Supreme God King

Chapter 1906: recovery

In the past time and space, the two of them were suppressed by the power of Heaven's Dao to death, but they were only breaking the Yuan realm.

It is extremely miserable to be able to do this for the two great kings.

But really returning to the Middle Ancient Territory of the future time and space, naturally there is no Heaven's power to suppress the two people, and the two people also restored the supreme supernatural power at the same time.

Opened his eyes and looked at each other, he sensed that there was no way to compare the aura of heaven and earth between Zhou and Tian, ​​but Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant did not have the joy of recovering their strength, only the unexplainable melancholy.

After silence, I don’t know how long, before the Zhantian Giant spoke,

"Meng Fan, what will you do next?"

"of course....."

Meng Fan responded,

"The two great **** king martial arts have been merged together. I just get them now, but they are not completely merged. It will take at least three thousand years to fully merge them into my swallowing martial arts, and I want to open this Big Dipper. The emperor's golden box is not that simple!"


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the Zhantian Giant was silent for a while, then confronted Meng Fan’s gaze and said softly,

"You will stick to what you said, won't you?"

"of course!"

Meng Fan nodded and said calmly.

"In my thoughts in the past, in fact, I was fighting the forbidden zone only because of my grievances, but today, it is really different. The brothers who died in the dark alliance in the future, for the many souls between heaven and earth, In order...the old man, the Big Dipper, and the thousands of passionate powerhouses throughout the ages to die in vain, I will give them an explanation. This explanation is no longer just my personal grievances, I will let them know , They will not sacrifice in vain, in this piece of world, in the future, after all, there will be no more black death, the forbidden zone...when the world will die!"

A few words are sonorous and powerful.

At this moment, even seeing any expression on Meng Fan, the latter had already spent tens of thousands of years without knowing it.

He is no longer the one who is extremely excited when he swears, but what he says is more powerful and more persistent!

Hearing this, Zhan Tian giant nodded, after a moment of silence, then spoke,

"Meng Fan, if you enter the restricted area in the future, I will definitely not leave you alone!"

It's just a promise, but no matter who it is, he understands the meaning contained in these words, and Meng Fan's brows are suddenly raised.

"How did you modify the son?"

I have to say that even Meng Fan felt extremely surprised. In the eternal time, the Zhantian Giant has always been alone regardless of any disputes between the world and the earth, only for cultivation, rarely It was between this world and the earth.

His previous remarks meant that he would directly participate in the struggle between Meng Fan and the Thirteenth Hall Master. Such a struggle is definitely not just talking.

Everyone understands that in the future, Meng Fan and the thirteen hall masters will inevitably have a dispute. The one who wins will be the eternal honor, then the one who fails means...completely wiped out!

The king of the gods is the power to cover the world, but it does not mean that you can't die!

This point, Zhan Tian Giant is naturally very clear, but now in his eyes, he is still full of perseverance, said,

"It's not just you who were touched by the old man from Pishan. Maybe I should do something for Wanyu. This is the right piece of the world, and it is the inheritance left by the right old man from Pishan!"

When the last few words fell, Meng Fan's heart moved, and he clearly felt a majestic power emerge from the body of the Zhantian Giant.

Under this kind of power, it seems that there is an incomparably fanatical aura in the Zhantian Giant. Once it is a breakthrough, it will make his whole person qualitatively change, reaching an unprecedented level.

"The end of the avenue?"

Meng Fan was moved and said in surprise.

"Have you reached the last step of that door?"

Before this, after Meng Fan felt the martial art of the old man Pishan, his own qualitative change was to see the last step of his martial art. Before this door, if he could completely push it away, it would mean a huge nirvana. .

The combat power will reach an unprecedented level. Meng Fan is confident that if he reaches this profound entrance, even if the thirteen hall masters gather together, he will also have the power of a battle and can divide life and death.

The thirteen hall masters gather together!

This represents the strongest combat power among the eternal gods. In the past, even the ancient emperor has been suppressed in the past. It is naturally shocking the world. Who dares to say that it can fight.

But Meng Fan has a lot of self-confidence, not blind, but from the understanding of his own strength, but also a belief that dominates the world.

However, he was far away from this profound entrance, but what he didn't expect was that the Zhantian Giant was one step ahead of him.

It can be felt that today's Zhan Tian giant can break through at any time, he just needs a kind of chance, that is, he can set foot on that entrance and reach the end of his own road!

"Not bad!"

The Zhan Tian giant nodded,

"After all, I have been practicing for a lot longer than you. This time I have absorbed the martial arts of the old man, and I have made a lot of progress. Therefore, my martial arts will follow and improve. Meng Fan, I will fall into retreat. , I don’t know how long, but when I come out...that’s when I set foot at the end of the avenue!"

The voice fell, very confident.

For Zhan Tian Giant, he himself has already reached this point, only the last bit of help is to be able to break through.

So naturally I am very happy. Although this last glimmer of help is still quite far away, I don’t know how many years it will take to break through, but after such a long period of hard cultivation, I finally saw the end of myself. This is naturally extremely letting Zhan Tian The giant is happy and joyful.

Nodded, Meng Fan also patted the shoulder of the feared war giant and smiled.

"Well, I am waiting for you between this world and earth, looking forward to the opportunity to fight with you again!"

There was a hint of warmth in the tone of voice. The two people went from enemy to friend, from fighting each other to fighting each other. This kind of feeling really came out. Before, they both beat each other's nose and face, but many At that time, such men became best friends instead, just like Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant.

If it weren't for the fight against each other for hundreds of years, I am afraid that the two would not have the chance to be together and confront each other.

And thinking of Meng Fan, who was like a nightmare before, the face of Zhantian Giant suddenly became dark, and he roared,

"Hmph, when I leave the customs next time, when you are beaten up, Meng Fan, you will wait for me, I can count the number of times you cheated me... Now, when I leave the customs, the first thing I do is to beat you first, of course... when you haven't set foot on the end of the road!"

These words were simply spit out from the teeth of the Zhantian Giant. After speaking, his hill-like body disappeared and disappeared into the space.

Meng Fan was left behind, and touched his chin. Meng Fan smiled, but obviously felt some pressure. What this Zhantian Giant said is really true. If his cultivation base has been in the Zhantian Giant. Now, he can't sit on himself with his ass, right?

Thinking of the 99% possibility, Meng Fan suddenly sweated and said in a low voice.

"Careful guy, didn't he just beat you up a few times... Um!?"

Just as Meng Fan spoke, his expression suddenly changed, and his gaze looked at a void. Now that Meng Fan is in control of Heaven, his sense of danger is becoming stronger than ever.

He now has an insight into the world, so if someone acts unfavorably towards him or the people around him, it will make Meng Fan instinctively feel a sense.

And now Meng Fan is like this. At that moment before, he unexpectedly discovered that someone was... spying on the secret alliance, hiding the murderous intention!

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