Supreme God King

Chapter 1892: Please magic

The voice fell, extremely calm, but it was filled with a deep ridicule.

Standing behind Meng Fan, the Zhantian Giant smiled helplessly, as if he had already known how Meng Fan chose, but at this moment he still shook his head and said in a low voice.

"Meng Fan, you are going to kill you, I think it's better to die than to live!"

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"I feel that in life, a big man will naturally stand upright, and would rather stand to die than kneel to live!"

A few words fell, and at the same time, Meng Fan's body also fell in one step.


Suddenly, this void was filled with a monstrous war spirit. Under the gaze of the terrifying old man in black, Meng Fan did not retreat but moved forward, his aura soaring.

Even though the strength of breaking the Yuan realm is only a qualification in the eyes of the old man, but that kind of domineering war will seem to tear everything apart, no matter how powerful the old man in black is, he cannot be overwhelmed by Meng. Fan, on the contrary, there was a faint feeling of being stung by his fighting spirit.

This is Meng Fan, this is his arrogance!

Whether he was the Wuzhen boy in those years, or the **** king of the world today, that kind of thing in his bones has never changed.

Rather Stick to your guns.

In the world, a few people can truly do it, and from the moment of entering cultivation, Meng Fan is this kind of person. For many years of blood and blood, countless times of crushing by the strong, he has never let his backbone. There has been any sensation.

"court death!"

At this moment, the eyes of the black-clothed old man burst out like stars, a kind of extreme murderous intent burst out, standing in place, his body motionless, but his punch blasted out, and a force that penetrated the mountains, the sun and the moon came out boldly. .


The sound of terrifying air waves hit, and the moment the black-clothed old man raised his hand, he had already formed a kind of destructive power. Under such a power, it was simply destroying the world and surpassing all living beings. Not to mention the current Meng Fan, even at his peak, facing the old man in black, he will encounter a life enemy. The strength of the latter is only above him, not below him. The reason why he chose to The killing of Meng Fan here was just because in Meng Fan's era, even the old man in black was not fully sure.

But now it's different. Both Meng Fan and Zhantian Giants only retain the body of the King of Gods, but they don't have the supreme realm of the past. They are like tigers that have lost their power, fragile!

In just a flash, the murderous opportunity to annihilate oneself has arrived!

However, just a moment later, without waiting for Meng Fan to take action, a figure appeared in front of him, comparable to a hill, holding a big stick, it was...Zhantian Giant!


The sky above his head and his feet on the ground, the giant of the sky uttered a roar like a tiger coming out of its cage. At this moment, although his whole person is only at the point of breaking the Yuan realm, he is even about to fall, but no one of that kind Not convinced, the idea of ​​domineering the world, but it appeared vividly and vividly. With this diffuse sound, his whole person was holding the stick in both hands, and it blasted out with one blow. In an instant, the stick in his hand also flashed countless times. The rune, the Sanskrit sound fell, like thunder, containing a kind of power that makes all living beings lose their color.

Not a **** king, but now under the blow of the Zhantian Giant, it is comparable to his peak moment.

"Meng Fan, although Lao Tzu has been threatened by you many times, it's just that Lao Tzu is unwilling to do it with you...Is it true that Lao Tzu doesn't have a hole card? Although the power of time and space can destroy Lao Tzu's realm, it cannot destroy Lao Tzu's god. Wang Cheng Dao’s tool, this thing has already been integrated with me, the moment Lao Tzu and his mind are compatible, the power of the king will naturally burst out for a moment, in this world, Lao Tzu sees not many people, but. ...You count one of them!"

A few simple words fell, and at the same time a big stick came from the emptiness, violently colliding with the strength of the old man in black.


In an instant, the power of the **** king surged, and even the black-clothed old man suddenly changed his face. Unexpectedly, Zhan Tian giant still has such a hidden hole card.

Worthy of being a **** king and powerhouse, even if it is the horrible way of heaven, he cannot completely restrict the existence of Zhantian Giant. Although he is reckless and irritable, he can survive such a long period of time. Naturally, the giant is definitely not ordinary. The terrifying power of the past time and space still cannot completely restrain him, causing him to burst out of his own terrifying power.

With one blow, the sky burst open, and countless space fragments overflowed!

Standing in place, Meng Fan couldn't help but draw an arc when he heard the words of the Zhantian Giant, and did not respond, but in Meng Fan's heart, he felt a warm current.

He bullied Zhantian giants several times before, especially in this era, he threatened Zhantian several times, but the latter did not show his hidden cards against him, and followed all the way, seemingly because of Meng Fan’s violence. , But now it seems that it was just because Zhantian wanted to help Meng Fan!

This kind of friendship may be... brother!

Closing his eyes, in Meng Fan’s mind, he thought of God Monkey, thought of Lonely Pride, Lin Tang, thought of Burning Heaven Order, thought of Yun Feiyang, and Zhan Wuji... Maybe this group of people could not follow Meng Fan. The footsteps, but only because of Meng Fan's words, the swords are in the wild!

