Supreme God King

Chapter 1855: Power of heaven

The younger generation, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

This ancient voice exploded in Meng Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, and when he heard it suddenly, Meng Fan was shocked.

Because he had already detected it with mental power before, the old man himself was completely empty of breath, although the king of the gods could use big means to leave a trace of the origin and solidify it in the body.

But Meng Fan felt that the old man had no vitality at all, not a trace of life, but his voice just fell like this, which was somewhat unexpected.

"you are?"

Meng Fan's mental power moved slightly and slowly communicated.

After a while, there was another voice in the ancient world of corpses.

"I know you have questions. Indeed, I am completely dead, with no vitality. Being able to talk to you is actually not my origin, nor my consciousness, but a voice I have left behind, because I counted half a million years ago until today, you will stand here!"

Speaking again, Meng Fan's complexion was still, but there was already a terrible storm in his heart, because this sentence was even more shocking than the previous sentence.

Half a million years ago!

How could this be possible? Meng Fan himself was a god-king powerhouse, and he was naturally able to understand what means this powerhouse had.

It can be said that the **** king and the strong are immortal, and it can also be said that the **** king and the strong will destroy the sky and the earth, but the **** king and the strong in this world are born in the source of the heavens, although the proven martial art has been strong enough to the source of the heaven I have to face up to the point, but I can't leave this world. Any strong **** king is subject to the rules specified by the source of the heavens.

Knowing that he would come here fifty years ago, what kind of concept is this? In disguised terms, if he is his own enemy, then he will be able to show Meng Fan later. When he was in Wuzhen, one finger would be enough. Meng Fan squeezed to death, don't know how many times.

As powerful as the thirteen hall masters, none of them have this ability. Otherwise, knowing that Meng Fan came here, he would have killed a billion times at the beginning. From birth, he would never be able to let him go, and the child would suffocate him!

Past, present, Future!

The **** king and the strong can suppress all enemies now, know the past, and detect the secrets, but cannot control the future, and the ancestor Xuanyuan in front of him actually told himself that he would come here even if he arrived half a million years ago. Heaven and Earth, what a skill this is, how is it possible!

Even Meng Fan trembled at this moment, staring motionlessly at the corpse that was always still, trying to see if someone was pretending to be a ghost.

Even if it was him, he absolutely didn't believe that there was another existence in this world, neither would the ancient emperor, nor the thirteen hall masters.

"The younger generation, I know you have a lot of questions and doubts. Come in. The old man is the first generation chief of the Xuanyuan Emperor. According to my calculation, your name should be called Meng Fan. If you don’t believe me, you can take a look at me. The stone monument in front of you!"

The vicissitudes of life fell again, causing Meng Fan's brow to be raised slightly, and he took a step forward.

In front of this corpse, there was an ancient stone stele covered with dust, and Meng Fan also swept away all the dust on it, and immediately two clear characters fell into his eyes. These two words were cast here long ago with great effort, it is... Meng Fan!


In an instant, Meng Fan's eyes narrowed, and all his mental power was concentrated on his two words.

With how terrifying his spiritual power is now, he can see through all the illusions in the world at a glance, but no matter how you look at it, these two words were written countless years ago, because they are full of traces that have been mottled by the years. Can't be changed by manpower.

"Wuhen, you should leave first. You have done a good job these few years. Thanks to descendants like you, my family has suffered you!"

The old voice slowly fell, resounding between the world and the earth again.

Behind him, Xuanyuan Wuhen looked like he had been smashed by a hundred thousand thunders. It was even more shocked than Meng Fan. Obviously he didn't know that there could be such words in this ancient remains, even if he I haven't come to this forbidden land once or twice in many years, but I have never thought that the power of the ancestors can still appear in this world.


The sweat on his forehead kept falling, and Xuanyuan Wuhen also bowed to the ancient remains and backed away.

In the entire hall, that ancient door slowly closed, and among them, only Meng Fan and this ancient ancient remains appeared silent.

I don’t know how many years have passed here, from the ancient times to the present, how many dynasties and the fall of power have gone through, for more than 500,000 years, even the **** king and the strong will have problems during these long years. But here it survived.

And there is no doubt that everything is the ancient remains in front of you.

"Junior, I know you have a lot of questions, so I will answer your first question first. You should want to know why I can count things after 500,000 years, including the ancient emperor and the thirteenth hall master. I can't do it, just because of one point, because my martial arts is...the way of heaven!"

The sound of the remains came out again, rumbling.

"Heavenly Dao, the martial art born as the source of the heavens, is naturally different from your imagination. In fact, my brothers and I can be called by four words, which is called... the man of heaven, Meng Fan, if I am If you don’t guess wrong, you should come from the bottom of these ten thousand domains. You should be able to kill till now. You should understand what you have given, but in fact, I can tell you that my brother and I are practicing the Dao of Heaven. , So all the way down, all cultivation has never been... the bottleneck!"

No bottlenecks!

Meng Fan's mouth opened slightly, and with his concentration, it was difficult to say a word at this moment.

Indeed, as the ancestor Xuanyuan said, in the past few years, how much he has given and how much blood he has shed, only Meng Fan himself knows best.

What is unexpected is that there are people in this world who have not experienced the bottleneck of cultivation, so they can really be regarded as the chosen person.

"It's not just that there is no bottleneck in cultivation, and when I am waiting for cultivation, it can be said that I will open the road in the mountains, build bridges in the water, and I may pick up some treasures wherever I go. My brother and I were in chaos. In fact, many reasons are that our luck is so good. Even if we randomly come to an ancient place, it is possible to find that there is a huge divine vein in the ancient land. Waiting for the two of us, it's simpler than pie in the sky, I don't know how many times!"

The voice of the remains came out again, but there was a kind of popularity, as if they were reminiscing, as if they were playing abuse, as if they were thinking.

And Meng Fan also understood that if all this is true, then this is the explanation left by this ancestor Xuanyuan during his lifetime.

"Of course, you also understand that there is no love for no reason, nor hate for no reason, Meng Fan, do you know that our brothers choose the person chosen by the source of the heavens, the master of my heavenly way, who owns the world? What is the reason for the unimaginable large-scale air transportation and great means?"

The question from the remains fell, leaving Meng Fan silent for a moment and shook his head.

At the same time, the remains seemed to remain silent, making the entire hall become silent, as if a century later, just when Meng Fandu thought the remains would not speak anymore, a voice slowly came out again.

"It's because I am waiting for the agent chosen for this heavenly path to come... and punish this world **** king!"

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