Supreme God King

Chapter 1716: decay

The four restricted areas were flattened and the three restricted areas disappeared!

After such a record, the entire Ten Thousand Regions was also plunged into a terrifying earthquake, which can be called a thousand waves of waves caused by a single stone, which attracted the response of countless people.

In the old days, only the restricted area launched a catastrophe against the ten thousand domains. There has never been such a counterattack today. However, with the efforts of Meng Fan and the Ten Emperors, they successfully countered the restricted area, and the results of the war were absolutely different. Fan Xiang.

The pattern of Wanyu has changed!

Enough to make everyone in this era proud of it, triggering cheers. Although the Forbidden Area Temple has not been completely eliminated, the ability to have such results means too much, and it will be Remember it in the entire history of vitality.

In the eternal time in the future, it will be difficult to see the appearance of black death, and everything is due to Meng Fan.

And Meng Fan and his dark alliance have been set off to a very high degree. In the next hundred years, no one will compete with the dark alliance.

In addition to partly because of the forces of the dark alliance, it is also because of the gratitude of the people of the ten thousand domains to Meng Fan. That kind of respect comes from the deepest heart, so when many people of the dark alliance are walking in the world, they simply It was helped by countless monks, not to mention robbing them of resources, or even giving them away.

And in this world, there is the rise of Tianjiao from all over the world, gathered in the dark alliance, all of them have heard of Meng Fan’s legend growing up, and they are full of endless worship, even the most terrifying in the world. The Tianjiao strong man, when mentioning Meng Fan and the dark alliance, he also showed respect.

The first emperor!

These four words are no longer needed for the dark alliance, but they have been recognized by the entire world. Not only is the power strong, but also the prestige between the world and the earth has reached a certain point, and it has only been able to get so many people. recognition.

Even now the Dark Alliance still has countless crises and many enemies, but even Meng Fan's enemies have to admit it.

In less than ten thousand years, Meng Fan’s did indeed create a godless race and reached the peak moment between heaven and earth, comparable to the former Zhongtian dynasty. Even more than them.

This is a myth in itself, a myth created by Meng Fan himself.

Under such a limelight, even the six emperors are unwilling to fight against the dark alliance at this time, all of them are honestly shrouded in their own territory, after all, once they are at war with Meng Fan, not only Will face its destructive strength and even the fallacy among the world.

Lianping the four restricted areas, creating unique forever!

For too many people, Meng Fan is a benefactor of revenge for them, like rebirth.

Time is hurried, and it is another two hundred years. In this era when the King of God is not out, the Dark Alliance has reached its peak. Enjoying the worship of many emperors is also loved by the people of the world, and the multiplication has reached an extremely prosperous stage.

This kind of thing, even in the past Zhongtian Dynasty, did not have the dark alliance to do better, after all, the leveling of the restricted area is so great that it is enough to make the entire dark alliance a legend.

Under such a peak, the dark alliance can be called the ultimate glory, but on a certain day when many dark alliance high-levels gathered together, one thing happened.

At the reception, a dark guard brother who used to follow Meng Fan in Tianhan Mountain stunned and died. The cause of death was not other, but because he was too old!


This dark guard did not die on the battlefield, but his lifespan arrived. He was already strong enough to reach the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and he took a lot of dark alliance resources, but it was still difficult to resist time. The devastation.

Faced with such a scene, the entire dark alliance was shocked, especially Lin Tang, Lonely Proud and so on, the old brothers who first followed Meng Fan.

The group of them smashed out on the Tianhan Mountain, and the one is as close as blood, living and dying together. During these years, I don’t know how many times they have walked at the gate of ghosts together. Now some people have left, but There is no way for people.

Lin Tang was stunned as he watched this old brother's departure. It was hard to say a word. In the past, this group of old brothers could remember the smiles, habits, and even the catchphrases of anyone. He didn't expect that at this moment, It is forever separated from heaven and man.

In the past few years, the dark alliance has gone from rising to fighting, from fighting to sitting firmly, and finally to becoming the first emperor. The blood of everyone has also followed Meng Fan for a while. I am used to following him to fight everything, but I gradually discovered that time has passed quietly. At this moment, it is like a soft knife, piercing the bodies of the dark alliance, without a trace, making everyone have to To admit that they are old.

Not everyone is like Meng Fan, who can be invincible in the era, and time has passed without any fatigue.

After this old brother left, more people in the dark alliance began to have some problems. They were all the people who followed Meng Fan in the past. Now nearly ten thousand years have passed. Most of the people with a low cultivation base also began to experience some problems, and in the end, their bodies became unbearable and they gradually grew old!

