Supreme God King

Chapter 1602: return


The last word fell, and the tone rumbling, like a hundred thousand thunder roaring between the world!

Everyone can see that the sky is completely dark, and that pillar standing in the sky is like the most terrible law in the world. It is the most terrifying scene in the world, immovable and powerful, suppressing everything.

The thirteen hall masters personally took action, the weapons are in front, and everyone is not afraid of the world!

However, standing between the sky, the human being is still, the huge body is like a mountain, the whole person is a world of itself, and the hot light enveloped Meng Fan and others, and stood in opposition to it.

Two great **** king realm powerhouses face off!

Such a scene, as if time had frozen at this moment, the entire void was frozen, and everyone did not even dare to breathe under the confrontation between the two.

This is definitely a scene that has been shaking since ancient times. Two great sacred realm powerhouses are facing each other. In this restricted area, a storm may be set off at any time.

Anyone is foreseeable, once it is done, it will inevitably be a battle between the earth and the sky, and according to the meaning of the two people's words, there may even be. . . . The King of God has fallen!

Dead still!

The endless silence, whether it is Wanyu or the forbidden zone, is silent. For the powerhouse of the two realms, other people in this world are not even qualified to say a word, only silence!

After a long time, between the sky, the shadow of the forbidden area pillar slowly dissipated, and the terrifying aura disappeared. Only a cold word fell.

"I will remember this matter, in the future... and then liquidation!"

The sky changed color, and the forbidden area pillar slowly disappeared, and everyone in Meng Fan was relieved immediately. They understood that in the previous confrontation, the thirteen hall masters were jealous, so they were allowed to leave. Xiong's strength was preserved.

There was a layer of sweat on his forehead, and Meng Fan was silent. This time the plan was that he, as the decision-maker, united with the powerhouses of the Taichu and other ten thousand domains to suddenly attack the restricted area.

Win with the odds and suppress everything with absolute strength.

But unexpectedly, there was such a big mistake in the end, and the hall master of the restricted area was not counted among them.

After all, this kind of top-notch existence could be shot, not Meng Fan imagined, the latter will come without a trace, go without a trace, and move and sleep for thousands of years, and it can suddenly attack and crush everything, it is really impossible to guess.

It was just the time for this incense stick, the existence of one of the thirteen hall masters actually arrived, completely beyond Meng Fan's plan, and beyond the range he could face.

Fortunately, there are male heroes appearing at this last moment. Otherwise, this group of people will all have to explain that they are not here. Meng Fan breathed out a long sigh. Before, it was indeed a walk between life and death. , He and everyone are extremely likely to fall in this restricted area.

Sure enough, this restricted area deserves to be the most terrifying forbidden area in the world, unimaginable.

"Let's go!"

But at the next moment, the hero moved, grabbing the palm of his hand, completely enveloped Meng Fan and the others, the breath rose, and the figure left the restricted area.

A god-king realm powerhouse stands in the sky, naturally no one dares to stop it. All the billions of true demons, the forbidden zone powerhouse can only allow Meng Fan and others to leave, and watch Meng Fan and others disappear, tearing apart the forbidden space. Back to these ten thousand domains.


In the distance, many powerhouses in the Forbidden Area Hall, including Youwang, looked pale and grasped tightly, and the joints were almost crushed at this moment.

The forbidden area was originally the ultimate place in the world, a nightmare like existence in the universe, but now people have been killed here, killed the two kings, and walked out swaggeringly, and the most important point is that One person is the second time... come here!

Meng Fan!

Countless strong people in the restricted area gritted their teeth and hated this name. The roots of the teeth are itchy. At this kind of moment, they are crazy, but they are helpless. If you imagine that you can kill, then I am afraid Meng Fan is already dead. Hundreds of millions of times.

And the most shocking thing is not here, but in the Ten Thousand Domains. Since Meng Fan and others suddenly entered this forbidden area, it has attracted the attention of countless Ten Thousand Domain powerhouses. I don’t know how many people have spent great effort. Through the void, the whereabouts of Meng Fan and others can be viewed by projection.

Just a stick of incense time, but... . The ups and downs have caused countless people's hearts to hang up and down, and down and up again, which is really too exciting.

What everyone did not expect was that under the circumstances of this final mortal situation, it turned out to be the top powerhouse Renxiong who had disappeared for a long time in the ten thousand domains. This kind of existence confronted the palace master of the restricted area. , Survivingly saved Meng Fan and others.

Such scenes are rare in the ages and are too thrilling, and everyone understands that the source of all this is due to one person... . It's Meng Fan!

