Supreme God King

Chapter 1734: I am the king

The tone was slight, and at this moment, it fell into the ears of the four great **** king realm powerhouses, and suddenly the expressions of all four of them changed.

Tu Tian raised his brows and said coldly,

"what did you say?"

"I'm talking about... you are clever wronged by cleverness!"

Meng Fan sneered, staring at the four people, even if they were the four ancient emperors, but Meng Fan’s tone was still full of endless mockery.

"Your ancient method is quite terrible. It can actually interfere with my life invisibly, leaving me in a kind of loss. If you follow your ancient method, all my nine major efforts should be hateful and old death. It hurts my cultivation a lot, let alone that I can take that step, it's just a question of whether I can wake up.

But it seems that you haven't communicated before. Ji Feng turned out to be in the dark alliance, Sansheng fought for my honor, and finally died, his belief, his fighting spirit, and his pain. . . . It just brought back the memory of my physical body, just brought back the awakening of the soul, and it was able to make me. . . . Really open your eyes and complete the technique of turning dreams into reality! "

The last few words fell, and Meng Fan, who was standing in the same place, took a step too. It was just a step, and an overwhelming breath swept the mountains and rivers. Even though the four great gods were in front of him, at the same time, he was also caught by Meng Fan's breath. shock.

Without him, Meng Fan who stood in the same place seemed to be a **** and demon who slaughtered everything. Even though the four of them had stunning the world and suppressed infinite enemies, Meng Fan's heart trembled slightly when facing this moment. .

It seemed that before his eyes Meng Fan was no longer just a person, but a picture scroll about to slaughter everything, a violent meaning hidden in his blood. . . . Coming out of trouble!

"Impossible, you clearly failed, and you are not the King of God now, you are lying!"

Tu Tian roared, staring at Meng Fan fiercely, desperately trying to see a trace of disguise from his face.

However, Meng Fan draws a strange arc at the corner of his mouth, standing on the spot, the sadness in his eyes, slowly said.

"Sansheng, I can't change anything, I can only... let your blood not flow in vain!"

At the moment when the last two words were uttered, Meng Fan's whole person also changed suddenly, like the same sun, bursting out endless rays of light, illuminating the whole world.

One person in the sky, suppress everything!

The moment when the light was released from Meng Fan's body, even though Ji Feng and the other four ancient emperors were dazzling again, they were replaced by Meng Fan's light and became eclipsed.

This scene alone is enough to shock the world!

Anyone who is an ancient emperor, but a strong man in the Divine King Realm, is the strongest person from ancient times to the present. Only then can he completely break his shackles and take the martial arts to the extreme. This kind of person, for ordinary people, is the difference between ants and stars, but at this moment, a powerful qi and blood burst out above Meng Fan's body, which suppressed his own light. The four great ancient emperors, this is simply too terrifying, too shocking.

At the same time, surrounded by Meng Fan's sky, the color suddenly changed, and the aura moved, the endless heaven and earth energy gathered towards him.

"what is that!"

One person exclaimed, pointing to the surging breath above the sky, his face pale.

Under the power of Meng Fan at this moment, not only made the entire void tremble, but also out of thin air, there were more angry dragons formed by the aura of space, which tossed between the whole world and swept the mountains and rivers, even the four ancient ones in the field. The emperor felt a burst of pressure.

"Yes... the elephant of the king of God!"

Finally, suffocating a few words from the mouth of the ancient ancestor of the Zhao family, his complexion was like pig liver at this moment, losing his previous calmness.

The four of them are **** kings, and naturally they have seen this kind of breath belonging to Meng Fan, but when they became **** kings, they were not as terrifying as Meng Fan.

Because there are too many angry dragons surging in this void, each of them is a blessing between heaven and earth, and will finally be integrated into the master of the **** king.

There are more angry dragons, which means that the strength of the **** king will be more astonishing. The angry dragons that they have achieved before the **** king are only one percent of Meng Fan's.

So now seeing the angry dragon all over the sky, one by one is almost gloomy and almost eats people!

"He really succeeded, and he wants to be the King of God in front of us..."

After a few breaths, he spit out a few words from the teeth of the ancient ancestor of the Xitian God Clan, almost not crushing his own teeth.

Not only was it successful, but also in front of the four enemies, Meng Fan's move was completely despised, and he didn't take the four kings of the game seriously. It was even more uncomfortable than countless big mouths drawn on them, making each of the four become anxious and depraved.

"Really looking for death!"

A moment later, Ji Feng roared, and without saying a word, he was already flying into the sky, slapped towards Meng Fan with a palm.

In an instant, his handprints appeared, and they turned into a handprint that soared to the sky, gathering vitality, domineering and superbly, making everything pale, only this palm was empty.

