Supreme God King

Chapter 1736: Seven Kings Controversy

The Seven Kings Controversy!

The moment Meng Fan uttered these words, the entire field was silent, and there was an uproar in the outside world, and the seven people at the extreme of the field all stared at each other and said nothing. hair!

But in each other's eyes, there is a fierce and extreme killing intent!

God king proud!

This is the strength of any great emperor-level powerhouse itself. Once facing so many people at the same level as himself, it is enough to ignite the blood in the body anyway.

In the moment in the field, time is no longer flowing. Although the seven people have never done anything, they all collide with each other. Under this flowing aura, they simply have a kind of To crush the entire sky is the meaning of explosion.

After a few breaths, Ren Xiong said coldly,

"I can't let go of your hands and feet here, chaos space is a battle!"

While speaking, his body moved around, turned and left.

And the other few people looked at each other and moved at the same time, following the human male. For the powerhouse of the **** king realm, there are not so many restrictions. For mortals, they seem to be endless in their lives. Road, but for the king of gods, it is just a matter of thought!

After a short while, the seven kings of the gods had already appeared on the edge of the outer space. There were not so many laws of heaven and earth, and some only had endless chaotic energy.

One step on the way, Meng Fan glanced around, hoarsely said,

"Although you didn't kill Boren, Boren died because of you. My disciple was buried in the dark alliance. Today I want to give him an explanation, so here... there will be a burial of the king of God!"

A few words fall, indifferent like a knife, the world is cold!

A monstrous violence was already surging between Meng Fan's body, sweeping around the world, and anyone under this breath would tremble. It seemed that there was no humanity in Meng Fan, except for its terrifying and unmatched aura, the obsession to kill everything.


Another close relative left his side, leaving a scar that will never be erased on Meng Fan's heart. As he said, if the culprit is not punished, Meng Fan himself will not be able to pass this test.

Divine King Burial!

These three words are easy to say, but if you want to do it, look at the world, look at the past and the present, how many people can do it!

It is equivalent to killing a **** king here, destroying its origin, and letting it die completely in this world. Such a method is simply enough to shake the world. Including any **** king from ancient times, dare not say that he can kill an opponent of the same rank. After all, for this kind of existence, a trace of origin, as long as it leaves a trace of its origin, then it is equivalent to the cost of resurrection.

But if you want to really kill it, you can only kill it like Lan Caiyi's body, being obliterated by the multi-phase god!

"Joke, arrogance!"

The body of the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family was shaking, but it was not agitated, but angry. He stared at Meng Fan and roared,

"Even if there is a burial of the gods today, it must be you!"

With a rumbling tone, Meng Fan was already disdainful to say anything about this, there was no hesitation, only. . . . . Punch!

Fist out, like electricity!

In this moment, Meng Fan didn't hesitate, and went straight forward to kill. In a moment of movement, the qi and blood in his body erupted, and the whole person's golden light shone, comparable to a sun rushing toward the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family.

Ascend to the King of God!

At this point, how much blood Meng Fan shed and how many people he killed before that, does he himself remember? do not remember!

When, those countless struggles in cultivation, and the hardships between life and death, have just forged Meng Fan's true self. In just the moment of the action, Meng Fan's blood burned, and the only kind of belief in the kill was in his eyes, and his fist was even more domineering.

His today's strength is also an old madman, and with the help of Shuiyi, Sansheng and others, he can only reach it. With the spirit of heaven, Meng Fan wanted to comfort him, and there was only one way, and that was. . . . war!


A moment later, the void exploded and sparks flew everywhere. Among them, Meng Fan's fist and Zhao Jiaguzu's fist directly blasted together. What realm are the two of them now, but they look down upon the most powerful God King powerhouse in ancient and modern times. At this moment of collision, they penetrated the void and burst into endless power.

Now the two of them can be said to hate each other. Naturally, they have no room to do so. The shocking power of the collision, but thanks to the extraterritorial space, there are not so many restrictions, and they can let them go!

At the same time, the ancient ancestors and Tu Tian of the Xitian Protoss also moved forward, wanting to attack Meng Fan together. However, the left and the right were already resisted by two mountain-like figures. It was Renxiong and Ruotian. They didn't say much, and there was no need to say more, there was only one battle!

Damn it!

The violent noise fell, the void collapsed, and the sky faded. Between this battle, in this outer space, a great battle broke out that shocked the past and the present. Among them, there are seven great **** kings fighting each other, fighting together, and the one between them has shocking combat power. Only the moment of collision is to make the entire outer space collapse.

