Supreme God King

Chapter 1957: reward

The psychic tower!

In the endless darkness, after the gate of the ancient tower was opened, all the coffin draggers who came here buried themselves at the same time, and then entered the ancient tower.

Of course, including Meng Fan, this kind of feeling of burying himself is simply making Meng Fan's heart extremely crooked, bursts of toothache, and may break the coffin at any time.

Of course, in order to better hide himself, he has nothing to do.

After all, this is a burial place, and in the inexplicable void of the road to the gods, including Meng Fan, they dare not have any care. This road to the gods now shocks him too much, and he can't help but carelessly.

Floating in the void, coffins entered the ancient tower.

The entire space was extremely quiet, and at the moment when he set foot on this ancient tower, Meng Fan discovered that this coffin of several hundred had been absorbed into a mysterious space. At the same time, it can be felt that a powerful force is instilled into the coffin, and it only takes a moment to blow Meng Fan's body.

Even if it was him, he felt a longing for this kind of power, but the power rushing in was too little. If his body needs the sea, then the power rushing in would be like water droplets for Meng Fan. almost.

"This is... the power of spar!"

Meng Fan finally figured out why this group of people didn't travel far, carrying the coffin and came here.

Because in this psychic tower, this group of people will be provided with the power of spar. Together with the divine mind, you can see that this kind of power emerges from the lowest point of the psychic tower and is integrated into each In a coffin.

No wonder!

Meng Fan's eyes were like electricity, and after a short while, he locked his target in the depths of the psychic tower.

There is no doubt that this drop of spar power is not enough for Meng Fan to stuff his teeth. Since he has already come in, then if he wants to play, he will naturally play a big one.

"Lord Bird, don't pretend to be dead, I will let you enjoy yourself!"

Thinking it over, Meng Fan's expression moved, and he immediately spoke.

When the voice fell, Meng Fan grabbed him, and immediately grabbed Lord Que from Xiaotian's space.

"Damn, Meng Fan, you, no, no, I'm still a child..."

Ye Ye cried and said, with a completely shameless look.


Regarding this, Meng Fan didn't care at all, slapped Grandpa Bird into the coffin, and the whole person also moved suddenly, turning into a shadow, and stepped out of the coffin silently.

Before, Meng Fan had already detected that there was a half-step god-king presence in this psychic tower, monitoring the surroundings. Although it is extremely easy to hide a half-step God King by his means, he still needs to be cautious after all.

So Meng Fan left the bird in the coffin, making it look like someone was still inside, absorbing the insignificant power of the spar.

And the important point is that on this road... Meng Fan has been upset with Lord Que for a long time, and he must be rectified.

In the world, people who dare to tease Master Meng who have not been cheated do not exist, do not exist!


Stepping out, Meng Fan’s body is like a ghost. Divine Mind explores the surroundings. Even in this completely unfamiliar environment, Meng Fan is still able to use his instinct. He did not trigger any aura in the tower at all. He just went all the way down. .

While walking, Meng Fan was surprised.

The construction of this ancient pagoda is extremely strange, full of a hellish silence, except for the existence of the half-step **** king, there is no one.

Now it seems that this place is the place to help their respective coffin bearers to improve their strength. Then, in this way, there will be a powerful force in this burial ground. Otherwise, it will definitely not be arranged.

Thinking of this made Meng Fan become more curious about this path of divine hermitage. This was an extraterritorial space that no one had ever set foot in since ancient times. It turned out that there was still this general situation.

For a few breaths, Meng Fan was reclusive in the void, and continued to descend. Before the guards in the tower had any notice, he came to the bottom of the psychic tower.

After just a glance, Meng Fan had already discovered that there was a divine formation in this psychic tower. Of course, the technique deployed was not what Meng Fan had seen before. It seems that in this burial place, there is completely a cultivation method that does not belong to the ten thousand domains, but with some homology, Meng Fan is still A lot of clues can be seen.

And at the core of this divine formation, Meng Fan felt that it should be the power of the psychic tower, the source of the power of the spar.


Knowing this moment, Meng Fan also flicked his finger, and a wicked aura suddenly appeared above his fingertips, blocking the surroundings. It was the power of the Hessian 笸箩花, which turned into a silky mist, and blended into the divine formation. .

This was originally an extremely terrifying divine formation, but it was also temporarily paralyzed and lost its effect.

And Meng Fan is one step. He came to the core of the **** formation. I don't know if he came into the core of the **** formation. The moment he entered the core of the **** formation, his scalp was about to explode. It was not alert, but a kind. ...Excited.

Because in the core of this divine formation, there is an extremely abundant power of spar. If the power of spar that flows into the coffin before is just a drop of water, then here, there is a small river. The power of spar.

Although it was still far from enough for Meng Fan, it was indeed a powerful attraction.

The piece of spar that the five of them obtained together before is almost equivalent to the power here.

God king and strong, a little progress is so important.

And this kind of pitch-black spar was able to raise his originally static cultivation base again, and naturally made Meng Fan look happy.

"Hey, with these spar powers, then Xiaoye is not welcome!"

Meng Fan opened his mouth and fell into the river where the power of the spar converges. He did not hesitate to absorb it, causing the turtle in the space to curl his lips and mutter softly.

"Hmph, it's like when you were polite, in ten thousand domains, who didn't know that your old man is a famous grave digger, a top master of pitting people..."

In the outside world, whether it is the guardian of this psychic tower or the hundreds of coffin pullers, they would never have thought that in this psychic tower, a big rat like Meng Fan has been mixed in.

It was just between his vomiting that the spiritual power at the bottom of the psychic formation had disappeared by a half, still with Meng Fan's saving.

Fortunately, this psychic tower is not a one-time forbidden area. The power of the spar stored in it should be distributed to these people in the outside world many times, so the power that some coffin pullers can absorb is already taken by the gods. When cut, every thread is extremely small.

The rest of the spar power is stored at the point of this psychic tower, but now it's not good, all are cheap Meng Fan!

Just between three or four breaths, Meng Fan felt that the original martial art in his body was always still. At this moment, the moment the power of the spar flows into the body, it is like an ordinary person who has been given a doping. Suddenly became active.

The whole body does not move, the blood in the body circulates faster, and the bones creak. That kind of spar power can directly stimulate the origin of the **** king, just like ordinary people taking a pill to improve cultivation, making Meng Fan unable to help being low. Roar.

This moment of martial art's own growth is really...too wonderful!

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