Supreme God King

Chapter 1752: Antagonistic

Just rely on you three!

The voice fell, how indifferent and indifferent, it was necessary to be more calm and calm, and even in this tone, there was a sense of contempt!

Hearing Meng Fan's words, the expressions of the three great gods of Ji Tianshen suddenly became quite exciting, staring at Meng Fan, besides a trace of astonishment, was more of a monstrous anger.

Even if their state of mind is amazing, but that one is not the ancient emperor, that one is not the existence of arrogance of the ancients, looking at the long river of the whole world, arrogant to the past and present, who dares to despise them.

But now Meng Fan stood in front of the three of them, let alone despising, and even didn't blink his eyes when the three of them were besieged, as if they were children.

It is estimated that they have not experienced this kind of taste for tens of thousands of years. In Meng Fan's eyes, it is full of... endless contempt!

"Meng Fan... Do you think you are the ancient emperor!"

Staring at Meng Fan, he spit out a few words from the teeth of the three ancient gods, chilling.

"What is the ancient emperor!"

In the next moment, Meng Fan's light and fluttering words almost caused the ancient gods and two kings to carry them back. There was absolutely a careless look on Meng Fan's face, as if he didn't care.

"Can you eat it? Is it amazing? Even if he is in front of me, the four of you, I will punch you thoroughly, just one finger!"

After a few words fell, the second king of the ancient gods no longer spoke, because he was angry, his face was cold, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

For them, Meng Fan was no longer arrogant, he was simply mad, looking like the second child, his boss.


Ji Tianshen roared and spit out a word, it was a kind of overbearing intent like a sea of ​​corpse mountain and blood, sweeping everything, targeting Meng Fan.

In addition, the second king of the ancient gods who stood on the side moved at the same time, and did not intend to fight Meng Fan's words, otherwise, the scornful aura alone would be enough to make them collapse.

The three great kings moved instantly.

After this moment, you can see three handprints running through the heavens and the earth, sweeping across the sky, like three mountain peaks, and pressing directly towards the direction where Meng Fan is.

The three teamed up to target one person, and after only a moment, the entire world was overshadowed, and only that kind of infinite pressure swept towards Meng Fan.

Facing this scene, although Meng Fan’s eyes were full of contempt before, in fact, every hair on his body was exploded, and once it passed, it would not retreat, but stepped on it. After coming out, all the blood in the body burns up.

"Say the three of you are rotten sweet potatoes and stinky bird eggs, you still don't believe it. If that's the case, then let you take a look at what is called...

A few words were spit out, sonorous and powerful. At the same time, Meng Fan stood in place, his vitality exploded, and the light flickered. At this moment, it turned out that the entire thunder pond seemed to lose its color, and the martial art in his body was running like a long river. Dehe and Meng Fan provided the strength to let him illuminate the sun and the moon and capture the brilliance of the heavens and the earth. Finally, a finger stretched out. The majestic vitality fluctuations are comparable to mountain torrents, running through between this finger.

If anyone who knows Meng Fan sees this scene, it must be horrified, because at this moment Meng Fan’s martial arts seems to have reached a point where it is completely natural and suppresses everything. This blow has never happened before, but After he ascended to the King of God, he studied the results of several years of hard work and used the power of martial arts to gather this blow.

At this moment of pointing, everything lost its color, even if it was the Supreme Jedi, it was replaced by the light of this finger.

It was just a finger, but it seemed to rush through all the galaxies, eclipsing the light that all the power flicked at this fingertip.


Between the electric light and flint, the three handprints collided with the power of the finger above the sky, suddenly bursting the entire void, even if the surroundings were surrounded by purple flames and lightning, the supreme visions were all collapsed and transformed. For nothingness.

That kind of collision force is like a beast imprisoned, swallowing everything and turning the whole world into nothingness.

A moment later, the void was completely shattered. Among the fragments of the sky, three figures flew out. It was the three great kings of Jitian God. Even though the previous three combined a blow, they could not resist the power of Meng Fan's finger. .

Horror is so!

Before the three of them were horrified, Meng Fan, who was standing in the sky, expressionless, once again... a finger popped out.

"Second finger!"

When the three characters fell, the martial arts within Meng Fan's body also evolved again, with endless changes, and that kind of vitality turned into a stormy sea and rushed away again.

This is no longer a means of its own magical skills, but a kind of ultimate evolution after Meng Fan’s martial arts mastery. At the moment when the second finger pops up, it is even more terrifying and stronger than the first one. The power that dominates the world in his body bursts vividly and vividly.

The light flickered, and the force of a finger went straight to Ji Tianshen.


