Supreme God King

Chapter 1589: Sky Profound Tree

Longma's attitude has changed rapidly!

And Meng Fan was not surprised by this, but the old **** was sitting on the chair and said calmly.

"Oh, this is what you said, what are you going to honor!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Long Ma’s eyes turned straight, and after a while he laughed,

"I don't have any good things as a person, but I got a strange stone by accident a while ago. I don't know what it is. It's better to give it to a few sister-in-laws as my meeting gift!"

As he spoke, Longma's palm spread out, and a blue-emitting stone appeared in his palm and handed it to Meng Fan.

With a glance, Meng Fan couldn't help but flashed his eyes. Although this dragon horse said that he didn't know what a stone was, how could he really not know at his level.

Although this stone is only the size of a palm, it is extremely precious. It is called the ancestral blue stone, and it is already a ninth-order **** between heaven and earth.

This thing is rumored to be born in the Jedi in this world. It is extremely rare. It can only be born after absorbing the essence of the earth and after tens of thousands of years. It is a rare piece of such a hand.

Even if it is subdued by a Shinto-level cultivator, it is definitely of great help, enough to help oneself quickly improve the cultivation level.

This kind of thing is quite rare, even in the position of Meng Fan, it is difficult to obtain, it can be called a treasure.

But Meng Fan said indifferently after only a glance.

"Um... You only have one spiritual stone here, but I have four ladies. How do you tell me to divide it, Ryoma, it seems that your intentions are not fulfilled, this is to frame me for infidelity! "

With a word, Ryoma, who was still triumphant, almost didn't bite his tongue. What he took out was the ninth-order cherished divine object. Looking at the world, it would be a favor to give to any powerful god, but to Meng Fan, Instead, he was prepared to kill his tools.

Looking at Meng Fan’s face, Ryoma was itchy at all with hatred, and he did not dare to have it. He just raised his hand and took out three pieces from the space ring. He said without a smile,

"Where, where, you and I are brothers, how could I harm you, huh, four sisters-in-laws, I prepared a piece for my sister-in-law, so I honored them!"

The four ancestral blue stones were placed in the field, and the light flickered, making the maid on the side a little silly.

But Meng Fan still sat in place and said calmly,

"Sure enough, brothers, but are you just giving me four wives and ignoring me a bit too much? And the brothers in my dark alliance, the **** monkey, the burning sky, the amethyst, the flame king, etc. That one is a hero, Longma, you come here, don’t mean it!"


Long Ma suddenly stood up. He was only planning to take out an ancestral blue stone. Due to Meng Fan's words, he finally had to take out three more. Which one of these pieces are all treasures in the world, extremely precious, four pieces out, Rongma could not help but feel a pain, but wanting to come, he still endures it, and did not expect Meng Fan to say something again. A lot of words, after accepting his four ancestral blue stones, there was no sign of stopping, but the lion opened his mouth, and he couldn't help but be angry!

However, sitting in place, Meng Fanke was the old god. He took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"It's not that I said you, Brother Longma, you didn't show me when you came here. I can't control the brothers in my dark alliance. God Monkey has a bad temper. Once I fight, I can hardly do it. what!"

The tone is calm, but I am afraid that anyone can understand the meaning of Meng Fan's words, and feel threatening.

Looking at Longma's complexion, he was almost no green. I didn't think that I had thrown out four ancestral blue stones. In Meng Fan's place, he didn't even fight a drifter. This guy really met. . . . Go home!

Staring at Meng Fan, Longma stretched a face longer than a donkey. If he changed it to another place, who would dare to threaten him, who would dare to let him pay tribute, but he obviously met the big gangster Meng Fan, and he didn’t care about it. One, let's talk about it first.

Teeth clenched and creaked, Ryoma spit out a few words between his teeth,

"How many brothers do you have!"

"not much!"

Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"Twenty people!"


Ryoma's hand grasped tightly, and the last time he raised his hand, he took out a full eighteen ancestral blue stones from the space ring, and roared,

"All my things are here, now it's okay!"

"Well, interesting!"

With a flash of his eyes, Meng Fan immediately collected the eighteen ancestral blue stones. Meng Fan also showed a satisfied smile at this moment. He felt quite good about the harvest of these twenty ancestral blue stones. , Nodded at the same time,

"It's a dragon horse, really a good brother, everyone will talk about loyalty in the future!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Long Ma spit out a few words between his teeth, his face was about to ease, and the next moment Meng Fan's voice fell, almost directly causing him to spray out a mouthful of old blood and fainted.

"That one...Since you are so brotherly enough, why don't I introduce you to the fifty thousand dark guards outside and the hundreds of millions of horses in the chaotic valley. You are no more or less, and you will give you a meeting gift!"


Outside the main hall, Lin Tang and many other dark alliances couldn't hold back, roaring with laughter, all faces twitched, even if it was forcibly restrained, the laughter's stomach hurt at this moment. Before, they had always been stationed outside. The more they listened to Meng Fan's words, the more they were wrong. At the end of the day, everyone would understand that Meng Fan had made it clear that he had killed him and had a good deal of trouble!

With the sound of laughter all over the sky, even if Longma is an ancient beast, a powerful god, but at this moment, he was trembling with anger, his teeth crunched, and the terrifying aura swept across the entire hall, staring at Meng Fan, it was like eating people. Up!

