Supreme God King

Chapter 1524: Otohen used

Unquenchable drum!

One of the ten ancient gods, I didn't expect this thing to be in the inner deep palace of the Zhongtian Dynasty. Meng Fan’s pupils shrank, and he clearly understood that each of these ten ancient gods still had a peculiar effect, just like the burning heaven order commanding the heavens and the earth to fire, but outside the real fire, in the gods. No one of them can do it.

The other gods also have their own merits, reaching the extreme in a certain field, only to be one of the top ten gods!

It seems that this unquenchable drum also has great power, and it spreads all over the world with one sound, which is indeed quite terrifying.

"It's not too late, it's now!"

Meng Fan said slowly, causing Qin Hong to nod.

"Well, you and I will shoot together and beat the drums!"

The sound fell, and the two palms shot out at the same time, the billowing vitality fluctuations burst out, and the torrent merged into the eternal drum.


In just a moment, the world trembles, the void is distorted, and the eight wildernesses are moving. A surging ancient aura bursts out of this eternal drum, the breath is overflowing, the runes flicker, in the two of Meng Fan and Qin Hong Under the operation of the power of, let the power in it wake up a little bit.

The vitality flowing in it fluctuated into a river, and began to illuminate the runes between the entire body of the Immortal Drum, rising slowly like the same sun.


For Meng Fan and Qin Hong, this moment was a bit difficult.

It was just during the operation that the two of them realized that the inextinguishable drum was like a black hole. It took a lot of effort for them to operate.

Even if it is a sacred powerhouse, it consumes a lot of time to wake it up, and it can't support it for too long. The vitality fluctuation that the latter absorbs is really too huge. Within a few breaths, it is to make Meng Fan and Qin Hong both The man's face paled.

Just awakening is the case. If it were to be operated and the sound waves spread throughout the Middle Ages, what a great vitality fluctuation would be required!

However, between the tremors of Meng Fan and Qin Hong, an old voice suddenly came from behind them.


Just two words fell, countless vitality handprints came from the void, strong and unmatched, blending into this eternal drum.

It can be seen that there are dozens of elders sitting quietly in the void outside this hall, and each of them is of a sacred level. Between the first and second states, it is the ancient Zhongtian imperial family left behind in this imperial capital. , All of them are extremely powerful, even if they are not in the three realms, but who dares to look down upon so many sacred powerhouses.

With so many powerful players working together, the vitality in the void merged, and the mountains and seas merged into this eternal drum, which immediately created a great power!

Two gods are not enough, but now dozens of gods are shot together, the effect is completely different!

Sweeping away the ancient royal powers around him, Meng Fan’s heart warmed. Before this catastrophe, this group of people, no matter what they were before, chose to take the initiative to help Meng Fan and agree with what Meng Fan said before. Not passive defense, but choice. . . . Take the initiative!

Jin Ge iron horse, blood is still not cold!

This is the ancient attitude of a group of Zhongtian Dynasty. They didn't say anything. It was already proved by action to support Meng Fan. It is not only Meng Fan who is **** in this world!

After a while, Meng Fan didn't say much, but closed his divine mind, and completely integrated his power into this eternal drum, running at full capacity.

Dozens of gods, shoot together!

Under this kind of fusion, the entire sky quaked, and the breath of the eternal drum became stronger and stronger. The light flickered, illuminating the sky and the earth, making the entire Zhongducheng tremble at this moment, and countless people’s eyes looked here, feeling A surging force continues to grow stronger.

Om, hum!

Drums sounded and runes flickered. Under the concerted efforts of everyone, this kind of drum sound became more and more powerful. Runes were engraved in it, and the secret law operated. Before this kind of vitality fluctuation, these ten ancient gods finally became Wake up again and shine on the world.


Meng Fan let out a loud roar, his hair fluttered, and he landed a fist on the battle drum, using his own power to beat the battle drum, and suddenly the sound of the indestructible drum spread like thunder, and the world turned around.

At this moment of divine thought moving, Meng Fan can sense the powerful force within this indestructible drum. Once he merges the sound into it, he can use this thing to spread throughout the Middle Ancient Region, and even spread to the Ten Thousand Regions. outer.

At the same time, the entire hall was completely imprisoned, including Qin Hong and many other powerhouses, whose eyes were focused on Meng Fan, silently waiting.

Facing this, Meng Fan took a deep breath, and after a few breaths of silence, he suddenly slapped his palm again, shaking the drum, and said slowly,

"I am Meng Fan... I don't know if you can hear me!"

In the Middle Ages, outside the sky, a **** color!

Under the large-scale attack in the restricted area, the entire world is now in a state of incomparable chaos, including the hinterland of the emperor, including the temple, including the former supreme power, etc., are facing huge threats, in the huge Above the Middle Ancient Territory, there is even more fighting.

