Supreme God King

Chapter 1477: Back to Dark Alliance

The battle of Celestial City shook the world, and it was so big that it was also plunged into an earthquake.

Although there are countless discerning people among them who know exactly why the Liu Family is jealous, there are still more people who have not noticed the general trend of the world, and are extremely shocked by Meng Fan's behavior.

The eternal emperor, the city of blocking!

What a domineering, what a feat, and what a feat, and it was unexpected that after Meng Fan did this, the attitude of the Liu family turned out to be silent, which is too much for people to see through.

But in any case, the combat power displayed by Meng Fan under this **** city is really too terrifying. The first battle is sacred, and even the existence of ancient monsters is not his opponent.

It has to be said that now the lord of chaos, Meng Fan, has completely established a place in this Middle Ancient Realm. No matter who wants to move his people or power, he has to be afraid of three points now.

Suddenly, the group of heroes shook, causing all forces in the Middle Ancient Region to have different emotions.

But Meng Fan simply ignored this. After leaving this **** city, he came to Mu Yuyin and others. Now after Meng Fan returned, he immediately attracted the cheers of many disciples of Forgotten Former Sect. The gaze that people look at Meng Fan now is not just worship, but fanaticism!

"Brother Meng Fan, how exactly did you cultivate!"

"That... Do you have a girlfriend now? What is the relationship with the sovereign!"

A group of people came around, all female disciples with good looks, and the expressions looking at Meng Fan were filled with endless excitement.

Beauty loves heroes, this sentence is true since ancient times.

But anyone who can win the hearts of many beauties in this world is not the kind of indomitable powerhouse. Although this sentence is ugly, it is the true meaning of this ten thousand realm.

Today, Meng Fan is able to do this, dare to fight against the emperor, naturally he has become a follower of countless people, not to mention that before forgetting Qianzong or having a big feud with Sanshemen, if not for the instructions of the Liu family , Then I’m afraid there won’t be so many disciples who have forgotten the former zong dead.

In this regard, Meng Fan had no choice but to smile, shook his head, and immediately set his eyes on Mu Yuyin, and said softly.

"What do you plan to do in the future!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Mu Yuyin was stunned. According to her previous plan, she immediately retreated and gave up the many foundations of the Soul God Valley to the Liu family, but she didn't expect that the other party would kill them all and saw Meng Fan.

Nowadays, even if Mu Yuyin wants to retreat, it’s probably not that easy. After all, Meng Fan helped them get ahead. I’m afraid the Liu family of the emperor clan hates more than just Meng Fan. Aiming at all the wings of Meng Fan!


Biting her red lips, Mu Yuyin had nothing to do. After all, now she is not only alone, but there are also many disciples of Forgotten Former Sect. She is no longer the saint under the care of Tianhan Sect. After today, I also propped up a sect alone!

And at the next moment, Meng Fan took a step forward, looking at Mu Yuyin, a familiar breath also came, his eyes facing each other.

"Last time you said you wanted to be quiet, I gave you enough time. Now I hope you can listen to me. There must be chaos in this Middle Ages. You are not safe wherever you are. Why don't you follow me... Go back to the Chaos Valley!"

With a word, Mu Yuyin was immediately plunged into silence. Now Meng Fan’s name is spread all over the world, including Mu Yuyin, who already know that the chaotic watershed in this Middle Ancient Region has been completely conquered by Meng Fan. The latter is the veritable Lord of Chaos Valley, and now Meng Fan actively invites Mu Yuyin to go home with her.

If the two are just friends, perhaps Mu Yuyin will readily agree, but the relationship between the two is too complicated, grievances, and entanglements, making Mu Yuyin unable to make a decision.

Seeing Mu Yuyin's struggling expression, Meng Fan sighed softly and said calmly.

"The past is over, and today is the beginning of today, Yuyin, you and I were opponents in our youth, and we hurt each other, but now no one can go back and change anything, so it’s better to face it. Now... I have thought about a lot in the past few years. I was a little bit frivolous when I was young. If it weren’t, maybe it wouldn’t hurt my sister, but now I’m in chaos. I treat you as my friend. I don’t want to be the same. Things happen again, the friends around me have an accident!"

The voice slowly shook Mu Yuyin's delicate body. Unexpectedly, Meng Fan was able to say such words. When he swept his eyes, he found that although Meng Fan's face was no doubt the same as before, his eyes were bright, but he was already mature. And the vicissitudes of life are too much.

The blood-stained young man who used to stand under the Tianhan Mountain has changed over time. Now he is a middle-aged man. The faint beard stubble under his chin is already the fierce majesty in his eyebrows. Too much, too much!

And in the old days, Meng Fan fought all over the world and had a violent personality. If anyone insulted him, he would have to be blood-stained. Even if he was thousands of miles away, he would kill him. However, although Meng Fan is more powerful today, he is himself. After undergoing a qualitative change, it is definitely not the same young man who was at the beginning, and that kind of self-returning to nature has reached an extremely peaceful state.

