Supreme God King

Chapter 1459: Four sacred

More than one!

If Meng Fan's words were normal, it would definitely make the sacred Ancestral Dragon think that Meng Fan was using a deceit, but before he could speak, he had already felt the cold. Because between the heaven and the earth on the other side, there was also a huge body, which was a pitch-black poisonous snake, spitting out a snake letter, all over the body, with colorful rays of light flashing out, it was actually standing on Between this world, all this is also staring at it.

The world is dead, a huge poisonous snake is in the sky, even if it doesn't move, anyone will have a tingling scalp after seeing it, as if the latter can poison thousands of miles and make everything nothing.

A sacred-level poisonous snake, also an ancient fierce beast, also came to the field!

The confrontation between the two powerhouses immediately caused the court to boil, attracting the Tongtianhu, the Golden Lion and others who had not left, all petrified, looking surprised and looking at the court. For these two existences, they have only heard of their reputations, and have not seen any figures. They did not expect that after the opening of this magic sky cave, they actually came to two statues, each of which was previously in a mysterious corner of the Tian Bone Mountain Range. Hidden in it, but now he took the initiative to come out, and couldn't help but let this group of people not tremble.

"Yes, little guy, you really can't give him the token, it should be... Give it to me!"

The pitch-black poisonous snake said calmly, but the harsh smell in the words made people shudder.

"Fart, the old man came here first, Wu Snake, you go to the old man!"

The sacred Ancestral Dragon said indifferently, the breath and its confrontation were together, and there was a faint taste of thunder crushing.

"Hey, hey, don't be angry!"

In the void, crushed by the breath of Ancestral Dragon, the sacred viper sneered and said calmly,

"I didn't say I want to swallow it alone. What are you worried about? What place do you think this is, but the Motian Cave, I came here when it was opened last time, but I was always on the periphery and encountered a large array of attacks. , The devil ancestor of the previous generation left, but the protection of his physical body was extremely tight, how could it be easily obtained, Zulong, I know your strength is good, but you don’t think you have surpassed the generation of demon ancestors? "

Hearing this, Zu Long's eyes flashed, coldly said,

"What do you mean!"

"Very simple, cooperation!"

The pitch black viper said calmly,

"Although you and I have the same goal, there must be a battle, but this battle is really silly now. It is better to work together to find the inheritance of a generation of demon ancestors, and then talk about it. There are too many prohibitions in the Demon Sky Cave. , It’s either an ancient great formation or a space trap. Didn’t you explore it many times before? That time it was successful. It’s too difficult to enter by relying on your strength alone. It’s better to join hands, and the hope will be greater! "

Hearing the words of the ancient venomous snake, Zulong was immediately silent. They themselves are the top powerhouses in the Tianbone Mountains. They are naturally very familiar with this Motian Cave. They came here not only once, but unfortunately they were empty-handed. And return.

There is no doubt that in this place, even if it is to reach their level of cultivation, it can't be rampant, there are too many restrictions.

After a few breaths, Zu Long just said,

"Yes, but you have to kill this little guy first. He has swept away my ancestral dragon clan's face and robbed me of three bottles of divine essence blood. He must die and exchange my clan's things back!"

The tone was gloomy, and at the same time, the two sacred eyes of Ancestral Dragon and Ancient Venomous Snake looked at Meng Fan, and immediately made Meng Fan numb and cursed.

I originally wanted to think that there would be two sacred divines to contain each other, but I didn’t expect that the two sacreds actually chose to join hands. Then Meng Fanke was standing on the cusp of this storm, and he was bound to encounter the strongest crush, even Not an ancient sacred.


Meng Fan yelled, without any hesitation, turned around and left.

With his cultivation base and combat power, he can fight the sacred, but the two sacred in the field are definitely not ordinary, they are the supreme fierce beasts that have truly survived the ancients, and they are as powerful as Meng Fan without any certainty, let alone. Still two.

Taking a step out, Meng Fan held the token and flew out directly in the air, and under the order of his life, not only did he act, but also the Tongtianhu on the side without hesitation, quickly flew towards the sky.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, it is no longer what they can face, so they have to escape first.

However, in the eyes of the sacred Ancestral Dragon and the Venomous Snake, there is no other person, only Meng Fan. In an instant, two handprints struck across the sky and the earth, and that kind of power surging, with a terrible shattering the entire sky, came directly and swept the place where Meng Fan was.

Two sacred shots!

Before the handprints arrived, the air wave had come, and Meng Fan couldn't help but roar, and blood erupted. In an instant, Xiaotian, Xiaodi was enveloped all around him. Being alone in the sky, he walked back quickly, turning into an extremely electric tearing space, and at the same time his handprints stretched out, brazenly attacking the two above the sky.

