Supreme God King

Chapter 1954: get away


Once it was the previous attack by the hundreds of millions of Zerg army, and once it was the birth of this Zerg.

How violent this kind of race is, but it is a pity that they encountered a more violent murder god, Meng Fan!

The name of Shura has been remembered from the day Meng Fan cultivated, but it was not Meng Fan blowing it out to treat enemies. His fierceness in his bones was a nightmare for any Meng Fan enemy. .

When he sensed the appearance of this insect ancestor, Meng Fan sacrificed the Beidou sword and hit the opponent by surprise.

After a short while, there was a rain of blood. The Zerg who had just appeared half of the body suffered the strongest blow. Half of the body was smashed by the Beidou sword, and the pieces of meat were falling continuously with the blood rain, making people seem to feel that Distressed, how miserable it is, how miserable it is.

The hundreds of millions of Zerg among the other heavens uttered a cry of sorrow, and they never thought that the moment their ancestors just came out, they were beaten to this virtue, it is really dead before they get out. , The hero is full of tears!


Above the sky, Meng Fan took a heavy breath. The moment he finished using the Beidou Sword, he himself was very exhausted, and his spirit appeared in a trance.

This kind of divine hidden void did not give him a chance to replenish himself, even if it swallows martial arts, it only absorbs a small amount of the power of the Zhoutian Zerg.

Before, Meng Fan was still supporting, but now he can't hold it anymore. He is a little swaying, sweat wet his clothes.

What surprised him was that although the Zerg in that half of the body was very miserable, just a moment later, in the space crack, the other half of its body was still coming out.

He is not dead!

Meng Fan was taken aback. Any strong **** king who greeted him with this Beidou sword was likely to be killed. Even if he didn't kill him, he was probably disabled and was about to flee immediately. However, contrary to Meng Fan's expectation, the Zerg after taking a blow from the Beidou Sword, dragged a headless half of his body, and continued to come forward, still having a stance to fight Meng Fan desperately.

And after that, the hundreds of millions of Zerg also roared through the sky and came towards Meng Fan.

Nima, what a powerful vitality and persistence this is!

Meng Fan directly exploded with a foul language, and the cold sweat was left behind. He originally thought that such a fierce attack would at least relieve the pressure even if it could not defeat the Zerg, but now it seems... it is he who wants to. Too much, definitely think too much!

"Meng Fan, I think... let's run!"

In the space, Xiaotian's voice came from the real heart.


Meng Fan also only uttered one word. The top powerhouse who had cut everything and swept Zhou Tian was gone. There was only one back, that is, running.


Now he is already at a huge consumption, and if he drags here again, he will definitely be dragged to death. This zerg is endless, and it is worthwhile to have such an ancestor of insects, which makes Meng Fan feel imaginary. But the most important point is that now Meng Fan has been away for half an hour, and he has killed not many Zergs here, and also beheaded the body of the insect ancestor.

Regarding his post-breaking task, Meng Fan has already completed it. For a while, the Zhongtian God King and the Heavenly Remnant God King don’t know how far they have gone. Naturally, this Zerg will not follow up, but will only pay attention to everything. The power is concentrated on Meng Fan.

Without scruples, Meng Fan's character is not going to fight them to death. If you don't run at this time, when will you stay!


A generation of **** kings look down upon the ages, kill quickly, run away...faster!

In just a moment, Meng Fan was traversing the space, tearing everything apart, and drew a perfect arc in the entire pitch-black sky, blending into the darkness, patted his **** without leaving any cloud. .

Now, it can be said that all the strength to make Meng Fan eat milk is used, and no chance of the insect ancestors appears.

Move the void, one step!

Meng Fan’s run took three full days. During this period of time, he didn’t stay at all day and night. He just set off toward the depths of the path of God’s secret, hoping to get rid of it. Many Zergs behind him.

But obviously, this group of Zerg did not let Meng Fan's plan go, that kind of murderous intent, followed all the way, never let go!

For three full days, Meng Fan felt a little tired even after running. He looked at the murderous intent behind him that could fall at any time. If the dark sky was careless, it would surround Meng Fan and immediately make him vomit blood. Up.

"Get rid of it, didn't you just kill a little bit of your kin, just a little bit, don't do this..."

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, so bad, bad..."


