Supreme God King

Chapter 1830: Meng Fan was born

The power of one person VS the five kings!

The five great **** kings now appearing in the field are mortals, but they are all the real characters who created the **** king, but under the eyes of this kind of people, it turned out to be destroyed by the **** king alone.

This is a scene of three tremors!

Between the world and the earth, countless people's gazes are fixed here, and their eyes are full of a strong sense of astonishment. They absolutely can't believe that there are people of this kind in this world.

The image of destruction that surrounds the Destroyer King’s body does not move, but it has already wiped out everything in the world. Even with the joint suppression of the five gods, it can’t resist the breath that ends everything. This breath is Overbearing, absolutely beyond imagination.


Between the heaven and the earth, there was a smoke of gunpowder. After a few breaths, the Zhongtian **** stood still, his firm face turned red with mockery, and he uttered a few words,

"I already know that you have succeeded in enlightenment, and you have reached the extreme of destruction, but I didn't expect that you will be so powerful after you truly enlightened. The way of destruction by the **** king has reached the extreme, right!"

After a few words fell, many other **** kings also had complex expressions, and sighed.

The way of the king!

Either one is the ultimate evolution of the rules between heaven and earth, and everyone is different. Even after setting foot in their current state, they will continue to move forward and explore constantly. However, many **** kings understand that even the way of **** kings will have an end, which is the highest state of evolution.

Once this state is reached, this **** king has truly taken his martial arts to the extreme. At that moment, he is the most powerful and the most terrifying.

Whether it is Zhongtian, Tiancan and others, they have not reached the extreme, and there is still potential to be tapped, but it does not prove their strength, because they have not been able to truly reach the end of their martial arts. But the King of Destruction has already taken a step ahead of all of them, and has truly refined his own martial art to the extreme. In this world, anyone who refines his martial art to the extreme is bound to be earth-shattering. At the end, there is almost no room for improvement, but the strength of this person... has almost reached an unprecedented level.

"Not bad!"

The Destruction King nodded and said calmly,

"I said that in today's battle, I just want to prove the martial arts, to reach this level of my waiting, is it secular, other people's vision can limit, I will naturally do what I want, today's In the meantime, I slaughtered the dark alliance, and after killing Meng Fan, I would solve the thirteen hall masters. By then, there would be no more of them. What forbidden zone to talk about, the ten thousand realms will naturally be peaceful forever!

The tone was calm, but there was a domineering ignorance of everything in the world.

The Destroy God King at this moment is indeed proud, because he is already standing at the highest point since he was born, even if the five great God Kings are in front of him, he did not make his brows wrinkle slightly, but his heart moved. , Destruction Map exploded with shocking power, shaking five people, but he himself did not drop a single hair.

This kind of power is almost about to reach the peak of vitality, and anyone wants to marvel.

Destroying the God King is also the end of himself, and the cultivation of the way of destruction has reached the highest peak. In other words, today, even if the ancient emperor comes in person, the Destroying God King will have to fight with him. Faith, this is already a divine king who has been cultivated to the extreme, with no way to enter, he has already reached the world!

"good job!"

The monkey spit out a few more blood, even the origin is a little hurt, but the war intent in his eyes has not faded.

"No matter what other people are, but my sky star will inevitably coexist and die with the dark alliance today!"

After a few words fell, the voice already contained a strong meaning of going to death, even if he saw a god-king powerhouse who took his own way to the extreme.

"The end of the road is already the end. It is rumored that there is also the ancient emperor between the world and the earth. After the thirteen hall masters have reached the end of the road, they have transformed once again. I don’t know if there is anyone else, but destruction can reach the end. , I am male... admire!"

Ren Xiong spit out a few words slowly, sighing extremely.

Even if the God King is facing this kind of great power who can reach the end of his own, he naturally has a feeling of reverence in his heart. No wonder the five of them are not the opponents of destroying the God King. It turns out that the other party is already. It is that they are strong enough to reach a level.

Compared with their martial arts, The Way to the End is truly a step higher!

"But it seems that you still have to stop it. It's a pity that the strength at the end of my martial arts today is not the first to ruin Meng Fan!"

The Destroyer God King smiled coldly, took a step forward, and wanted to make another move.

And between this moment, his eyes are already filled with an extremely fierce gaze, the moment the palm is raised, the power of that kind of destruction is even more terrible than before, the thunder billows, keeps flashing, and ends. Breath overflowing!

However, at the moment when he planned to make another move, a few words suddenly came out from the world.

"Your opponent is not them, it is me...destroy!"

A few faint words resounded through Wanyu, shocking the hearts of countless people, looking for the source of the sound, but the speaker appeared and...not in Wanyu!

Beyond the 10,000 realms, in the endless chaotic space.

A figure slowly walked out of the chaos. At this moment, his clothes were fierce, his complexion was calm, his black hair swayed gently, and every step he took, it fell very slightly, but even if it was blocking the endless chaos in front of him, It was also split by him layer by layer.

After three steps, he unexpectedly walked out of the chaos outside the domain and came to the sky above the dark alliance. The scholar-like face attracted the cheers of the entire dark alliance, not Meng Fan... who else could it be!

"Grandpa is back, hum, always worrying!"

In an instant, Meng Niuniu's tears were about to come down, and at the same time her mouth was pouted, her delicate face filled with a smell of anger.

I have to say that her heart was about to burst from the previous duel, and when such a strong man came, none of the five great **** kings was his opponent. What a scene.

Even Meng Niuniu couldn't help but feel a sense of despair, thinking that the dark alliance between today might really be suspended, but the moment I saw Meng Fan, it seemed as if all the thunders were over, the latter. As long as you are there, then the sky will fall apart and the earth will fall apart.

Meng Fan...return!

One person is in the sky, and Meng Fan's eyes are facing the Destroyer God King. In this moment, the two people no longer need to say anything. When they look at each other, sparks are already splashing, like two imprisoned heaven and earth for several years. The fierce beasts finally collided together, and after a few breaths, they seemed to be as long as a century, and the two spoke at the same time.

"Very well, today's battle, life and death theory!"

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