Countless people chose to resist, and countless people were wailing and fleeing, and countless people were crying while holding the corpses of their loved ones. . . . .

And at the same time, among the countless corners of the middle ancient earth, a voice suddenly came out. Even though it was scattered in different places, it was like a Sanskrit sound, extremely clear, and Meng Fan’s previous sentence fell. For everyone today, it is comparable to the Thunder.

Meng Fan!

In the present world, no one knows, he has been called a **** for a hundred years, and the first arrogant among all domains!

If this era is a golden world, then Meng Fan is undoubtedly the most powerful person standing on top of this golden world, dominating the world and sweeping invincible.

At this kind of moment, the latter was spread all over the Middle Ancient Region in one word, and could not help making the crowds in Zhou Tian amazed, and countless people looked at the sky with amazement.

Many people in this Middle Ages are very familiar with its voice, and that lonely shadow emerged, and the latter actually spread his own voice to every corner of the Middle Ages. There are seas and mountains. There are extremely hidden jungles, ancient mountains, a line of land, there is a temple, there is Baidi Mountain, there are chaotic watersheds, there are great sacred places, and at the same time I heard the voice in the void!

"Meng Fan!"

In the Baidi Mountain, a beautiful figure trembled, the blue silk was flying, looking up at the sky, listening to this familiar voice, tears couldn't help but flow down the pretty face.

In front of her, there was an absolute letter, which she had just written before, in order to lead the Bai family to fight the restricted area and leave it to that one person after her death, but she did not expect to hear him at this moment. sound.

In the sanctuary, countless elders suddenly raised their heads, and their eyes shone sharply like sharp swords.

Now the whole world has no heads of dragons, including this temple, the tallest twelve red-clothed elders are trapped, and all three ancient realms in the previous temple are all in the sky thunder pass. That is this group of thousands of ancients. The monster is also a little flustered now, don't know what to do, but at this moment, there is a voice that spreads all over the world, including the absolute taboo of this holy place, which can be heard.

A line of ancient land, Yang Qing in a battle armor shook all over, looking at the sky and earth, there was an unconcealable throbbing in her expression.

In a certain mountain forest, a mountain-like ape rose into the sky, standing upright like a star!

It just broke through the barrier, and after hearing this sound, all the blood in the body was burning, and his eyes looked into the void, unpredictable.

Between the sea, Cao Qiushui's body emerged, suddenly standing in the middle of the world, sighed on his face, and slowly said,

"The voice of one person spreads to the Ten Thousand Territories. This is the treatment of a strong king of the gods, Meng Fan, I can't think of you in this era. Cao Qiushui is not the first arrogant, but... Fortunately, you are in this era. what!"

Countless corners, at the same time, heard this voice, and at the same time they had a huge interference in their plans. Each did not move, but looked up at the sky, waiting quietly, wanting to know what Meng Fan wanted. Say what.

At the same time, the entire Middle Ancient Region was silent, as if plunged into silence.

Because at this moment, not only the strong among the ten thousand domains have heard it, but also the countless people in the forbidden zone in this Middle Ancient Domain. They also felt it. For them, the two words Meng Fan are definitely Like a big mouth, it was drawn fiercely on the faces of everyone in the restricted area. The shame of any strong person in the restricted area, I did not expect the latter to stand up at this moment, and the words of one person spread throughout the Middle Ages, making them all It is for being still, waiting quietly.

After not knowing how many breaths, Meng Fan’s voice sounded again and slowly fell.

"If you can hear it, then please forgive me for being rude, being in the capital of the emperor, and using the inextinguishable drum to transmit sound to the world, I have something to say..."

"When, when I was a teenager in Wuzhen, I was asking myself why I practiced and what I have fought in my life!"

"Years are gone. Today, I only understand that, in fact, all I want is to be with the one I love forever in a certain place. There are no disputes, no wars, and some are enough to stay together. It's a pity that this kind of thinking is...too far, too far."

"The world is in chaos, the war is about to rise, the old man and others are sealed in the early days, I am reduced to fish and the other side is a knife, but I... I am not satisfied, I want to fight, not for myself, just for the love People fight for a path, not for eternity, just to leave a glimmer of hope for the world, the world is godless, and I wait for free people, why are others slaves to the sword? So I will take the initiative and unite in this dynasty. Everyone, the restricted area of ​​World War I, if anyone is willing to help me, I hope you can gather here and take action together!"

"If I am born and live with my brothers and relatives, if I die, may I remain in the ashes to guard the world... Qi said Wuyi, and my sons and compatriots, spread my blood, and go forward, Qi said Wuyi , To be with the son, to repair my sword, to fight without words, to say no clothes, to be in the same clothes with the son, life and death to be with you, why not die!

The second thing is, on the first day of the month, start at the end of the word early. I hope you will continue to support the King of Gods. Give me the votes of various platforms. I and you fellows, fellows! <

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