In this regard, Meng Fan did not have the consciousness of dyeing the sky red with the blood of the zerg twice, and was quite dissatisfied with the group of zerg who followed them behind.

Of course, dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, he must continue to hurry, dare not have any stay.

It's another five days!

Although Meng Fan's words are quite relaxed, in reality, his escape process can only be described in an extremely embarrassing manner. Several times, he was almost covered by violent dark murderous intent.

Although it was not a creature of the Ten Thousand Realms, it turned out to be a means to control the void of imprisonment. In the faint, there was a bug ancestor of the same level as the one who chased Meng Fan. The method was powerful and unimaginable.

So Meng Fan could only escape for his life day and night, but just after reaching a piece of heaven and earth, he made his expression move. Although in the lifeless escape, Meng Fan's mind did not appear any panic. After stepping into his current void, it shocked Meng Fan a little.

Because he felt the difference between heaven and earth for the first time.

Without vinegar, compared with the endless darkness and coldness before, there is a strange breath between this piece of heaven and earth.

This kind of breath seems to be left by a strong man, and it also seems to be a special trace. In short, the space he accidentally broke into is different from ordinary Shenyin Tiandi.

And what made him pay attention to Meng Fan was that he also immediately felt the Zerg chasing him behind him. After Meng Fan stepped into this void, he noticed a slight pause, and the fierce pursuit was not as fast as before.

"Could it be that there are also rules and territories in this path of divine seclusion?"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, but did not speak, but continued to move forward.

Since the Zerg behind him was afraid of the void he was in, he didn't have much choice now, only to follow this void and walk all the way to the darkness.

After ten days passed again, Meng Fan saw a rough stone slashing across the world, and when he saw it, what surprised Meng Fan was that there was a stone tablet on the rough stone with only two words on it. ...Burial place!

These two characters were written in an extremely ancient ten thousand domain script, and Meng Fan could still see and understand, and he knew that the void he was in now was called...the burial place.

And finally after this stone stele appeared, the endless Zerg race who had always followed Meng Fan truly disappeared. Even the Zerg ancestor who was about to hate Meng Fan did not follow up, making Meng Fan finally spit out Take a breath.

With his step down, Feisheng came to this rough stone and exhaled heavily. He didn't expect that he could finally relax now.

With the palm of his hand, Meng Fan gently stroked the stone tablet, a strange look flashed in his eyes. On this path of divine seclusion, there was something written in the ancient characters of Wanyu. This stone stone has a connection with Wanyu. What is the connection?

And just as Meng Fan was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed one thing when his divine thought moved. It was under this stone monument that there were rows of obvious symbols. To be precise, he cannot have a row of symbols to describe it, because when connecting them in series, Meng Fan discovered that this should be a...Transportation Array!


The corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and he stared at this stone tablet carefully. With his means, he couldn't read it wrong. Although the power of this teleportation formation is not vitality, after all, Meng Fan is a master of the formation, so he can't misunderstand the use of this space.

So what will be the place of transmission?

Could it be that the end of this teleportation formation is... the burial ground!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan was also surprised. Carefully stroking the stele with his palm, he also fell into hesitation.

Obviously, he now has two choices. One is to set foot on this endless path of divine hiding, to find the God King in the Sky, and the God King of Heavenly Remains. Although the probability is quite slim, the second is to enter through this teleportation formation. In this burial ground, I just don’t know what the end of it is, and if one is not careful, it really becomes the burial ground!

With Meng Fan's decisive power, he couldn't help but hesitate, because that kind of thing now seems quite unreliable.

But at the next moment, a thought flashed through Meng Fan's mind, that is, two words, Mingtu!

Underworld, burial ground!

These two names sound very related, and I don't know what the relationship might be!

But once he thought of this, it made Meng Fan's expression become fierce, but after a moment of silence, his palm slowly fell into the teleportation formation on the stone tablet.

Although the power running on the stele is not vitality at all, but who is Meng Fan, but the king of God exists, for the simple method of teleportation formation, the moment his fingers change, the teleportation formation on the stele has slightly appeared. There was a sense of induction, and then the breath exploded, and the light of the teleportation array surged, swallowing Meng Fan's body completely..., Meng Fan also completely stepped into this teleportation array!

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