Supreme God King

Chapter 1764: Battle of the Kings

Bai family, Bai Xingyi!

A few words fell, and the world made a sensation.

This is the supreme ancestor who created the Bai Family in the past, but he has returned and came here, occupying the sky above the sky. In just a moment, it gave the sky and the earth a terrifying majesty.

God King Realm powerhouse!

In addition, this white clothes had a great reputation in ancient times. It was invincible with Zhongtian, Tiancun Shenwang and other ontological doctrines, and the emperor immortal scripture was superb, including Meng Fan in the past. A lot of mysteries have just cast the current strength.

Countless people stiffened their bodies and stared at the field in amazement. It is rumored that Bai Xingyi had a problem with his own practice. After leaving the Bai family, he returned to the world and resisted the blow of the ancestor Xitian. Then he stood still. In Meng Fan's camp.

Under this kind of critical moment, it can be said that it has played an extremely serious role, and it is almost overwhelming.

"White clothes!"

Three words spit out from the teeth of the ancestor Xitian, resentment Ling Ran.

Originally, the two of them were able to deal with a male and a bird, a turtle and others, and they still had some hope to kill Meng Fan again, but at the moment when the white clothes appeared, everything had been cut off. This is too much. The battle power of a **** king is not shown where it is.

Under this kind of situation, it was just worse, making the expressions of the ancestors of the West Tian and the ancestors of the Liu family look ugly and desperate for an instant.

"it's me!"

Bai Xingyi smiled and said,

"It's been a long time!"

The tone was calm and elegant, despite the rush of time, but this Bai family's supreme ancestor did not seem to have any signs of aging.

"Hmph, Bai Xingyi, Meng Fan, this little beast gave birth to the Zhao family, Liu family, and Xitian, and wants to destroy the emperor family. Even if you marry, you are not afraid that he will dominate the last family and destroy you all! "

The ancestor of the Liu family said coldly. Seeing his plan failed, he couldn't help but find a way to provoke the relationship between Bai Xingyi and Meng Fan.

But Bai Xingyi just smiled slightly and calmly said,

"Do you really think that I don't know anything? Although I was lost outside the territory, the moment I returned, I also detected the changes in these ten thousand domains over the years. If it weren't for Meng Fan, perhaps my Bai family was caused by you and me thousands of years ago. The forbidden area has been wiped out by joint efforts, and where is the inheritance of today, both of them are masters who are born out of the world, do you want to point their faces!"

Between the last few words, Xitian and the ancestors of the Liu family all turned blue and white, and it was difficult to utter a word.

The members of the Bai family are even more turbulent. Although Bai Shui'er and others have only heard about Bai Xingyi, they understand that this great ancestor of the Bai family paid a lot to the Bai family in the past. Without him, there would be no such thing. People of later generations.

They couldn't help crying with joy, and at the same time the blood exploded, and many powerful people in the Bai family also roared.

"Follow the ancestors and kill without mercy!"

The roar shook the sky and swept across the sky, and Bai Xingyi also nodded, expressionless, only a punch came out.

In just a moment, his body became blurred, a mysterious aura spread, and an ethereal flavor appeared under his punch, which caused Meng Fan's eyes to trembled behind him. It was the extreme change of the Emperor Xianjing, even if Meng Fan studied it again, it was far from reaching the level of Bai Xingyi, which opened his eyes.

Under Bai Xingyi's fist, it seems that he is a supreme emperor, not only has the domineering power to conquer everything, but also has a kind of goodwill to pity sentient beings, he is an emperor!


The ancestors of the Xitian and the Liu family screamed in despair, staring at the powerful offensive of Bai Xingyi and Renxiong, fighting together.

At this moment, it is a foregone conclusion. Under the dark alliance, the temple, the Bai family, etc., the morale is high, and the flood-like attack has already made the people of the Ji family defeated, and there is no room for resistance. .

And above this sky is the blood of the king of gods. The ancestors of the Liu family and the ancestors of Xitian are in absolute passiveness, besieged by white clothes and male heroes, plus a bird and a turtle, Xiaotian, Xiaodi etc. Cold shot, yin hand.

The combat power of this white line suit is definitely one level after the fusion of Ji Tianshen and Ji Feng, and it is in its heyday, resulting in a huge advantage. After a few breaths, the ancestors of the Liu family cried out and resisted the white line. When the two of them were careless, they were successfully attacked by Lord Bird, a big mouth was drawn on the face, and the teeth were flying horizontally.

But the turtle master was even more straightforward. Without a word, his whole body shrank, hitting the lower body of the ancestor Xitian.

After a short while, the old ancestor Xitian was covering his crotch, his face flushed, and his whole body retreated like a fire on his ass. He spouted two mouthfuls of old blood. After 10,000 meters, he stood firm and stared. A sparrow and a tortoise with a smile on their faces almost fainted, and another blood spurted out.

"One bird and one turtle, incomparable mana, invincible in the world!"

"How about God King, beat him!"

