Supreme God King

Chapter 1629: action

Imperial battle!

After this news came out, it could be said that the entire Ten Thousand Territory was shaken, a thousand waves were set off with one stone, and a huge storm was caused.

Everyone understands that the previous collision between the two parties was nothing more than a small friction. It only happened in a local area and had little influence on the emperor.

But this time, it was definitely not. It was caused by the disturbance of the two top giants in this world. The hinterland was chaotic, and the Zhongtian Dynasty was attacked by the three clans.

When it used to be, this was absolutely unimaginable, but now it has indeed happened, and it has already given many sensitive people among the ten thousand domains a kind of prediction, I am afraid this world. . . . It's going to change!

Among the ten thousand domains, everyone's eyes were focused on this Zhongtian Dynasty, and battle reports continued to spread.

Among them, the Liu family, Zhao family, and the three emperors of the Western Heaven God Clan joined forces.

In just five days, the Zhongtian dynasty was about to split into three parts, even if the Zhongtian dynasty was strong like a cloud, it was full of background.

However, in front of the sudden attack of the three emperors, there is also a feeling of being caught off guard. The loss of ground is foreseeable by anyone. If you continue at this speed, I am afraid that one day, the three emperors will be hit here. Below Zhongdu City, it occupies most of the entire Zhongtian Dynasty.

However, at the moment when the three imperial clans were so thunderous and shocked all the realms, another shocking news came out. Two groups of men and horses in the land of Liu and Zhao were like tides, and they came directly into the Liu family. , The leader is Meng Fan’s two brothers, Lin Tang, lonely and proud!

Dark alliance shot!

At the same time, countless ancient forces and many powerful men are looking sideways. At this kind of moment, most of them think of how to protect themselves.

But what surprised everyone was that the dark alliance that had been silent for four hundred years without news turned out to be a shot. Obviously, the only person who can initiate this command is from one person, the dark alliance leader. . . . Meng Fan!

The old man who spoke throughout the Middle Ages once again made a move, and it was not just him, but the entire dark alliance up and down. The soldiers were divided into two groups, all the way to the hinterland of Liu's family, all the way to Zhao Zhao To the hinterland of home.

Such a handwriting made countless people dumb. In this world, there were a few people who dared to declare war on the emperor, and several forces dared to do it. However, Meng Fan not only did it, but was quite thorough. There were countless troops moving, just one The time of the day is to break through hundreds of core places of Liu Family and Zhao Family, and even go straight to his ancestors to destroy everything.

Countless people were panicked. They didn't think that Meng Fan would not move, but if he moved, he would be... . Thunder!

There was a lot of discussion in Wanyu.

And just as the entire Ten Thousand Realm was causing a terrible storm, when talking about Meng Fan, the latter was in a place that no one could guess, that is.... . Haunt Forest!

Although the Liu Family and the Zhao Family have taken shots, Meng Fan is certain that in a short period of time, the opponent will not have top powerhouses to take shots against the Dark Alliance and others.

Because the Zhongtian Dynasty is not a persimmon that can be kneaded at will, to deal with it inevitably it needs to gather its respective top powerhouses, and for the dark alliance and others behind it, it is somewhat lacking in skills.

After all, before the war, they had never expected that Meng Fan would be so decisive in his move, and they didn't even give them a little room to breathe. At this moment of life and death, they moved completely instantly.

So Meng Fan was given some vacuum time, and the latter did not go anywhere, but came to this hag forest, and Xuanyuan Emperor Clan's current patriarch Xuanyuan Wuhen.... . Play chess!

On the top of the mountain, the old and the young are sitting together, the breeze hits, the hair is flying, and between the two is an ancient chessboard, and the two are naturally Meng Fan and Xuanyuan Wuhen.

Sitting still in the place, Meng Fan's expression remained unchanged, as indifferently as the same big Buddha. While playing chess with Xuanyuan Wuhen, while drinking tea from his mouth, he felt comfortable.

Xuanyuan Wuhen, sitting there, was still calm before, but after that day's time passed, he became more anxious, his eyes swept across Meng Fan, his mind was not on the chessboard, and he was always waiting for Meng Fan to speak. .

However, Meng Fan just sat in place, motionless, drinking tea and staring at the chessboard in front of him, as if it were such an important thing.

In the space of Xiaotian, the emperor frowned, and he was extremely confused, and said in a condensed voice.

"Boss, what is this doing, now the entire Wanyu is in a ball of porridge, and he still has the mind to be here with this old guy inking, and still drinking tea?"


Where a bird and a turtle lay lazily, glanced at Xiaodi with contempt, and after a while, the turtle said,

"Meng Fan is confronting this old fox. Now that the ten thousand domains are in chaos, this old fox can't help but understand that Meng Fan's intention is to form a complete alliance with them and tie them together, but who is this old fox? , I had a horrible idea, I even pitted Meng Fan before.