Ji Feng is not the old days, his strength has not been restored, but now Ji Feng has a strong combat power, at the moment of display, the strength of his Divine King Realm completely burst out. Just under this attack, there is a great posture that penetrates everything and makes all sentient beings wiped out.

King of Gods blow!

Faced with such a palm, it was enough to cut time, space, and anyone between heaven and earth would tremble.

But standing in place, Meng Fan was not afraid at all. He was alone in the sky, and his breath caused the world to change. The angry dragon roared, and the whole person did not retreat at all. . . . . A palm blasted out.

And it was extremely casual, as if it was Meng Fan raising his hand to strike, but at the moment of the shot, it contained a very different power.

After hundreds of thousands and countless experiences, at this moment Meng Fan finally completed his martial arts completely. The moment when his nine drops of blood were gathered together, it meant that Meng Fan was truly in the stage of great accomplishment. Returning to reality from dreams, through the ninth life, transforming into every kind of mortal, experiencing the joys and sorrows of life and death, the separation of heaven and earth, and finally the harmony in oneself. At this moment, Meng Fan is stronger than ever.

It was just a shot, but it was like a punishment from heaven. Meng Fan's handprints fell slowly, directly on top of Ji Feng's handprints!


In an instant, the world exploded and the light was overflowing!

At the moment when Meng Fan's handprints and Ji Feng's handprints collided, Zhou Tian couldn't help shaking. This blow was really too domineering, this was a fight between the power of the **** king, and after a moment, the people of the dark alliance also retreated quickly, and the **** monkey and others covered everyone.

It's not that they don't want to help Meng Fan, but let alone the ordinary disciples of the dark alliance, now the **** monkeys don't want to extend a finger in the field.

God king battle, only God king can solve it!

The world exploded, countless space fragments overflowed, and all of Ji Feng's handprints were completely disappeared under the eyes of everyone. It turned out to be dropped by Meng Fan's palm and knocked everything over. With the force of the impact, Ji Feng's whole person fell from the sky, unable to control himself, and was slapped by Meng Fan. . . . It was shot in the ground.


A strong **** king was slapped on the ground with a palm, and it was sturdy, smashed into it, and even the head and body were integrated with the soil!

Such a scene fell, Wanyu. . . . All dead!

This is not an ordinary person, but a strong **** king who has truly ranked top in the world, but now facing Meng Fan, the latter has not yet fully achieved the **** king, but with a mere palm, he is smashed from the sky. Go underground, this is. . . . What a fighting force!


Tu Tian roared and said in shock,

"You are not the King of God... how can you... this way..."

"There is nothing impossible. Although you are among the kings of the gods, you are destined to be invincible. The way of the gods is higher and lower than the human beings. It is the same realm, but you will have different combat power. So, you won’t understand this, because you don’t understand what is called... where the obsession is, I am invincible!"

Meng Fan responded indifferently, standing alone between heaven and earth, disregarding the four great gods.

At this moment, the Zhao family ancestors, Xitian ancestors, and Tu Tian were all stunned. The hand that Meng Fan showed them before was enough to shock them.

And the angry dragon rolls around in his body, and Meng Fan's whole person is in this vision of heaven and earth. At this moment, he seems to be the master of the whole world, the core of everything, surrounded by endless angry dragons, a big singing, a big vision Surrounded by him, resounding.


After a while, Meng Fan uttered two words, making the heaven and the earth completely still at this moment. All the galloping angry dragons concentrated on Meng Fan’s body, leaving him in a state of lightning and thunder, and fire burning. in.


The ancient ancestor of the Zhao family roared, and the ancient ancestor of the West Tian and Tu Tian each turned into a palm, and they attacked outrageously. In just a moment, they turned into the most domineering force in the entire world.

The three great kings will not allow Meng Fan to come to an end at this moment, and brazenly encircle and interfere with Meng Fan!

But the attack of the three people was terrifying, but across the world, it was blocked by the roaring angry dragon around Meng Fan's body, unable to advance.

Each of these angry dragons represents the most terrifying power hidden in the ten thousand realms. The laws of heaven and earth formed naturally in this world are now transformed into essence and integrated into Meng Fan’s own. The three great kings simply cannot It is interference.

It was only Meng Fan who was watching the constant changes in it, surrounded by endless angry dragons, and he was flying in the sky, dominating the world, like the only **** in the whole world.

After a few breaths, the moment when this type of angry dragon completely merged into Meng Fan's body, the vision of heaven and earth gradually stopped.

And in it, a figure came out, hair fluttering, face like a scholar, a pair of eyes seemed to have seen the vicissitudes of the world, life and death torn apart, and the sound of the law resounded through the world,

"I am the King of God...for the supreme...!"

Third more.

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