Supreme God King

Chapter 1921: Gambling


The voice slowly fell, making Meng Fan also slightly stunned.

Before this, he already knew that Emperor Wu came here to find the secret of the source of the heavens, but he was defeated in the hands of the three elders. According to what he said before, what he was defeated was the divine formation controlled by the three elders. Hands.

After controlling the source of the heavens, the ancient gods and eight lao, the ancient emperor alone, not only gained countless benefits from the ancient emperor, but also improved his strength a step above the extreme of the avenue.

The other ancient gods and eight elders also obtained countless mysteries through the source of the heavens, and thus realized a secret method, which is the handed down sacred formation.

Formation of the Eight Lao!

Meng Fan didn't have any familiarity with this, only Emperor Wu knew how terrifying this kind of sacred formation was back then. You must know that in the Kaitian Era, the strong came out in large numbers and the sacred kings were rampant.

The number of **** kings who were born among the ten thousand domains that year was about twice as many as now.

Among them, their respective martial arts are bright, and they have set foot on the peak.

There are definitely a lot of people who have the strength and courage to fight against the ancient gods, but some of them died tragically under the hands of the ancient emperor, while others died...

It is said that in its strongest battle, the Eight Elders were dispatched at the same time. Their opponent was also the innate race of the Kaitian Era. They were strange creatures with exceptionally strong bloodlines, creating eleven of their race. The **** king is strong, and the ancient gods are in the same line.

And in this final battle, the Eight Elders sacrificed this peerless killing formation, and in that one move, all the eleven strong kings of that ancient race were buried on that side. Void.

Eleven gods!

Moreover, it was a strange race that could compete with the ancient gods in the Kaitian Era. It was cut off by the ancient gods and the Eight Elders in the ancient era. One can imagine how terrifying such a large formation is.

Although the killing formation handed down from the ancient times was completely annihilated in the long river of time with the fall of the ancient god, the three elders of the ancient gods are in complete control.

Meng Fan didn't understand this history, but he also knew instinctively the horror between these great formations. It was because he could not help but fall into silence, thinking quietly.

"If you wait for the opening of the divine formation and I enter it, then what is the difference between me and my life-and-death struggle? How could it be that I am besides, and the odds of winning are still greater!"

After pondering for a moment, Meng Fan raised his head and said.

"Of course you don't have to fight life and death. This is just a bet. Since it is a bet, then we will naturally be fair and reasonable. Emperor Wu is here. He was like this back then. As for the rules, I can talk to you. Say it!"

In the field, the three old gods also spoke,

"I wait for the world to evolve at the same time, and then set up the life and death formation of the heavens. You don't need the body to enter it, but you just need a trace of divine consciousness, and we also evolve with a trace of divine consciousness.

You and I are both **** kings and powerhouses. Naturally, you can evolve endlessly through a trace of spiritual thought, and engage in a virtual battle. In that world, if you can break our **** array, even if you win, if you can’t break Open, naturally you lose, the time is three days, one day outside, one thought in the formation, you have three years in the formation! "

The sound fell, causing Meng Fan's whole body to shake. It turned out that the rule was like this.

The battle between the two parties is not a real life-and-death duel. It is just moving with their own spiritual thoughts to evolve their strongest combat power and fight in an evolved world.

If this trace of divine thought is defeated, it naturally means that Meng Fan has been defeated, because what has evolved between the two sides is their complete ontology, which is equivalent to a real battle.

And the price paid in the end is estimated to be not small!

"What do you want to bet on!"

Meng Fan said.

"It's very simple, it's the previous remarks, we all need to take what we need, if you can beat us in that evolving world, then we will naturally agree to your conditions and help you open up this space. Help you leave!"

The old **** and old three said indifferently.

"But if you fail, we still need our previous conditions, which is half your hard work, how!"

Each needs!

Meng Fan's pupils shrank, and he understood that the requirements between the two parties were still the previous requirements, but now it was a bet. Although there was no need to fight for life and death, it was already a matter of life and death.


Half of the blood of an overwhelming **** king is so precious, and it is absolutely impossible for Meng Fan to give his martial arts to others.

It's just that if you don't agree, according to the attitude of the ancient gods and three elders, this is definitely the final bottom line, otherwise, a big battle will be born, and the situation of fighting will hurt both sides.

"Be careful, don’t choose lightly. I stepped into this divine formation back then. Just like you, my divine mind evolved, but it’s a pity that I can’t break through that divine formation at all. Even though I have three years in it, you It should be known that the mystery of this divine formation comes from the source of the heavens. It was created by the ancient gods and the eight old people based on the secrets of the source of the heavens. It is rumored that it is endless and reincarnation!"

