Supreme God King

Chapter 1473: Tenjin Castle

In the first battle of Forget the First Sect, after a short time of a stick of incense, it has spread throughout the surrounding areas of the Soul God Valley, causing the trembling of all the heroes between heaven and earth, and no one can believe it.

It turned out that there were the three powerhouses who dared to move these three snake gates. After all, it depends on the owner to fight the dog. Although the three are not invincible, the emperor Liu's family is standing behind them.

The golden family, ancient forces!

This kind of supreme existence has been handed down. In ancient times, who dared to shake them, the latter said in support of the Three Snake Gate, which made it invincible in the entire Soul God Valley, and no one could stop their edge.

Even if there is a strong person, he will leave here and give in three points, but now he was killed by one person. This is really too much face.

Therefore, in half an hour, almost everyone in the entire Soul God Valley and even this fringe area knew that there might be a good show to watch, and the Liu Family of the Emperor Clan would definitely not bear this breath. The latter intends to integrate the surrounding forces. If anyone resists, no matter who it is, there is only one dead word!

The border zone of the Liu family is a Pingchuan!

Here is an extremely vast grassland, a piece of green lush, looks extremely comfortable, and at this moment, the silhouettes of people on this plain are flowing, like tides, rows across the sky, and there is something in this group of people. The astonishing killing intent was surprisingly all of the children belonging to the Liu family of the emperor.

The golden family shares the world, especially in this fringe area. I don’t know how many strong people are stationed. Naturally, the background is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After this alarm, it ignited the entire Liu family’s borders. The strong gathered, and their eyes flickered, murderous Ling Ran.

Undoubtedly, after the three elders of the Three Snake Gates were killed, everyone retreated to spread the news, and the Liu Family could be the Golden Family naturally reacted quickly.

After only less than half an hour, the strong people have gathered in the border and wasteland. As long as they wait for an order, they may be dispatched at any time to crush those who offend the imperial majesty.

On the grassland, a jet-black figure stood in the sky, wrapped in a black robe, with a huge sword behind it, standing on the sky, striding forward, the strong blood suppressed the surroundings, and had already reached Xuanyuan. The level of the eighth level.

During the movement, everyone in Zhou Tianshi looked over, and their eyes were full of admiration.

"Meet Mr. Liu Qing!"

The roar is like a tide, spreading all over the world.

At this moment, the man in black strode over, nodded, glanced around and said calmly,

"Do you know who it is?"

"Returning to the Chief Executive, I asked, that person's face is very raw, but the method is extremely harsh. It only took **** and a few breaths to kill the three snakes and three wastes!"

After a while, one of the people in the crowd replied.


Hearing this person’s words, the black-clothed man Liu Qing’s eyes flashed and he hesitated for a moment. He was also shocked by this kind of combat power, but after a while, he sneered and said calmly.

"Whoever offends my Liu Family's majesty is to die. Is the person already assembled? Since this person dares to do something, then I will make him regret how he came to this world. Everyone listens to the orders..."

At the moment when Liu Qing, a man in black, was about to give orders, an indifferent voice came slowly.

"I am here, waiting for you to make me regret it!"

The tone was calm, but it suppressed Liu Qing’s sound waves for a moment, and at the same time everyone could see as far as their eyes could be that a group of people appeared over the huge plain, that is, the many disciples of Forgotten Former Zong. A full tens of thousands of people stepped forward. Among them, the head of the person was the outstanding Mu Yuyin. Standing beside Mu Yuyin, there was an extra middle-aged man who came slowly as a scholar.

Looking at each other, the world trembled!

You must know that this group of people from the Liu family gathered here, but it was just to gather all the people and horses to enter the Valley of Souls, to find trouble with the Wangqianzong and others, but what surprised this Liu family was that the other party actually killed them and stepped on Joined the Liu family of this emperor... . In the territory.

This is how shocking, the ancient imperial clan suppressed the world, the frontier generation is even more strict, although there are countless trades, but that one is not rules and regulations, how can someone enter this place in groups and murderous intentions, this is undoubtedly not Stepping in, but in... Declare war!

At a glance, the look of the black-clothed man changed, the long sword in his hand suddenly broke through the air, and the horrible vitality fluctuations spread, the figure became larger, and the void was like a big Buddha, and the king was between the heaven and the earth.

"The comer stops, otherwise... Die!"

The sound fell, comparable to thunder.

At this moment, many of the Liu family's children around him also reacted quickly, and the same aura exploded, surpassing the void, and under the fusion, the entire sky was solidified.

"The comer stops!"

It was just a moment that the heaven and the earth were eclipsed, and roars continued to be heard. With this Liu Qing as the leader, many Liu family children gathered together, tens of thousands of people, forming a powerful formation, blocking the plain, like Rows of tigers and wolves were like rows, glaring at Meng Fan and others.