Seeing Longma's look of vomiting blood, Meng Fan took a sip of tea and hesitated.

"I don't want to, it's okay, I won't cheat you... You just need to get to know each other, it's enough for everyone, even if it's a Tier 6 divine object for one person?"

"Um, your complexion is not good, you can do a fifth-order one per person, or fourth-order? At worst, it can't exceed third-order..."

Looking at Meng Fan’s face, Long Ma tried to kill him ten thousand times with his eyes, and finally took a deep breath and exhaled a few words.

"If you mention your hundreds of millions of horses, even if I die in your hands today, you will fight with you!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan suddenly smiled, knowing that he couldn't get anything out of it, so he couldn't help but shook his head.

"Fortune fans, big fortune fans, don't want to die for something!"

I did it for. . . . Order something!

Long Ma’s mouth twitched. If the hundreds of millions of horses in Meng Fan’s mouth let him get to know him, let alone a Tier 3 divine object per person, even if it’s a Tier 1 divine object per person.

Even if Long Ma estimated that he had sold it, it might not be enough. Seeing Meng Fan’s look of the old gods completely made Long Ma realize the importance of strength. If he can beat Meng Fan at this moment, he must kill him. He a hundred times!


Meng Fan chuckled, shook his head, put away his abusive expression, and said calmly.

"Okay, let's talk about business now. You don't want to come to me all the way. The picture is not to give me the ancestral blue stone. This is a gift and a good thing. If you don't say what you want, I guess you You really want to kill me!"

The tone was calm, but he broke his mind in a word!

The latter was able to come to this dark alliance in person, but naturally it was not just for Meng Fan to relive the past.

Longma nodded, looking at Meng Fan, his expression also became solemn, and after a few breaths, he slowly uttered a few words.

"Do you know... Sky Profound Tree!"

Sky Profound Tree!

When the three words fell, Meng Fan's expression moved, and with his concentration, a sharp glow burst out in his eyes at this moment. He looked at the dragon horse with sharp eyes, as if he was trying to see the dragon horse through. After breathing, Meng Fan said every word,

"Do you know his whereabouts?"

No wonder Meng Fan was able to do this, because the Profound Sky Tree mentioned by this dragon horse is really terrifying. Only the real time experts know that this is a huge ancient treasure between heaven and earth!

Divine things have spirits, but they give birth to their will, just like human beings, without any difference!

Arranged from one to ten in order, reaching the end is like Xiaotian, Xiaodi, Burning Heaven Order, within a few seconds, you can reach the power of the gods among the opponent's human beings, with great power. But to this day of cultivation, Meng Fan knows that he still has it in this world. . . . Transcend the gods above the tenth rank.

It is not that it is more powerful than other gods, but it is completely detached, and even violates the laws of heaven and earth, and is terrifying. This kind of thing is self-contained, it can be said to be a god, or it can be said to be an ancient treasure of heaven and earth, like an imperial palace, containing an entire world.

Since the beginning of vitality, this kind of divine object has been rare. Looking at the entire history, I am afraid that there are fewer than twenty. And this sky mysterious tree is one of them. Naturally, Meng Fan is not shocked!

According to legend, the Sky Profound Tree itself is not in one place, but moves in the void. It can bloom in one place between heaven and earth every ten thousand years. The fruit of its flowers is the peerless **** in this world, reaching the tenth order. It is called Tianxuan Guo.

And this sky mysterious tree itself has a magical avenue in the world. It is rumored that the vitality opens the sky to be a creature that lives with the sky and is at the same level as the earth. Even if no one has seen him kill anyone, but in this world No one was able to catch him, he wanted to see the Profound Tree of Heaven, only to trace his trace!

Such a fetish, even if it is a strong **** king, will be moved.

It is rumored that when the Profound Sky Tree appeared in the past, the powerhouses who once had three gods and kings personally took action and united together, trying to capture the Profound Sky Tree and imprison it in their own world, but unfortunately they failed in the end .

As you can imagine, the importance of this thing!

Especially for today's Meng Fan, because he has read ancient books about this aspect, he knows that the mysterious tree of heaven has a very long history. It was born from the opening of the sky, and it has many magical functions. And one of them is the ability to resolve the lack of a cultivator’s background. If he can enlighten the Dao under the profound tree of the sky, it would be unimaginable for any vitality cultivator, enough to make him ignore everything. You can do what you want safely!

Once he could enlighten the Dao and cultivate himself under the profound tree of the sky, it would be a hundred times easier for Meng Fan to break through and reach the three realms!

The flaw of its lack of background will surely be resolved!

After taking a sip of tea, Meng Fan had already become extremely dignified at this moment, and said solemnly.

"This is something that the **** king is not sure about, don't talk gibberish!"

"Yes, I have been following for a long time, and I am not alone. Since my grandfather generation, I have been studying the Profound Sky Tree. I need the Profound Sky Fruit to help me change!"

Long Ma sternly said,

"Although I don't dare to say that this news is very sure, but at least there is 10%, it depends on you...Dare to go!"

After the three words fell, Meng Fan's expression moved, and he said in doubt,


Ryoma was expressionless and sighed faintly, <

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