sky, there was an extremely harsh scream. Between this sound, it can be said that there is a full of miserable smell, no matter who hears it, it can clearly feel it. The owner's crazy look.

Including Meng Fan and the mysterious woman, they couldn't help but raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

In the void, a piece of bird's hair flies horizontally, everywhere, you can see a big bird flying above the sky, but now the hair on the body is close to alopecia areata, while flying above the sky, While making a tragic scream, there is no doubt that it must be Lord Bird who can scream so violently and so tragically.

Behind him, there were a large number of powerful figures, full of hundreds of people, it was the old guardian of the psychic tower before, plus this full of coffin pullers.

Before this, Meng Fan was discovered, but the guardian old man here was shaken by thunder, but after seeing the mysterious woman, all the shock was naturally turned into fear, and she did not dare to participate in the battle between Meng Fan and the mysterious woman. .

But although they did not dare to alarm the mysterious woman, they found that there was always an aura in the coffin, so naturally they explored the past, and then... With this scene now, there are hundreds of shadows chasing after them. Lord Killing, swept all the way, turning the world into a world of flying bird feathers all the way between this week and the sky.

"Damn it, Meng Fan, you only beat one, the old man beat a full 100!"

"Come and save me, the old man's bravery can't fight so much..."

"The old man is dying, dying..."

Along the way, bird feathers kept falling, and the sorrowful voice of Lord Bird also kept falling, dragging hundreds of murderous figures behind him, but that kind of nagging and self-boasting words are still absolutely unstoppable. .

Hearing this, Meng Fan's face was suddenly black, and standing still, including the mysterious woman, was slightly taken aback.

From the contact between her and Meng Fan, although she despised each other, she now has to admit that Meng Fan is definitely a formidable opponent, and even more of an unparalleled warrior. From the duel between her and Meng Fan, the two are just a few The confrontation above the second words, the force that was collided was absolutely devastating, and it was already destroyed by other gods. But I didn't expect that there was such a strange guy beside Meng Fan, which didn't fit Meng Fan's image very much!

However, just as the mysterious woman thought so, a voice came out directly, making her previous thoughts suddenly completely broken.

"Then hesitate a fart...Run!"

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