It is a miracle in itself that he entered the forbidden area once and retreated all over his body. It was unexpected that he would enter the forbidden area for the second time under his union, leaving countless people speechless. I am afraid that even the strongest of the gods might not dare to do this. This should be regarded as... . . Myth!

Within a few days, this news continued to circulate among the ten thousand domains, and the impact became more and more huge, and the reactions of the major forces were mixed, but one thing is certain, I am afraid that the evaluation of Meng Fan may be... . Huge improvements.

Moreover, the birth of Renxiong caused a huge wave of waves. This is a true king of the gods. He has lived to this day and returned to the ten thousand realms. I don’t know what it means, but everywhere in the ten thousand realms that everyone does not know, those The extremely mysterious ancient land suddenly vibrated with breath, unpredictable.


An ancient place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

After the first battle in the restricted area, Meng Fan and others came here with Renxiong to cultivate their health. Although everyone was not injured in the previous battle with the enemies in the restricted area, the last thirteen hall masters took action. That blow was really too hurt, shattered the flesh of too many strong men, and hurt the origin, including Meng Fan, had to sort it out.

For ten days, Meng Fan has been in a state of retreat.

Sitting still, Meng Fan's eyes slowly opened, and he exhaled in one breath, feeling every inch of blood boil over his body.

Finally, his own injury has improved a lot, but outside his door, sensing this, the empress also walked in and said softly,

"Meng Fan, Lord Renxiong means that after you have cultivated, you can go to see him before!"

Hearing that, Meng Fan's expression moved, but he also had this intention, first, to thank people for saving himself.

Secondly, when I saw the top existence between the world and the earth, I was able to know too much from it, but Renxiong really touched the end of his power and stood at the top of this world.

For Meng Fan now, there is too much to ask about cultivation and so on. This is definitely a rare opportunity!

Nodded, Meng Fan got up, tidyed up, and went straight to the core of the temple.


As one of the few people who built the temple in the past, the latter can be said to have a pivotal position for the temple, and the latter is located in the highest hall of the temple except the imperial palace, called Kun Yuandi!

On weekdays, only a few people from the early days are qualified to enter here, because this is a heaven and earth sacred stone. According to legend, the great gods and kings in the past were talking on this sacred stone for five thousand years.

And its martial arts influence, so that this divine stone is also contaminated with the martial arts aura of these great **** kings, and it has become extra mysterious.

Passing through the layers of the temple, Meng Fan's current status and identity naturally no one dares to embarrass him. After a few breaths, he stepped into this Kunyuan land.

As in the legend, the moment Meng Fan’s feet fell into this heaven and earth, he could feel a strange power. The whole heaven and earth were an independent void, full of golden body, and wild aura surging, just stepping into this place. At that time, Meng Fan felt a burst of pressure.

With a hand over, Meng Fan said solemnly.

"Boy Meng Fan, meet Sir Renxiong!"

The sound spread around, and after a while, a deep voice echoed,

"come in!"

Walking along the golden road, Meng Fan finally saw the man sitting still on a huge boulder after a short while.

I didn't look too carefully in the restricted area before, but now the eyes were gathered, Meng Fan's heart could not help but sigh.

Sure enough, he is a strong man in the Divine King Realm, the hero among the people!

This kind of existence sits quietly in place, but it is a mountain that can cover the sky. It has a golden body and the muscles on it are like mountains. After Meng Fan looked at it, his instinctive heart gave birth to infinite awe and bowed his head in front of this person.

Well-deserved reputation!

Seeing Meng Fan, Ren Xiong smiled slightly and said softly.

"Do it, drink tea!"

While speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, a teacup was delivered to Meng Fan, and he reached out to take it. Meng Fan took a closer look and suddenly felt the doorway. The tea in the teacup had a scent of human heart and spleen. The martial arts in Meng Fan resonated with him, and the fragrance of tea alone was enough to make Meng Fan fascinated.

"Hehe, this is the tea I brewed by myself, but not many people can drink it!"

Renxiong smiled slightly and said calmly,

"But you have this qualification. Lan Caiyi told me about you before. I still don't believe it. Now it seems that you are really the best little guy in these tens of thousands of years. How much!"

The voice fell, a seemingly ordinary sentence, but if it were transmitted to Ten Thousand Realms, it would inevitably cause thunder. What kind of person is Renxiong? Such a sentence is enough to raise Meng Fan's position too high.

"Where, the predecessor praised!"

Meng Fan shook his head, without joy or sorrow, immediately said,

"How is the demon ancestor now? The first battle... she..."

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Renxiong was silent for a moment, and then uttered a few words, but Meng Fan's expression changed suddenly, <

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