Supreme God King

Chapter 1497: Kill all

This person, I killed him ten thousand times!

The tone is calm, like a statement, but anyone who hears this sentence is afraid of it.

The more you understand Meng Fan, the more you will be so!

Who is Meng Fannai? From the beginning of his cultivation, he has always said no two. He has never sworn in. He can even enter the restricted area in a word to promise. The latter now says to kill 10,000 times. But definitely not one less time.

In other words, although this great spirit ancient **** was defeated, Meng Fan would not just let him go. Instead, he imprisoned his soul until he was wiped out by Meng Fan 10,000 times. He tried that kind of countless times. The pain between the second life and death, the last is to kill him again!

How cruel is this method of death!

Rao was a member of countless dark alliances, and some of them spit out their tongues. I have to say that once Meng Fan becomes violent, it is more terrifying than anyone else, it is bloody!

"Brother Meng Fan!"

At the same time, all the members of the Dark Alliance screamed, with the sword in their hands raised, and there was an extremely excited look on their faces.

Before, they were all in this poverty. Numerous dark guards died in order to protect this last piece of land. Unexpectedly, after Meng Fan broke through the barrier, they turned everything upside down, and publicly took the Great Spirit Ancient God. Beheaded!

The restricted area is old!

This time, the biggest hole card against the dark alliance is undoubtedly the Great Spirit Ancient God, but now it is dead in the hands of Meng Fan. It is a devastating blow, and it suddenly caused a big wave between the world. Even the people with countless restricted areas are already in this chaotic watershed, but now all of them are a little sore and weak in their calves, and they feel extremely shy!

"So handsome, mom... Who is this person, that's amazing, can I learn to practice cultivation from him!"

Among the dark alliance crowd, the little boy standing in front of Gu Xin'er pointed his palm, and the eyes of Meng Fan's figure in the sky were shining with countless little stars, incomparable worship.

After that, Gu Xiner finally let out a sigh, smiled sweetly, and touched the little boy's head, but did not say anything more, just whispered.

"He is you... the closest person in this world!"

Between heaven and earth, there was an uproar!

Under such a scene, it can be said that all forms in the field are completely reversed. No matter who is absolutely never expected Meng Fan will appear at this last moment, and has such a shocking combat power!

Going to beheaded and killed, an existence that has stepped into the second sacred realm is now hard to die!

Including Yang Qing and other four great arrogances, their complexions are now extremely shocked, with an indescribable taste.

The four of them each control the secret method, thinking that once they step into the divine way, their respective strengths will inevitably reach a new peak, with a shocking qualitative change, but what is absolutely unexpected is that it is not just them that can change qualitatively. Meng Fan is breaking through After that, it was also the rebirth of the butterfly, and the martial arts spirits all had a new upgrade, even above them!

Such a scene could not help but make the four extremely uncomfortable. The most helpless thing in this world was to admit that it was all right, but to find others. . . . . more!

However, between the sky, Meng Fan did not worry about the shocking look in the sky, but grabbed the ancient **** of the big spirit and directly imprisoned it in the space of Xiaotian.

The body of the Great Ling Ancient God has been shredded by Meng Fan, but his soul is not in a hurry, save it and kill it slowly!

At this moment, as far as Meng Fan's gaze was, locked in the void, his eyes remained murderous, without any decline, and at the same time said indifferently,

"Several people, do you want to leave like that!"

The tone is gloomy, spread all over the world!

At the same time, Meng Fan's grand majesty also broke through the void, and suppressed the sky in one direction. Before people arrived, the terrible breath had penetrated everything, and the whole world was broken!


The space is shattered, and five panicked figures can be clearly seen. Naturally, they are the five gods in the restricted area that were shot before!

After the duel between Meng Fan and the Great Spirit Ancient God, everyone was made assistants. The two of them were too terrifying. The aura suppressed everything. Others did not want to be affected by the two in this central place, so It is to leave all these stages to Meng Fan and the ancient gods of the Great Spirit.

Unlike the happily dark alliance today, it is a disaster for all the people in the restricted area, especially the five holy ones in the field. I didn’t know how many people from the dark alliance died in their hands before. After seeing the great spirit ancient **** being caught by Meng Fan, these five elders immediately looked like rats crossing the street, planning to hide themselves and escape secretly!

However, Meng Fan would never give them this opportunity. At the moment when he moved the space, a wave of air had already struck, confining all of the void.


Facing Meng Fan's gaze, the elders in the five restricted areas swallowed their saliva. They really couldn't even speak!

