Supreme God King

Chapter 1768: Obliterate


With the punch out, Meng Fan was already like a magic weapon that exterminated everything.

The moment the power penetrates, it causes the entire world to collapse in layers. This is the void hidden in the forbidden area, and all of them are people who cultivate the aura of black death. Then it means that Meng Fan does not have any stop, only that one. Kind of the power of the world, directly fell.

In addition, the four great **** kings behind him also moved at the same time, including Zhong Tian, ​​Tian Can and many other **** kings, without hesitation, and fell with a palm.

The power of the five gods!

In an instant, the entire forbidden area was empty and the sky was broken.

And there was an uproar among the Ten Thousand Domains, countless people looked at each other, and the full-bodied sense of shock appeared on their faces.

In the past 100 years, the dispute between the Dark Alliance and Zhongtian has never been broken.

Although they did not mobilize high-level personnel, the juniors between the two sides frequently competed, each winning or losing. It can be said that there is a very intense war.

No matter who is guessing, Meng Fan, Zhongtian, and Tiancan must have a battle. In the past, what happened in the Caolu was very likely, but the outside world didn't know it.

This kind of inference also lasted for a full hundred years, but now this breath erupts, Meng Fan, Zhongtian, and Tiancan meet the two great gods, but not only did not make waves, and the two sides are still united together to target the restricted area!

Such a scene, but no one can think of it.

Finally, someone reacted with a faint sigh, full of admiration,

"God King Dayi, he has long stopped focusing on the ten thousand domains, but wants to calm the chaos of later generations and cast eternal uniqueness!"

"Yes, God King Meng Fan and Tian Can, God King Zhongtian didn't plan to do anything at all, everything was just acting!"

There were sighs in countless corners, they were indeed deceived by Meng Fan, Zhongtian and others.

Now it seems that there is no turmoil in the Caolu. It is not that a few people from the outside are fighting secretly and testing each other, but Meng Fan was in the Caolu and Tiancan, Zhongtian and others making plans. Come against the restricted area.

The previous collision was just an illusion made by a few people to fool the restricted area!

This kind of method and this kind of formation is only to paralyze the restricted area, and it is only possible to cause the five gods such as Meng Fan, Zhongtian, and Tiancan to appear here at this moment. It is simply beyond everyone's expectations, and it is simply impossible Imagine.


Just a moment later, I saw the ground cracking and landslides in this forbidden space, everything tore apart, and the person who shot was Meng Fan. He took the lead. At this kind of moment, he may naturally have a bit of retention. , The power drop alone is to make everything fall into disarray.

The space bursts, the world is distorted!

I have to admit that Meng Fan is powerful. Now that he has reached the status of a **** king, he does have a means of destroying the world. At the same time, the four **** kings behind him are also extremely cruel, and the whole world is trapped. In a state of destruction.

Just a few breaths of time is to let everything fall apart. Anyone can feel that these great kings of Meng Fan spent so many years in the layout, but they are definitely not a joke, just to completely wipe out the void of the restricted area and cut off ten. The power of faith of the Lord of the Three Halls.

Such a method can be called Thunder!

The entire forbidden area went from the silence before to the endless sea of ​​fire, but it was like the previous ten thousand domains, but there was no pity on anyone's face.

Morality is for people who preach morality. For people in the restricted area, if you don't choose Meng Fan, who uses violence to control violence, then I am afraid that you will be hurt. Anyone who cultivates the aura of black death here is soaked in the blood of the people of ten thousand domains. Once it becomes the climate, it will start a dark turmoil, which has been proved in the past countless years. at this point.

Bang, bang!

Seeing this forbidden area plunged into a sea of ​​fire, it was a great blessing for Wanyu. Countless people were in tears, as if they remembered the relatives and friends who died in the hands of the restricted area in the past...

The forbidden area is like this, I am afraid it is not here that is the most shocking, but is located in the endless chaos...Forbidden area hall!

For Meng Fan, Zhongtian, how keen to wait for the existence of so many gods, only a moment later, I sensed that an incomparably cold murderous intent appeared above the sky, as if someone looked at this place with a clear look. The chill is like an ice cave.

There is no doubt that this is definitely from... the thirteen hall masters!

In this regard, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, only one foot fell, causing the earthquake to split and the world turned upside down. Countless people in the restricted area were howling and turning into nothingness, speaking indifferently.

"Not convinced, come to fight!"

A few words, simple and thorough, have completely exploded what Meng Fan had in mind.

