Supreme God King

Chapter 1725: Desperate

The words are like electricity, and the tone is gloomy!

At the moment of falling into this world, it also made the entire space seem like an abyss.

Heaven and earth changed, and the void condensed. Under Meng Fan's gaze, one could see a figure standing above the sky. There was no physical body, just a divine soul, but still terrifying, it was the highest ancestor of the Liu family.

His face twitched, and his eyes stared at Meng Fan, like a savage ghost, so that anyone would stand upright when he saw it.

Obviously, before this, Meng Fan and the others had jointly deployed their forces, only to wipe out the body of Liu Family's Supreme Patriarch, but did not wipe out his soul.

However, the body of a current **** king was completely annihilated. This loss was extremely huge for the supreme ancestor of the Liu family, and it would take at least a thousand years to recast.

So, he couldn't help but not furious, especially since he was already winning the ball before, but he didn't expect that Meng Fan was so cunning that he actually used his heart to make a move in an instant. If it was an ordinary moment, he would definitely be able to avoid that kind of murderous intent, but unfortunately, Meng Fan and others seized his most proud moment, then quietly shot him, hit him by surprise, and paid such a big price.

Thousands of calculations, finally let Meng Fan calculate!

The teeth of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family were almost broken, and his soul trembled.

"If you don't cut you a thousand times today, the old man swears not to be a man!"

The great ancestor of the Liu family spit out a few words from between his teeth, patted it out with a palm, and made a bold move with the power of the soul, directly suppressing Meng Fan and others.

One palm!

In the face of this, one bird and one turtle, all mothers and children of Qi Ding are psychic, with a low growl, each shot, at the same time Xiaotian in Meng Fan's arms, Xiaodi also ran wildly and turned into the most powerful means, and Its confrontation.


The void impact caused the defense laid down by Yi Que Yigui and the others to collapse. The gap between the two parties was really too great. The Liu family's supreme ancestor was not killed by the previous game of Meng Fan and others. The unfortunate one should be Meng Fan.

Although the body of a current **** king bursts to pieces, it is still the current **** king and is still unparalleled in the world. This kind of gap cannot be made up by a large number of people. In a moment, it is the defense of a turtle, a bird and others. Numerous loopholes have appeared and are at stake.

Only the power of the soul of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family has reached a terrifying point, the power of one seal is extraordinary.

Faced with this, a wry smile appeared on Meng Fan's face, wanting to use his strength, but it was a pity that it was a pity that he moved his little finger now, let alone fighting again. With the power of a half-step **** king, fighting this way is already enough for Meng Fan to be proud. If he is the **** king, then maybe everything is different.

After all, this is an ancient emperor with extraordinary power, standing in the most terrifying wave of people in the long river of vitality!

But it is a pity that Meng Fan is not the King of Gods, so he is destined to have no chance of winning in this battle, and being able to defeat his body is already the most glorious result of the battle, which is enough to shock the world.

People are exhausted, and Meng Fan is no exception!

"What to do, Meng Fan, I can't hold it anymore!"

Above the sky, Lord Bird roared, and under the power of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family, his whole person was rapidly declining, his blood was exhausted, his feathers flew horizontally, and blood dripping from his pupils began to drip. Fall out. The Gui Ye and Xiao Tian on the side, as well as the ten thousand mother and child Qi Ding, their bodies began to shatter, making it difficult to resist this absolute power.


Sweeping the surroundings, Meng Fan laughed instead and wanted to wave his palms, but it was a pity that the Tianjiao, who had been rampant across the world, could hardly use his arms.

"Sorry brothers, I can't take you out from here...!"

The voice fell, full of a sense of guilt, including Meng Fan himself. He hadn't thought of it. Under one of his oversight, he was caught in the Liu family's supreme ancestor. It turned out to be a bird and a turtle. The little emperor followed himself to suffer, and fell in this place.

There is no doubt that this is the place of 90% of the imperial palace, a seal, and no one can save them. Fighting to this day means that Meng Fan has played all his hole cards to the point of exhaustion.

Under this condition, it means that everyone will fall here completely and be directly killed by the supreme ancestor of the Liu family!

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Xiaotian and Xiaodi were silent for a while, and then after a breath, there was a loud laugh from the sky above the sky.

"Haha, die if you want to die, why bother to say, Meng Fan, after you die today, you and my brothers will go to **** and fight together again to fight the Lord Yan!"

"Yes, Master Turtle still has to play forward!"

