Supreme God King

Chapter 1895: Man can conquer the sky

There is no strong **** king!

The voice fell slowly and slowly, if the world were to switch to what other people said, it would be a joke at best, and no one would believe it.

God king and strong, one is so fierce and powerful.

What's more, it is the strongest king of the world, that one is not stunning, suppressing the ancient and modern generations.

If this group of people are added together, then everything in the entire world will be suppressed.

For tens of thousands of years, the cholera of the entire common people has not been because of the endless battles of this group of gods and kings.

The idea of ​​the old man in black turned out to be to punish the God King under Heaven, which is undoubtedly a kind of contempt for everyone, but thinking of the identity of the old man is to make the complexions of Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant look unsightly at the same time. .

If the world still has the right to say this kind of existence, one is because of chaos, and the other is naturally.....the source of the heavens, the law of the world, all kinds of domains, but all come from the heavens The evolution of the source.

In particular, the scene Meng Fan saw was a scene performed by Heavenly Dao. So far, Meng Fan has operated Heavenly Dao and used all kinds of incredible methods. Nothing has gone wrong, including his ability to come to the past. In the time and space, such an anti-theft method has already been successful.

He had to feel a horror at the corner of the future Xuanyuan ancestor saw.

"Now you should know part of the power of Heaven!"

The black-clothed old man looked down at Meng Fan and said one word,

"If you can surrender to me now, maybe in the future world, you can bring the people around you to survive and merge into the heavenly path, then you will avoid the last one to end. Otherwise, the world you see is Your world soon after!"

The voice rumbling, killing decisively.

Especially for Meng Fan, who has seen the real future and has taken control of the way of heaven, it is not without power. That kind of endless boundlessness and sorrow will give birth to endless despair. After all, his opponent is. The real heaven.

But just a moment later, Meng Fan smiled calmly and said calmly.

"Old ghost, you don't have to persuade me. From the beginning to the end, when I act in Meng Fan, I have always had only one choice, that is, man can conquer the sky, even if you are the real sky, what should you do?"

Fist out, the ground cracked and landslide.

For Meng Fan, he did think about it for a moment. He was only limited to thinking about it. How could the obsession over the years and the confidence formed for countless years make him choose to give in and become someone else's puppet? , Choose a life that is beyond your control.

In an instant, all combat power broke out, and Meng Fan once again blasted out, swallowing the avenue was fully deployed, there was no hesitation at all, only one blow killed everything.

"Huh, I don't know what to do!"

Knowing that it is already persuading Meng Fan to fail, the old man in black can only use the most terrifying means to kill Meng Fan in this past time and space.

Once Meng Fan returned to the future, it was even more difficult to deal with. The old man naturally understood this incomparably, so when he shot it, it was extremely spicy, visible to the naked eye, the void collapsed, and Zhou Tian trembled.

The two sides are killing each other. At this moment, how can they have a little bit of extra energy? The afterimages are constant, and the power hits. Any ordinary blow is a means of extreme dominance, just a number A breath, I don’t know how many times I have collided.

"Tiancan God King, Renxiong, Liu Family Patriarch, Xitian Patriarch, Lan Caiyi..."

Staring at the martial arts that are constantly emerging in the field, the battle giant behind him is just secretly speechless. Thanks to Meng Fan's domineering, standing on the top of the ancient gods, it is really possible that he will appear on the stage. He had already been knocked to the ground by the old man in black.

In this instant, the old man in black actually used the martial arts of more than a dozen **** kings. How can any strong man who set foot on the **** king be able to use martial arts, and the mysterious seal in the hands of the old man is like a kaleidoscope. The same, change at will, target Meng Fan, attack and attack, defense and defense. In this moment, like more than a dozen **** kings, the martial arts are not earth-shaking, they merge together to launch attacks. The correct use of the old man is simply invincible in the world!

But what made Zhan Tian Giant even more shocked was that he really saw Meng Fan's power.

He didn't want to hurt Meng Fan before leaving his hand, but what he didn't expect was that Meng Fan also had his hand. Meng Fan, who has merged with the Dao of Heaven, has now bought a higher peak realm. In the ten thousand domains, he was more clamoring about the thirteen hall masters daring to go down to the void, and Meng Fan was not only relying on a word of dare.

But his strength has reached a new level, and now he collides with the old man in black.

