Supreme God King

Chapter 1903: Enter the restricted area

One day outside, Lingshan ten years.

Located in one of the two best sacred places for cultivation in this ancient age, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giants can be described as forgetting time. This place itself is an absolute realm, and there are treasures in the space.

Naturally, let them have their own enlightenment, just sitting there is a full 30 years.

Do not move for thirty years.

For a strong man like Meng Fan, it is not a rare thing. He and the Giant Battle Sky have done it countless times before. But this time it was different, because the martial arts of the old man in the mountain were more than a huge help to the two!

After 30 years of sitting, I have a lot of influence.

During this period of time, both Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant were reunited in flesh and blood, and their vitality and blood regained. With the help of this spirit mountain, the injuries they had suffered before quickly recovered in these thirty years. .

Judging from their previous injuries, if it weren't for Lingshan, it would take a hundred years to say nothing.

However, because of the laws here and the power of heaven and earth is too abundant, it also caused the two to recover three times, or even four times. And this is not the point. The martial art in their bodies is the biggest gain for the two of them.

During the thirty years, the two of them started from the first stone monument left by the old man Pishan, and continued to comprehend until they realized the last stone monument left by the old man Pishan.

It is to see the story between the life of the old man in the mountain and experience the rise of this generation of great emperors. At this moment, the martial arts change of the old man in the mountain will be completely integrated into the two people. , Causing the martial arts of the two to also follow the earth-shattering changes.

God king exists.

How strong and tough the martial arts in the body is, I am afraid that the world will collapse, and it will be difficult for the martial arts of the gods to change, because he represents the life path of the gods and the strong, and the beliefs, and once it changes, it is extremely terrible, no Nirvana is death.

Obviously, the changes between Meng Fan and Zhan Tian Giant were the former, which had once again improved a step above their own martial arts.

It's just a step, but for the realm of the **** king, it's not just that simple. Countless years of cultivation and many treasures of heaven and material can't be exchanged for this step of improvement.

Especially Meng Fan, his own Dao is the Devour Dao, taking everything in this world into his body and turning it into his own use. This came from the destruction of the God King, and unlike him, Meng Fan went out of his own way.

It can be said that among the gods under heaven, there is no existence that is better at fusing the strengths of others than him and the **** of destruction, Chaos, and Meng Fan has this, and seeing the martial arts of the old man in the mountain, it was in these 30 years. In time, all the essence of his martial arts was extracted and integrated into himself.

Even though Meng Fan, who caused this moment, sat in the same place and remained motionless, his whole person looked like an old monk, not like that kind of invincible king, but in his actual body, there was a shocking change. , His own way, Nirvana once again.

The end of the avenue!

Vaguely, Meng Fan could feel that he seemed to have seen a huge gate. As long as the gate was pushed open, he could reach the extreme of his martial arts and become the existence at the end of the road to reach!

Looking at the world, once any **** king reaches the end of the martial arts, then it means that he is an absolute man.

Stepped into the most peak moment of his life, under this kind of moment, he was in his strongest state, which he had never had before. Everyone's combat power after the end of the martial arts is different, depending on each individual's martial arts, and Meng Fan's martial arts can not even absorb the heavens, once he set foot at the end of the avenue, it would be terrible.

That door, Meng Fan could feel that it was simply the best medium for multiplying his strength. Once it could be truly opened, he himself would usher in the greatest Nirvana in the Divine King Realm!

So in this faint, Meng Fan was going crazy, that kind of thought was concentrated, desperately rushing towards that mysterious door.

Just like hitting an unprecedented sky moat, there is a mist in the middle, constantly blocking Meng Fan, only relying on himself to find this way.

Several times, Meng Fan himself discovered that he was still a long way from that mysterious gate. He had already seen it, which gave him his own hope, just like the endless darkness ignited a beacon, making Meng Fan excited. .

"If my devouring martial arts stepped to the end of the avenue, with the help of heaven, maybe I can reverse the time for a short time, then the distance will make my sister open her eyes... is another step!"

In Meng Fan's heart, he said to himself, that kind of attachment that belongs to the Wuzhen youth has never changed for many years.

Who can not forget the original intention, a few simple words, the whole world, but only a few rare people can truly achieve it, and Meng Fan is this kind of person.

Although he couldn't break through any door, Meng Fan has been working hard during these few years to cut all the fog between him, wanting to spend time piling up and casting his true self.

But just between Meng Fan's continuous fusion, it was forcibly interrupted by a powerful aura. Not only him, but also the Giant Zhan Tian opened his eyes suddenly, both of them looked at the same time. Looked at the summit of Pishanmen.

Where is.... The place where the old man Pishan is located, thirty years have passed, this is only in the spirit mountain.

And the outside world has only passed for three days, but in just such three days, at the moment when a powerful aura appeared on this extreme peak, a thick battle appeared in the eyes of Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant. Feelings, anger, hesitation... etc.

Because only they knew that this was a sign that the old man Pishan entered the restricted area, and it was also the moment when the old man Pishan died.

Prior to this, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant had already lamented that a generation of great emperor-level powerhouses could have been invincible in the world. If they did not take the initiative to enter the restricted area, then the huge Middle Ancient Realm will now only have him a great **** king, commanding the heroes. , Who dare not follow?

The Big Dipper Star Emperor is the only restriction for the Old Man Pishan in this era, but the latter is beyond everyone's expectation. Regardless of Pishanmen, regardless of his own hegemony, he quietly enters the restricted area, whether he wants to do it. .. Is your enemy or friend revenge?

There is no way of knowing this, but in any case, the old man Pishan died in this battle.

On the top of the summit, the powerful blood overflowed, causing a sensation in the entire Eight Wastes. Prior to this, the old man in the mountain had always hidden himself and condensed his powerful energy and blood, and even the people in the mountain gate could not even sense To him.

But now, the Old Man Pishan didn't hide it at all, but instead cast it away. Just for a moment, the entire Pishan Gate trembled, and the huge Middle Ancient Domain... trembled!

As far as the eyes of countless strong men can be seen, countless fierce beasts awakened, they all looked at this place, focusing on the old man in the mountain.

The only surviving supreme emperor in the Middle Ancient Territory, now making his own voice, who dares to ignore it.

Tens of billions of people, countless races, all quietly looked at this old man. Knowing that since the old man chose to release his breath, he must have something to say.

Bathed in the endless light, the old man Pishan lifted the sky alone, his eyes swept, the whole person is like a sun, endlessly tall, and finally slowly said,

"The star emperor falls, Beidou falls...In this world, no one will drink with today, I will enter the forbidden area, after the mountain gate...I will leave it to you! "

The old voice fell, spread throughout Pishanmen, and spread throughout the world.

Just a moment, it caused a shocking sensation. Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant were later generations. They knew this happened, but people in this era didn’t know it, so the sensation it caused was definitely not a star or a half. , But like an infinite explosion of thunder, blasted into everyone's mind.

Including the many elders and disciples of the mountain-splitting gate, it was absolutely unexpected. The old man-splitting the mountain called on everyone to return, and did not tell them about the forbidden zone, but calmly told everyone the future road and the various mountain gate processes.

Originally, this group of people thought that the old man in the mountain was aimed at the Big Dipper line. After all, without the Big Dipper line of the Big Dipper star emperor, it was simply a tiger without teeth. If the mountain gate was slammed, they could be taken down at any time, but not at all. What I think of is that this is the old man Pishan explaining his funeral.

He was already enter the restricted area!

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