This kind of thing happened together, the two may just make people sad, but after it happened continuously, it was called an earth-shattering and tremendous change, which made the dark alliance that was in its peak state begin to appear a decaying atmosphere.

It is difficult to resist the invasion of that time without entering the gods, not to mention the gods are unable to resist!

The dark alliance is also a human, especially the top high-level people in the dark alliance began to have problems, and finally in a hall, an aura collapsed, and everyone was amazed, because at this moment the problem was ... Zuwen.

Although he has already set foot in the Divine Origin Realm, it is difficult to make progress because of his aptitude. In this time of ten thousand years, there have been some problems in himself, which made Zuwen's whole person degenerate. Now, the blood is dried up, and the lifespan is insufficient, even with the many treasures of the dark alliance, it also makes Zuwen unable to continue!

The news came out, which can be called an earthquake, which caused countless dark alliance high-level tears. The clouds flying on the expedition, Zhan Wuji and others returned quickly and came to visit.

However, Zu Wen's attitude was very calm. After living for such a long time, he had already seen through life and death, and he did not accept any help from the dark alliance, but just waited here quietly.


Outside the hall, a figure appeared, drew the dark alliance high-level people around Zuwen away, with a look of expectation, because the person who appeared was Meng Fan.

Looking at Meng Fan, Zu Wen smiled and said calmly.

"Leader, I just abide by the rules between heaven and earth. It's nothing. If I can return to heaven and earth, my heart is quiet. This is the way monks want to break through. If you want to fight with heaven, you need to rely on yourself. The leader should know better than me. Even if you can help me extend my life, I will face this day sooner or later. It is better to give these resources to those juniors. My life cultivation should be here!"

The tone was calm, and the moment it fell was the tears of many people in the dark alliance. Most of this group of people used to be Zuwen’s disciples. Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Gu Xin'er, Gu Xie, etc., were in reincarnation at that time. Everyone in the hall was fighting against each other, and the days of fighting for the front were still vivid. I didn't expect that after eternity, it would be like this, life and death.

Meng Fan was speechless, he wanted to forcefully use the power of heaven and earth to help Zuwen prolong his life, but looking at Zuwen's gaze made him silent.

Zu Wen was an elder, and he was of great help to Meng Fan throughout his life, but the more so, the more Meng Fan respected and wanted to respect each other's wishes.

"The most joyful thing in my life is to accept you as a disciple of my reincarnation temple. I believe...Xuan Huang thinks so too. Now I am going to see him. I am very happy!"

Zu Wen smiled, very pleased that Meng Fan was able to respect himself. His life aura gradually declined, but he looked happy. Finally, after three days, Zu Wen... left!

Dark Alliance Great Compassion!

Especially the many disciples of the Temple of Reincarnation in the past almost cried and fainted.

And this kind of thing happened again after the death of Zuwen. It came from many elders of the Samsara Hall in the past, even Zhan Mokong almost failed to control himself, the blood in his body collapsed, and it was difficult to resist. time.

The cultivation of vitality will either break through and go against the long sky, which will not only increase your combat power, but also prolong your lifespan, or you will not be able to break through. In the end, you will inevitably be unable to pass the life and death barrier and you will age!

No one can help at this point, even if the dark alliance has many treasures of heaven and earth, but it cannot break through, it is impossible to break through. It is not that it can be promoted, unless it is willing to cultivate the spirit of black death!

The news of the dark alliance caused a shock between heaven and earth.

Everyone sighed softly, understanding that no matter how strong and invincible, they will eventually take this step, otherwise there will be no forbidden zone between the world and the earth, because there are too many in the past. People who are unwilling to just dissipate between this world and earth, and are unwilling to succumb to fate, can only cultivate the aura of black death to prolong their life.

And Meng Fan himself has evened the four restricted areas, and has countless grievances with him. Naturally, it is impossible to do so, so he will face this big problem.

"The arrogance of the years, it's hard to stop the wasted time!"

"Perhaps an era is about to end..."

Wan Yu lamented, there are rumors that continue to fall, but Meng Fan himself did not say a word, always in the dark alliance, but he planted rows of flowers before the Caolu, making it After a beautiful garden, he always watered the garden, day after day, his eyes deep and silent!

But another day, Meng Fan's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at a hall where...Xin Lan lived.

The book of the King of Gods should be over with a few hundred thousand, about a month or two months. This is the final plot I want to write. In fact, many plots have already been planned. I just have to think about some questions, juvenile, middle-aged, and old. These are the three stages I want to write. I want to give you a more vivid story for the closing plot. Thank you for your support.

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