Emperor Wu transmitted the message, obviously reminding Meng Fan.

"Don't say that it was back then, even if I have been here for tens of thousands of years, there is no way to break through the magical formation, Meng Fan, I know your talent is amazing, but don't act arrogantly. In many cases, it is not arrogant that can be solved. .

If you are here, although I cannot give orders to the three elders, I will at least guarantee that they will not hurt you. Perhaps in the future, you can find a solution. You can go out without the three of them, at least so much more than you have paid. The price is much stronger! "

Hearing this, Meng Fan nodded and said nothing.

I have to admit that Emperor Wu's words have a very big truth, and if they are based on common sense, this should be considered the best choice.

After all, the path in front of you can definitely be counted as a life of nine deaths. Even with Meng Fan's means, it is too difficult to crack the wisdom of the Eight Lao and the Source of Heaven.

The three elders of the ancient gods were able to be so confident because of this.

How unsolvable the divine formation evolved from the mystery of the magical powers of the source of the heavens.

If you choose a conservative method, even if Meng Fan is in this ancient **** space, the three elders will not easily help him. After all, Meng Fan's combat power is there, and no one can force anyone to do anything.

If the two sides really fight together, it will be a situation where both sides will lose.

And if Meng Fan has enough time, then he can study this piece of cage, in order to crack the way, maybe after ten thousand years, Meng Fan may also find a way to break through space.

But it was two words that kept Meng Fan silent, time!

Still that question, what he lacks the most is always... Time and the outside world have changed abruptly, let alone ten thousand years, different things will happen every moment, and there will be endless dangers.

The dark alliance stands at the core of this Middle Ancient Realm, bearing endless glory, and at the same time naturally faces endless dangers. Meng Fan has many friends but more enemies, so naturally he will never rest assured that the dark alliance is in the outside world. For ten thousand years, perhaps for the existence of Emperor Wu and the three old gods, they could ignore the people around them.

But for Meng Fan, the Empress, Bai Shui'er, Gu Xin'er, Ling Daiyou, Fen Tianling, etc., even though they could not follow their own footsteps, let alone bring Meng Fan anything, but Meng Fan's biggest concern is the negative scale in his heart.

Infinite changes flashed in his eyes, and finally Meng Fan slowly said,

"What you said... OK!"

The two words fell in between, shocking the entire field.

The ancient gods and the three old men showed joy, while Emperor Wu frowned. Maybe he didn't care about the common people, but for people like Meng Fan, the existence that can really stand by his side naturally made him not happy and hopeless. What can happen to Meng Fan.

At the same time, Meng Fan spoke again,

"But I think what you said is still a bit unfair, so I have to add a condition!"


Hearing that, the three old gods also asked.

"My victory is only to leave, but defeat is a great price. Although the requirements are the same, I still pay a little more, so I and you have one more thing!"

Meng Fan stood there, extremely calm.

"That's... The power of the source of the heavens that you acquired in the source of the heavens should still have some?"

The last few words were spit out, and each of the ancient gods and three elders immediately shook his body, and his eyes flashed with extremely rich murderous intention.

There is no doubt that this is what they care about the most, and it is also the most important thing. For any **** king in the world, the true power from the source of the heavens, I am afraid it will be like a mortal who sees longevity, that general desire, then Generally excited.

Even Emperor Wu came for this thing back then, but unfortunately he didn't get it in the end, just got some mysteries from the fight between the three elders.

And Meng Fan wanted the real power of the source of the heavens to comprehend.

This alone is undoubtedly touching the three elders' inverse scales.

Seeing the changing look of the three old men, Meng Fan sneered and questioned.

"Why, dare you?"

Before they left the problem in the hands of Meng Fan and let Meng Fan make a choice, but now Meng Fan also kicked the ball back, letting the problem weigh in the hands of the three elders.

Upon hearing Meng Fan’s words, one of the three elders snorted, disdainfully,

"You don’t use it to excite us. We do have what you want. That’s okay. The greater the hope is given to you. Then I am afraid that when you fall, the loss will become more serious. The heavens in our hands The power of the source is not much, so we will at most give you... a drop of the power of the source of the heavens!"

One drop!

When Meng Fan's expression moved, it seemed that the power law of the source of the heavens should be revealed in this kind of physical object. After a moment of silence, he said,

"At least two drops, no need to bargain with me. This is my last bottom line. Otherwise, even if I am here, even if I don't behave, it will make you upset, right?"

As Meng Fan's voice fell, it also caused a long silence in the field.

After a long time, the three old gods exchanged their eyes, and the three of them said in unison.

"Okay, that's... let's start!"

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