Despite the tactics of more than a dozen **** king powerhouses in the hands of the black-clothed old man, Meng Fan remained unmoved. Only the imperial fist bombardment and moves are absolute power. Any **** king's method is based on himself in front of Meng Fan. Absolute power suppressed and shattered it.

Therefore, even though the old man controlled more than a dozen gods and kings, he still could not completely suppress Meng Fan. Every step of the latter fell, it was a punch. The breath of loneliness and undefeated self appeared. The ultimate!


Beneath the sky, it burst again. Amidst the debris in the sky, Meng Fan's body retreated. After one step, he stood firm, although he was on par with the old man in black, but now he was extremely embarrassed.

The whole person's body was blasted open, I don't know how much, blood spurted out, dyed red clothes, especially the injuries inside the body were even more serious. Even if Meng Fan was able to fight the old man in black, it was inevitable that he would infiltrate the aura of more than a dozen gods and powerhouses in his body. For a moment, it was difficult to digest and continuously shattered Meng Fan's body.

However, looking at the old man in black, he couldn't bear it. He was also white hair dancing, coughing up blood, standing between the void, looking at Meng Fan with his hands behind his back, but his back was obviously a little rickety and old. a lot of.

At the peak of Meng Fan, not everyone can bear his anger.

The name of the supreme king is definitely not honored in vain!

But now, Meng Fan is more anxious, because here is the treasure house of Splitting the Mountain Gate. He didn't come here to fight the old man, but for the inheritance of the Big Dipper Star Emperor. Now they are likely to be split the mountain at any time. What the old man finds, then I am afraid that what he wants will not be so easy to get.

Secondly, it’s already time for half a stick of incense. As far as Meng Fan’s god-inviting technique is concerned, he can return himself at the peak of his time. It is only when there is only a stick of incense. If you still don’t solve the old man in black , If you drag on, you will be the first one to be the first to be able to stand it!

So in Meng Fan’s eyes, he became colder and colder countless times before finally opening his mouth.

"Since you are the way of heaven, the means of controlling countless gods are indeed powerful, but I have fought with you a little, only to find that you can never imitate one thing!"


The black-clothed old man's expression moved slightly, staring at Meng Fan.

"It's the ultimate change in martial arts!"

Meng Fan slowly uttered a few words, his expression extremely serious.

"Before, you used the martial arts of several **** kings and completely evolved their life skills. But in fact, you still have weaknesses, that is, the **** king is strong. You can't fully copy any of them, because the martial arts of each **** king is the last It will evolve to the extreme, and it is also the end of their great road. The power that bursts out from this end is the last true meaning of their martial arts, and this true meaning is the most precious evolution of human vitality, and you , Will never understand, will you?"

The tone was calm, but as Meng Fan continued speaking more and more, it just made the black-clothed old man's complexion more gloomy.

Finally, he couldn't help but sneered,

"Well, the king of the gods is indeed uncontrollable, but I can control so many martial arts changes, it is enough. Even if there are the most martial arts methods, but I can already control so many, so every This kind of fusion, all methods are in hand, and it is able to suppress any kind of martial arts that reaches the limit. I control everything, and you only have one kind!"

"No, the crowd does not mean being invincible!"

Meng Fan’s eyes flashed and interrupted the old man in black. At the same time, a finger slowly stretched out between his palms, just under one finger, it made Meng Fan’s breath different from before. , Even if he is still standing in place, even if he is still motionless, even if he is still Meng Fan, but at this moment he... but he has a more violent breath on his body, as if in his eyes, anyone , Any existence is already going to be destroyed at any time.

"Although the king of the gods was born in ten thousand realms, people are unknown and have infinite power. After reaching the gods, they will evolve their martial arts into the most unique existence in this world. Since they are unique, then his martial arts The ultimate evolution will reach an unprecedented level. You are just a puppet of the heavens. How do you know the terrible and method of this kind of martial arts coming to an end? You are just imitating, but the true king... It is to aspire to the world, to reach the end of the road, to play the common people again, to prove a legend!"

The words are strong, and the way he speaks is easy. As Meng Fan is speaking, a light like a shooting star burst out between his fingers.

The light is just a little, but it illuminates the entire sky in a flash. The heart of Lian Zhantian giant couldn’t help but stop still at this moment, because Meng Fan has already used his strongest means, the ultimate change in his martial arts... One finger!

Once pointed out, life and death are only...

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