If Meng Fan said directly that he would not agree, even if he agreed, he would probably charge a sky-high price to kill Meng Fan fiercely, but this little guy Meng Fan is getting worse and worse now, knowing that Emperor Xuanyuan needs it. Tianxuan fruit.

So after he came here, he just showed the aura of the Profound Sky Sky Fruit, and then sat here to play chess with Xuanyuan Wuhen, calmly waiting for Xuanyuan Wuhen to sit still, and asked Meng Fan actively, after all, this matter. But it's about the safety of the entire Emperor Xuanyuan clan, and once this old guy becomes anxious, then I'm afraid everything... . Talk about it all! "

The tone was calm, but only that kind of old and cunning person could understand the bad idea hit in Meng Fan's stomach.

Only by letting the initiative of this negotiation be firmly controlled in his own hands can he be able to let the behemoth Xuanyuan Emperor Clan help himself and win benefits.

A chess piece fell on the chessboard, and old **** Meng Fan was saying,

"Old Mr. Xuanyuan, you have lost again!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Xuanyuan Wuhen’s mouth twitched. This was already the seventh game he had lost in the past half-day. The more quickly he lost, he couldn’t help but sighed helplessly.

"The old man is convinced, Meng Fan, no wonder you can grow to such a level, how can your xinxing be possessed by a junior person? Let's not play chess anymore. Let's talk about your Xuan Guo. What do you want!"

There is already a sense of eagerness in the tone.

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"Following the previous sentence, I want to unite with Emperor Xuanyuan's clan to advance and retreat together!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words made Xuanyuan Wuhen’s expression a little gloomy and said coldly.

"Do you want to use the power of my Emperor Xuanyuan? Humph... Meng Fan, you also know the reason for the fall of my Emperor Xuanyuan. We don't want to use it as a gun anymore. It's already in this place. For tens of thousands of years, I have become accustomed to it. Even if I agree, other tribesmen may not agree. Even if I am the patriarch, I cannot convince those old stubborn ones!"

"Old sir, I, Meng Fan, dare to do anything in my life, but I dare not... betray a friend!"

Meng Fan said calmly, staring at Xuanyuan Wuhen.

"And I don’t want to use you, but to build an alliance with your Excellency, and then fight with real enemies, including mine, including yours. You and me are friends, not a relationship, if If you think I might betray you, I can quit at any time, and in the chaos of today, I believe that the predecessors are not only the crisis ahead, but also the reason why the tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not stopped. You really think you can be quiet here. How long is a piece of space, even if I don’t find you, won’t others find you?"

The voice fell and the tone was sonorous, and the old man Xuanyuan Wuhen suddenly fell silent. I don't know how long it has passed before he said,

"Tian Xuan Guo, can you give it to the old man?"


Meng Fan shook his head and said solemnly.

"I also need this kind of fetish, but I can give some of the above it to the old gentleman, so that the old gentleman can convince the clan that such a fetish is also quite necessary even if it is underneath. I believe that it is only Some of them are enough to help the **** king in your clan to support again for a while, and old gentleman, I am not begging you, but I really have this strength, and I think Emperor Xuanyuan needs me!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Xuanyuan Wuhen was silent for a while and laughed.

"The hero was born in a young age, Meng Fan, you are so courageous. Although my Emperor Xuanyuan has fallen, no one has dared to speak like this for a long time, but even if I promised your union, do you dare to face the enemies of my clan?"


Meng Fan raised his eyebrows and spit out a word.

"The Yuan Fragmented God King!"

With no expression on his face, Xuanyuan Wuhen spit out four words, and there was already a kind of stern hatred in his tone.

And Meng Fan was also shocked. According to ancient records, he was no stranger to this character. He did not expect that the supreme power that caused this Xuanyuan emperor clan to fall directly was not from other emperors, but from the past. The extremely cruel figure in between is rumored to be the supreme power born in the Kaitian era, that is why. . . . . Yuan Broken God King!

Rumor has it that this person has no influence, and he has come from the Kaitian era and is one of the oldest people in ancient times.

His own strength is earth-shattering, and he has survived many years and ages, and the powerhouses who have fought all over the world have been extremely mysterious since the ancient times, and they are also legendary and terrifying in the realm of the gods.

Once let the **** king who came out of the current era seriously injured and escaped, this person is a legend in itself, and is a terrifying figure for anyone in Wanyu, supreme casual cultivation!

There is no power, and I don’t know what his current strength is. The Kaitian era is a character. Any of the conditions are enough to make Meng Fan tremble. I have to say that the Emperor Xuanyuan is absolutely facing a terrifying and extreme character. If it has a relationship with it, then it will be equally murderous.

Sitting on the spot, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, then raised his head again, looking at the old man Xuanyuan Wuhen, only one word was spit out, <

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