Supreme God King

Chapter 1526: What a life and death battle!

A man standing in the sky, what a life and death fight!

The old roar was thunderous, and the moment the sound came out, the sky burst completely, and the void fragments overflowed, the sky exploded, and a god-strong man blew himself up. What a power.

At this moment, even a powerful person in the restricted area of ​​the three realms in the void was hard to resist, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole body was blown apart!

Go to death calmly!

The spread of this kind of behavior was truly unparalleled shock, making everyone in the whole world tremble. At this moment, the tears of countless people in the heavenly dynasty were left in an instant.

This old man is an ancient one in the Zhongtian dynasty. He became famous before the ages. He has always been a blessing dynasty. He is extremely kind. In the whole city, I don’t know how many of his descendants and how many people have received his favor. Before the blood was sprinkled on this royal city, there was no ashes left, but it was still... So free and easy!

"Okay, Brother Qin Leng, you go one step ahead, I'm here!"

Above the sky, another old man laughed, his aura suddenly surging, the whole person was like burning in an instant, turned into a stream of light, and instantly hit the injured three-level powerhouse.

Just like the old man who blew himself up before, it also operates the ancient law. Not only the body, soul, but also the bones in the body are burning, turning into tumbling power, and smashing against the three-level power in the restricted area.

At the same time, on the other side of this shot, the same is true of an ancient Zhongtian Dynasty. The power in the body turned into a meteor, the ancient law revolved, bursting with itself, and impacted away with it.

Two shooting stars, shot at the same time, drawn an extremely gorgeous spark between the sky, making everyone's heart tremble. At this moment, there are three gods who choose to explode at the same time, and the three realms of the restricted area. perish together!

"Boys, fight well. Don't worry about me. I am old and useless. I was born in heaven and earth, my soul returns to heaven and earth, and the battle is in the middle of heaven. I will not regret this life!"

The rumbling voice fell, and I saw that in front of the three holy three realms in the restricted area, there were two sparks completely bursting, breaking the void, turning into monstrous power, sweeping everything!

Boom, boom!

In an instant, the three gods blew themselves up!

This scene was too terrifying and too tragic. Even a strong man in the restricted area of ​​the three sacred realms could not resist this kind of offensive. The means of self-destruction one after another was to choose to die with him. Even though he was powerful and unparalleled, he was caught off guard , After these three self-detonations, he was instantly hit and seriously injured. The whole body was completely broken, and only one soul escaped.

If a three-level powerhouse does not have a physical body on which to live, his combat power will be weakened by as much as 90%!


At the same time, above the sky, Qin Hong and others yelled loudly and screamed up to the sky. Even if they were a man who had battled all his life, tears were still left at this moment, dripping.

Everyone knows that the three elders who blew themselves up are already very big, and their blood is already dry when they can’t break through. Now in this kind of battle, the strong are like clouds. If they drag on, they might be afraid. Can't play much use, the strong in the restricted area is too terrible, and also has the existence of the restricted area that suppresses everything in the field!

Therefore, at this moment, the three dynasties are old and choose to maximize their power. First, they are the most terrifying and bursting way of self-detonation. They use their lives to do their best to bring down a **** in the restricted area. The strong, give others some relief!

Anyone can come up with this kind of idea, but who can do it so simply and thoroughly!

Suddenly, the hundreds of millions of people in Zhongtian City were crying. Countless of them clenched their fists and stared at the field. Even if they wanted to participate in the war incomparably, participating in the war with their strength was tantamount to death.

You can only watch from a distance, and see with your own eyes the most amiable and noble ancient warfare that died between heaven and earth, and all the blood flowing into the body.


Between one of the palaces in the imperial capital, a seven or eight-year-old child cried out loudly. Even though he was very young, he knew before that he had lost the person closest to him. That one always let him ride on. The old man peeing on his neck has now left him forever!

Old man!

Meng Fan stood in the sky, and his heart was cold and unmatched in the battle, but at this moment he couldn't help but move, his fists clenched, his nails pierced into his skin, and he understood that under the catastrophe, everyone was born as an ant. in this way.

"Hmph, overpowering, kill them for me, how many of you can blew themselves up, come on!"

In the void, a strong man in the restricted area said indifferently. He was in the three realms. He arranged for the restricted area to be one of the trump cards of the heaven, earth and the ten thousand realms, even in the mysterious forbidden area hall, he had an extremely lofty status.

Although the tone is full of ridicule, but now this three-level expert in the restricted area is extremely cautious, carefully hiding among the many people in the restricted area, for fear that someone will come to him again.

