Supreme God King

Chapter 1898: Shadow

One trades up!

At this moment, Meng Fan's position is extremely embarrassing.

You must know that what his rebellious **** asked for was an instantaneous explosion and one shot to kill, so the attack time was only a few blinks of an eye.

In this period of effort, unsuccessful, benevolent.

In the old days, even if the Destroyer God King faced Meng Fan's fourth finger of the Inverse God Scroll, he was defeated by Meng Fan's hands, and was broken by this raging, series of fighting forces, and shattered his own martial arts. What was unexpected is that the old man in black actually survived.

He survived Meng Fan's most domineering moment, so now it is Meng Fan who is uncomfortable!

Ninety-nine percent of the power in the body was evacuated, and now Meng Fan wanted to perform another blow. It became more difficult to maintain his own realm, and the more time it prolonged, the more disadvantaged he was.

The remaining time is less than half of the incense, it is almost like the countdown to life, but Meng Fan does not feel the endless crisis.


After gritting his teeth, Meng Fan almost broke up and down, and his bones shattered. It was the result of Meng Fan forcibly running his own power. His eyes were deep and extremely sharp. Meng Fan understood that if he had the fifth finger moved out, he would defeat the old man in black, but even though one finger against the gods is countless times stronger than one finger, he still wants to use it. The difficulty of one finger to one finger is also increased countless times.

Just at the moment when Meng Fan was only intending to stretch out his fingers, even the physical body he relied on for fame and honed for many years could not support the pillar.

There was a lot of bleeding in his body, almost causing Meng Fan to faint.

And the fifth finger!

At the same time, the old man in black was also shocked. He couldn't think of how terrifying Meng Fan's martial arts was. It was so, endless and endless.

If Meng Fan is allowed to develop in this way, the fourth finger is already like this, then the fifth finger and the sixth finger will reach the point where the latter can compete with the ancient emperor and the thirteenth hall master, indeed has a powerful The truth is worthy of being the biggest variable in eternity!


Thinking of this, the old man in black was willing to give Meng Fan another chance, spit out one word, and the whole person turned into a shadow, regardless of his own injuries, he slashed towards Meng Fan.

Although he was pierced by Meng Fan's four fingers of rebellious spirits before this, his injuries were unhealed and extremely serious, but the old man in black relied on the way of heaven to suppress the origin of his life. At this moment, his fingers were like a tide. , Suddenly set off a terrifying wave of vitality, like a storm, slapped over.

Who can resist!

In the face of this, Meng Fan didn't even have a chance to evade, but in the next moment a huge figure appeared, with a big stick horizontally in front of him, like a powerful physical shield, helping Meng Fan to take the blow completely. Exactly.... The Giant of Battle Sky!


Born in the palm of the black-clothed old man, he was originally a miserable giant in the sky, but now it is even more miserable.

Up and down the whole body, the body of the **** king was cracked by life, blood spurted out, and flesh and blood rolled, making the giant of the sky at this moment look no different from a blood man, and at the same time, around this void, I heard him. The sound of miserable howling.

"Meng Fan, you **** it, I can't even kill you for your sake, I'm so hurt...!"

In order to help Meng Fan, Zhantian Giant paid a great deal and turned it directly into a flesh shield.


The expression of the black-clothed old man changed suddenly, and once again, he slashed down. His power was terrifying. The shadow of the claw was the most terrifying thunder in the world. Between the lightning and flint, another blow fell on the giant of the sky. Above the body.

After a short while, it can be seen that the Zhantian giant was almost torn apart by the old man in black, and the blood on his head was surging, erupting, like a fountain, making people feel trembling.

Swearing in his mouth, but you can see the Heavenly Battle Giant above this mid-air, but... he never retreats, always blocking Meng Fan behind himself.

Facing such a scene, even Meng Fan couldn't help but trembled. He and Zhan Tian Giant were not even friends, but the latter was able to help Meng Fan to do so. This kind of feeling, maybe it's a confidant, we can only live with each other!


A moment later, Meng Fan let out a loud roar, martial arts trembled, and qi and blood merged. At this moment, all the power bets on his whole body were turned into rolling power, pressing on the five fingers against the gods. Five pointed out that the old man in black must die.

If this fifth finger is not useful, then he and the battle giant...but they will fall into this past time and space!

Therefore, at this moment, Meng Fan is like a violent demon. The hair on his body is exploded one by one. The body has undergone endless changes. The martial arts boiled and merged into himself. Under the constant blessing, Meng Anyone who forcibly merges forces, prepares to explode this fifth finger.

The palm of the hand was raised and pointed out, but the dark and decayed light between Meng Fan did not emerge.

Meng Fan's heart tightened. He understood that the most important thing was the evolution of martial arts. Even in his mind, the change of the fifth finger had not yet taken shape.

This kind of martial arts evolution cannot be carried out in a short while, even if it has the great horror between life and death, Meng Fan's thinking is fast-moving, but it is not able to quickly deduct his own martial arts, the power of this fifth finger. ...But it didn't explode for a long time!

"Meng Fan, are you okay? I'm going to be really beaten to death by this old boy, dead, dead!"

The battle giant roared, the whole person was a blood gourd. The price he paid for protecting Meng Fan was that he faced the black-clothed old man's destructive power, and almost didn't split him apart. After the third shot fell, he fell. It is only one step away from Zhantian Giant, that is to destroy the origin!

Do not!

Meng Fan roared in his heart, making all kinds of waves. He couldn't think of himself at his peak, nor was he an opponent of this puppet of heaven.

The power of the five fingers against the gods is constantly evolving, and Meng Fan becomes frenzied, but he is suppressing all his emotions, and wants to run the power of the fifth finger, but between the electric light and the fingertips The light did not erupt for a long time.

But the handprint of the old man in black was once again hit, smashing through the sky with one blow, and then heading straight to the battle giant in front of him, and with one shot down, he wanted to completely smash its origin.

"God **** it, I Zhan Tian today... my fate is over!"

Zhan Tian giant roared last, without joy or sorrow, but the whole person did not retreat, only resistance was in front of Meng Fan.

Just like the **** monkey of the year, the Ruo Shuiyi of the year, the old madman of the year, like the people of the tens of thousands of dark alliances, Meng Fan has a unique charm that can make people treat him... Follow life and death!

One shot fell, smashing the void, but at the moment when it was about to fall into the power of the Zhantian giant's original source, the void trembled and suddenly twisted, and a strange black shadow unexpectedly floated from the space and blocked Zhantian. In front of the giant.

Despite the strength of the old man in black smashing everything, but in front of this black shadow, it was not broken open, but all...stopped!

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