Faced with this, Ji Tianshen's expression suddenly changed, the vitality in his body revolved, and dozens of secret methods appeared in a flash, protecting the surroundings of the world.

Even he could never imagine that Meng Fan's explosive power would be so powerful in this instant. Not only did he break through the attack of the three with one finger, but also seized this fighter opportunity, and with another finger, it brought him something This kind of horrible meaning of life and death.

When the handprints hit, Ji Tianshen hit with Meng Fan’s second finger with all his strength. However, Meng Fan’s hit was too terrifying. Even if he was hit, the whole person spouted out with blood, and his chest exploded in an instant. Open, the defense collapsed, and then flew horizontally backward again, directly hitting the thunder pond.

The three great kings shot at Meng Fan. After snapping their fingers, Meng Fan flew three people with two fingers, hurting one person!

The fall of such a scene can be called shocking, and it is absolutely unimaginable.

One **** king battle power VS three big **** kings, this is two more worlds, but at this moment Meng Fan turned out to be so vigorous, especially the existence of Ji Tianshen.


Standing in place, the two kings of the ancient gods couldn't believe it, staring at Meng Fan, a trace of horror appeared in their eyes.

The power that Meng Fan exploded in this instant was too strong, so powerful that they were all heart-trembling. The three previous kings flew horizontally and shocked the past and the present, but they also happened in a short time. The three of them have reached such a point where they all work together, and Meng Fan is simply too powerful.

If the two of them imagined, then only the ancient emperor would be able to do it. Meng Fan is just a man who has been known as a **** for a century, how could he do it!

"Nothing is impossible, I have been as the King of God forever, did you think it was possible before?"

Meng Fan stood on the spot with his hands on his back, looking proudly at the second king of the ancient gods, still looking like the number one in the world.

"I have already reached a point where the sky can reach the sky. I said that even if the ancient emperor is here, he will be shot to death by me. You are a shit! You dare to listen to Ji Tianshen's words and take action against me. I was scared far away, knowing my power, you are just being used by him!"

With a word, the complexion of the two ancient gods and two kings suddenly turned blue and white. Both of them are strong in the same line of ancient gods. In addition to the ancient emperor, they are the two sole masters. For the sake of identity, even an ancient emperor is not in their eyes.

But standing in front of him, Meng Fan taught them as if he were teaching children. The two reprimanded them in the tone of an old predecessor who wanted to make a move, but thinking of Meng Fan's previous blow made them understand. The power possessed in the germination body is really terrifying. If he makes the third finger and the fourth point out, it is estimated that they will also be bombarded in this thunder pond and seriously injured like Ji Tian.

Want to get angry, but don't dare, don't mention how depressed this ancient **** second king's heart is.

And at the next moment, Meng Fan smiled lightly and said slowly,

"Although the two of you are not strong enough, I still don't want to offend the ancient gods, so... It's better to cooperate now. You can cooperate with Ji Tianshen or with me. I don't know what you want. how is it?"

"How to cooperate?"

The second king of the ancient gods glanced at Meng Fan, but he was a little hesitant, and didn't dare to mess around.

"Today, the three of you are not my opponents. This Purple Flame Thunder Lotus must be in my bag, but I can point you to a clear path. In addition to this Purple Flame Thunder Lotus, you can also get something else. One thing, such as the source of the **** king, isn't there a **** king with serious injuries right in front of you, two to one, the odds of winning are great!"

Meng Fan sneered, saying that he strode out, and in front of the second king of the ancient gods, he walked to the place of the purple flame thunder lotus, beckoning, he caught the purple flame thunder lotus.

"Now give you a chance, either to deal with me together again and be beaten to death by a few fingers of mine, or... to find the source of your **** king!"

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, the front of the two ancient gods suddenly became gloomy. I never thought Meng Fan was so bold and looked down upon the world. He really collected this purple flame Thunder Lotus in front of them, even though they were in their hearts. Doubt, I want to try again, but looking at Meng Fan's invincible appearance, and the power of the stormy sea before, I glanced at each other, and the two ancient gods and two kings moved in an instant. .

"You guys don't...

In the purple flame thunder pond, Ji Tianshen was so embarrassed and embarrassed. He was pierced by Meng Fan's finger and flew here. Even though his defense was already extremely shocking, the injuries he suffered were definitely not light. It was an encounter with the Polyphasic God King, thrown into this purple flame thunder pool, and almost never smashed to death, the whole person's silver hair was turned black, like an old beggar, covered in blood, facing three people, tall Scream.

And at the moment his voice fell, before he finished speaking, two attacks that destroyed everything... came in an instant to suppress him!

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