Supreme God King

Chapter 1508: Where does life not meet!

In the Shenyuan Tower, Meng Fan moved, all the way forward, relying on his own martial arts, and constantly talked with the sacred steles on the way in the Shenyuan Tower!

Idea clash, martial arts competition!

During this collision, Meng Fan was utterly fascinated. This kind of behavior seemed ordinary, only colliding with this eternal sacred martial art, but for those who don’t step into the spirit of his help, he couldn’t understand it at all. .

The way to improve martial arts and perfect oneself is what we have to reach in the realm of Shenyuan. Is it already a technique or means that can be improved? Only when the road of martial arts keeps moving forward can we be the law and ourselves world!

Only two days have passed since the outside world, but for Meng Fan, it was two full years.

In these two years, Meng Fan also went straight all the way, swept all over the place, and reached the tenth floor of the Shenyuan Tower!

There are 18 floors in total, and it took 30 years for the old man in the old city to arrive, but for Meng Fan, it took two years to complete this step!

Such a speed is extremely terrifying!

In the past two years, Meng Fan didn't know how many sacred martial arts had been swept away, crushing opponents with powerful own thoughts, and of course there were more things that made him helpless.

Once the sacred martial art is completely defeated, then it will inevitably surrender. In the past two years or so, I don’t know how many ancient female sacred women want to marry Meng Fan, and what makes Meng Fan most difficult to tell is that there are many things to see. The martial arts of the sturdy man is like this. . . . .

Shenyuan Tower, eleventh floor!

The figure moved and slowly emerged, it was Meng Fan.

It took more than two years, but at this moment he couldn't feel the passage of time at all, because the theory of Tao was too intense, so that all of Meng Fan's mind was placed on this, and naturally he couldn't care about other things.

In the faintness, Meng Fan's martial art, which was originally unmoving, was elevated to the next level at this moment, with obvious progress.

After stepping into the Divine Origin Realm, it is extremely difficult to step forward every time. It takes two years to do so, Meng Fan is already quite happy.

Divine mind swept the surroundings, Meng Fan said to himself,

"The eleventh floor? This time I’m afraid I’m not so lucky. The more you go up, the more difficult it is. It took me only half a month to break the first floor completely, and three more for the second floor to pass completely. day.

Now I have spent more than two months on the tenth floor, especially the sacred martial art in the last stone monument is already quite terrifying, I am afraid the difficulty of the eleventh floor is definitely doubled! "

The tone is calm, but that kind of fear is full!

Before these eight levels, Meng Fan was able to crush all martial arts, but after these eight levels, this situation has rarely occurred. The more up Meng Fan can win, it is good.

Obviously the masters in this Shenyuan Pagoda have placed the martial arts stele on a high level. The sacred concept after these eight floors has already made Meng Fan extremely difficult. The crushing he was able to do before can no longer be done completely. When he arrived, the pressure on him from the Shenyuan Tower became more and more intense!

However, the more so, the stubbornness in Meng Fan's temper was aroused. Only a moment later, it was a stride meteor that walked away in this Shenyuan Tower.

And in this huge God Yuan Pagoda, not only is he alone, but also Wang Soul, Yuehan, Zhang Qixian and many other powerful people who come with him. This group of people are all here to improve their strength.

Although he had planned to crush Meng Fan together before, now that Meng Fan is nowhere to be seen, he naturally drives this group of people crazy, desperately talking in this Shenyuan Tower.

Under the great calamity, there is no pure land in the world, and any strong person in this world has a strong sense of crisis. In the face of such an opportunity, it is impossible to estimate too much. Naturally, he is desperately improving his strength.

And once you fall into enlightenment in this Shenyuan Tower, this group of people must be separated, because this Shenyuan Tower is a world with its own rules.

Everyone who wants to step onto the top of this tower has to go up all the way and keep talking about it, not a group of people together. Otherwise, they can only be complacent and affect the rules in the tower of the gods and prevent them from moving forward. .

Therefore, the seven sacred sacreds, including Yuehan, Zhang Qixian, and Wang Hun, are completely separated. He has stepped on his own path of Taoism, but I don't know how far he can reach!

One day and one year!

It took Meng Fan two full years to get out of these ten floors before, but after the latter completely opened up these eleven floors, he was surprised, because seven years had passed quietly!

In the past seven years, Meng Fan has collided with eight stone steles. The martial arts ideas contained in that stone stele are extremely powerful. Fighting against Meng Fan often caused Meng Fan to almost collapse and fall into failure.

It took so long to open up the entire eleventh floor, allowing Meng Fan to completely walk out of the eleventh floor space, and it took more than a full year to stay in place to realize the harvest and complete integration. It was awakening, and a sigh could not help appearing on his face.

Unexpectedly, after these eleven layers, it will be more difficult than all the previous Shinto roads combined, and I don’t know how powerful these twelve layers are, how many sacred ideas there are, and the top of the Shenyuan Whose stele is it?

At his current speed I am afraid that he will never reach the top of the tower, let alone 30 years, even if it is 300 years, 30,000 years may not be possible, because Meng Fan's own realm is not enough, he is still only the first realm of the gods. Although it is a martial arts competition, the more powerful the realm, the more perfect his concept and martial arts, so Meng Fan estimates that he can step into the fourteenth floor is the limit!