Even if it doesn't move, a powerful murderous intent has already struck.

The supreme majesty of the ancient emperor clan is definitely not a matter of talking. This group of people has gone through the struggle between life and death before they can join the Liu family and guard the border.

That kind of murderous attack, like the essence, makes people's faces feel painful.

The breath came, causing many disciples of the Forgotten Former Zong to stop. They followed Mu Yuyin. Although they knew that there was a kind of supreme power from a young man in black, they were already here. It made this group of people a little trembling, after all, this is the ancient emperor, the supreme existence in the ages, the next moment everyone's eyes are focused on Meng Fan.

But at this moment, the latter is extremely calm, striding out, facing everyone in the field, just like this, even if there are thousands of horses in front of him, it is as if he hasn't seen it, attracting the look of all the Liu family’s children. A move, but before this group of people could speak, that kind of overwhelming pressure had already hit.

With one step down, Meng Fan's distance with this group of people is getting closer and closer, and the monstrous evil spirit in his body is sweeping between the world and the earth. This is Meng Fan's own power, many years of life and death, and the dead mountain passes through the blood After countless polishings, it condensed, and as it moves forward, this momentum will explode and spread to the world.


At a glance, even if the Liu family disciples in the front row hadn't faced Meng Fan any action, the bones in their body suddenly shattered, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and they fainted.

This kind of speechlessness suppressed the three armies, and the silence was extremely terrifying.


The head of Liu Qing's expression changed and he just wanted to take a sword, but Meng Fan took another step, making Liu Qing suddenly feel a sweet throat and a cold body, as if an ancient demon crawled out and approached here. Then, even if he didn't say a word, he was already shocked enough to give Liu Qing a kind of infinite pressure, as if he could be completely killed by him as long as he made a shot.

Bang, bang!

Around the sky, rows of Liu’s children were originally formed into a big formation, but just before Meng Fan stepped forward, a group of people exploded with bones and blood spurted out. They were already in no formation and were directly hit hard. There are countless people who can't bear Meng Fan's powerful evil spirit, and they just run away, just like facing a devil, even without the courage to shoot!

After a few breaths, Meng Fan took eight steps forward and came before the Liu family’s children’s large formation, but now there is no one around this large array, except for the large number of Liu family children who have fainted. The rest of the men and horses all ran out, even though they all killed and shed blood, but they were more dead than others. I have never seen such a maniac person in this world, as if... . Shura is born again!

After a step, Meng Fan patted Liu Qing on the shoulder. At this moment, the latter's whole body was violent, holding a long sword in his hand, and sweat kept falling. On the way Meng Fan came, he wanted to make a move countless times.

However, the closer he found the other party, the more courage he would lose to draw a sword. After Meng Fan came to his side, Liu Qing finally couldn't bear it, his legs were sore, and he fell to the ground. There is no fighting spirit!

Pass alone without fighting... Already let ten thousand people retreat, this is Meng Fan today!

Expressionless, Meng Fan continued to step out and walked forward.

And behind him, the people of Forgotten Former Sect were already unable to speak, and they couldn't imagine someone possessing this kind of combat power. He no longer worships Meng Fan, but is looking at a sacred one and wants to worship!

"Meng Fan!"

Behind him, Mu Yuyin’s gaze became more complicated. It seemed that when the latter was just a young boy in his own eyes, if the Heavenly Cold Sect could be better for his mother and son, if he could give Meng Anyone who was cultivated in the Heavenly Frost Sect, if he could not kill that woman... Maybe everything has changed, and there may be many things that will happen between the two of them.

However, the Heavenly Han Sect personally regarded this kind of strong as his own enemy, and he was also a satire of his words, and now it is so ridiculous.

Many years later, today's Meng Fan has reached this point, where is imaginable in a quadrangular area and even the entire northern group, this man.... I once had a chance with him!

Move along, suppress everything!

Without worrying about the countless shocks in the sky, Meng Fan walked forward like this, even if it is the territory of the Liu family of the emperor, there are countless strong, hundreds of thousands of guards, but in the vast plain Above, as Meng Fan came, everything retreated, even the latter did not move his pinky finger, but it already made all the Liu family's children fearful, in front of him... . I don't even have the courage to do it!

Half an hour later, Meng Fan's body freezes, because there is no way to go before him. A huge city is between the world and the earth, like a giant beast, with flags fluttering and majestic. The first city on the border of the imperial Liu family... . Tenjin Castle!

With a glance, Meng Fan was expressionless, alone in the sky, looking down, and at the same time a thunderous voice came out loudly, resounding through the Celestial City.

"In Xia Mengfan, come and visit... Everyone from the Liu family of the emperor!"


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