Supreme God King

Chapter 1915: Emperor Wu


There was also a strong hesitation on Meng Fan's face. It was unexpected that in the prison of this ancient god, there was not only a human being, but also a powerhouse at the level of a **** king.

Even if Meng Fan reached where he is now, it was definitely not easy to see a **** king.

What's more, in the cage of this ancient god, Meng Fan carefully distinguished the breath of this person, only to find that he had never known this person.

It wasn't from his appearance, but from his martial arts, faintly, that kind of powerful martial arts aura made him feel a terrifying pressure, this person is extraordinary, not even lost to the old man Pishan!

Who is he!

Meng Fan's heart hesitated for a moment, and at the next moment, in this cold cave, the figure who had always been sitting in the same place in the cold cave also opened his eyes, looked at here, and said at the same time,

"Since your Excellency is here, then come out to meet, how about?"

The tone was calm, but the moment it fell into Meng Fan’s ears, it shocked his heart. He had already spent so much effort to hide himself before, but what he didn’t expect was that he still leaked, in this cold cave. The strong at the bottom has already found himself!

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan no longer hesitated, stood up, revealed himself, stepped down, and came to the eighth floor of this cold cave.

Since it was already a breach of identity, Meng Fan would naturally not go to hide again. He appeared in front of the middle-aged man, smiled slightly and arched his hands.

"I have seen your Excellency! Your Excellency is really amazing, I have been so guarded, I have not escaped your eyes!"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the figure shook his head and said calmly.

"It has nothing to do with my strength. Your preparations are already adequate and amazing enough. None of the three old guys outside found you. The main reason I was able to find you was that I had been in this cold cave for too long. I’m very familiar with all the plants and trees here. It’s unrealistic if you want to hide yourself in front of a place where the king has been for many years. If I’m not here, your plan is perfect. It is already possible to mix into this ancient **** clan!"

The tone was calm, making Meng Fan's face a wry smile.

He spent his mind to enter the dungeon of the ancient gods, but he did not expect that there was a human **** king powerhouse in this dungeon. It can be said that he took the initiative to send it to the door, as if mixing in a grass cottage. It is difficult for Meng Fan to find a powerful existence with unknown origin.

It's really bad for myself!

There was a sigh in Meng Fan's heart, but there was no slack in the whole person, and he looked at it.

The two of them are facing each other, each did not do anything, there is no wave in the bottom of this cold cave, but no matter who sees this scene, it will not feel that this place is ordinary, the two great kings are here, want not to happen Any disturbance is an impossible thing.

Facing each other in the void, one sitting and one standing, the two did not speak for a long time, staring at each other.

But invisible, it seems that I don't know how many gold and iron horses, countless temptations.

Meng Fan was sensing each other's martial arts, and the man sitting here was also sensing Meng Fan's martial arts. As time passed, Meng Fan's heart became more and more shocked.

After several trials, Meng Fan already knew that this person... has already set foot on the end of his own martial arts.

Extremely great!

No matter what this person's martial arts is, it is already extremely terrifying, because he can reach the extreme of his own great Dao, then it means that he is in the most peak state in his life, no matter what the state is, he is very complete. .

This kind of powerhouse, once it makes a move, it will naturally suppress Meng Fan who has not formed the end of the road.

At the beginning, he was able to kill the Destroyer God King only because of the pride of the Destroyer God King, otherwise he would not have a chance. Moreover, this place is the land of the ancient gods. Once there is any disturbance, Meng Fan can't guarantee that he will not disturb the ancient gods.

And just as Meng Fan was thinking about it, the middle-aged man sitting in the same place also blinked his eyes and slowly said,

"Very good, very good... It is a pity that someone like you will appear in the later lives. I haven't seen Wanyu's excitement in hundreds of thousands of years, but I can see I am also very happy for you. I don’t know how many people there will be in these ten thousand years?"

Hundreds of thousands of years!

Falling into Meng Fan's ears, he couldn't help but let his expression move, hesitated,

"Dare to ask seniors if..."

"my name...."

Sitting on the spot, the middle-aged man smiled slightly and said,

"I only have one word, called... Wu. In that era, they all called me Emperor Wu. Of course, after such a long time, it is naturally impossible for you to know. You want to ask me The origin of it, this is simple, I and the three old guys outside are from the same age!"

The same era!

Meng Fan’s pupils shrank, and he looked at the middle-aged man in shock. If what he said is true, then the latter is undoubtedly the oldest group of people in the Kaitian era, and perhaps the oldest between this world and the earth. One of the gods, Emperor Wu!

