Supreme God King

Chapter 1959: Fierce fight

The waves are magnificent!

Such a description is definitely not an exaggeration!

In the eyes of any man in the world, this woman has that kind of stunning face.

The skin is fair, the blue silk is flying, and the eyes are very moving, as if they contain autumn water, and the lips are rosy. The most important point is that this woman's figure... is really called a domineering.

He wears a black tights with a big chest, which gives people a feeling of piercing at any time. With his perfect figure and exquisite curve, it is enough to make men in the world crazy about it. It is hard to imagine how such a perfect face and body are kneaded together.

I'm afraid that I can't help myself with a glance on her.

But now in Meng Fan's eyes, some can only be wary.

Even Meng Fan, who has seen the beauty of the world, has never seen anyone who can outperform him. The only ones standing alongside him are the Empress, Gu Xin'er.

But although the woman is beautiful, the previous three combos are even more deeply in Meng Fan’s mind. There is no doubt that this person is an absolute top powerhouse. That kind of domineering method is only above himself, absolutely. Not under this self.

Meng Fan understood that this was also the first formidable enemy he encountered when he came to this divine hiding path, and it was full of danger.

Even though it was the hundreds of millions of Zerg in the void before, including the appearance of the Zerg ancestors, Meng Fan had not been so nervous. The breath sealed the void and the whole body was on guard.

Even if there is a beautiful woman in front of him, the latter has already proved that beautiful women can kill people, and they can even lie without lying, but directly and brutally.

"who are you!"

The two sides confronted each other in this way. Finally, Meng Fan spoke, breaking the calm.

"It doesn't matter to you!"

The woman said calmly,

"Because I won't.... Explain to you a dead man!"

It was just a faint sentence, extremely calm, without joy or sorrow, but when it fell in Meng Fan's ears, he already understood what the woman meant, and even the other party's arrogance.

Even in Meng Fan's eyes, it seemed that it was just an ant that could kill at any time, so the other party would say so, because she thought it could kill Meng Fan at any time.

This kind of self-confidence can be said to be a kind of blindness, or a kind of invincible world, its own emperor breath.

Even if he knew that Meng Fan was a **** king, he didn't take it seriously.


Meng Fan raised his brow and said,

"In that case, it looks like we have to fight!"

After a few words fell, he no longer said more, but stepped on the sole of his foot. At the same time, there was an extra strength in the void, the ultimate domineering.

In just a moment, the blood raged between Meng Fan's body, and the moment he shot, like a treasured sword out of its sheath, the fighting spirit struck, and he wanted to break through the sky.

He was sneak attacked by a woman before and almost didn't kill himself with three consecutive blows. This matter in itself made Meng Fan's heart annoyed, and now the other party has put on an appearance of invincibility, which is undoubtedly even more fueling.

Over the years, Meng Fan has fought bravely with people more often than in sea water. Whoever dares to be more combative than the official Meng, then he must have encountered his thunderous offensive, let alone a wife!


Meng Fan's body is horizontal, and one blow is the ultimate hegemony. Although this is not a ten thousand domain, facing this kind of power, Meng Fan is not allowed to have any retention.

The existence of this path of divine hiding is indeed extraordinary. Once it is left, it is Meng Fan himself who will die.

So at this moment, the psychic tower was trembling. Meng Fan's previous hiding in every possible way is now useless. Almost everyone felt the powerful aura in this underground, like a tiger coming out of a mountain and a dragon returning to the sea, a kind of majesty of the emperor who lives and lives!

Suddenly, the person responsible for guarding the burial site where the half-step **** king exists was shocked and cast his eyes, but after seeing the woman in the ground, he knelt down quickly, sweating like raindrops, and said in a deep voice.

"It turns out... it turns out... Someone broke in, the Princess had already known it... The old slave was careless, the old slave was careless..."

For the old man's reaction, this charming woman didn't have the need to pay attention to him at all. In her eyes, only Meng Fan.

In the face of the imperial fist, the woman also blasted out with one blow. She was motionless, comparable to an iron fight. She was obviously a charming woman who could make any man crazy, but at the moment she raised her fist, she felt a shock. The edge of mountains and rivers.

With a punch, he unexpectedly chose Meng Fan to face up and face hard, and immediately set off a wave of landslides in the court.


Under this kind of head-to-head fight, the two can be said to have no mercy, and they are the most powerful means from the beginning. It is comparable to two stars, just like this.

According to the truth, the two would definitely not carry out this kind of killing, because a rising power within the ten thousand realms, the other is the mysterious existence of the road to the gods, but now it is different, because Meng Fan's choice, that's why today's general battle has just started.

The king sees the king, this is to divide life and death, and decide whether to win!

From the very beginning, these fights have reached an unprecedented level, and the collision between the two sides has been extremely intense.

For a moment, the place where the two punches intersect is directly into a vacuum, completely penetrated by the strength of the two, and standing between the same place, Meng Fan and the mysterious woman did not stop even after a punch. , That is... Thousands of punches, each of them is like a powerful perpetual motion machine, directly within the bottom of this tower, setting off the most violent offensive.

And now on this tower, the guardian of the burial site is sweating like rain. After a few breaths, his complexion changed slightly. He looked at a certain place in the void and said to himself,

"I obviously sensed that there are people in every coffin, and now there are people breaking in in this underground. Then who is in the other coffins?"

Thinking of this, the old man's complexion became extremely stern, raised his head, let out a long roar, and fell with a sound, and countless coffins exploded!

Ignore the scene above the psychic tower. Now between the bottom of the tower, the two great kings are fighting against each other. They are all enemies they have seen in their lives. They have completely different attributes, but only one thing is the same, which is domineering. !

Meng Fan's methods are overbearing and fierce. Once it is launched, it is only a punch. It seems ordinary, but it is already the most simple way to suppress everything.

The charming woman is also more overbearing. The two of them have relative means, and they collide with each other in a flash. Every breath is a collision of punches. The degree of danger is simply enough to make the **** king and the strong stunned.

After only three breaths, this psychic tower burst into pieces, unable to support the pillars of the two gods, and the sky was full of wind and snow, a cloud of smoke and dust.

At the same time, in the next moment, between the bursting power, two human figures flew out at the same time, and each backed away. However, after standing still, Meng Fan couldn't help it again. He spouted blood from the sky. She covered her chest with her hand and coughed violently.

No one can think of it, a generation of supreme **** King Meng Fan, a mysterious woman who came across in this burial ground, was so terrible that she was so terrible that she could not restrain herself after beating Meng Fan twice!

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