Supreme God King

Chapter 1749: Sneak attack

Endless land of purple flames and thunder!

Under the bombardment of this thunder pond, it can be described as a jedi, suppressing everything.

The place where Meng Fan had set foot before was only a small part, but now it is even more dangerous if it goes forward. That kind of billowing purple flame thunder swept through the sky and split everything.

The closer you get to this core, the more powerful it is like a **** king, you must be extremely cautious, even a little overwhelmed.

Among them, a shadow Juechen dodges countless purple flame thunders, and the speed is definitely not slow, even in this Jedi, it seems calm and calm.

After a few breaths, the body of this shadow stood firm, it was the incarnation of the blue color clothes, and his eyes were staring into the distance, slowly,

"It should be less than half the distance of the incense, and you will come to the core of the purple flame thunder, hum... I will take one first, and then wait for the wisher to take the bait. The popularity of Blue Caiyi is still good. , I hope his friends will come!"

A few words fell, revealing an extraordinary chill.

But at the next moment, the expression of the blue colored clothes who had been standing still moved, his eyes turned to the depths of a thunder pond, a majestic wave of vitality also emerged, and he said in a deep voice.

"who is it!"

When the two words fell, the powerful vitality fluctuations had already hit, flooding the surrounding area.

"Magic Ancestor, I didn't expect you to be here too!"

In the distance, a voice fell, and a figure of a middle-aged man also stepped on the thunder, striding forward, wearing a yellow dress, and a strong emperor's breath in his brow.

After seeing the middle-aged man, Lan Caiyi raised her brows and smiled.

"It turned out to be you... Destiny!"

The person who came was exactly the **** of heavenly crumbs.

Standing in place, the Heavenly Remnant God King nodded and said slowly,

"In the past, I didn't think there was a chance to get together again today. How is your injury!"

Hearing this, Lan Caiyi's expression did not move. After staring at the Heavenly Devil King for a while, he nodded and smiled.

"Fortunately, the physical body is a little lacking, and Purple Flame Thunder needs to add it!"


The Heavenly Devil King laughed, patted his chest, and said calmly,

"It's not easy. You and I move together. How about stepping into it? With the power of both of you and me, it is also more certain. I believe that collecting more Purple Flame Thunder will not be a problem!"

Hearing the words of the Heavenly Remnant God King, Lan Caiyi did not agree, but only looked across the body of the Heavenly Remnant God King, and said,

"Tiancan, where's your piano?"

"Do you want to hear me play the piano?"

Tiancun God King raised his eyebrows and said calmly,

"In the past battle, the piano is broken, but fortunately, I can still retrain with my soul. It's a pity that I haven't succeeded yet, but it's okay to use my vitality to bring the piano and play a song!"

When he spoke, his palm moved and changed slightly, and after a short while, a very beautiful melody appeared in the thunder pond, which looked like an ordinary piano sound, and seemed to contain a golden iron horse. Infinite killing is exactly the standard method used by the Heavenly Candidate King.

Advance can attack, retreat can defend!

If it is in an ordinary state, this is the sound of the piano for entertainment, but once the **** of heaven is furious, then this sound is the most terrifying. . . . Killing!

In ancient times, I don't know how many strong people are ruined in this piano sound, for the Heavenly Remnant God King to dominate the world, to create a powerful means.

"Good, good!"

Lan Caiyi said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, Tiancan, your piano sound is still so beautiful. You and I have been old friends for tens of thousands of years. Of course, we are on the road together. It's not good to be driven ahead by others!"

As he spoke, his body turned around and stepped into the purple flame thunder, and at the same time a smug smile and coldness appeared on his face!

The two hit it off, and after a while they were already moving at the same time, stepping toward the depths of the thunder pond.

The two great kings rushed into it at the same time. This scene can be described as quite amazing. The more you move forward, the more power you face with Purple Flame Thunder, and you can't help but let Lan Caiyi and Heavenly Devil God King both perform The most powerful force has penetrated everything and broke into it.

In this way, after a few breaths, both of them were slightly exhausted, and they were almost touched by Purple Flame Thunder several times.

I have to admit that this kind of natural birth of heaven and earth is too terrifying. Under this kind of infinite power, it seems to be destroying the entire world. The power of Purple Flame Thunder is unmatched!

And at the next moment, the two of Lan Caiyi and the Heavenly Remnant God King moved at the same time. Looking at it, they had discovered the light of this thunder pond.

The essence of the purple flame thunder is what all the gods in this world want.

The ordinary Purple Flame Thunder is not enough for them to refine their bodies, but this essence is possible. The power of the Purple Flame Thunder is extraordinary, and one drop can transform into a 100,000-mile thunder pond.

Usually when this heaven and earth vision appears, a dozen drops will appear in this purple flame thunder pond, scattered around, but as to whether it can be obtained, it is not certain!

At the same time, what Lan Caiyi and Heavenly Remnant God King felt was the essence of this drop of Purple Flame Thunder, which was far away.

Both of them were overjoyed. After a short while, they burst out with shocking power, killed them, passed through the layers of thunder pools, and arrived at the essence of the purple flame thunder.

"That's it!"

Tianchou God King and Lan Caiyi glanced at each other, and both nodded.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the rays of light flicker in this place, like a sun, the most central part of which is surrounded by the power of infinite purple flames. The most obvious thing is that there is a drop of dew in it, which looks like it is. Very tempting.

There is no doubt that this drop of dew is the essence of Purple Flame Thunder, once it is obtained, it will be of great help to the **** king!

"But... there seems to be only one drop here!"

Lan Caiyi shook her head, looked at the Heavenly Devil God, and smiled.

"Forget it, I'll give you this drop, I'll look for the next drop later!"

The tone was extremely calm, but in the depths of Lan Caiyi's eyes, a murderous indifference flashed past.