Today's Meng Fan is neither happy nor sorrowful, neither humble nor overbearing, and will not easily fight for a word or two. He will only practice himself silently, fight for obsession, fight for the people around him!

The same is for war... . But this word has changed too much!

"it is good!"

Mu Yuyin was silent for a moment, her eyes flashed, and he let out a long breath, staring at Meng Fan, nodding.

"Meng Fan, you are indeed much stronger than me. It's not about cultivation, but about the state of mind. I couldn't let go of what happened in the past few years. I didn't expect you to disturb your mind not only because of foreign objects, indeed... regret it." Back then, there was no use, but I can only be sure that now, there is hope, but I ask for one thing, forget the former sect or forget the former sect, I am still his lord, although I am not as strong as you, but I don’t want to be your A vassal, I want to see a sect master again and restore the supreme majesty of the Heavenly Cold Sect back then!"

The tone was calm, but in Mu Yuyin's voice, there was a more violent meaning. This kind of taste has never happened after she lost to Meng Fan that year.

But now that he has experienced too much, all the ups and downs, under Meng Fan's words, it finally made Mu Yuyin break the knot of the year and put it down completely.

With his eyes facing each other, Meng Fan smiled softly, and the corners of his mouth drawn a satisfactory arc. The things that used to be, as he said, have become dust, and the only thing he can do is control the present.

Even if it is chaos, even if the world is moving, for Meng Fan, he must dominate the situation in this chaotic world, and firmly control the lives of himself and those around him in his own hands.

The vast sky moves, and my heart is the same!

After discussing with Mu Yuyin, Meng Fan didn't hesitate to leave directly with Mu Yuyin and the many people who had forgotten the previous sect and headed for this chaotic valley.

Even if Meng Fan suppressed the Liu family, he would definitely not be able to stay in this border area for a long time. After all, this is an emperor. Although it cannot help Meng Fan, it must mean that it cannot help Mu Yuyin and others. When Meng Fan left, I am afraid that Mu Yuyin and others would have encountered the most horrible attack, so they simply moved out as a whole and followed Meng Fan.

Go all the way to this chaotic valley!

After a full five days, Meng Fan and others finally came to this chaotic valley. Today it is still called by this name, but everything is completely different from before. One glance at Haibo Calm, floating in the breeze, turned out to be orderly.

Looking at the entire chaotic basin, it is under the control of the dark alliance. There are rows of dark guards flowing between the sky and the earth, and you can see that a large number of new buildings have been established among them, attracting many caravans and servants. The coming of soldiers.

There are countless resources in this chaotic watershed. In the past, there were frequent killings and bleeding, which was naturally scary. But now there is only such a behemoth as the Dark Alliance. Everyone here is countless times safer, just cooperating with the Dark Alliance. Just fine.

In just a few months, this place has been completely different from before. Like a new life, the vast area has been completely changed. Meng Fan also felt a burst of joy about this. Of course, this is absolutely different from Ling Dai and Lin Tang. The contributions of the two are inseparable. Without the talents of the two, they would definitely not be able to build so quickly.

After Meng Fan stepped into this chaotic valley, news of his return spread quickly. Along the way, Meng Fan and others came directly to the base camp of this dark alliance.

Now it is even more glorious. Rows of newly erected buildings are towering straight into the sky, and there are countless figures standing outside of them. Meng Fan’s glance swept away, and suddenly his eyes became hot, because there are more of them. Several familiar figures appeared, including the old Thunder Soul, Bai Fatty, Zhan Feng'er, Liu Xin, Shuang Ning, Luo Huayin, Jun Qian and so on who had been sitting in the Quartet Region all the time.

And when his gaze swept over, what surprised Meng Fan was that in Xiao Hei, there was a delicate young girl behind Hu Niu. She was dressed in purple robes, her face was beautiful, her mouth was pouting, and she had a full taste. Yes…. . amethyst!

The latter was also repairing his injuries, breaking through the barrier, and standing with the two girls, Xiao Hei and Hu Niu, which made people unable to see an old monster who had cultivated for thousands of years.

Not only them, but also a large number of old people in the dark alliance, all took time out of this northern group and followed Meng Fan's order to come and meet him.

In the next moment, without waiting for Meng Fan to speak, a hearty laugh came.

"Haha...Xiaosheng is here to meet the leader of Mengda!"

The tone was calm, the speaker was a middle-aged man, and there was a powerful majesty in his face, which made people feel a sense of no anger and prestige. The latter strode forward, his eyes facing Meng Fan, Suddenly Meng Fan's heart was shocked, and the latter was naturally the burning order!

There is no doubt that many of Meng Fan's friends, brothers...are already here!


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