Supreme God King

Chapter 1886: Cheap sister


A few words fell, resounding around.

Suddenly, everyone's discoloration changed, and no one would have thought that Meng Fan would suddenly say this. It was beyond everyone's expectations.

Including Princess Divine Grace, the Giants of Battle Sky were all taken aback for a while, looking at Meng Fan.

"what did you say?"

After a while, Princess Divine Grace reacted, facing Meng Fan, her eyes were like knives, and she seemed to be angry at any time.

"Clarify your words, what is the identity of the princess, what is your identity, how could it be his junior!"

The Battle Sky Giant roared even more, shouting loudly.

He knew Meng Fan was lying, but now he couldn't directly expose it, so he had to attack from the side.

"The princess probably didn't know me, but I learned about the princess from the master! Because I was the apprentice the master received when his old man happened to travel around the world, everyone didn't know it!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, and under the fierce gazes of everyone, there was no change in his expression, only his face was calm.


Princess Divine Grace was a little surprised. There is no doubt that if Meng Fan said, then the master in his mouth could only be the old man Pishan.

What kind of existence is this. In this era, the position of the old man in this era is like Meng Fan in the later life. His disciple is not shining forever, like the princess of God’s grace, wherever he goes, he receives endless light. He looked at him, but he had never heard of any disciple outside his old man.

"If you lie in front of me, I'm afraid you won't survive for another second!"

Princess Divine Grace said coldly, full of murderous intent.

"of course not!"

Meng Fan shook his head, and stretched out a palm under the eyes of everyone, calmly said.

"Since I dare to say that I am the disciple of the master, I am naturally convincing, because no one can imitate my evidence. Senior sister, others may not recognize it, but you should be able to recognize it!"

The voice fell, and the verbal method followed, and a strange light suddenly spread over Meng Fan’s palm. The moment this light emerged, the sky was silent, even if there were hundreds of thousands of people around. At the same time, I felt a strong pressure.

Meng Fan is showing his martial arts, but it is not his own martial arts, but after some disguise.

The moment the five fingers spread out, that kind of martial arts flashed, indeed, as Meng Fan said, the other people just felt a kind of strong pressure, it was nothing, but standing on the carriage, it was originally high above, with a cold face. Princess Divine Grace suddenly changed her face and said loudly,

"Master's martial arts!"

With a word, everyone around is shaking!

What kind of person is the Old Man Pishan? How can he recognize him as his favorite disciple in martial arts? I can't imagine that this ordinary young man is really the disciple of the old man Pishan.

At this moment, countless eyes suddenly looked over, all filled with a strong envy.

Looking at the world, who doesn't want to be that kind of disciple!

For a moment, the gaze around here was almost jealous and killed Meng Fan, but standing still, Meng Fan lamented in his heart, how could there be so many cheap masters, a cheap sister, and Really... Enough!

However, it was really helpless. He didn't want to have a dispute with the Princess of God and others, so he had to go through this disguise, because he had obtained a trace of the martial arts of the old man in the ancient temple before, so he showed it. It's easy, just let Meng Fan's own martial arts hide!

"Junior Brother!"

After a while, a soft groan fell, and Princess Divine Grace walked down from the chariot herself and came to Meng Fan's side, grabbed Meng Fan with one hand, and laughed.

"I’m your senior sister, I’m Princess Divine Grace, and my name is Xu Mingzhu. It was under Master Traveling World, Junior Brother, your grade is not old. It seems that Master received it in recent years, huh, I didn't even teach his martial arts, it's really partial!"

Unlike the indifference and arrogance before, Princess Divine Grace is now extremely kind.

Although she is the most favored disciple of Old Man Pishan, she has always understood the rules. She understands that the most disliked thing about Old Man Pishan is fighting with the same family. So although she doesn't know Meng Fan, she is also very passionate. As for Meng Fan's identity, she has no identity. doubt.

He has seen the martial arts of the old man Pishan, which is exactly the same as the one in Meng Fan's hands. For the princess of God's grace, apart from the Big Dipper, who can imitate the martial arts of the old man, naturally Meng Fan's identity There is no doubt, but what I didn't expect is that this one is a powerful existence at the same level as the old man, the Big Dipper Star Emperor, but now it is the tiger falling to Pingyang, cheating her to play!

The palm of his hand was as smooth as Wen Yu, and Meng Fan also gave a wry smile, repeatedly,

"I might be lucky!"


Princess Divine Grace smiled, took Meng Fan's hand, and went directly to the battlefield, and then she drew her whip on the battlefield giant.

"Quickly, I will be my junior brother from now on, and I will remember that whoever dares to bully him is the enemy of my princess of grace, my enemy of the immortal gate, you big man, just my servant, For the sake of your quick work, I will let you go first, but in the future, when you see my junior, you must salute!"


Hearing the words of Princess Divine Grace, the group of heroes trembled, and the Heavenly Battle Giant standing still almost vomited blood and fainted.

He originally wanted to borrow Princess Divine Grace to help him check and balance Meng Fan. With the limitations of time and space, even if Meng Fan was hit hard, he could be disgusted.

The only thing he didn't expect was that he met Meng Fan, the most cunning and evil opponent of the Great Demon King in the later generations, the 13th Hall Master was tricked by him several times.

In an instant, a lot of lies were made up, which deceived Princess Divine Grace and convinced her of Meng Fan's identity. Now it's okay, disgusting Meng Fan failed, instead she became Meng Fan's slave.

Standing on the chariot, Meng Fan was aloft, looking at him with a smile on his face, that ordinary smile made the standing giant...heart broken!

Ooo, Meng Fan, you are not a human being!

The sea of ​​anger was tumbling in his heart, but after receiving a whip from Princess Divine Grace, the giant of Heaven could not help but roar, only turning grief into strength, pulling Meng Fan and Princess Divine Grace forward together through the space formation.

Unlike the battle-tian giant with a sad and angry face, because of her status as a junior brother outside, Princess Divine Grace is very polite to Meng Fan, not only smiling and talking, but also taking out some of her own treasures, rare. The ingredients, come to Meng Fan to relieve the fatigue of the journey.

Sitting on the battlefield, Meng Fan ate fresh and delicious Pearl grapes and drank carefully brewed wine. There was a beautiful woman like the princess of God and Grace who was chatting beside him, so he felt comfortable.

On the contrary, the battle giant was on the chariot, pulling the cart for the two with great pains, sweat fell, and even more angry was the occasional chat and laugh between Meng Fan and the Princess of God’s Grace on the chariot. The voice caused this king of the world to almost anger himself, if he could, he would really spit blood!

With the help of the princess of Divine Grace, the way is naturally unimpeded, and the void is distorted. Everyone also passes through this huge teleportation array, directly towards the core area of ​​the fairy gate of the mountain.

Split the mountain gate!

A group of mountain peaks that stretch for thousands of miles are connected into one piece, and any one of them is towering into the clouds, covering the sky and the earth. In the old days, after the old man Pishan set up the Pishan Gate here, it has been passed down forever. For many years, this place has been a unique holy place in the world.

The space is torn, the world is distorted!

The golden battlefield was also teleported over. After a while, standing on the chariot, Meng Fan also felt a kind of unparalleled strength. The whole world was filled with a kind of majesty, completely different from the previous world. Only the supreme being in this world can sense the horror of this world!

Even Meng Fan and Zhan Tian Giant had a heartbeat, and each of them felt an unprecedented pressure.

Glancing at each other, both Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant understood each other's meaning, among these mountains... there must be top masters!

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