Perhaps in the eighteenth floor... . Should it be the real **** king martial arts?

Meng Fan thought in his heart, but even though he yearned for it, after a while, Meng Fan had already suppressed all his thoughts, stepped out, and walked towards the twelfth floor of the Shenyuan Tower.

The chaos and mist opened, Meng Fan stepped into the twelfth layer of space, but the moment his feet fell into this space, it made his body freeze, his eyes swept, his face The look above suddenly became interesting.

In the distance, a figure stands, white clothes wins snow, blue silk flutters, looks like a goddess, and possesses that kind of cold breath, is moving forward, a pair of ** is looming under the skirt , It adds a touch of temptation out of thin air, not Yuehan... . Who else can it be!

In this Shenyuan Tower, although both of them stepped into it, each of them walked along their own world. Even at the same level, they would never meet at all. Only two of them stepped into this level at the same time. At the time of the starting point, there was a small chance, but such a coincidence was one in ten thousand, but at this moment. . . . . This one in ten thousand has happened!

When Meng Fan saw this Yuehan, Yuehan also suddenly saw Meng Fan, with her eyes facing each other.

The expressions of the two of them were different at once, different from Meng Fan's kind of playfulness. In the next moment, it was almost as if Yuehan had eaten half of a dead child, and the face of Qingcheng became extremely ugly.

Ten years in the Shenyuan Tower!

Yue Han is also constantly moving forward for his own martial arts insights. Under the discussion, even the game has forgotten the existence of Meng Fan, but now the latter is standing in front of him in this way. . . . Less than a hundred meters, you can even feel the other person's breathing!

If Yuehan can choose one more time, then he must go out to worship the gods and take a look at the almanac. Unlike the previous collision between her and Meng Fan, there are six sacreds around Meng Fan, who crushed Meng Fan, but now it is only Yuehan himself. It's like a little rabbit encountering a big bad wolf. How can it be unlucky to describe!


With a bite of Yinya, Yue Han turned and left without saying anything. He stepped forward at a fast speed, turning into a stream of light and heading away.

But just as Yuehan moved, he suddenly felt the imprisonment of the void, and a majestic pressure came directly, sweeping the world, and at the same time the laughter fell.

"Fairies don't run away, nowhere in life, you and I will tell the old times!"

Meng Fan’s laughter came, and his shot was extremely violent, sweeping through the wilds, but the horrible fluctuation of vitality for a moment is already imprisoning everything, and all the world is completely under his control, endless vitality The fluctuation turned out to be coming from all directions with the cold of the moon, comparable to a tsunami!

It's cold!

Under such a method, it is almost all the heart that makes Yuehan want to die, but she is not an ordinary person, but for a moment, the vitality in the body bursts, the rune flashes, and the strongest method is fully operated, and the five fingers flashes. , The light is dazzling, and the seven palm prints come directly.

Each path contains a kind of ancient secret method, which is extremely terrifying. It turns into seven peaks and hits in the air to forcibly break Meng Fan's confinement.

But who is Meng Fannai, even though his body is a hundred meters away, it is like a wild beast, with terrifying blood suppressing everything, the sea of ​​anger is raging, and the whole world is closed with a big hand, and everything in it is completely enveloped, even though It was Yuehan's attack that operated seven ancient mysteries, but with Meng Fan's finger, all of them were completely broken, breaking the world, holding it in the palm, and turning it into nothing!

"Fairy is too violent, do it whenever you see me!"

Meng Fan sneered. Amidst the fragments of the sky, he made a sudden move, stepped out and turned into a shadow. He came directly in front of Yue Han, his five fingers were like electricity, and he grabbed it with one blow, destroying the world. The energies burst out.

This blow Meng Fan did not show any mercy. This month, Han Nai was the spokesperson of the emperor's sect, and possessed a very high status. The emperor's sect also estimated that she said a lot in it.

And now all the way against Meng Fan, uniting many sacred, emperor gate elders, etc. want to kill him, although he is a flowery beauty, but he has never been polite to the enemy Meng Fan, just a moment, among the five fingers. Qi Jin is a volley landing, destroying flowers!

"Heaven and Earth!"

Under this blow, Yuehan's expression suddenly changed, and with a long groan, a golden force suddenly appeared around her body, and the runes flickered, and it was a strange treasure that wrapped Yuehan's body.

The vitality flickered, completely protected, this was an eighth-order defensive fetish, which was taken out by Yuehan at this critical moment.

However, at the moment when Meng Fan’s palm fell on it, that powerful force penetrated everything, even if it was an ancient defensive divine object, it was difficult to resist. At this moment, it shattered every inch, even if it helped Yuehan resist that kind. A powerful force attacked, but was smashed by Meng Fan's palm!


When the voice fell, Yuehan screamed, blood spurted out, and the whole person flew out. At the same time, the body armor on his delicate body was completely shattered and turned into flying ashes.

And power penetrates everything, not only the armor on Yuehan's body is destroyed, but also her clothes, at this moment... . All of them shattered and disappeared completely, revealing their body... . The white skin is comparable to suet, and the almost perfect figure is completely exposed in the air! <

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