At the same time, there was no fear on the faces of Yi Que Yi Gui, but rather calm, standing beside Meng Fan, trying his last bit of strength to fight against the supreme ancestor of the Liu family. There is a surprisingly calm above his face, even if it is to face death, even if it is to be completely destroyed.

But already knowing this result, this group of people laughed instead, with a sense of heroism in their tone. Standing around Meng Fan, resisting desperately, they were extremely calm.

Hearing this, Meng Fan's body was shocked, and his eyes felt a moist feeling. Facing this group of brothers who followed him, life and death, there was nothing to say.

It's just that under this kind of Jedi, it makes Meng Fan feel very pity, his path... after all, he hasn't finished!

With a smile on his face, Meng Fan's blood spurted out, and under this pressure, he was still calm with everyone, and at the same time exhausted the last trace of strength, shouted,

"Qi said no robe, and the same clothes as the son!"

A few words are the ballads of the Sifang domain in the past, and it is also a sentence sung by all the brothers in the dark alliance at the same time. From the weak force to the godless race between heaven and earth, from the despised gaze to the world-famous admiration of the world, this sentence has remained unchanged for many years!

Under Meng Fan's loud roar, Yi Que Yigui and the others also laughed and sang at the same time, looking at each other calmly and calmly.

"A bunch of lunatics!"

Regarding this, the face of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family became extremely embarrassed. It was unexpected that under this kind of dying situation, it was impossible to make the backbone of Meng Fan and others bend, and could not help but exert force in the palms. The force went down, trying to completely suppress Meng Fan and others.

After a few breaths, finally a bird and a tortoise, Xiaotian and Xiaodi were seriously injured, blood spurted out, all of their strength was exhausted, the big hand on the sky fell, and it was about to fall on Meng Fan. Waiting for someone.

"Die, Meng Fan!"

The great ancestor of the Liu family said one word, his handprints fell off, annihilating everything.

Between the electric light and flint, at the moment when this handprint was about to fall on Meng Fan's body, a soft sound suddenly fell. You can see that a strange force fell in this void, protecting Meng Fan and others, and resisting this. An extremely fatal blow!


The big hand shot out, the void freezes, and the look of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family suddenly changes suddenly, his eyes are swept, and the power that emerges from this power is exactly...Mingwang Palace!

At the same time, Meng Fan and others were also extremely dumb. They were determined to die, but they actually had the strength to help in this imperial palace. After a glance, they made Meng Fan understand that the person who shot should He slept in Mingwang Hall before..... Fudo Mingwang!

"Don't move me!"

A moment later, the face of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family was already distorted, his gaze looked at the Palace of King Ming, and the chill in his eyes was as real as he roared,

"Are you my enemy? You have so many enemies. If there are more of us, hum... I can tell you, which one of the Zhao family and the Xitian have a great hatred with this kid, you today If it is blocked, I will wait for you to kill him in the future, even if your strength is amazing, but can you resist the anger of the three gods!"

The tone rumbling, spread all over the world, full of a threat. Anyone looking at the world needs to think about it at this moment. After all, once a choice is made, it will attract a great enemy.

However, in the void, the strange aura that protects Meng Fan does not mean to stop, and on the contrary, there is a rolling power in the Mingwang Palace. Only for a moment, that hall seems to be alive. , As if a figure was about to break out of it, coming out brazenly!


Seeing this, the face of the supreme ancestor of the Liu family suddenly looked like pig liver. If he was not afraid at his peak, he might even have to fight, even if he lost, there are many ways, but now it is different. His physical body had been blown up by Meng Fan and others.

Although he was alive, his combat power was only less than 30%, and he was not afraid to face a Fudo Myoshi who was already recovering.

If the latter is in its heyday, there is definitely enough power to keep his soul here. The king does not mean immortality, especially for another king, once the soul is destroyed, it is enough The ancestors of the Liu family have a pot!

The complexion changed several times, and the ancestors of the Liu family’s eyes fell on Meng Fan and others. Now it is only one step away to completely annihilate this enemy and kill Meng Fan, but at this critical moment there is Fudo Mingwang's interference put him in a dilemma.

On the one hand, it is revenge and hatred, completely annihilating Meng Fan, a potential enemy in time and space, on the other hand, he risked his death and faced the emergence of King Fudo Ming, it is very likely that he himself would be with him today. Meng Fan left together, these two choices flickered in the heart of Liu's supreme ancestor, it was hard to mention how crooked!

After a few breaths, the ancestor of the Liu family finally gritted his teeth, spurted a mouthful of blood, turned to tear the space, disappeared, and followed a space channel, and in the entire chaotic space... there was only Meng Fan and so on. People, did not continue to shoot at them!

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