Supreme God King

Chapter 1791: dialogue

The two main hall masters, die and escape!

Such combat power can be used to sensationalize ten thousand domains and shock ancient and modern times.

This is the thirteen hall masters. The two were dispatched. Not only did the plan fail, but Meng Fan beheaded one person, and even caused the Void of Ten Thousand Domains to be discolored. The fall of this kind of top powerhouse, even if it is not completely dead, will also change the phenomena and laws of heaven and earth.

With a single blow, Meng Fan looked at Void and said coldly.

"Count you running fast!"

A few words, full of hatred and unwillingness, but it has already become a foregone conclusion, and there is no way.

Above the sky, there was a mess. Before, the three great powers of the Divine King Realm had done their work here. What a mighty power was created. The dilapidated aura made the entire Heavenly Palace turbulent, and countless divine creatures awakened and looked at this place with eyesight.

Among the fragments of the sky, Meng Fan's own violent aura gradually calmed down, his palm stretched out, and what he held in his five fingers was the remains of the colored glaze of sentient beings. Now only a piece of colored glaze bead is left, with absolutely no vitality. I don't know how long it will take to restore the spirit body again.


Meng Fan shook his head and put her into Xiaotian's space. If this battle weren't for sentient beings Liuli to abandon themselves, it would be impossible to achieve this situation, even he would have to explain it here.

Turning around, Meng Fan's gaze also slowly looked into the depths of the heavenly palace, where a terrifying aura faintly surrounds it, which comes from the will of the chaotic heavenly palace.

To be precise, this Chaos Heavenly Palace has a spiritual body. This will is exactly the divine consciousness of this Chaos Heavenly Palace. It has been in a state of sleep before, and when Meng Fan is awakened, it also bursts out with a shocking power. This strength of will has just caused Meng Fan to behead the thirteen hall masters.

"Thank you senior!"

Meng Fan handed over and respected.

He had previously controlled the ancient chaos law in retreat, and he also had a vague understanding of this chaos heavenly palace. The latter is a spiritual creature born in the chaos, even an object that does not belong to the universe. How many thousands of years of growth.

If you want to be able to obliterate him in this world, unless it is the real peak of the ancient emperor, or the peak of the thirteen hall masters, other people do not have this qualification.

Meng Fan’s power of horror, which Meng Fan has personally learned before, can double his combat power by so much. The law of chaos contained in it is absolutely extraordinary. If a **** king is not careful, he may be immediately affected by this. Meng Fan's disrespect cannot be prevented by this will.

In the Chaos Palace, the breath was long, and a slow voice fell after a while.

"Boy, do you understand their behavior?"

The voice rumbling, extremely long.

"Understand a little!"

Meng Fan sighed faintly, an unprecedented light burst from the depths of his eyes.

He didn't control the ancient chaos method before, and he couldn't understand many secrets, but at the moment when he controlled the ancient chaos method, countless ancient secrets flooded into Meng Fan's mind.

This kind of mystery was recorded by the Chaos Heavenly Palace. Looking between the heavens and the earth, only his kind of ancient existence can be qualified to say ancient things.

And what poured into Meng Fan's mind was about the source of the heavens, which made Meng Fan unable to conceal the horror in his heart.

Rumor has it that before tens of thousands of years ago, there was a chaos between the world, no one, no gods, no vitality...The entire ten thousand domain was a chaos at that time, without any vitality. Until not knowing the passage of time, a spirit body was born in the chaos, he has a breath of life, and then countless spirit bodies are born, and he has a breath of death, between this kind of spirit body Mutual attraction, fusion, and finally formed a baby in the chaos called...the source of the heavens!

He is made up of countless spirit bodies and laws of chaos. At the moment of his awakening, he has an unprecedented divine power. Even he has split the chaos and transformed himself into ten thousand realms, born in endless chaos. Refining into a world.

This is the origin of the Ten Thousand Realms, the source of the heavens can be described as the mother of the Ten Thousand Realms, allowing life and death, growth, reincarnation, etc. in this piece of heaven and earth, completely different from the chaos of endless darkness.

And it is precisely because of this that the cultivation of vitality has gradually spread among the ten thousand realms, and countless people have realized the laws of heaven and earth to achieve themselves.

More and more powerful men appeared between the heaven and the earth. One day someone discovered the origin of the heaven and the earth, and then at a certain special moment, he set foot in the source of the heavens, his name is ancient Emperor!

The source of the heavens is all the spirits in the ten thousand realms, and also all the laws of vitality, the ancestor of martial arts, where the ancient emperor has gained too much, so although he was later rejected by the source of the heavens, he controlled the most terrifying combat power of the heavens and the earth. , Swept all the strong, strong and created a dynasty.

And his secret was heard by the thirteen closest people without knowing it, so when that special moment opened, the ancient emperor was blinded, and the thirteen took the lead in the ancient emperor stepped into it and entered. Among the source of the heavens.

This special moment is the time when the power of the source of the heavens is restarted. Between the heavens and the earth, the source of the heavens is the source of all life, and his power is also not endless, but has numbers. With a life span of millions of years, when that moment comes, the source of the heavens will also be reborn, allowing the originally exhausted power to be completely restored. This is also the moment when the source of the heavens is the weakest.

If you can step into the source of the heavens at this moment, you can control everything in it.

Not only can you gain the power in it, but you can also integrate your own will into the source of the heavens at the moment of rebirth. Just imagine, once the mother of all mothers becomes in the hands of someone, then It means that everything between the world and the earth needs to be based on the will of that person. He sets the sky as the sky and the earth as the earth. If the life of the world is to die, it will only be between a thought!

Such secrets are portrayed in the ancient chaos!

At the moment of comprehension of the ancient chaos, Meng Fan also realized that both the thirteen hall masters and the ancient emperors were constantly making preparations. This is how to smoothly control the source of the heavens and truly become the master of these ten thousand realms.

I am afraid that once he is the source of the control of the heavens, he is no longer a **** king at that moment, but an unprecedented realm!

Meng Fan was silent and never thought that the Thirteenth Hall Master had such a big plan. Like the ancient emperor, both of them wanted to include Wanyu in their pockets.

"Now that you understand, do you want to set foot on the source of the heavens?"

After a while, the voice of Chaos Heavenly Palace rang out again, causing Meng Fan's body to be shaken and standing still, even at this moment he was in a state of confusion.

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