Standing on the sky, Meng Fan was extremely calm. He stepped out and walked towards these five people. That monstrous violent atmosphere also struck, overwhelming the sky and covering everything.

"Till my dark alliance people, step on my dark alliance land, and stain my dark alliance blood, just want to leave? A few people think too simple, the dark alliance people follow the order and give me the kill!"

The last word spit out, comparable to the law, spread all over the world!

The moment Meng Fan’s voice fell, it also shook the entire chaotic valley. Countless people from the dark alliance raised their heads at the same time, and their blood and blood rushed out. Only for a moment, the heavy sky figures rose from all over the place and went straight to the people in the restricted area. go with.


It is also a one-word response to Meng Fan. For too many people in the dark alliance, Meng Fan is their belief, the soul of the entire dark alliance, and in one sentence, this group of people. . . . . Swordsmanship, follow you!


In an instant, there was a melee between heaven and earth, and countless people from the dark alliance moved towards the many powerful men in the remaining restricted area, which was completely different from the previous momentum.

After the most crucial battle, the dark alliances were like rainbows, one by one like tigers descending from the mountain. On the other hand, even the many strong men in the restricted area did not suffer any damage, but as long as they saw Meng Fan standing on the sky, even The courage is almost broken, let alone fighting!

The sky was stained with blood, and after a while, I knew how many people in the restricted area were screaming from different places. The flesh and blood flew everywhere. The people in the restricted area who were still aggressive before are now comparable to the bereaved dogs, crying and crying. , Constantly fleeing backwards.

And in this void, Burning Heaven Order, Empress, Amethyst, Zhan Mokong, Zu Wen, Elder Pan Snake, Lone Heart Proud, Lin Tang, White Fatty, Liu Qianhua, and many other strong men run wild, following Meng Fan, Toward the ancient gods of the five restricted areas.


The sky burst, opening up the world!

Under the leadership of Meng Fan, the powerful people did not care about others at all, and went straight to the five ancient gods in the forbidden area!

Void imprisoned, there is no way to escape, and the five ancient gods in the field were originally timid and face like pig liver, but now they are facing a group of dark alliances who are already fierce and about to eat people.

Under Meng Fan's leadership, one could see at a glance that there was no way for them to escape between the heaven and the earth, only the sky was paved. . . . Endless killing!

The result of this battle is now destined, no matter how the five ancient gods struggle, but one Meng Fan is enough for them to drink a pot. Although the latter is seriously injured, it is not a problem for a while, not to mention there are other female emperors. There is no reason at all for the presence of many powerful men. The one in the field is a fierce beast stained with the blood of many dark alliance people. Naturally, Fen Tianling and the others will come out and fight together.

After a stick of incense, the two ancient gods were already smashed to death by both Meng Fan and Burning Tianling at the same time. Without any chance, their bodies and souls would burst into pieces.

The two sacred statues are so dead!

Although the remaining three ancient gods still have the power to fight, they are all blood-stained and scarred. It is a matter of time and time. Facing Meng Fan and others, it is impossible to imagine how many of them were old before. Called Meng Fan to come out, and now he was chased by Meng Fan so miserably!


With a blow from the back, the vitality handprints struck, causing one of the ancient forbidden areas to make a fierce and tragic howl. The empress came with her hands, and the fire of immortality burned, fast to the extreme, even if she was a quasi-god strong, but this One blow turned out to be the old man in the restricted area shattered and flew in half!

The sky was full of blood, and he didn’t care about his body. After a short while, a white light flickered, and the secret technique turned into a cloud of smoke. It was the ancient soul of this restricted area, his last trump card, fleeing towards the outside world. go with.

However, after a short while, it hit the boundary monument of endless space. How could Meng Fan and others give him this opportunity? One of them was a powerful man who touched the divine Dao, and had already embodied everything in his own soul, even The secret of the restricted area is invalidated here!

The whole day of the week was full of copper walls and iron walls, and there was nowhere to go. The ancient forbidden area could not help but let out a roar, mourning,

"Meng Fan... You remember, I will not die in vain. Venerable Taibai and the emperor of the seven restricted areas have come to this world and will definitely kill you!"

The tone was cold, but what greeted him was a golden palm print in the void, like a mountain peak, coming from the void, grabbing it, and squeezing it in his hand.

Between these five fingers, the soul was almost like a chicken, the power impacted, the world closed, and this sacred soul was crushed little by little.

And the owner of this palm is naturally Meng Fan, with a scholar-like face looking at the restricted area and others, alone in the sky, with cold eyes, slowly saying,

"Don't worry, if they don't come to me, I will find them... The 100,000 lives of my dark alliance can't be ended just by killing you!"


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