The previous scene was too shocking. That kind of suicide not only hurts oneself, but can also hurt them!

During the first wave, countless ancient true demons, roaring from the strong in the restricted area, all turned into a series of meteors, and they rushed again. At the same time, black clouds came from the sun and the sky. There are constantly a large number of strong in the restricted area. Come, concentrate on this dynasty, at a glance, it will overwhelm the sky and occupy the void.

If it was said by the forbidden area powerhouse before, let alone that there are three realm powerhouses in it, it is only the existence of these millions of true demons and countless forbidden area temples.

Even though Meng Fan and others have dozens of gods, they are consumed to death. In less than a day, Meng Fan will not be killed, and he will be exhausted when he is tired!

However, in the face of this, Meng Fan, Qin Hong, and the Zhongtian ancient eyes did not have any fear at all, because while helping Meng Fan, their choice was already extremely firm, and the Taoist heart remained unchanged. That's it!


However, in the next moment, the other end of the battlefield suddenly changed. The naked eye could see a golden giant stick flashing, volleying, and smashing into the world, but between the golden light flashing, there were large swaths of ancient true demons flying horizontally, like blocks. Meatloaf is average, what is smashed is pulpy!

A golden monkey came, standing upright on the ground, with twinkling eyes, and the whole person looked like a mountain peak, just came directly and stepped out.


In the restricted area, the eyes of a sacred three-level powerhouse froze, and a palm blasted out, overwhelmingly, volleyed, and went straight to the golden monkey!

However, under such power, the golden monkey stood between the world, still advancing instead of retreating, and at the same time greeted with a punch!


The impact of the two forces caused the world to lose its color for an instant. In the next moment, you can see that the three-level powerhouse in the restricted area actually wailed and retreated!

Retreat to the sacred three realms with one punch!

The moment the monkey appeared, it made this piece of heaven and earth boil. Countless people rubbed their eyes and were shocked. Now the three sacred realms between heaven and earth are basically trapped in the sky thunder pass. , Who still possesses this kind of ability, the monkey that appears is not in the third realm, but only in the second realm, but the combat power is too terrifying!

God Monkey Tianxing!

At this moment, someone finally exclaimed and saw who this monkey was, who was the one who had made a fuss with Meng Fan that day, and now he is coming violently, fighting before Zhongdu!

"Sky Star!"

Among the crowd, Princess Yinyin shed tears, trembled all over, and cried with joy.

A punch to retreat to a strong man in the three sacred realms, the monkey is fearless, striding out, the mountain-like body is above the sky, tyrannizing, suppressing everything, wherever it goes, the large forbidden area is flying out, connecting There is no chance to get close to his body.

Looking at Meng Fan at a glance, at the same time the **** monkey roared up to the sky,

"Between the world, who dares to touch me, Brother Meng Fan!"

The roar is like thunder, suppress the world!

The sound between these voices was what caused everything in the sky to be torn apart, and as soon as the voice of the monkey fell, there was a sound like a natural sound that echoed it.

"Yes, the person who moved Meng Fan is my enemy, dying!"

The voice fell, and a golden figure came to death surrounded by many powerful men. The latter was extremely beautiful, with the blue silk draped behind him, a battle armor, a pretty face and a terrifying eyes, and it was Yang Qing.

And it’s not just that she has arrived alone, there are dozens of powerful gods behind her. Even though there are no three realms, the first realm and the second realm are definitely not less ancient than the Zhongtian Dynasty. The supreme existence from the same line, the immortal man, is now here!

One pulse!

And this voice hadn't spoken yet, there was another voice coming out, and the figure was killed.

"The Bai family of the emperor will always stand behind Meng Fan!"

The fist came out, the vitality opened up, the attacks of countless gods and powers turned out to come down from the east, the power broke through everything, and brazenly blasted the encirclement of countless gods and demons in the restricted area.

The people of the Zhongtian Dynasty were shocked, and when they looked at it, they found that a large group of old men came.

Including the countless elders of the Bai family, they are all divine essences, and the aura is shaking. The person who speaks is the first elder, and that is the Bai Rong whom Meng Fan had known before in the Bai family!

And standing beside him is an alluring figure, dressed in white, dancing with blue silk, with a face like water, and an immortal temperament, a rare beauty in the world. A pair of eyes looking at Meng Fan, like the kind of tenderness surging back then, tears dripping. The fall is distressing.

Looking at this beautiful woman, Meng Fan was also shocked. At this moment, it seemed that there was something blocked in his throat, and he spit out two words gently, <

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