Supreme God King

Chapter 1911: Cage

Mysterious space!

At the moment when this space was completely swallowed up, a powerful crushing force came toward Meng Fan, and this kind of pressure was not something anyone could withstand.

Rao was Meng Fan, who also roared, using all the strength in his body to resist.

Now all around his body is filled with this endless pressure, so that his bones are almost not broken. At this moment, there was a lot of internal bleeding in the body, and the five internal organs collapsed. If it weren't for Meng Fan's horror, it would have been broken.

This kind of tearing pain did not know how long it lasted, but finally stopped, flying around, Meng Fan accidentally fell heavily on the ground.


With his powerful body, he felt endless pain and exhaustion. At the moment of falling, Meng Fan also coughed up a lot of blood, but he forcibly resisted it, desperately preventing his divine mind from fainting and maintaining himself.

For a moment, the endless energies of heaven and earth in the sky were concentrated towards Meng Fan's place, causing him to constantly devour this kind of power.

Devour martial arts!

Absorbing everything, this powerful heaven and earth energy absorbed into Meng Fan's body, making him feel a lot better suddenly, as he looked around, he suddenly frowned when he looked around.

Surrounded by an extremely ancient jungle, the trees are weird, the energy is gathered, and the faintly surging power of the heavens is comparable to the ancient times, and it is actually extremely abundant.

And what makes Meng Fan feel weird most is that the aura of this space is not right, a bit similar to the ancient times.

If he hadn't personally been to the past time and space, he would not be able to distinguish it at all, because in the entire world, every plant and tree has a profound ancient meaning, which is a kind of precipitation of rich years, as if just The grass by his side has gone through millions of years. This feeling that comes from time can never be wrong!

Where is it?

This place seemed to be an independent little thousand world. Meng Fan suppressed himself, and at the same time, his thoughts were moving fast, his eyes turned towards the void, and after a while, a trace of divine thought began to detect the surroundings, and finally came to a conclusion.

It was here that it was completely sealed off. Who is Meng Fan, but an overwhelming **** king, how terrible his spiritual thoughts are, even if his injuries are serious now, but he penetrates nine heavens and ten earth, it is not a problem!

However, in the previous exploration, after a trace of his divine thought reached the top of the sky, it was unable to penetrate it. Allowing Meng Fan to keep trying, that divine thought turned into a divine sword, but the whole world seemed to be There is no way out, no matter how terrible Meng Fan's spirit is, he can't penetrate the sky of this little thousand world.

In the end, Meng Fan's preliminary conclusion is that this is a...sealed world!


With Meng Fan's concentration, he couldn't help but be moved. It was really hard to imagine that there could be a world that trapped him in this world.

However, he clearly felt that his divine consciousness passed through the heavens and the earth, but was blocked by a powerful spatial barrier. That barrier was like a huge wall, which did not give Meng Fan any opportunity at all.

The whole world is completely sealed!

"There will be this kind of place in this world. Where is this space? It is clearly... a huge prison!"

Meng Fan finally reacted, and the entire world was completely sealed, just like a cage, sealing him here.

He came in through that spatial rift, and he didn’t think that it would be such a result in the end. It seems that this old man of Chaos tried his best to let him enter here. He must have his deep meaning. I don’t know that the ancient emperor he mentioned is also related to this What link!

While recovering, Meng Fan tapped lightly in his hand, thinking.

Now being sealed here, I don't know what it will be like if I return to the peak moment and bombard the space wall that covers the sky with my own powerful divine power.

Muttered in Meng Fan's heart, but now everything has to be put down temporarily, the most important thing for him is to restore his own strength.

Now he is suffering from injuries, but he can only replenish himself with the energy of this piece of heaven and earth. Fortunately, the power here is extremely abundant and can help Meng Fan.

However, at the moment when Meng Fan was about to absorb the energy of the sky, his expression suddenly moved, and the sole of his feet stepped on, and the whole person retreated quickly like a thunder. In a breath, you can see Meng Fan dragging the injured body, but like a ghost in the day, hiding directly in the woods.

Because not far away, there was a noise falling, and after a few breaths, two people like hills could be seen walking over.

"Ancient Gods!"

At the first sight of these two people, Meng Fan recognized it directly, because he had dealt with this group before, and it was the ancient gods.