The feelings between men are like this. Maybe the two are enemies, rivals, and fight each other, but when the real thing comes, it only takes a word to change the other's life, the Big Dipper. This is the feeling between the old man Pishan, and the feeling between Meng Fan and the giant Zhantian....The same is true!

It is not necessarily a friend who drinks with you. It may insert a knife in your back at any time, and it is not...the enemy who fights each other day by day, but it may your life confidant.

The sky was torn apart, and the Eight Desolations trembled.

At the moment of the shot, the Zhan Tian giant seemed to have recovered to its peak, with unparalleled fighting strength, holding a big stick, and abruptly resisted the blow of the old man in black. And in the next moment, the battle giant roared again, and the man and the rod were one. This big stick itself was his tool of enlightenment. It contained the powerful and unparalleled martial art of the battle giant. Even time and space cannot be restricted. It was with the power of this big stick to gather in oneself, face the old man in black, and fight again.

Even if he had said before that he wanted to retreat, for the Battle Sky Giant, it was just talking.

In many cases, I can’t help myself. Perhaps many people say war, but in the face of danger, the first thing they want is to escape. The giant of Zhan Tian may just talk about running away, but facing this kind of life and death, where There was a moment of hesitation.


The second rod blasted out again, and the power of Zhan Tian Giant to kill everything collided with the handprints of the black-clothed old man. However, after a while, it was the giant Zhantian who spewed a bite of blood again, and the whole person retreated. There was a creak and creaking noise in the body, and it was obvious that he did not know how many bones were broken.

Even if the Zhan Tian giant has hidden trump cards, it can't resist the powerful methods of the old man in black.

He can be said to be a puppet of the heavens, the person chosen by the source of the heavens, himself is Meng Fan who transcended the peak age, not just one thing, let alone a giant of the heavens who barely merged with himself.

So under this head-on, Zhan Tian Giant was not his opponent at all, and was directly blown away.


As the battle giant retreated, the old man in black took a step forward. In just a moment, the whole person turned into a shadow, cut out with one blow, and crashed down.

Let the Heavenly Battle Giant, who had stabilized himself, exploded again, his chest exploded, and his body was almost chopped by the old man's fierce blow.

How much of the Zhantian Giant existed, hiding his hole cards, but only resisted the black-clothed old man's three attempts, and he was already half disabled.

The moment he stood firm, the Zhantian Giant was almost like a blood man, covered in blood, tattered, and wounds all over his body, which might break at any time.

It can be seen that the strength of the old man in black has reached an unparalleled level of horror. However, when the old man in black was preparing to move forward again and completely solve the giant of the sky, his expression suddenly changed, and the giant of the sky that was originally planning to work hard was also I was surprised to find that beside him...a violent and extremely strong blood slowly recovered, the breath was overflowing, shaking the wasteland, it was Meng Fan standing in place, he was only the strength of the Yuan Dynasty, but Now, the vitality fluctuations in his body turned out to be like an angry dragon, constantly rushing, and the aura spreading throughout his body became stronger.


The Zhantian Giant's face changed, and he asked in surprise.

"Even you fool has a hole card, let alone me!"

Standing in place, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

At the same time, his whole body creaked and creaked, and the joints hit, like thunder, and every sound was extremely crisp, and it could be clearly felt that there was an unparalleled overbearing force in Meng Fan's body. Slowly rotate, want to break the long sky.

this is....

The black-clothed old man’s complexion finally became extremely gloomy. He was a puppet of Heaven’s Dao, and the rules established naturally did not allow anyone to violate it. Especially this round was set up to take advantage of the weakest moments of Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant. , Just shot, exposing himself.

However, what I didn't expect was that both Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant escaped his control, and the **** king and powerful possessed earth-shattering methods, and even the heavens... could not completely restrict these two people.

Standing between the same place, Meng Fan clearly became a powerful **** king at this moment, ignoring the suppression of the power of time and space, and his strength continued to rise, soaring!

The old man in black couldn't figure it out, because he was suppressed by the power of time and space, and he couldn't recover his own means at all, and Meng Fan's power did not come from his own enlightenment weapon, and was borrowed like a giant in the sky.

The current Meng Fan is completely self-powerful, and his whole person dominates the world.

"You are curious!"

Seeing the doubts of the old man in black, Meng Fan also smiled and said,

"In fact, I would like to thank the senior Xuanyuan for his help. He has integrated the way of heaven for many years. Although he died, he has left me with many methods that the way of heaven has changed. You should know that my method of looking back to the past is from Xuanyuan. Old predecessor, and another method he gave me is called.....please magic!"

Between the last three characters, Meng Fan had already reached his peak moment completely, pressing against Ri Yue Wushuang!

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