Supreme God King

Chapter 1710: Immortal!

Immortal body!

The four words spread all over the world, and at the same time the hand knife fell, fast as lightning, and a blow was slashed on Meng Fan's chest.


The flesh and blood were torn, Meng Fan's reaction was quick, but it was too late, his entire chest was split with a long slit, blood spurted out, and he stood still after a few steps back, looking coldly at Tai Bai.

I have to admit that all that before was somewhat beyond his expectations.

How fierce his previous blow was. If he hit enough to penetrate Taibai's body, he just didn't expect the latter's hole card to be so fierce. It turned out that the body was blurred in an instant, resisting Meng Fan's blow, and counterattacking him badly!

It seems that the latter has been silent for thousands of years, and there are indeed some ways.

The palm of his hand was stained with Meng Fan's blood, Taibai smiled cruelly, licked the blood, and said coldly.

"How, how does it taste?"

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan responded with a calm tone, and at the same time stepped out and moved forward again.

And during this movement, Meng Fan is now more domineering than before. The vitality in his body is running, covering the sky with one hand. After this moment, the light of Meng Fan's whole person is already shining on the whole world, looking like a star. Majestic.

"The sunset over the river, the years are wasted!"

A few words are comparable to the law, the imprint in Meng Fan's hands at this moment is full of breath, vicissitudes of life.

Along the way, Meng Fan has obtained all kinds of opportunities, and the god-level secret method he controls is not ordinary. When he raises his hand, it is a kind of supreme secret method, but it is a...time law!

This in itself is one of the impossible ancient methods of Sunset Sect. It was acquired by Meng Fan in the past, but it was difficult to master because of insufficient realm and lack of martial arts comprehension, but now it can be successfully displayed in the hands of Meng Fan, at the moment of emergence , The whole world seems to be frozen.

this is……

On the side, the group of heroes was shocked, but now there are countless eyes focused on this, because the battle between Meng Fan and Taibai is too crucial, even though there are countless people fighting on the battlefield here, but as the soul of the two sides The existence of one, winning or losing each other can completely influence the situation of the battle, and naturally attracts countless eyes.

Especially at the moment when Meng Fan's handprints appeared, it caused a great uproar. No one would have imagined that Meng Fan was so fierce, and he had controlled the laws of time and space so delicately.

Even countless old monsters are hard to reach during the long hours of cultivation, and require great perseverance to understand. The moment Meng Fan's handprints appear, it is to completely solidify the space where Taibai is located, not power to imprison them. , But Meng Fan really controlled the time fluctuations of that space, and even time obeyed his will, not to mention everything else!

The real absolute field!

Anyone who saw this scene was shocked, but Meng Fan himself was extremely calm, his clothes were stained with blood, one hand controlled the space, sealed the world where Taibai was located, and the other hand turned into a fist and attacked.


Just a moment later, you can see Meng Fan's fist drop, the inverse fist blasted out, and the power penetrates everything to reach this point. Knowing that Taibai is extraordinary, Meng Fan is not that kind of careless man, naturally. It is the operation of the secret method, striving to kill, using a powerful hole card of its own, and restraining Taibai's immortality.

At the moment when his body was completely imprisoned, Taibai was also difficult to break free. Under Meng Fan’s secret technique, the whole person seemed to be in an endless yoke, and the whole world was forbidden. Only the fist fell and attacked. Above Taibai's chest, even if he didn't even have the time to blur.

Come and not be indecent!

Seeing such a scene, everyone on the side trembled, and after the moment Meng Fan was injured, he turned his head and gave Taibai a blow.

The two sides didn't let the other party get any advantage, and the people in the restricted area who were still smiling smugly before became gloomy. This Meng Fan... is really difficult to get into the extreme.

His chest exploded, and a punch penetrated, Meng Fan's punch hit Taibai's body in a real and firm blow, even without giving him any chance to perform secret techniques.

However, without waiting for everyone to react, the void suddenly changed, including Meng Fan's expression becoming particularly solemn.

Because the void surrounding Taibai changed again, the body of Taibai that had collapsed suddenly froze, and then as if time went back, which pieces of flesh and blood turned out to be closed backwards and spliced ​​on Taibai’s body again. It is in perfect condition again, it doesn't even seem to have suffered any injuries!


Qi and blood exploded, Taibai broke free from Meng Fan's secret method, and fell in one step, coldly said,

"Yes, I have some abilities. I can't think that you have reached this point. If you give you time, you can really reach the King of Gods. There are still people like you in this world. You can understand in such a short time. Realizing the law of time and space, but... I said that this is the immortal body that I have spent tens of thousands of years to comprehend. It comes from the Supreme Profound meaning of the Lord, how can you crack it? I said it is indestructible..... .It is immortal!"

