Supreme God King

Chapter 1742: Search

In the dark alliance, Meng Fan took a full rest for ten days. This period of time was mainly to accompany the Empress, Bai Shui'er, Meng Nian and others, and then... left quickly!

Above the sky, a figure moved quietly, and no one noticed it. It was difficult to detect its whereabouts, including the top powerhouses between the sky and the earth. This figure was naturally Meng Fan.

Alone in the sky, Meng Fan glanced at the dark alliance, a complicated smile appeared on his face.

It is indeed difficult to let his wife understand his feelings for another person, but the Empress, Bai Shui'er and others all understand.

Meng Fan was like this, for that person, and for them.

Zhiqing, a symbol carved into Meng Fan's bones, if Meng Fan changed, maybe the Empress and others would have been disappointed with him, because that person would not be Meng Fan himself.

As the female emperor said, Meng Fan's trip was for a woman, naturally... Ruo Shuiyi!

In the past, under the Tianhan Mountain, the scene of that beautiful woman's soul broke on the spot, so that Meng Fan will never forget it forever.

And the promise he made back then was carved into Meng Fan's bones. For him in the past, the most important goal was to reach the King of God.

Once you are a strong person who can achieve the Divine King Realm, it means that you will have the power to reverse everything, and everything will have hope.

So in these few years, Meng Fan went against the long sky, and whoever blocked and killed, finally reached this point and became a **** king!

Over the years, Meng Fan has also continued to study the law of death, and cooperated with his own strength, practiced and evolved continuously, and finally found some solutions.

Especially after he reached the **** king, he touched an unprecedented situation, opened a door of absolute power for him, and made Meng Fan understand countless.

In the last century, Meng Fan has continued to study this Dao, which can be said to have made considerable progress.

In the end, he concluded that perhaps he could really do that step, bringing Ruoshui back to life, completely restoring his body, which made Meng Fan's heart extremely excited.

Although it was only a calculation, for him, it was simply a candle burning in the long night, which gave him a glimmer of life.

There is no successful precedent in the world to bring back the dead.

But since ancient times, the monks of countless strong men have spent their energy. If they wanted to do this, they also left countless experiences, but it was a pity that they did not succeed.

But Meng Fan didn't have any discouragement. The others were others, and he was him.

And several ancient magical medicines in the medicine palace have also said that they are also in a state of speculation about this method, and they have not succeeded. It also proves that perhaps the previous methods are wrong, but it does not mean that this path is thorough. Is dead.

According to Meng Fan's calculation, it is impossible for a person who wants to be completely reborn to be completely reborn.

But for Ruo Shuiyi, it can be a try. The most important reason is that Ruo Shuiyi has not been completely destroyed, but... a very complete body is left behind.

Such a physical body is also an important trace of his life between the heaven and the earth. It is of great use. To the person who is already completely dead and vanished, it is not just a heaven and earth.

Of course, Meng Fan is absolutely grateful to Xue Dutian. If it weren’t for him, Ruo Shuiyi’s body would never have been preserved so intact. It’s too important to have this flawless body, which Meng Fan wanted. What he did was to restore Ruo Shuiyi’s traces of life, and then... to call upon him with great means!

However, it was still extremely difficult, and all of this was only formed in Meng Fan's mind. To really display it, he needed too much.

But this was enough. After some careful evolution, Meng Fan finally decided to do it, and did it immediately.

Therefore, Meng Fan left the dark alliance and came to this world, because he wanted to restore the traces of life for Ruo Shuiyi, but relying on his own power alone is absolutely not enough. He can only come to this world and find in this world. The ultimate fetish.

Thus, with the help of the medicinal power of these two gods, to help him complete this step.

"Natural flowers, ice my spring!"

Meng Fan said to himself, a thick light flashed through his eyes.

And if someone heard it at this moment, he would be surprised, because the two words spit out in Meng Fan's mouth meant the two ultimate gods between the heaven and the earth.

Both of them are already beyond the tenth rank, they are the most mysterious things in this world, and can be called the same level as the Sky Profound Tree.

Looking at the Kaitian Era, the number of appearances is only a handful, and it can be met but not desired. Even if Meng Fan is now at the level of God King, let alone get it, it may not be possible to see it.

Meng Fan was also quite clear about this, so after he confirmed it, he left the dark alliance and came to this ten thousand realm.