God king battle!

But it has the power to move mountains and fill the sea and destroy everything.

In the past, the Middle Ancient Regions were all destroyed. It is conceivable how strong this level of destructive power is, and how terrifying is its power to invest. It is definitely not the case that a single finger destroys the stars and destroys everything. just saying!


The man walks wildly, waving his arms, and his fighting method is comparable to that of a savage, opening and closing, and the force of the swing is like the sea rushing, colliding with the ancient ancestor of the west. After the two collided, Ren Xiong moved the void again, slashed his palm and looked at Ji Feng aside.

At the same time, Ruotian was the same, he was the master of the restricted area, and later failed in destruction, then Nirvana, experienced countless wind and rain, and finally reached this level.

The way of the **** king he achieved was not the same as that of the thirteen hall masters, but the ultimate method of physical change that he himself would comprehend with his amazing talents.

Now, the ground splits the sky and collapses at the same time, intertwined with the male and the male, shot at the instant, replaced at the instant, beckoned fiercely, and entangled the opponent's three powerful gods.

The space exploded, and countless collapses!

And in this void, it is simple in Meng Fan's eyes, because the whole world in his eyes seems to be ethereal, there is nothing but the enemy in front of him, the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family!

Fists blasted out and crushed everything!

Meng Fan strode forward and collided with the power of the ancient ancestor Zhao family in the heavens and the earth. Both of them were powerhouses who had ascended to the **** king. With their eternal experience, the ancient ancestor Zhao family collided with Meng Fan. Attempting to suppress Meng Fan, the stunned young man who had just become a **** king.

However, just between a few breaths, it made the intestines of the ancient ancestors of the Zhao family feel regretful, because he had seen Sansheng, Youyou, Meng Niuniu and others on the ring before, and did not think that meaning.

Because his realm was too high, he could break through the play style of several players, but now facing Meng Fan, he found that he was completely wrong, and finally understood why the three of them were able to suppress the same level.

The violent style of play came from Meng Fan, and the cruelty in Sansheng's own bones was also Meng Fan's. . . . In the same line!

Now that it is carried out in the hands of Meng Fan today, it has just amazed the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family, how powerful this series of suppression methods are, making him collapse and retreat step by step.

Even though he is the great emperor of ancient times, a **** king who lived forever, but in this kind of close interlacing, it is difficult to resist Meng Fan.

The latter strode forward, and the unity of nature and man. Now the martial arts in Meng Fan's body has reached the stage of real mastery. The wave of vitality that bursts out is comparable to a mountain torrent, and with its own unstoppable aura, wave after wave A wave.

Visible in the void, Meng Fan kept moving forward, swinging his fists, golden light flashing, and rolling power swept everything. At this moment, even the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family had to retreat back and forth.

Today is different from the past, but only a few decades away. In the old days, Meng Fan was still at a disadvantage when facing the ancient ancestor of the Liu family. He had to fight his life, but after taking this half step, he faced an ancient ancestor again. Emperor Zhi, Meng Fan's style of play is still the same as before, but he is suppressed everywhere, and his moves are harsh.


After a step back, the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family was finally unbearable under Meng Fan's punch. The body of the **** king was full of blood and blood, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He couldn't help but show a fierce light and roar.

"Ping Tian Jue!"

Just between a few words, the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family gleamed, and the blood rushed for a while, and a claw struck, and he slammed Meng Fan. At this moment, his own combat power did not know how much he improved. It is an ancient method of the **** king, which is the foundation for the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family to dominate the world and create the emperor.

When this secret technique was cast, the common people were eclipsed, and the whole world was dimmed by it.

A true killer of the ancient emperor!

Endless murderous intent struck, Meng Fan's face was expressionless, just holding his hands tightly, standing in place, with mountains and rivers above his head, stepping on the sun and the moon, and punching the sky.

"Inverse God Fist!"


In an instant, the fist of Nishen Fist and the handprints of the ancient ancestor of Zhao Jia collided between the world and the earth, and suddenly a splendid flower burst into this outer space. It can be described as extremely beautiful in the eyes of mortals, but any The sacred and powerful people are trembling in their souls, and every thread of this flower is the most terrifying thing in this world that can wipe out hundreds of millions of lives and deaths in an instant.

The space was torn apart, even if it was an extraterritorial space, a chaos, it was shaken. At the same moment, it was discovered that a figure flew out. It was the ancestor of the Zhao family who was punched by Meng Fan until the blood spurted. The chest exploded, a **** king... . Flew thousands of meters away!

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