Lord Que and Lord Gui said loudly at the same time, with a smug expression, as if they had already killed two **** kings.

Faced with this, the ancestor Liu family and the ancestor Xitian almost died of anger, and each covered their wounds, and felt that it was not as good as a blow to resist the king, and was so insulted by this bird.

"You two...little squat..."

The tone was intermittent, and it was really overwhelming.

Aside, Bai Xingyi and Renxiong looked at each other and laughed, but there was no slowness in their movements. They strode out, and the intention to kill them became more intense.

A moment later, the two great kings of Bai Xingyi had already launched the most terrifying means. Their vitality exploded, distorting the space, and the means of the two worldly kings had already swept everything, confining the space, facing the ancestors of the Liu family and the Xitian. Come.

At this kind of moment, the two ancestors of the Xitian and Liu family were seriously injured, and the two natural men and the male would not have any retention of hands, launching the most powerful means, a life and death blow!


The sky burst open, shocking the surrounding!

Under the pressure of the two Bai Xingyis, the ancestors of the Liu family and the ancestors of Xitian were also crazy, their vitality exploded, let them go, and wanted to make a **** road by themselves. The power of the four great gods hit the sky in an instant, how tragic, it immediately collapsed and turned the void into a black hole. At the moment of this impact, there was an aura of annihilation of sentient beings.

After a breath, the two figures walked back in blood, each with serious injuries and flying flesh and blood.

After fighting like this, the two great **** kings of the Xitian and Liu family were all a little exhausted and very embarrassed. After looking at each other, the two of them were tearing apart the space separately, and the secret law was operating. People continue to entangle themselves, but want to disperse themselves and leave this world.

"Hmph, you are not Meng Fan, you can't completely kill me and so on. Sooner or later the old man and the two will come back one day!"

The tone was gloomy and spread all over the world, making anyone shudder, because this is the curse of the two gods, which should not be underestimated.

"Want to go!"

Bai Xingyi roared and moved forward with Renxiong, but their expressions were a bit solemn, indeed, as the ancestor Liu said, is he not Meng Fan? Although his martial arts is powerful, he does not have the ability to fight thoroughly. As long as the qualifications of the **** king are to allow these two **** kings to escape, it is a great disaster in the future.

And the Meng Fan on the side wanted to help, but now he was helpless, his injury was too serious, and he should not move.

However, just as the two great **** kings were about to tear the world apart and disappear into this void, the sky trembled suddenly, the space was torn, and two shadows fell from the sky.

"Forbidden area pillar!"

Seeing the dark shadows falling on this sky, Meng Fan, Bai Xingyi, Renxiong and others suddenly changed their expressions, and they already felt a black death air that swept across the world. But what surprised them was that these two black deaths did not rush to them, but. . . . It directly smashed the two ancient ancestors of Liu Family and Xitian.

"No, the lord, you promised the old man, old man..."

The strong black death aura descended from the sky, encircling everything and extinguishing everything, leaving the Liu Family and the ancestors of the West Heaven in it with nowhere to escape, and was directly swallowed by this forbidden area pillar.

At the same time, it can be seen that there are actually two shadows in this forbidden area pillar. They are located in it, mobilizing the vitality, and actively extracting the original power of the two gods. Even if the two struggled and screamed, they were indifferent.

In the previous duel, both the ancestors of the Liu Family and the Xitian were already seriously injured. If it weren't for Meng Fan's combat power not at its peak, I am afraid that two people could be left, at least one.

But at this moment two people who could keep them came, but it was not Meng Fan, but the Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

Just in the blink of an eye, the two major forbidden area hall masters swallowed all the original powers of the ancestors of the Liu family and the ancestors of the west, and turned them into themselves. The only two great silences left in the void The extinct and terrifying forbidden area pillar stands between this world.

The thirteen hall masters, come personally!

Good strategy!

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan gritted his teeth. Before the thirteen hall masters rescued the Xitian ancestors, it seems that they used the Xitian ancestors to deal with themselves, hoping that they can unite with the Ji family and kill themselves here.

However, everything was not as planned as the Thirteenth Hall Master, but the latter was even more of an incomparable hero. Even if he could not kill Meng Fan, he could use this last moment to suppress the two great kings. The absorption of the power of its origin is definitely not a small gain for the thirteen hall masters, this is the real power of the **** king, rare in the world!

If the first hand fails, he uses the back hand. The thirteen hall masters are worthy of being the great heroes who have stood in the world for many years, and have suppressed Wanyu for many times!

And at the same time, the two figures in the forbidden area pillar seemed to have their eyes facing Meng Fan, without any words, they just shot!

The warrior is speechless!

The existence of the thirteen hall masters never talks nonsense, only one kills, and after a moment, a great murderous opportunity is to attack Meng Fan, covering everything!

Everyone understands that at this moment, it is not the thirteen hall masters who came from the air and existed in this restricted area pillar. . . . . It is two of the thirteen hall masters. . . . Deity!

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