The two people who came here are huge and muscular. The whole body is blue. They look like two ancient gods in their prime of life. The most important thing is the hostility in the eyebrows and the powerful bloodline power in the body. They are all proving that they are extraordinary, and they have already reached the point of half-step sacredness.

The blood of any ancient **** is lurking in the body, and it can be said that it is twice the result with half the effort to cultivate. It is the most terrifying blood darling between the world and the earth. All ancient alien species and ancient gods are incomparable with them.

Among them, the most outstanding existence, the ancient emperor, is the first person in all ages, a terrifying man who suppressed the thirteen hall masters alone.

There turned out to be two ancient gods here. After these two people appeared, their eyes became a little **** red, and their noses kept sniffing the air. After a short while, one of them slowly spoke,

"It's an illusion, but how can I smell human blood..."

"If it weren't for me to smell it, it must be a joke to you, I am afraid that both of our heads are broken!"

Another ancient **** also spoke slowly, licking his tongue,

"Human.... Tsk, this smell of blood is so charming, it's really helpless. I haven't tried human blood for a long time. The humans caught by the traps in the clan, early I have been given points by those old guys. If you can get a living human, no... even a bowl of blood, it's all right!"

Obviously, before Meng Fan fell into this void, a lot of blood was left behind.

It was this smell of blood that attracted these two ancient gods. They felt extremely sensitive and greedy for human blood. Between this moment, their eyes even glowed with a spirit. Mang, each other is extremely excited.

In ancient times, the ancient gods were rampant all over the world, but they used humans as food, and often a big ancient god, a banquet, just didn't know how many humans would be sacrificed and turned into food for the ancient gods. So in the most ancient times, at the time of the human race, fate was even worse than that of ants.

"It seems that I am waiting for the illusion, there is no human being!"

An ancient **** snorted and was about to leave, but at the next moment, his gaze condensed and he noticed a leaf above.

"No, the blood of the human race is really fresh, there are fallen humans here!"

Between the few words, there was a kind of brutal aura and excitement, making the eyes of the two ancient gods burst into unprecedented light.

Those few drops of blood were exactly what Meng Fan left behind. Because he was not careful, before he had time to erase it, the blood of the king was still fresh.

Fresh blood naturally means fresh human beings.

In this cage-like space, for the ancient gods, nothing could excite them more than a living human being.

The two immediately became extremely alert, their divine consciousness spread, and followed the few drops of blood to find all the clues around them.

However, at the next moment, without waiting for the two of them to move, they were enveloped by an aura that was even more terrifying than them.

Between this kind of breath, it turned out to be two ancient gods who were known for their fierceness and violence. They couldn't even move, like being drowned, they couldn't escape the control of this powerful breath.

At the same time, the voice came slowly,

"You guessed it, but you have the price!"

Between the words, the palm of his hand stretched out and he calmly grabbed the necks of the two ancient gods. These two demons existed like two little chickens in his hands. , It is Meng Fan.

Meng Fan, who was silently shrouded in darkness, was more terrifying than any **** or devil.

The methods of the ancient gods are very, absolutely cannot be inferred by common sense, but it is a pity that the person they met is Meng Fan, and the method of killing is more than ten thousand kinds, and any one of them can be used quietly.

Along with the palm of his hand, Meng Fan also brutally killed the two ancient gods..., without a trace of breath leaking out!

Hiding in the shadows, Meng Fan's movements didn't leak any aura at all. With his methods, once he decided to kill, how could there be any mistakes. At the same time, when cutting off all the auras of these two ancient gods, Meng Fan's mental power also came out boldly, entered the sea of ​​knowledge of the two people, and directly searched for the soul.

All the memories of these two people were taken out, and Meng Fan would not have any mercy at all when he treated this kind of demon.

In other words, if he fell into the hands of these two people now, let alone alive, it would be an extravagant hope to die well. The way he treats the enemy, Meng Fan has always liked violence against violence!

After a few breaths, after extracting all the memories of these two ancient gods, Meng Fan also opened his eyes, still calm, but an extremely sharp light flashed deep under his eyes, muttering,

"That's it... This is the place where the ancient gods are imprisoned, and the person who personally laid out a space is... the ancient emperor!"

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