Although it may not be available, Meng Fan will do it. These two gods have long disappeared between the world and the earth. He is only looking for traces of the world that they may have existed in the past, even if the intelligence has been tens of thousands of years. It was even hundreds of thousands of years ago, but Meng Fan didn't care at all.

Such behavior is only a problem, but Meng Fan believes that he will have some rewards for spending time to do it.

After tens of thousands of years, how many lives and deaths, this difficulty for Meng Fan, and the despair he faced in the past, is indeed only a drizzle!

Leaving the dark alliance, Meng Fan also merged into this world in an instant, and returned to the ten thousand realms.

With his current status, it will cause a big sensation. It is estimated that he can be overcrowded and block everything, so Meng Fan also changed his face and let his own breath cover up, no difference from ordinary people. , Into the world.

The only information about natural flowers flashed in Meng Fan’s mind. It is rumored that this is a kind of flower that can make people live forever. Once it is taken, even mortals can have a full million years of life. , Is almost destroyed by the heavens and the earth, and he is indestructible, so it has always been respected by the world and is a kind of **** in the legend.

Such a flower is rumored to bloom in the sky between the heavens and the earth. Every time it blooms, a strange fragrance will appear around thousands of miles. Just hearing the word can prolong life, but only a moment later when it blooms, this flower is Will be put away, and then merged into the world, I don't know where it will bloom again next time.

The last time the natural flower bloomed was 130,000 years ago, and even for people in ancient times, this rare fetish was extremely strange.

Naturally, Meng Fan was quite helpless, but he didn't have any excessive demands. He just blended into the ten thousand realms as an ordinary person and began to look for it.

The first time he traveled was the place where the natural flower spread before. It was an absolute summit between heaven and earth, a Jedi rarely reached by people, surrounded by endless cliffs, and finally Meng Fan I found that place, but unfortunately, after such a long time, there was nowhere to trace at all.

Standing here, Meng Fan was silent for a few breaths, and then moved on to the next place, moving along this place where it might appear, and the place where there is a legend about natural flowers, and pursued it all the way.

Following this, it can be said that Meng Fan spent a full 20 years, but the harvest is not great, but Meng Fan is fearless, while practicing and walking, collecting as much information as possible about this natural flower. .

And just as Meng Fan walked unconsciously, he unexpectedly came to the northern group domain, and was getting closer to the edge of the Sifang domain.

Revisit the old place!

Meng Fan couldn't help but smile. For this place where he used to rise, he instinctively approached and set foot in one of the most prosperous capitals.

It has been thousands of years since Meng Fan was here in the past. The years have passed by. The people of those years are no longer the people of those years. Everything has changed, including the maps and cities here. Recognized.

Sweeping his gaze around, an extraordinarily complicated look was revealed in Meng Fan’s eyes. He seemed to vaguely see a young man struggling to practice in this world in the past, and the young girl beside his ears Laughing and teaching with him, but everything is just a picture.

The city that Meng Fan set foot in is called Wudiguan, and it is now well-known among the four regions. It is rumored that it is the largest city that has risen in the past 100 years. It was established here by a huge force to connect with other regions. Open up the surrounding fortresses.

Because of the strong support, this place is also booming rapidly. Among them, there are countless merchants and caravans, and there are countless merchants and shops in this pass, which looks extremely prosperous.

Just as Meng Fan was walking on it, there was a whistling sound in the distance, attracting the eyes of countless people, only to discover that he was a powerful person, passing through the sky, a All of them hurriedly went in one direction.

Many of them were stepping into the Hunyuan Realm, and the existence of the Tianyuan Realm immediately caused a commotion from the people around, and the voice fell in Meng Fan's ears.

"What are they going to do, so many powerful people gather, is there a treasure?"

"I don't have any knowledge of any treasure. It is the grandmother of the Cao family who celebrated her birthday in the Five Emperors Pass today, so this group of powerful people from all over come to congratulate!"

"The Cao family, who is it really? That's terrible! Now the entire Sifang domain is the Cao family's territory, it seems that today is going to be lively!"


The voices fell, making Meng Fan stunned. After the dark alliance's many brothers and others followed him to set foot in the Middle Ages, the Sifang region and the countless areas in the northern group have actually been let go, and the dark alliance has been made good. The forces are in control, and if Meng Fan still vaguely remembers correctly, this quadrangular domain should be given to the Cao family!

With a flash of mind, a graceful figure appeared in front of Meng Fan's eyes, and he couldn't help being stunned as well, looking towards the distant place.

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