This name is indeed unheard of, but the horrible background of the latter, coupled with its powerful strength, is enough to prove too much.

Meng Fan sighed quietly,

"Unexpectedly to be able to see someone like Senior here, it is really fortunate!"

While speaking, Meng Fan stretched out his hand, not because of Emperor Wu's strength, but because of the latter's generation. The first batch of **** kings in the Kaitian Era were the ancestors of countless human races between heaven and earth. This identity alone was a reason for Meng Fan to respect.

And Meng Fan knew that countless inheritances in later generations came from the legacy of the **** kings of the Kaitian era. This group of people was also extremely powerful, because at that time, the vitality had just formed, the ancient gods were powerful, and the beasts raged , And on the contrary, the human race was the weakest in that era, which is different from now.

It also caused the human race to want to cultivate, which is extremely difficult.

To be able to become a **** king in that era, anyone can be said to be constantly groping their way in the endless darkness, and there is no experience of any predecessors to learn from, this kind of character is really the supreme arrogant!

"Live longer!"

Emperor Wu waved his hand and smiled.

"If it takes a long time to judge a person's strength, then the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters will not suppress everyone. According to the truth, they are all my juniors, but they do all of us. Things that have not been done, vitality cultivation, is not constant in time. You have also reached the point where you are today. Compared with people of your kind, what do we count, but it is because you were born early , And cultivation is long!"

"Senior is ridiculously praised. Senior is a person who really set foot on the avenue. If it is not strong, then the kid really doesn't know what to say!"

Meng Fan shook his head. He hasn't reached the end of the road so far, so he naturally knows how difficult this step is.

"The only thing I don't know is, why are seniors here?"

At a glance, Meng Fan had already discovered that there were no restrictions around this Emperor Wu, not even a divine formation, but Emperor Wu always sat here, as if he hadn't moved for many years.

This alone made Meng Fan extremely curious.

Who can trap him and who can keep him still?

"As you can see, this is the cold cave of the ancient gods. It is a place where mortals are held. I am trapped! In fact, it is precisely because I was held here first that the three guys were allowed here. It has become the dungeon of the ancient gods, and it is managed!"

Emperor Wu smiled, pointed around and said calmly,

"Have you seen it? You should be curious why I didn't resist. It's very simple. It has nothing to do with whether I can trap me, but I trap myself here because I have lost to the outsider. The three old guys lost their bet and naturally couldn't leave, so they chose to proclaim themselves here!"


Meng Fan's expression moved, he looked at Emperor Wu in shock, and suddenly felt even more shocked.

From a logical point of view, even if the three ancient gods and three elders are the three kings, they have already reached the extreme of the great road, but I am afraid that the three cannot easily do what Emperor Wu is.

If it is a real shopping fight, Emperor Wu will be able to kill one if he is desperate, making both parties pay the price.

But Emperor Wu was willing to sit there. In addition to his own power, maybe it was because Emperor Wu paid great attention to promises?

"Senior is not willing to leave here, is it because Senior can't leave this piece of time and space?"

Meng Fan pondered for a moment and asked tentatively.


However, at the next moment, Emperor Wu gave an answer that shocked Meng Fan.

"Although the ancient emperor is domineering and shocking the world, in such a long time, we have actually worked out a way to leave this world, but we are not willing to leave!"

A simple sentence made Meng Fan shocked and unable to speak.

If it is possible to leave, then why is Emperor Wu here, then according to the truth, the ancient gods and three elders should also have a way to leave, why are they here too?

But a closed world, hundreds of thousands of years between this world and the earth, this is not something that requires perseverance, even if it is a strong king, I am afraid that this kind of endless loneliness cannot be endured.

Staying in one place for hundreds of thousands of years is more than loneliness, changing to being an ordinary person, eternal time, it can wear off all his fighting spirit, belief, blunt knife killing, painless but biting!

Seeing Meng Fan’s shock and doubts, Emperor Wu sat on the spot and smiled slightly.

"Do you think this is incredible?"

Hearing that, Meng Fan did not speak, but his eyes were filled with hesitation.

"That being the case, then I ask you, your current strength is already sweeping the world, and you are only one step away from the end of the avenue, so if you set foot... after the end of the avenue, what will happen? "

Emperor Wu spoke slowly, extremely calm.

But falling in between Meng Fan's ears shocked his whole body, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

The avenue is the ultimate, what shall happen after the ultimate?

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