In front of the two supreme beings, it was extremely difficult for Meng Fan to escape. He could only tore the space while fighting.


Above the sky, the handprints hit, the void collapsed, and the trembling Meng Fan's whole body was constantly rushing with blood and blood, and the bones all over his body almost collapsed at the moment of a hit. Physically ascending to the gods, but after all, Meng Fan is not in the sacred realm. Under this kind of crushing, he has fully discovered the gap between him and this kind of ancient existence, but it is definitely not a little bit.

But fortunately, Meng Fan is definitely not an easy killer now. With his handprints and collisions, he retreats faster, turning into a meteor, and under the force of the impact, the space behind him is full of layers. Shattered, turned into ashes, the earth trembled, and wolves were everywhere.

Such a scene could not help but make the many monsters around this magic sky cave tremble. This is one of the absolute taboos of this Tian Bone Mountain Range. It has been opened hundreds of times during this tens of thousands of years. Every time it is opened, it will Will cause all kinds of battles. This time it was even more intense, and it turned out to be two sacred hands.

"Little beast, don't want to run!"

In the void, the eyes of the sacred Ancestral Dragon froze, the dragon claws were lifted, and a mysterious rune was already running.

He has a desire to kill Meng Fan, and now he naturally uses the supreme method of the Ancestral Dragon's line. How terrible it is to operate this secret technique with his cultivation base, at the moment his palm was opened. , Is to make the whole week tremble.

On the side, the same is true for another ancient poisonous snake, but he definitely does not intend to let Meng Fan go. The breath of the whole body is revolving. It turns out to be displaying sacred power, covering the void, and its icy breath covers the world. In the meantime, all the places where Meng Fan is located shall be sealed to prevent him from moving.

A sacred killer move, a sacred seal of heaven and earth, the cooperation of these two supreme beings is simply perfect, suddenly making Meng Fan a big group, even he absolutely did not think of any way to crack, facing the crisis of life and death.

However, just between the electric light and flint, before the two sacred shots against Meng Fan, it was suddenly a cold in the sky, which shocked the beasts between the sky, and felt that there were two extremely terrible auras coming here. Come.

"Handing over things is not something you two can occupy!"

The old voice resounded through the world at the same time, and at this moment, I saw that there were two attacks on the sky above the ancestral dragon and the ancient poisonous snake. One of the shot shadows was only as big as a slap, and looked like a sparrow, but the vitality fluctuations between the fingers of the finger were used to destroy the world.

The other one was an elephant, silver in its entire body, and its body resembling a mountain. When it stepped forward, a kind of supreme overbearing power also crashed down.

The existence of these two statues didn't wait to get close, because they had already made the whole body overcome the cold, and the two great monsters that followed turned out to have the aura of not losing to the ancestral dragon. There is no doubt that this is the same. . . . The two are already powerful men who have stepped into the sacred level.

In this magic sky cave, it turned out to be at the same time. . . . Came to these four sacred, all ancient monsters, outrageously shot!

The sky changes color, everything is still!

Under the sudden action of the two fierce beasts, Zulong and Ancient Venomous Snake couldn't help being surprised. They gave up Meng Fan and confronted the two directly, but they couldn’t ignore this level of power. Once they fell on them, it would be inevitable. It was to make two people hit hard.

Between the void, the four sacred auras intertwined, directly blasting together!

Such a scene is not unbelievable. This kind of fight is absolutely rare in the eternal time. Only after the opening of the magic sky hole in the Tianbone Mountain range can the four sacreds appear. Waiting is really huge.

Between the impact of the air waves, countless space fragments overflowed, which also caused Meng Fan's body to tremble, even under this kind of breath, he felt a sense of being unable to breathe.

These are the four old monsters that have survived from the ancient times to the present, and the fight between them has already explained everything. The power of the four people collided, and that kind of fight can be described as destroying the world and causing everything to die. Under this situation, it seems that the entire space of the Motian Cave is constantly trembling, causing countless monsters to retreat quickly. Even if they are 10,000 meters away, they feel that their legs are slow. Anyone who is not careful is bound to be caught. This kind of blast swept through and died on the spot.

While standing above the sky, Meng Fan flashed his eyes and immediately raised his hand. The token that he had previously held in his hand was thrown out directly by him, and fell among the four people, immediately turning his head around. Just go, as fast as you want, while speaking loudly,

"The kid dedicated the token to four seniors!"

With a word, the four powerhouses above the sky all moved with expressions, their eyes focused on that token. Now in this situation, no one can estimate Meng Fan anymore, but I was quite interested in a token that appeared in this magic sky cave.

After a while, the four fierce beasts looked at each other without saying a word, but the four vital means of destroying everything had already collided together!


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