Supreme God King

Chapter 1821: Strange space

A few simple words, but the moment you fall into the world, it makes the whole world feel cold!

A palm hit Meng Fan's back directly.

Even the two great **** kings were shocked at this moment. Who are Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant? Divine Sense covers all areas. With every movement, you can detect the most subtle changes between the heavens and the earth, but they didn’t find a single person lurking behind them. This terrible!


In mid-air, Meng Fan reacted swiftly and violently for many years. He had no time to think about it because of his experience, so he could only turn around and punch him together.

However, just the moment of the collision made Meng Fan's heart cried out as bad, because he already felt that the person who came was unkind, a powerful attack that dominated everything and made him unable to control himself.

Especially the power that the latter burst out also contains a kind of swallowing power, under this situation it can directly penetrate Meng Fan's body and hurt the five internal organs.

With a grunt, Meng Fan took a step back, but he did not release the palm of the giant Zhantian.

Now that the Zhan Tian giant is in a crisis of life and death, if Meng Fan does not take action, then the latter is likely to be absorbed into the small tree, and even he cannot be rescued.

"Jie Jie!"

However, in the mid-air, the gloomy laughter kept on, and the person who shot did not stop moving, the handprints changed, the imprint struck, a kind of plausible, ethereal and floating breath came and turned into a supreme one. Yin, smashed down towards Zhan Tian Giant and Meng Fan at the same time.

"Chaos Seal!"

When the three characters fell, Zhou Tian changed color. This mark came from the very special secret method of the person who shot it. The latter was able to fight Meng Fan with a punch. Obviously, it was definitely a god-king state, and absolutely extraordinary. And he was ready to go, and he had been preparing for a long time. He came to fight Meng Fan by surprise, naturally occupying an absolute advantage.

Facing this method, both Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant felt helpless. It was impossible to react again. They could only see each other's face in a blink of an eye. It was the old man who was sitting on the bottom of the volcano before.

The latter looked like a corpse, the whole person was skinny, looked like only a skeleton, and was extremely old.

But under this shot, the power is far more terrifying than Meng Fan's imagination, especially the impact of its one seal, covering the world, under the billowing air waves, leaving him only two choices, either leave by himself or give up on the giants of the sky. .

"You are not from Wanyu!"

Meng Fan roared between the sparks and flints, but spit out these four words.

"Hmph, you guessed it!"

The withered old man sneered. Those marks rushed and slapped directly. The little tree itself was a powerful attraction. In addition, Zhan Tian giants and Meng Fan encountered the interference of the withered old man. They suddenly became confused and shocked. Next, it turned out that both of them fell into the space of this small tree by accident.


In an instant, Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant two god-king realm powerhouses merged into it, as if the black hole had closed, the little tree also recovered calm.

No one can see this green tree, but it swallowed the two great kings before, without even blinking their eyes.

The two great kings were swallowed. If such a scene were to be heard, it would definitely shock the world. This was an ancient emperor, an emperor who swept everything in the world, but was absorbed by the old man into this little tree.

And if you think about the horrible devouring power of the little tree before, it is enough to make people creepy.

"Not bad!"

In the middle of the air, the old man with a dry corpse stood firm and looked at the small tree with a sneer. A strange light surged from his pupils, filled with dead ashes, but it made the green on the small tree seem even more It's the same.

Among them, it became a world of its own, and Meng Fan and Zhantian Giant fell into his world.

"The two great **** kings are both extremely powerful beings. They are at their peak. Good, good, very good!"

The old man was also quite satisfied with this. A stern smile appeared on his dry face. At the same time, the palm of his hand was lightly moved, and the knot imprint was printed. Any imprint was extremely cumbersome, but under the old man’s quick gestures, it became Like running clouds and flowing water, it also holds a mark in his hand, and the power from his body is also integrated into this small tree.

"Since you are in, don't come out, try the chaos in it!"

The tone is slow, but you can see the small tree aura spreading, at this moment as if it turned into a huge cauldron, the world in it is already. . . . Began to refining.


After a moment, even if it was isolated from everything in this little tree, he could hear the roar of the Heavenly Battle Giant that shocked the world, full of unwillingness, anger, and a hint of it. . . . fear!

Because the space in this little tree is absolutely extraordinary. It is a world of its own, like a world, but it is even more terrifying. In it, there is a kind of absorption power that swallows everything, and it fights against Meng Fan. The sky giant surrounded directly.

Such power is just like the past time that Meng Fan encountered before.

With the incomparable power of destruction in the world, under this kind of power, it seems to be able to obliterate anything, even the powerhouse of the Divine King Realm cannot resist this kind of power.

In other words, Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant are inside, it is very likely that these two forces will be completely wiped out, just like the previous blue Caiyi's death method, they will become the final God King and die!

"Impossible, how can you have this kind of power!"

The incredible voice of the Zhantian Giant fell, full of surprise.

He and Meng Fan have fought for two hundred years, and neither of them hurt the origin of the other party, but if the origin of the martial arts fights, then it may not be able to kill the other party. After all, both of them are too strong. Martial Dao is an existence that cannot be erased forever, and it is enough to restore the self.

However, in the space of this small tree, it turned out to be able to simulate the horror of the past. What kind of horror is this?

"who are you!"

The three words fell, revealing a shock and surprise, but no one responded to the giant of the sky, only the space in the small tree was constantly eroding.

"Zhan Tian, ​​I can't think of you taking me into this trap, huh, I must devour your origin first!"

After a while, Meng Fan's voice was also heard, full of anger and violence, and it was also a big fight to kill Zhan Tian.


Facing the power of this cauldron, Meng Fan and Zhan Tian also directly bombarded each other, bursting out.

The terrifying sound of the sonic boom continued to be heard, but later it became smaller and weaker, because it was a huge cauldron in which Meng Fan and the Zhantian giant consumed their power all the time.

Under this situation, the dry old man outside also smiled sorrowfully and said indifferently,

"Huh, two stupid guys, I really don’t know how to get to the current state. The more you fight, the more you consume yourself and the faster you die. Do you think the old man will give you the opportunity to devour each other’s origin, Jie Jie .... The origins of the two great kings belong to the old man!"

Between the last few words, he was extremely proud.

After a few more breaths, the withered old man raised his hand and drew a rune, which opened a gap in the space of the small tree. He wanted to rush into the divine mind to detect it, but just opened the gap. At the moment, two palms suddenly appeared in the space of this divine vein tree, one on the left and the other, grabbing directly from the inside, pressing the old man, and bringing him in..... In this space!

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