A drop of the essence of Purple Flame Thunder, but there are two great kings here, so naturally it is not easy to divide.

However, Lan Caiyi didn't care. He just wanted to make the Heavenly Devil God Wang move, standing behind him, then that was enough.

In his mind, he was already deducing, if the Heavenly Devil God King stepped forward, he would brazenly shoot after he went, and before he could catch the Purple Flame Thunder, he would sneak attack on its vitals.

With the distance between the two sides, a strong **** king suddenly launched an attack, and if the Remnant God King was not prepared this day, he would definitely be seriously injured.

At that time, not only will he be able to obtain this drop of the essence of the Purple Flame Thunder, but it will also be able to bring the opponent into a place where he cannot recover.

You must know that the surrounding area is where the Purple Flame Thunder is the densest. A **** king in his heyday may be fine, but one was seriously injured by a sneak attack. . . . God King!

Hum, maybe another **** king origin is in my hands!

Lan Caiyi's gaze was fixed on the Heavenly Remnant God King, no matter what she thought, her face was extremely candid.

However, at the next moment, the Heavenly Remnant God King shook his head and said calmly,

"Of course this first drop is for you. Your injury is more serious than mine, and you need this more than me!"

Hearing this, Lan Caiyi was taken aback for a moment before saying,

"it's not good!"

"Why, you and I have fought together countless times in the past, in the restricted zone, and smoothed the chaos, don't you believe me?"

Tiancun God King's gaze condensed, looking at Lan Caiyi, with an even more frank expression.

After staring at her for a long time, Lan Caiyi found that there was nothing wrong, and finally nodded and smiled.


When the voice fell, Lan Caiyi also stepped out, heading to the essence of the purple flame thunder, grasping it forward with the palm of her hand, and a sneer appeared on her face.

Fool, you don’t want to have the essence of Purple Flame Thunder. For the so-called friendship, it’s really hypocritical, and even if you don’t get into the set of this first drop and can’t hurt you, then it’s just right, you and I move again, and there is a second drop. Too!

In my mind, Lan Caiyi's face was sarcasm, and her palm lightly fell, she controlled everything, and in the next moment she wanted to grasp the essence of the Purple Flame Thunder in her hand.

Between the electric light and flint, a whistling sound came, and without any time to react, it fell abruptly.

Before Lan Caiyi's palm fell on it, she felt a powerful force behind her moving, penetrating everything, and directly hitting his back.


In an instant, Lan Caiyi was shocked, and wanted to turn around, his breath exploded.

But it was already too late. This blow was swift and violent throughout the sun and the moon. It completely merged the speed and power into one point. With a punch, there would be no chance at all.


With just a punch, Lan Caiyi's entire body was blasted out. Before grabbing the essence of the purple flame thunder, she was already seriously injured, spurting out a large mouth of blood, and fell into the thunder pond in front of it. .

Creak, creak!

In a moment, Lan Caiyi was blasted into the thunder pond, and the infinite purple flame thunder attacked, tearing his body like a ton. Even if he was a strong god, he could see that he was immediately above him. Phoenix, Shaina turned into a roast chicken.


After a short while, the blue Caiyi was chopped and riddled with holes, blood spurted, and his entire body was almost shattered. Thanks to his strong cultivation base, he forcibly resisted it, and the surging vitality fluctuation temporarily defended the surrounding area. , It was just now that the purple flame thunder could not touch the body.

Shengsheng swallowed blood, blue colored clothes shed his head, and the purple flame thunder was smashed into flesh and blood, and the whole person was a **** person.

"Heaven Can... You even attacked me in spite of friendship!"

At this moment, Lan Caiyi's face was almost distorted, and her tone was extremely resentful.

Being attacked by someone is depressing enough in itself, and the most important thing is that he had already thought of this scene before.

But he was the one who was in the plan to attack, and the one who was attacked was the Heavenly Devil God King. This plan can be described as a perfect fit. When he thinks about it, he feels that he is a little insidious, excited about it, and is ready to pit the Heavenly Remnant God King.

However, now the two sides have returned, making him feel so greasy and crooked in his heart.

Standing on this sky, the Heavenly Remnant God King waved his hand and collected this drop of the essence of the Purple Flame Thunder.

Looking at Lan Caiyi indifferently, and then grinning, the figure of the whole person gradually shattered, turning into a scholar, and said calmly,

"How is it, how does it taste... Polyphasic King!"

The last few words fell, revealing a chill that made the whole world abrupt.

Gratitude must be repaid, grudges must be paid back!

This has always been Meng Fan's rule, and Lan Caiyi has a great favor to him. If he does not kill his enemy, then I am afraid that Meng Fan will not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.

And seeing the appearance of this figure in front of me, finally let Lan Caiyi or the Divine King of Polyphasic understand. Only after a moment, his complexion was as ugly as eating a dead child, and a harsh voice swept through. The whole world,

"Meng Fan... it's you!"

A few words, filled with endless anger and shock, even in the heart of this purple flame thunder, it is also to let Zhou Tian. . . . Fall into a gloom!

When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous, especially the enemy who broke his own serious matter before, and it is enough to make the Polyphasic King think about Meng Fan's hatred that the roots of his teeth are itchy.

If it weren’t for Meng Fan’s participation, then Renxiong’s life origin would be his, but everything is because of Meng Fan. Not only did he shatter his body, but also let Renxiong’s life origin be taken away. It was simply that the Polyphasic God King gritted his teeth with hatred for Meng Fan every day and night, wishing to meet immediately and kill Meng Fan.

But now the two of them have indeed met each other, just in this kind of environment.

Looking at the little face of Meng Fan, the multi-phase **** king suddenly felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark. . . . Almost fainted!

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