The tone is rumbling, expressing endless confidence!

The immortal body, inherited from the thirteen hall masters!

This sentence contains great secrets. If you carefully consider it, you should be able to understand that this Taibai has inherited a certain ability of the thirteen hall masters, and it is for this immortality.

The thirteen hall masters can defeat the line of the ancient gods that open the sky and step into the source of the heavens. From ancient times to the present, they are the first in the ancient world. Naturally, their strength is not just talking. Otherwise, there are so many talents in the ages. The amazing king of the gods had already overturned 13 of them!

Obviously, the power that Taibai is displaying now is the power of the thirteen hall masters, who truly possess the attributes of immortality, and can only do this step!

Back in time, the flesh is immortal!

Between heaven and earth, God Monkey, Qin Mieren, Taichu, Yang Wudi and others were all gritted their teeth. If it is true, then who can kill Taibai and who can kill it, once the latter is immortal, then It means that no one can kill an eternal opponent, and at the same time will face the infinite murderous opportunity of Taibai. This is simply too abnormal!

"Why, are you surprised? Otherwise, do you think I spent so long doing what I did, Meng Fan, you still underestimate the penalty area, although I admit that you are very good, and the timing is right, but I still wait for too many cards. That’s too much. Even though the thirteen hall masters can’t make a move today, I’m still able to annihilate you between the heavens and the earth. I don’t know how other people will react after killing you to sacrifice the flag!"

Taibai said coldly, his voice spread all over Zhou Tian.


Above the sky, countless ancient experts in the restricted area roared. There is no doubt that the thirteen hall masters’ ability to dominate the world in the past is undoubtedly a stimulant for them, giving everyone a powerful Morale.

At this moment, black clouds rolled and breath came.

Once again in the Forbidden Zone Hall, many strong men were dispatched, countless coffins burst, and the groups of old monsters shot one after another, and they continued to fight against the strong men in the ten thousand domains!

In the faint, the endless black death air has a dominance that completely destroys the entire world. Under this situation, all the people who set foot here are like things in a bag surrounded by the void of the forbidden area. Zhou Tian seems to be the kind of sorrow and joy that destroys the world, and the endless black rain is falling!

Among them, many **** men in the Ten Thousand Territories were also trembling at this moment. Including the **** monkey, there was a trace of throbbing in the eyes.

In this world, almost no one is unmoved to see this scene, because like the world is full of bloodthirsty demons, they are imprisoned here, under the endless darkness, boundless, only sorrow and joy fall, as if no one can follow Get out of trouble here.

Only the suppression under this kind of breath is too terrifying, and there are illusions in people's minds, and they cannot be restrained!

However, at the moment when the people of Ten Thousand Realms appeared panic, a calm voice suddenly came from this world.

"Nothing is immortal!"

It's just four words, extremely calm and slight, but at this moment, it appears so powerful. It comes from Meng Fan. Even at this moment, even in the beginning, the minds of old monsters such as Qin Mieren appeared. For a moment of trance, but there was nothing on Meng Fan's face, it was calm.

Hearing his words, the whole world was quiet for a moment, even if there were countless vitality monks fighting here, they all looked at Meng Fan's body.

"what did you say!"

Taibai sneered and said coldly.

"I said... there is nothing immortal!"

Meng Fan spoke slowly,

"Heaven and earth can be shattered, laws can be changed, in this can it be immortal? Your immortality is only to a certain extent, it can be said to be immortal, but it is not truly immortal!"

The sound fell, and there was a sound, but in the beginning it was a cold snort, saying every word,

"Do you can fight the power of the thirteen hall masters, or reverse the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters?"

There is no doubt that this kind of immortality comes from the thirteen hall masters in the forbidden area. It is the result of the black death energy running to the extreme. Only the supreme law in the forbidden area, even Taibai, has been enlightened for many years, including With the meaning of martial arts of the thirteen hall masters, it was just so terrible.

You can ignore Meng Fan's attack, if Meng Fan wants to defeat this kind of immortality, he really wants to reverse the martial arts of the thirteen hall masters.

How many people dare to answer this kind of question, and how many people are qualified to answer!

Looking at the long river of the entire world, almost no one can do this step. It is impossible to destroy the body of the thirteen hall masters. If you have an understanding of the ancient existence in the ancient wars, you will understand how difficult the battles in the past are. , Even if it is the destruction of the **** king, the human hero and others can only operate a certain secret method to attack and weaken the thirteen hall masters. I dare not say that they can completely destroy the bodies of the thirteen people!

As for Taibai’s questioning, Meng Fan just smiled indifferently, and then dropped five extremely peaceful words between the world.

"I... I will show you the reverse!"

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