It has been preparing for many years, just for today, if it is afraid of the thirteen hall masters, then Meng Fan and others will not take action. In the past, neither Meng Fan nor Zhongtian knew how many comrades-in-arms died here. They did this for nothing but an explanation for the souls of the dead, and only for those who fought for the world in the past. Confess.

When a man is a hero, he can bear his own responsibilities on his shoulders.

After a short while, the sky and the earth shook, and now I don’t know how many masters are attracted by this battle, and now they are all trembling. You must know who Meng Fan said this, but the thirteen hall masters come from eternity. The strongest wave of people.

But Meng Fan knew that the other party was already resurrected, but he was still so fierce and worthwhile. This was a shocking move.

Looking at this million years, although the number of people who have become kings in this world is rare, they are still quite a few. There are a few people who dare to talk to the thirteen hall masters, and they just fell down. After the previous World War, he took the initiative to level the penalty area again.


The top powerhouse can feel that in the chaotic place where the forbidden area is located, a great majesty erupts, sweeping everything, and that majestic black death air seems to come out at any time.

But for a few breaths, he didn't move. It wasn't because he was afraid of Meng Fan, but because the form was now different.

Meng Fan dared to come, and he naturally had the reliance. The Zhongtian God King behind him, and the Heavenly Remnant God King, were all already accomplished God King powerhouses. In the past, the deity looked for opportunities, felt himself and left the dynasty, and now returns. They didn't care about Meng Fan's dominance at all. What made them even more concerned was that during their absence, the fall and casualties of the Zhongtian Dynasty and the first line were not caused by Meng Fan, but were entirely from the restricted area!

Including their too many descendants, former hatred and hatred, so that the two great gods of Zhongtian and Tiancan naturally hate the restricted area, plus the top powerhouses such as human beings and white clothes are here, just now What gathered in this piece of heaven and earth was the existence of five gods.

With this class of peerless masters here, there are so many, it is naturally to turn everything around. It is not the time when the restricted area suppressed the world. During that dark period, there were few strong gods who were willing to stand up, but at this moment in the sky Above, there are five peak combat powers, even the thirteen hall masters can't help but fall into hesitation.

Finally, in this forbidden area temple, it was only thunder and rage, but there was no light and shadow falling, and the Lord came.


Meng Fan sneered and stopped talking. Instead, he raised his hand and the huge palm fell, smashing the entire forbidden area into pieces!

The five great **** kings moved together, just less than a stick of incense, which caused this huge time and space of the past to be completely annihilated, even if it was well hidden by the thirteen hall masters, but very Unfortunately, the methods of Meng Fan and others are absolutely unambiguous.

The seven restricted areas have been flattened again!

We must know that every void in the restricted area will provide a lot of power of faith to the thirteen hall masters, allowing them to reinforce their own power, and every time Meng Fan and others cut one void, it is equivalent to thirteen. The palace master cut off an arm, which is undoubtedly a major injury to them.

If it is normal, I am afraid that the thirteen hall masters have already killed Meng Fan and others, but in this era, they are really too powerful. There are five kings of the world alive, in the peak state, and naturally the thirteen suppressed. The palace owner has no temper, and can only watch the void of this restricted area be wiped out.

After eliminating this void, Meng Fan and others immediately moved to find the next void again.

In the past a hundred years ago, Meng Fan of Caolu had negotiated with the two great gods Zhongtian and Tiancan, and moved together to deal with the restricted area. Not to mention the killing of the thirteen hall masters, but at least they were killed first. Arm, let its power weaken.

So later, they were constantly making arrangements to confuse the eyes of everyone. Even the Empress, Ling Daiyou and the others didn’t know. They thought it would be a war with the two major forces, but in fact it was not. Meng Fan and others’ eyes had already been on In this restricted area, and have been looking for it for a hundred years.

The void of this restricted area had already been locked by them. After being broken, Meng Fan and the others went directly to the void of the second restricted area they had sensed before.

Although the Lord of the Thirteen Palaces used great means to hide the three voids in the chaos, it was really difficult to hide from the five pinnacle **** kings.

However, when Meng Fan and others arrived, they found that the place they had explored before was empty, except for the endless chaos. According to the remaining breath, before they came here, Thirteen The Lord of the Palace was already a great means of operation, and moved this piece of void away.

"Count you guys going fast!"

Meng Fan uttered a few words, extremely cold.

But in any case, being able to flatten a restricted area again is already a big gain, and the entire ten thousand domains are boiling. There has never been in any era. It is possible to take the initiative to target the restricted area as it is now, but now Now in this era, Meng Fan and others even regard the restricted area as prey.

Everyone has to admit that this move by Meng Fan and others is unique to eternity!

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