Supreme God King

Chapter 1918: Three Old Gods

court death!

It's just two words, but it makes anyone feel how terrifying and harsh the storm hidden behind calm.

The three elders rose into the sky, and in this instant, they tore through the space. This is the first group of strong **** kings in the Kaitian era, how extraordinary.

Before their bodies arrived, that kind of powerful murderous intent was overriding, two words stunned Zhou Tian, ​​and almost didn't faintly shake Meng Fan's eardrums.

For Meng Fan's words, the ancient gods and three elders only responded with these two words, but it clearly contained a kind of terrifying murderous intent.

court death!

In their eyes, Meng Fan's behavior is undoubtedly seeking death. What is this place, but it is a sealed place for the ancient gods, who has never left here for hundreds of thousands of years.

The vast land is a clan of ancient gods.

And in this kind of place, Meng Fan even dared to actively expose his breath. Such behavior is naturally an act of seeking death.

But Meng Fan did it, and he did it extremely simply and calmly.

He just stood in place, motionless, like a Hongzhong, overpowering the world, coldly looking at the ancient gods and three elders in the distance.

In a moment, the body of the three elders had already descended in this cold cave, condescending, looking at Meng Fan without saying anything, but that kind of contempt and murder was already vividly manifested.

For the ancient gods, even the **** king of the human race would not let them have any respect after seeing them.

In the subconscious, they are just bigger ants.

Suddenly, the entire ancient **** city was shaking, countless eyes looked over, and some of the ancient gods were strong, all showing curiosity.

According to the truth, ordinary people will never disturb the three elders. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, except for several shocking fluctuations, this world can be described as extremely peaceful.

The three old gods, these kinds of existence, have always been in retreat in that wooden building, letting the flowers bloom in this world.

After all, for this kind of big man, there are definitely not many things that can make them admire in this world.

However, now that the three elders are coming together, it naturally means that something shocking has happened.

It also made everyone in the ancient city of God look extremely focused, and looked over.

Inside the cave!

Three astonishing murderous intents came to the surface, but Meng Fan's expression was extremely calm. He already saw the disdain of the three old men, but he did not intend to get the respect of the three old men from the beginning.

He didn't say a word, but Meng Fan's striker... is already outrageous.

Emperor Fist!

With just a punch, the world was overwhelming, and Meng Fan instantly became an ancient madman, a monstrous beast.

In between the fingers, the golden fist had already dominated the world, heading towards the ancient gods and three old men. Between this kind of piercing force penetrates.

The three elders were all stunned. They never thought that Meng Fan would be so vigorous. When he didn't even speak, he was already approaching them.


Among the three elders of the ancient gods, one of them roared, just the moment when the voice fell, and everything that surrounded him before the sun was imprisoned. This is a very special sound wave secret method, just a word, it can control the law between the sun and the sky, fierce and extreme.

It can be clearly seen that there is a strong pressure around Meng Fan, and the law changes, so that the whole world contains infinite gravity. If it is ordinary and sacred, it is impossible to move a little finger here, and it will be directly affected. The pressure exploded, and even bone scum remained.

But under this kind of pressure, Meng Fan's advancing speed remained unchanged. Only the blood in his body was surging, and the martial arts breath broke out. Accompanied by the pressure between the sky and the sun, the majesty itself belongs to Meng Fan. It also spread.

A generation of supreme kings, people who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, what a breath of that powerful self-majesty spread.

Under the confrontation, Meng Fan stayed still, with only one punch.


Seeing that Meng Fan was unmoved, the other ancient statue also opened his mouth. It was also a sound wave secret method, but the moment his mouth uttered the method, it only stopped Meng Fan's body for a while.


The third ancient statue finally couldn’t help it, and spoke again, finally causing a powerful change in the world in front of Meng Fan. It was a kind of solidification of the whole world, and each of these three people set foot in their own martial arts. The strong have the means to open up the world, and in the long river of the entire world, they are definitely rare people.

This kind of existence, the unfolded sound wave secret technique, finally imprisoned Meng Fan in his own world, and he faced strong resistance.

Even though his punch contains infinite profound meaning, it is difficult for him to reach the old man. But at the next moment, Meng Fan let out a low roar, like an angry tiger, uttering his own anger. At the moment when he uttered the method, every joint in his body was creaking and creaking. , The voice fell at the same time, extremely crisp, and the torrential pressure surrounding him was suddenly released by Meng Fan.

His punches were like electricity, even under these three levels of resistance, he still didn't stay at all, and finally came to the eyes of the three old gods.

A punch, a will hurt people!

Such a fierce method, such a faith that kills.

Between the lightning and flint, the expressions of the old gods and the three elders finally changed suddenly. Without the peace before, there was a glimmer of unconcealed surprise in the eyes of the three.

Terran King!

Relying on the eyesight of the three of them, one glance can knock out the general history of Meng Fan. Although Meng Fan was extremely young, he had reached the present level. But in fact, the ancient gods and three elders are still proud. After all, they were the first **** kings in the Kaitian era, and they followed the ancient gods in the past, and they created the first **** dynasty in the eternal age. It was once dominating the entire Ten Thousand Realms world, letting the common people squint at their feet.

Therefore, in the face of Meng Fan, who was just a young, but not the ultimate **** king, they instinctively gave birth to a sense of disdain.

But now all this disdain is turned into shock.

Because between Meng Fan's punches, it turned out to be so cruel, the three of them used three secret methods one after another, and they were all unable to resist Meng Fan.


At the same moment, the three of them finally couldn't help, each speaking, and a killing character appeared at the same time, which was completely different from before.

Because Meng Fan's boxing front was right in front of his eyes, and that violent aura did not allow the three of them to have any despising posture, the sound waves of the three gathered together in an instant, and finally burst into full force.

An angry dragon that suppressed the world condensed in this void, roaring frantically, turning into a stream of light, and violently struck Meng Fan's forward punch.


Under a collision, the earth cracked and the sky collapsed, and the sky collapsed. The sound of thunder spread out, causing countless ancient gods outside to faint directly.

Around the entire cold cave, the ancient city of the outside world shuddered. Fortunately, there is a supreme defensive array here, but it can't resist the blow of the four great kings.

These attacks were extremely fierce.

In just a moment, there was ice ballast in the sky, countless space fragments, and under the ground torn, ice water was gushing out everywhere.

At the same time, it can be seen that in it, under the collision, the two figures are backwards, even the ancient gods and three elders, each stepped back, and their hair was a little messy.

On the other hand, Meng Fan took three steps back and stood firm among the fragments of the sky, but his body was as tall as a mountain, his eyes were cold and he looked around, and he said,

"How about... can we talk now?"

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